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21 June 2009
lights out
Now Playing: the cure - seventeen seconds
Topic: photography

lights out

I have come to the borders of sleep,
The unfathomable deep
Forest where all must lose
Their way, however straight,
Or winding, soon or late;
They cannot choose.

Many a road and track
That, since the dawn's first crack,
Up to the forest brink,
Deceived the travellers,
Suddenly now blurs,
And in they sink.

Here love ends,
Despair, ambition ends,
All pleasure and all trouble,
Although most sweet or bitter,
Here ends in sleep that is sweeter
Than tasks most noble.

There is not any book
Or face of dearest look
That I would not turn from now
To go into the unknown
I must enter and leave alone
I know not how.

The tall forest towers;
Its cloudy foliage lowers
Ahead, shelf above shelf;
Its silence I hear and obey
That I may lose my way
And myself.

- Edward Thomas

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:34 BST
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15 June 2009
in between days
Now Playing: the cure - the head on the door
Topic: prints

untitled #51

I've just set up an Etsy print store if you'd like to take a look. I'm gradually adding images to it, so feel free to bookmark it and check back for new work, and if there's anything you'd like me to add please feel free to email me at propaganda@bronwenhyde.com and I'll see what I can do.

And just a reminder that I'm also having a print sale on a selection of open edition work on my website, only until June 30, so go check that out too!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:29 BST
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7 June 2009
fairytale house of zen... or something
Now Playing: jamiroquai - synkronized (bonus disc)
Topic: jpg magazine

untitled #6

untitled #4

untitled #7

I finally have some time to edit photos, so I'm working through some of my massive backlog!

Whilst I do that, you have a smidgen of time to vote on my entries to
the Fairy Tale, House and Zen themes for issue #21 of JPG Magazine.
So get to it, won't you?!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:54 BST
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6 June 2009
are you being served?
Now Playing: lily allen - alright, still
Topic: prints

untitled #34

I'm having a print sale! Yes, yes I am!

Massive discounts on open edition work, each image available in three sizes.

Only until 30th June 2009!

Go look! Go! Go!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:34 BST
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Now Playing: the dirty three - whatever you love, you are
Topic: travel

st andrews to kinglake #9

st andrews to kinglake #7

st andrews to kinglake #1

st andrews to kinglake #15

st andrews to kinglake #13

st andrews to kinglake #19

st andrews to kinglake #22

On the road from St Andrews to Kinglake, Victoria.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:31 BST
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so tonight that i might see
Now Playing: mazzy star - so tonight that i might see
Topic: self-portraiture

untitled #8

untitled #38

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:25 BST
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4 June 2009
the babysitter
Now Playing: pulp - this is hardcore
Topic: f-stop magazine

the babysitter

Two of my images have been included in issue #35 of F-Stop Magazine, the portfolio issue.

I've been quite productive lately: I posted off a proposal yesterday for a gallery space in November 2010 for a solo exhibition with sound recordings by Philip Ivens; I have another to deliver to a gallery tomorrow for the chance at a solo show in August this year; I'm in the process of finalising my entry for this year's Corangamarah Art Prize which I was a finalist in last year; and tomorrow Ziz and I will be having a nose around other galleries for me to submit proposals to for next year.

I've also entered the Artists Wanted Art vs Design competition; and if you'd like to, you can vote for my image in the latest round of the Saatchi Showdown.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 11:24 BST
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30 May 2009
part of the furniture
Now Playing: catatonia - equally cursed and blessed
Topic: self-portraiture

untitled #12

untitled #11

untitled #21

untitled #3

untitled #2

I've been a bit frustrated of late.

I have been very inspired with self-portraiture and non-self-portraiture ideas, but for various reasons have not been happy with the shoots that have come out of my self-portraiture attempts of late.

In some instances I've chickened out of doing shoots. For example, I have a specific idea for a (respectful) shoot in the burnt out bush around St Andrews and Kinglake but was aware of how conspicuous I would have been to folk driving by the perfect location I found, and how, despite my intentions, my actions may have seemed disrespectful.

In some instances I've not found a location that suited for what I was after and decided I'd rather just have a relaxed day enjoying chilling out on the beach (Lorne and Mooloolabah).

And in other instances I've gone ahead with the shoot but not been happy with the results, despite feeling quite positive about the shoot at the time. And then I'm not sure whether this is now me expecting much more from myself, not being as easily pleased as I perhaps used to be. Case in point, the above shots aren't bad per se, they just don't rock my socks like some of the work I've done in the past 12 months, though previously perhaps I'd have been quite pleased with them. I didn't even think enough of them at the time of the shoot to bother to edit any of them until two months later, and I've now edited a few more and am posting them almost a further month later...

