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18 July 2009
the ghosts of saturday night
Now Playing: tom waits - the heart of saturday night
Topic: self-portraiture

the ghosts of saturday night

Around this time last year, when applying for the Toyota Travel Award, I posted about my revelation that I could actually conceive of letting go of all my major furniture items apart from my piano and dresser, and if push came to shove my red ribbed-velour lounge suite, in April this year if I'd been successful in my application.

Although I didn't win that award last year, I am now actually in the position of offloading many of my belongings, particularly the larger items; and even, I have now decided, my bed, if I can find a taker. And only a few months after I would have had to if I had won that award. Funny how things go, eh?

I've managed to find homes for most of my larger items - including the dresser and the red lounge suite above (though I am keeping one armchair which I use and abuse constantly whilst at my computer). The only major item I haven't found a home for is my blue refrigerator. It is full of awesome (the fridge itself, that is; the contents are questionable...) But that too will have to go.

Meanwhile, I'm considering a new 365 Days project to begin on the day I move to Brisbane, but I'm not convinced I'm not utterly crazy even thinking about it.

And, although this move is partially prompted by the need to repay debts and save money, I am entertaining the thought of joining a gym once I'm settled and have some work sussed. I need to get back into shape - though I've not put back on that much weight I didn't reach my goal weight, so need to work on that again.

Though that may be delayed depending on what the odd lump is in my upper abdominal area, just below my ribcage. The strange spherical lump I have now dubbed Heffa which a doctor will be taking a look at on Monday (assuming she doesn't call in sick again, like she did yesterday!)

But right now? I think I'm going to get me some serious bed time. Goodnight x

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:27 BST
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14 July 2009
every day is like sunday
Now Playing: blur - the great escape
Topic: photography

Mr T's

Phewf! Another crazy week and a half, and I never feel like I have enough time in the day!

I've been scanning some shots I took in Blackpool back in 2001 for a submission; my new book of portraiture is in the very last stages; I have another submission almost done; my print for Unsensored09 is ready to collect from the framer, and I found out last week that Truth Lies Beyond has been selected as a finalist in this year's Corangamarah Art Prize!

I have to find a way to get there for opening night this year, as this is my second year in a row being selected and I didn't get to go last year.

On top of all that I am trying to make a start on culling down my belongings for the move, and went to an old friend's wedding on Sunday night.

...And some of my self-portraiture is featured in the latest edition of Frame Lines: #8 Contrasting Landscapes.

Hoping to get a couple of gallery visits in on Friday, including the Dali exhibition at the NGV.

Please forgive my irregular posting for a bit, but in the meantime I did a little tweak to a couple of sections in my site about a week ago, so if you haven't taken a look lately, now's a good time :D

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:41 BST
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4 July 2009
under the roofs of paris
Now Playing: pulp - different class
Topic: portraits

under the roofs of paris

It's been a busy week and a productive Saturday.

I submitted my application to Realise Your Dream yesterday then had great conversation, and a delicious dinner cooked by Lisa.

Then today I dropped my print for Unsensored09 to the framer and shot a friend's band, Under the Roofs of Paris in rehearsal and at The Fitz in Fitzroy, shown above.

Tonight I'm off to a friend's 30th, and tomorrow afternoon to the opening of a new photography exhibition at Obscura Gallery featuring the work of Deborah Hally, Sayraphim Lothian and Tebani Slade.

Maybe I'll have time to catch up on sleep next week...?

And thank you to those who bought prints recently in my sale or non-sale prints :o)

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:30 BST
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27 June 2009
listen, do you want to know a secret?
Now Playing: things of stone & wood - junk theatre
Topic: life

untitled #7

Do you promise not to tell?, whoa oh, oh.
Let me whisper in your ear...

The big news of the week?

I'm moving to Brisbane in early September. The reasons are twofold:

One I will simply sum up by saying that I've been really unhappy lately; depressed would be an appropriate word for how I've been feeling. So I need to make some changes, and moving should resolve most of this discontent.

The other part is about being realistic: I really want to travel to the US and UK next year, possibly even make a permanent move back to the UK, and paying rent in my current abode or in a place on my own in Melbourne is not really allowing me to pay off debts and save for that.

So I'm going to board with my parents in Brisbane to reduce my overheads, repay my debt, save for my trip and, if my parents have any say in it, finally learn to drive!

Over the next two months I need to cull down my belongings, so if you're in Melbourne* and interested in buying any of my work that I have framed, feel free to email me at propaganda@bronwenhyde.com to find out what I have available and maybe we can negotiate on the price. I have a variety of prints in a variety of sizes and prices.

If you're in Brisbane and want to know what I have, also mail me as I can arrange delivery in September without the exorbitant shipping costs :D

*You're welcome to contact me if you're outside of Melbourne or Brisbane, but shipping costs can be pretty high, you've been warned.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 17:43 BST
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Now Playing: tom waits - bone machine
Topic: prints

title or description

print sale | last days

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:13 BST
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23 June 2009
never forget
Now Playing: ansel adams - ost
Topic: holga

never forget

Only one more week left of my print sale!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:42 BST
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21 June 2009
lights out
Now Playing: the cure - seventeen seconds
Topic: photography

lights out

I have come to the borders of sleep,
The unfathomable deep
Forest where all must lose
Their way, however straight,
Or winding, soon or late;
They cannot choose.

Many a road and track
That, since the dawn's first crack,
Up to the forest brink,
Deceived the travellers,
Suddenly now blurs,
And in they sink.

Here love ends,
Despair, ambition ends,
All pleasure and all trouble,
Although most sweet or bitter,
Here ends in sleep that is sweeter
Than tasks most noble.

There is not any book
Or face of dearest look
That I would not turn from now
To go into the unknown
I must enter and leave alone
I know not how.

The tall forest towers;
Its cloudy foliage lowers
Ahead, shelf above shelf;
Its silence I hear and obey
That I may lose my way
And myself.

- Edward Thomas

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:34 BST
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15 June 2009
in between days
Now Playing: the cure - the head on the door
Topic: prints

untitled #51

I've just set up an Etsy print store if you'd like to take a look. I'm gradually adding images to it, so feel free to bookmark it and check back for new work, and if there's anything you'd like me to add please feel free to email me at propaganda@bronwenhyde.com and I'll see what I can do.

And just a reminder that I'm also having a print sale on a selection of open edition work on my website, only until June 30, so go check that out too!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:29 BST
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7 June 2009
fairytale house of zen... or something
Now Playing: jamiroquai - synkronized (bonus disc)
Topic: jpg magazine

untitled #6

untitled #4

untitled #7

I finally have some time to edit photos, so I'm working through some of my massive backlog!

Whilst I do that, you have a smidgen of time to vote on my entries to
the Fairy Tale, House and Zen themes for issue #21 of JPG Magazine.
So get to it, won't you?!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:54 BST
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6 June 2009
are you being served?
Now Playing: lily allen - alright, still
Topic: prints

untitled #34

I'm having a print sale! Yes, yes I am!

Massive discounts on open edition work, each image available in three sizes.

Only until 30th June 2009!

Go look! Go! Go!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:34 BST
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