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11 December 2010
mood indigo
Now Playing: everything but the girl - protection
Topic: self-portraiture

mood indigo

Despite the title of this post and the somewhat brooding nature of the image above, I am anything but "blue" at the moment.

On Wednesday this week, my Fundbreak project, interior / exterior, reached it's deadline after exceeding my intended goal, so thank you once again to those who showed their support:

Desmond Wong, Adam Meyer, Adrian Clark, Tracey Wallace, Renae Jones, Lisa Dempster, Mia Alexiname, Sarah Hoey, Holly Ringland, Ryan Laxton, Angus Gordon, Vanessa Toholka, Richard Hryckiewicz, Sarah Fallon, Susan Knight, Elle Moss, Mary Elise Tomczak, Kyle Warren, Monica Barrett, Michelle McRae, Sarah Mercer and Chris Zissiadis.

Thank you also to those who promoted the project on my behalf through Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media or personal interactions.

The same day I collected my passport from the post office and opened it in excitement to see my 5 year UK Ancestry Entry Visa smoothly inserted into page 4 of my passport!

So London, I'll be seeing you sometime around the 18th of January!

For now though, I'm off down to the Gold Coast for an evening of 80s music, Mexican food, margaritas and a girlie sleepover with Tracey and Rachael!

Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend! x

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:16 GMT
Updated: 12 December 2010 07:04 GMT
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28 November 2010
wilson's blues
Now Playing: nina simone - good bait
Topic: road trip 2010

untitled #229

untitled #283

untitled #228

untitled #226

untitled #238

untitled #282

untitled #279

untitled #281

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:12 GMT
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26 November 2010
one hundred percent
Now Playing: the smiths - accept yourself
Topic: self-portraiture

untitled #3

Apologies for the lateness of this post. Believe me, it's not for lack of being ecstatic, just manic busy-ness and more recently mild sickness.

But I am most certainly overwhelmingly appreciative.

On Tuesday this week, I reached 100% of the goal of my project interior / exterior (in fact, 102%) and since then have exceeded that again!

The most recent contributors to my cause were two Divine Sisters, Michelle McRae and Sarah Mercer, and both Kyle Warren and Adam Meyer showed further support!

I am unbelievably thankful to everyone who has shown their support for my residency at Hospitalfield in Arbroath, Scotland, in April next year, and once the deadline has passed will be in contact with those who have shown their support to follow up about addresses and such for rewards where relevant.

If you haven't had a chance yet and would still like to be involved, any additional funds raised over the goal of AU$1,550 will go toward my flight to the UK, and all rewards are still valid until midday on the 8th of December, Australian Daylight Savings Time.

I am so excited about this residency and, internet permitting, will be blogging about my experiences there as it happens. I hope to bring you some wonderful photographs and carry those over into a self-published collection of images and an exhibition to complete my interior / exterior series.

I'm also excited about two upcoming collaborations. One with Simon Groth, a Brisbane author, to take the form of a published collection of short stories / prose and images; the other, a second collaboration with Nick Kind, ex-pat Brit based in Melbourne, a potential "letters from home" blog in the form of images exchanged between us of each other's place of origin.

The residency will go ahead irrespective of the UK Home Office, but my move to the UK is still dependent on my application for a UK Ancestry Visa, which I posted off last Wednesday after having my biometric data taken. I can't see any reason why it would be declined, but don't want to assume anything.

Should all go to plan though, I will be in London for the long haul by the 18th of January next year, and I am unbelievably excited at that prospect. And daunted. But mostly excited.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:10 GMT
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8 November 2010
the smell of outdoor cooking
Now Playing: arab strap - the smell of outdoor cooking
Topic: self-portraiture

the smell of outdoor cooking

It's that time again! Thanks to Mary Elise Tomczak, Kyle Warren and Monica Barrett, not to mention all those lovely folk I've already thanked in previous posts, I'm almost halfway to reaching the goal for my project, interior / exterior!

You guys are beyond awesome. Seriously.

If you've not yet had a chance to show your support, feel free to take a look at my interior / exterior series thus far, and visit the Hospitalfield website, and you'll no doubt be able to realise what an excellent opportunity this is for me, and how much it would assist me in completing this series with the intention of self-publishing a collection of the images, staging an exhibition of works from the series, and finding new directions in which to take my work.