I think I've also become more critical of my body in the past 6 months, since losing so much weight last year, then putting a little bit of it back on in the past few months.

It's a phase, I'm sure, so I'm not letting myself become too disillusioned. And I'm trying not to push it and become further frustrated. Just focusing on other things that have looming deadlines anyway and I will come back to it later.

One of the things that has been thwarting my attempts I can at least change a little though. My "new" abode (I say "new" though I've now been in here about 6 months) is lacking in the natural light department, and even in the artificial light situation it's not ideal. Being a former commercial property the lighting is predominantly harsh fluorescent lights, which is obviously not suitable for many of the shoots I want to do. Even the light in my bedroom is one fluorescent tube and one household tungsten bulb, both running from the same switch.

So I've decided I will (with the aid of a friend with a ladder) remove the fluorescent tube and the yellow paper lampshade on the hanging bulb and seek out a suitable secondhand shade (possibly just a simple one along the lines of the ones in my last place) and increase the wattage of bulb in that socket, if necessary. At least then I will have one room in the house where I'm not forced to work with shaded lamplight or ugly fluorescent lights.

I so wish I had a proper studio though. Something with natural light, as well as the option for studio lighting, a reasonable amount of room, privacy, 24 hour access. Le sigh... Anyone know of anything available for peanuts? Cos that's about all I've got right now.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:24 BST
Updated: 3 June 2009 12:31 BST
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24 May 2009
100 people - #6: Victoria
Now Playing: mazzy star - so tonight that i might see
Topic: 100 people

victoria and ed

I met Victoria a while back on Myspace, I can't remember now how long ago.

But I guess it was long enough ago that when we finally met up in person whilst I was visiting my parents in Queensland we talked as though we'd known each other for years.

Despite having worked a hectic weekend at Wasabi Restaurant as part of the Noosa Food & Wine Festival, Victoria drove down to Mooloolaba to meet me, where I was visiting friends from England who were in the area for a wedding.

Victoria, Julie, Jason* and myself had an enjoyable afternoon talking, laughing and drinking at a cafe on the Esplanade, then relocated to the Surf Club to have a few more drinks with friends of Julie and Jason's as the sun went down.

A little while later Julie & Jason headed off for a curry dinner and Victoria whisked me off in the dark to her place in Noosa for a lovely mushroom risotto, and to meet her cheeky cockatiels, Ed and Freud.

Originally from Birmingham, Victoria came to Australia for love, but has stuck around long after that love ended. When not fulfilling the role of a charming waitress at a local Japanese restaurant, Victoria is a philosophy student and has also recently taken to creating a series of daily photographic mementos.

*unfortunately i was too busy nattering with julie & jason to grab my camera out and immortalise them in pixels for this project. must rectify that when next i'm in england!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:06 BST
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14 May 2009
a summer wasting
Now Playing: nina simone - i put a spell on you
Topic: mixed bag

title or description

I'm back in Melbourne now, after 3.5 weeks of "holidays" at my parents' in Brisbane. I use quotation marks because I was still doing things like putting together submissions, taking photos (though barely any self-portraits), working on grant and award applications, researching, etc., etc., etc.

I also took the time to answer some questions about my art for Brian Sherwin at Myartspace which you can read here.

Whilst in Brisbane I visited the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art to see The China Project, Breaking Boundaries, Creative Generation and the Spencer Finch exhibition. I also dropped in to see the Josephine Ulrick & Win Schubert Photography Award 2009 at the Gold Coast City Art Gallery. I'll post more about The China Project soon: I was really impressed by a couple of the artists included in the exhibition.

As it was a year since the end of my 365 days project on 16 April, I set that as the last day I would have my book darkness & light available, but I am working on a couple of new books at the moment. All will be revealed soon enough.

In the meantime, as always, prints are available in my store.

If you're in Melbourne you can see one of my prints "in the flesh" until the 23rd of May in the Kodak Salon 2009 at the Centre for Contemporary Photography.

I'll also have a print in the Melbourne Silver Mine's annual exhibition of analogue photography, Unsensored09 opening on 7th August at the Collingwood gallery.

I hope you've all been behaving yourselves in my absence and I will be posting more regularly again now that I'm home.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:36 BST
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