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8 June 2008
Now Playing: einsturzende neubaten - silence is sexy
Topic: phirebrush

praveen and chenai

Five of my images are included in Phirebrush Release #62.

They are in the fourth and fifth rows of the first page of the photography section.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:42 BST
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7 June 2008
sanctuary revisited
Now Playing: bjork - post
Topic: self-portraiture

sanctuary revisited

On Friday morning I had two separate dreams.

In the first dream Karen said to me something along the lines of "You've lost weight, but you're still overweight", specifically identifying to me where I still held extra unsightly baggage. David chimed in agreeing and they took a guess at my weight, about 3kg more than my current weight. Although they didn't seem to be attacking me about it, I was upset with them for making such an issue out of it and being so blunt about it, and argued with them, defending myself and saying that their guess was wrong and that although I still knew I needed to lose more weight, that I am within the healthy range for my height (which is true of my current weight).

In the second dream, taking place after awakening with my alarm and falling back to sleep, I dreamt my younger brother, my mother and I were discussing my weight and on looking in the mirror I saw I was quite emaciated and that my mother and brother's concern about me wanting to lose more weight was valid. During the course of the dream I discovered that I had apparently been committed to an institution previously for issues relating to excessive weight loss - a place I no longer recall the name of from the prospectus about it, but that the title included the words "Life" and "Parole". The photograph on the cover of the substantial brochure showed a grand building rather like the institutions of the past found in Europe and the UK, though it did not appear familiar to me as somewhere I had visited, or resided for a period of four years, as I was told by my brother and mother that I had. As we talked more about it, I realised that what they were saying was the truth, but that I had blocked the memory of those four years out of my memory as it was a time in my life I had not wished to remember, though on speaking about it now I wanted to revisit the institution to see if in fact it did bring back memories of my time there.

By midway through last year I had put on another 2kg to reach my heaviest weight ever to date. By the end of December I had lost those 2kg and I have subsequently lost another 9kg since the start of the year.

I have taken to wearing my old chunky-soled trainers with the pin-striped pants I bought last July to avoid the cuffs of the pants dragging under my feet as they no longer sit on my waist, they hang on my hips.

I am now close to the weight I got down to during the first half of 2006, within my healthy weight range for my height, and about 6-9kg off my ideal weight. I am much happier about my figure though I would still like to lose those extra 6-9kg.

Last night Feih told me that she knows I had a bit of extra weight on me, and that I've lost a lot of that, but she couldn't see where I could possibly lose more weight from. I could make a list, draw a diagram, but I won't.

I'm aware of the warped body images that so many women have, it's something I've been even more aware of since I put on extra weight. When I was in the UK and weighed myself in 2001 for the first time in about 1.5 years and found I had reached 62kg suddenly I realised how ridiculous it had been for me to be so weight-conscious and self-conscious about my figure when I had been 52-53kg. On reaching 72kg last year I was again reminded of it.

So with all this thinking about weight and body issues and such, I felt inspired this evening to shoot a similar set-up to my Sanctuary image from day #171 of my 365 Days project as a comparison. The image isn't an exact replica of the original and I didn't want it to be, but it gives a good comparison for me. My upper arm alone shows how much weight I've lost.

*This is the first self-portrait shoot I've done since finishing my 365 Days project.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 12:10 BST
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2 June 2008
small works 08 and showdown
Now Playing: david bowie - heathen
Topic: exhibitions

small works 08

For those in Melbourne, I will have five prints included in the Small Works 08 show at Brunswick Street Gallery which opens this Friday 6th June from 6pm and runs until 19 June 2008. Judging by the number of names on the invite (about five of which I know) there will be squillions of artworks hanging on the walls to be ogled (and bought, should taking some of it home take your fancy).

If you'd like to actually read the names, there's a larger version here.

Also, I promised I wouldn't ask for your votes until Monday, and true to my word I'm asking for your votes in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown. For those not in Australia, it is Monday night here right now, so forgive me if it's still Sunday in your time zone ;o)

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:10 BST
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portrait sessions
Now Playing: tony olsson - demos vol. 1
Topic: portraiture sessions

tony olsson

Just a reminder that I'm offering portrait sessions, for both your personal and promotional needs, as part of my photography business.