I'd love you to come along with me on this exciting journey!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:05 GMT
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4 November 2010
alice in furnitureland
Now Playing: manic street preachers - everything must go
Topic: self-portraiture

alice in furnitureland

More unending gratitude goes out to some lovely ladies I know for showing their support for my project, interior / exterior, over the past few days: to one of my newer friends made in Brisbane this past year, Sarah Fallon, and to two of my Divine Sisters, Susan Knight and Elle Moss.

Only a little over a month left to contribute and there's still a way to go, so if you've been thinking about showing your support, now is a good time!

For those folks who are looking but have not yet shown their support, what would sway you to help make this residency a reality for me? What can I do for you in terms of a reward that maybe I haven't included?

Feel free to message me if there's something you think is missing from my rewards, or if you have a special request and I'll see what I can do!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:28 BST
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31 October 2010
one third
Now Playing: snow patrol - chasing cars
Topic: self-portraiture

untitled #52

Thank you to my supporters so far, I've almost reached 30% of my goal to enable me to undertake a residency at Hospitalfield and complete my interior / exterior series, and my project is currently featured on the Fundbreak website!

The latest round of unending gratitude goes to Ryan Laxton, Angus Gordon, Vanessa Toholka and Richard Hryckiewicz. Thank you all so much! xx

If you'd like to help this dream come true for me, please take a look at my project interior / exterior and show your support.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 05:50 BST
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25 October 2010
lovely ladies
Now Playing: bananarama - i want you back
Topic: portraits

lisa dempster

See this lady? This is Lisa Dempster*.

Not only is Lisa a crazy-talented young lass taking the world by storm as the author of Neon Pilgrim, a book telling of her adventures visiting the 88 temples on the Henro Michi; the editor of The Melbourne Veg Food Guide 2010 and the recently released Australian Veg Food Guide 2011; the publisher behind Vignette Press; director of the Emerging Writers' Festival; and equal parts passionate vegan, bike rider and Chihuahua owner; she is also one of the 10 supporters who have already shown their love for my project interior / exterior.

Along with those previously credited, Lisa, Mia Alexiname, Sarah Hoey and Holly Ringland have brought my total so far to $250! But I still need more to realise my project!

As Holly tweeted: "I'm supporting Bronwen Hyde's interior / exterior project. You should too! It's an invaluable warm & fuzzy exercise."

Thank you ladies, and to those who feel inspired to click through and add their support!

*This is Lisa a little over a year ago when she commissioned me to shoot her author photo for a second time. She is back to blonde and her hair has grown since then!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:07 BST
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23 October 2010
Now Playing: eurythmics - here comes the rain again
Topic: self-portraiture


A quick post to thank Tracey Wallace and Renae Jones for being my 5th and 6th supporters respectively.

Can you help me reach 10 supporters or $300 by the end of this weekend?

This was supposed to be my image for week 13 of the Divine Diptych Project.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 11:31 BST
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19 October 2010
garden of earthly delights
Now Playing: the divine comedy - the wreck of the beautiful
Topic: self-portraiture

garden of earthly delights

Some of you might have heard I've been accepted to do a one month residency at Hospitalfield in Arbroath, Scotland, from mid-April 2011, to continue creating images for my interior / exterior series with a view to exhibiting this work later in the year, and putting together a self-published collection of the finished series.

I also intend to use the opportunity to be inspired by the history of the property, and Hospitalfield's extensive library and art collection to find a new direction with my work.

And now I need your help!

Please take a look at my project interior / exterior, and if you deem it worthy show your support.

I'm trying to get as much money together as I can for my overseas travels in the new year, and I'm looking for supporters to help me take up this fantastic opportunity in exchange for some excellent rewards.

The goal amount of AU$1,550 will cover the cost of the residency. Should funding exceed my goal, any additional funds raised will go toward my travel expenses to get to Scotland.

A massive thank you to Desmond Wong, Adam Meyer and Adrian Clark who have already shown their support. You guys rock! xx

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:19 BST
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16 October 2010
Now Playing: the takeaways - glam to wham
Topic: road trip 2010

untitled #224

untitled #223

untitled #222

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:14 BST
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