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16 May 2011
she passed through
Now Playing: the dirty three - she passed through
Topic: hospitalfield

she passed through

Well, here we are: my last night as a resident at Hospitalfield! As expected, my month here has flown by!

I have had a fantastic, inspiring and productive month, and am, once again, so thankful to those who contributed to my Pozible [formerly Fundbreak] project.

If you're reading this, then you've probably been following my photographic journey through the month, so you've seen some of what I have achieved during this time, though I have many more photographs to edit from my time here, and *shock, horror* numerous photographs of Hospitalfield that don't include me!

I feel I have achieved what I wanted to in terms of utilising the property and grounds to create new work for my interior / exterior series. There will always be an element of "Oh, I should have done this or that in this or that location" after the fact, but I feel proud of what I have produced, and knowing that I've also created work that potentially opens up at least two new bodies of work for me to develop further in future.

I have also been inspired by the contents of the library and folk I have met along the way, which has been wonderful.

To me, this is all pretty amazing, considering my first few days here were full of angst.

After moving halfway across the world in January, finding work and finding a new home, and only having been in each 2.5 months and 1 month respectively, I was feeling a little stressed about living up to others', but more pressingly, my own, expectations, of this residency. I felt like I couldn't waste a minute; that everything I shot here had to be amazing. That I had to walk away with the portfolio of the century, nay, millennium. Not much pressure, you know?

But, after getting my bearings and calming down (and maybe passing through that bad patch of PMS), I just concentrated on letting the location guide me, and tried to approach this as any other opportunity to shoot anywhere.

Perhaps I could have produced far more than I have; perhaps I could have shot every minute of every day, edited into the wee hours, and injected the history of the property and the town into my veins, but the whole point of having a month or longer to undertake a residency is to just let the place act upon you, to step back and contemplate, to reassess your work and your direction, and I think that was something I managed to do. I could easily spend another two months here, and I can definitely see the possibility that I may return to undertake another residency here in the future, but for now, I think my work with Hospitalfield has been achieved [apart from the editing, there is still a lot of that to be done!]

Whilst here, I've had the pleasure to meet some of the Patrick Allan-Fraser of Hospitalfield Trust, in the personages of Willie Payne, the Director, and Ken Cargill, the Chairman, who have both been helpful, supportive and full of information about the property. Fellow artists Rebecca Westguard, Kelly Sim, and a Dundee film crew led by John Fairfield. Friendly and welcoming staff: Rod, Louise, Ange and Sonia, who each made sure I was adequately fed and bed during my stay. I even managed to meet a "local", John, a friend from Flickr; and let's not forget Luna the Weimeraner and Toby the Welsh Terrier who always made me smile.

So, where do I go from here?

There is the self-published book of the series I've already started working on, but which will no doubt go through various drafts as I edit more images from my stay and revisit older images from the series to decide what will make the final cut.

I would like to exhibit the series in London, and possibly even in Scotland (cost of shipping framed works from London to Scotland may be an obstacle to this option, though).

I have the beginnings of a couple of new bodies of work in the form of images, and the germs of new project ideas in my head and notebook, and currently a clear, fresh mind to entertain and expand upon these [talk to me in a couple of weeks once I'm back at work in London, and that may no longer be the case though].

There is a much-discussed-soon-to-be-launched collaboration in the air. More on that soon!

I have managed to snag a place on the Wellcome Trust Tweet-Up Tour on June 28th. I've been fascinated with this place since I heard about the Exquisite Bodies exhibition they ran a couple of years ago.

I am looking forward to a weekend of portrait photography workshops with L.A. photographer Lou O'Bedlam, whose work I have been following for a while now, in late June.

I have a confirmed contract for my day job until the end of the year and potentially longer; and hopefully the same for my living quarters.

There is a lot of work still to do [not to mention I am looking forward to hitting the gym again on Wednesday for the first time in over a month - yes, really!], but I am feeling positive about it all, and looking forward to diving head-first into the remainder of the year.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 22:20 BST
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the distance between us
Now Playing: godstar - lie down forever
Topic: hospitalfield

the distance between us

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:57 BST
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left behind
Now Playing: sia - breathe me
Topic: hospitalfield

left behind

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:29 BST
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up stairs
Now Playing: michael nyman - up stairs
Topic: divine diptychs

up stairs

This week there are only four of us participating in The Divine Diptych Project, so I took on theme duties since I've been work-free for the month, undertaking an artist residency at Hospitalfield [you know, in case you hadn't noticed...]

I have a tendency to trawl my music collection for titles for my images, and having been looking for a title for another image, decided to work the themes the other way around, where the title of a song would form the theme for each diptych.

Being a fan of Michael Nyman's film scores for The Piano and The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, I went with two of his relatively simple song titles, so as not to make things too hard for us all [I love his more obscure / descriptive titles myself!]

Knowing I was planning to shoot in one of the turrets here, I chose the theme Up Stairs for myself and Sarah. The piece is from the Gattaca soundtrack, and is quite dramatic and suspenseful, which I think fits with the feel of both of our images.

A diptych by the melody censor and the Tiger Moth should be up on the blog for this round later this week.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 16:36 BST
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15 May 2011
grand dark feeling of emptiness
Now Playing: bonnie "prince" billy - grand dark feeling of emptiness
Topic: hospitalfield

grand dark feeling of emptiness

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:14 BST
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13 May 2011
out of time
Topic: hospitalfield

out of time

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 21:25 BST
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Now Playing: the velvet underground - i'll be your mirror
Topic: hospitalfield


Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 20:57 BST
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6 underground
Now Playing: sneaker pimps - 6 underground
Topic: hospitalfield

6 underground

i'm open to falling from grace

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 20:47 BST
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12 May 2011
coleridge and the expanding universe
Now Playing: michael nyman - book depository
Topic: hospitalfield

coleridge and the expanding universe

For a week from the 30th May, I was joined at Hospitalfield by another resident, artist Kelly Sim.

Kelly has worked in various mediums since her days at art college: digital prints, collage and art books, recently concentrating on altered books, and will be running a masterclass on bookbinding and altered books in future at Hospitalfield.

Kelly and I hit it off well and though we concentrated on our own work during the day, often had extended discussions about Hospitalfield, art, and myriad other topics in the evenings.

Though I tend to be quite insular in my work, and often in my life, it was lovely to have her company and to be able to discuss our experiences here, and to explore all the various nooks and crannies of the building together.

I discovered today, when I went to shoot in the studio again, that she had left two of her altered books there: a collection of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poetry, and Arthur Eddington's "The Expanding Universe". I had been admiring her meticulous folding work and the patterns she had been creating with her books whilst here, and was inspired to create some self-portraits with the books.

Though I know she had mentioned to me her tendency to disregard the content of the books, regarding them purely as objects, I did like that the folding style in "The Expanding Universe" had a somewhat star-like appearance, and that I found it filling the space of a shelf of one of the concealed corner cupboards in Patrick Allan-Fraser's old studio.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:22 BST
Updated: 12 May 2011 18:46 BST
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11 May 2011
a minor place
Now Playing: bonnie 'prince' billy - a minor place
Topic: hospitalfield

a minor place

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 22:59 BST
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