If you would like a quote for a session, feel free to email me at propaganda@bronwenhyde.com letting me know the following:

- Do you require basic headshots or creative portraiture?

- Do you require individual or group portraits? If group portraits, please specify the number of people.

- Do you require the images for personal use only, commercial use only, or for both personal and commercial use?

- Approximately how many final images do you require?

- Do you require the final images as low resolution files only (for web use), high resolution only (for print), high res and low res files (for print and web use), as prints, or all of the above?

- Are you agreeable to images from the portrait session being used on my website and other non-profit websites as promotion for my photography?

- Are you agreeable to images from the portrait session being used in exhibition and / or print publications?

Please also feel free to provide any further information regarding your preferences for the location or style of shoot. Samples of my portraiture work can be found in the facade section of my website.

Pictured: Tony Olsson, Geelong-based singer/songwriter/musician: take a listen.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:10 BST
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29 May 2008
Now Playing: madrugada - nightly disease
Topic: artists wanted: exposure

untitled #76

I know I'm always asking you lovely people to vote for this and for that. I'm sure some of you don't have the time, don't care, or are sick of it and have stopped.

But for those of you who have itchy trigger fingers, I've entered my work in the Exposure competition run by Artists Wanted in New York.

Although the major prize (which I'd love to win) is decided by the judges, there is also a People's Choice Award, so your mission, should you choose to accept, is to rate my portfolio.

I promise I won't ask for your votes for anything else until.... Monday.

P.S. If by some miracle I win the major prize, I'll happily accept donations to pay for a flight to New York. Ahem.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:35 BST
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27 May 2008
models inc
Now Playing: pulp - separations
Topic: photography

models inc

On Sunday I had the good fortune of being invited by Jo O'Brien and James Price to join them, Stephen Mitchell, and later Simon Liberta and Dave Aarons to photograph the fun folk above who just happen to be really, really, ridiculously good looking.

Clockwise from left: Eugenia, Chenai, Louise, Sonia, Praveen and Elise.

Make-up by Kelli who was good enough to wait around for us to return for a second round mid-afternoon.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:05 BST
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16 May 2008
saatchi online critic's choice
Now Playing: david bowie - the man who sold the world
Topic: blogged

saatchi online critic's choice 18 - 24 Feb 2008

I don't know how I didn't find out about this before, but I just discovered that I was selected as one of the weekly top 10 artists on Saatchi Online for the week 18 to 24 February 2008 by Ana Finel Honigman, Senior London Correspondent for the Saatchi Gallery's online magazine and Art Editor of Alef Magazine.

Her critique focuses on my 365 Days work and is quite glowing, though I managed to trick her with my clone self-portrait of "Isabella and David". Everyone assumes that "David" is a man, not me, as they don't realise it's a clone :D

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:09 BST
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she took her own picture
Now Playing: tegan and sara - this business of art
Topic: photography books

She Took Her Own Picture She Took Her Own Picture

...coming soon...

...further details as they come to hand...

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 09:31 BST
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le pot aux roses: creative minds
Now Playing: everything but the girl - the platinum collection
Topic: blogged

untitled #27

The lovely Valerie has included a little interview with me in her regular feature, Creative Minds.

i'm part of creative minds

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:28 BST
Updated: 16 May 2008 06:30 BST
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9 May 2008
showdowns and exhibitions
Now Playing: tom waits - nighthawks at the diner
Topic: saatchi showdown

I have an image in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown.

Please vote.

(Image may not be safe for work)


And also a reminder to those in Melbourne that I have work in three exhibitions around town at the moment:

The Kodak Salon 08 finishes this Saturday 10 May

Centre for Contemporary Photography
404 George Street
Fitzroy Vic 3065

Gallery hours can be found on their site.


The Collectors Exhibition '08

Steps Gallery
62 Lygon Street
Carlton Vic 3053

The exhibition runs until 18 May 2008. Open daily from 10:30am - 5:30pm.


"Fear, Masks and New Beginnings".

Toyota Community Spirit Gallery
Toyota Australia
155 Bertie Street
Port Melbourne Vic 3207

The exhibition runs until 28 May 2008. Gallery Hours: Thurs & Fri 1-6pm or by appointment. Inquiries: Ken Wong 03 9690 0902

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:04 BST
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