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21 April 2008
happy hallmark day! (...or how i learned to stop worrying and love greeting cards)
Now Playing: the cure - greatest hits (acoustic bonus cd)
Topic: greeting cards

greeting cards!

I've just made a large selection of my images on my Red Bubble Profile available as greeting cards!

Beautiful colourful (and b&w) blank cards for every possible occasion.

The full twelve images from my "Alternate Worlds" series are available in a special card design at only $4.50 each!

Various 365 Days cards are available for $5.00 each.

And assorted other cards are a steal at $4.98 each.

So get over there!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:36 BST
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saatchi showdown / exhibitions
Now Playing: elliott smith - from a basement on a hill
Topic: exhibitions

i knew it would come to this

I have an image in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown.

Please vote.

And also a reminder to those in Melbourne that I have work in two exhibitions around town at the moment:

The Kodak Salon 08.

Centre for Contemporary Photography
404 George Street
Fitzroy Vic 3065

The show runs until 10 May 2008.
Gallery hours can be found on their site.


"Fear, Masks and New Beginnings".

Toyota Community Spirit Gallery
Toyota Australia
155 Bertie Street
Port Melbourne Vic 3207

The exhibition runs until 28 May 2008.
Gallery Hours: Thurs & Fri 1-6pm or by appointment.
Inquiries: Ken Wong 03 9690 0902

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:08 BST
Updated: 21 April 2008 18:10 BST
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17 April 2008
365 days in the red bubble daily wrap
Now Playing: sia - some people have real problems
Topic: 365 days

365 days - red bubble

The concluding journal entry I posted on Red Bubble about my 365 Days project has been featured in the Red Bubble Daily Wrap!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:39 BST
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16 April 2008
...or did she?
Now Playing: tegan & sara - this business of art
Topic: 365 days

...or did she?

Despite the B-grade horror ending to my 365 (366) Days project, you needn't fear: she won't be back for another round anytime soon.

Although I really enjoyed completing my project and I believe I produced some of my best self-portraits to date doing it, I am looking forward to having my life back. I'm not even interested in getting into a Year in Pictures or 52 Weeks project at this stage. I have my work cut out for me just trying to get images of other people and things from the past two years edited now, not to mention getting my business off the ground.

Of course, as self-portraiture has been something I've done almost from the time I started taking photographs seriously I'm not suddenly about to stop completely; but I'm looking forward to doing shoots when I'm inspired and in the mood, not just because I have a daily deadline. No doubt outtakes from the project will also find their way into my blog and website from time to time.

For the record, I only missed 3 of my 366 days and didn't cheat at all: no "I'm still awake so it's still today" or "No one will notice if I use a photo for yesterday that I took from last year / today" from this camp. Although I don't really care if others do that, for me I'd have been cheating myself so I was pretty disciplined in that. If I was shooting just before midnight and went over time those photos weren't in the running; if I missed the midnight deadline by 30 minutes I dealt with it.

The hardest one to miss was my first, but I had to forgive myself the oversight since it was a horrible day: things had gotten so bad with my anxiety and depression that I had to resign from my job.

This last year has been quite eventful as I'd expected, but perhaps not always in the ways I'd expected. I turned 30; I had my debut solo exhibition "Alternate Worlds" at Brunswick Street Gallery; I produced 10 cover images for Vignette Press' Mini Shots; I produced 9 images to accompany short stories in the Big Issue's Fiction edition; I had my first piece of writing (and a virginity haiku and some photos) published in Vignette Press' Sex Mook; I quit a job I'd hated for much of the 3 years I'd worked there and which had driven me to exhaustion; I started another job but had to resign; I learnt a new word: anhedonia; I learnt to ask for help; I visited my parents in Brisbane and a friend in northern New South Wales; I made many friends, both online and in person; I exhibited in various local group exhibitions; I was interviewed by Phirebrush, Frame Lines and had my work in various online galleries and exhibitions; I realised that after taking and posting so many self-portraits it's inevitable that people will start to recognise you in public; I completed a Certificate IV in Business Management (Small Business) and was accepted into NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme).

Photographically speaking, of the 363 images I took during my project*: 35 were diptychs, 9 were triptychs and there were 2 polyptychs thrown in for good measure; 25 featured my red ribbed-velour couch in all it's sumptuous glory; 9 had alcohol in the shot, however I lost count of how many were inspired by, taken or thought up whilst under the influence of alcohol; I was naked or at least semi-naked whilst taking 56 of them (whether obvious from the image or not), though despite my nickname my bellybutton only made 4 appearances; when I wasn't naked I seemed to be showing my knickers (26) or in a slip (40); I also further developed my penchant for wigs (I bought 5 during this year and wore them and a borrowed wig in 30 shots) and other people's clothing (14), not to mention other people's houses (27); I grew braver and took 36 images in public places, 2 in rented apartments and 13 in my backyard (not as private as I'd like); I also liked to hang out in bathrooms, both mine and other people's (16); I took 3 with alternate cameras (Mac PhotoBooth, an old-fashioned photo booth and an underwater camera); I took 12 using only alternate light including candlelight, torchlight, and computer monitor and television as light sources; I spent three days in graveyards; 69 sitting on, lying in or on my bed; and 5 in the bath; I played dead 5 times, cloned myself 7 times and invited others to cameo in my images on 15 days; 18 were direct or indirect tributes to films, 11 were tributes to other artists, 3 were titled with Dirty Three song titles and 15 were shameless self-promotions.

Tomorrow a new year starts for me: my 31st birthday and the launch of my business. I'm excited and nervous and looking forward to what lies ahead.

Thank you to those who followed and enjoyed my 365 Days journey and who inspire and encourage me to keep going with my photography.

*Numbers given are rough: it's hard to keep count when you're going through 363 images.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:23 BST
Updated: 17 April 2008 02:20 BST
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6 April 2008
perhaps perhaps perhaps
Now Playing: morrissey - suedehead: the best of morrissey
Topic: saatchi showdown

perhaps perhaps perhaps

I have an image in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown.

Please vote
(but be warned, it's not work safe).

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:01 BST
Updated: 17 April 2008 02:19 BST
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5 April 2008
Now Playing: bjork - debut
Topic: phirebrush

untitled #34

I have five images in Phirebrush Release #60.

Three of my images are on the bottom row of the first page of the photography section, and the remaining two are in the top row of the second page.

I have a profile on the site where you can view all the submissions I've made to Phirebrush from Release #39 to the current release; and there is an interview with me here.

You should also check out the Best of 2007 collection while you're there. I have an image included in that too.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:59 BST
Updated: 17 April 2008 02:11 BST
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2 April 2008
do not go gentle into that good night
Now Playing: oasis - (what's the story) morning glory
Topic: f-stop magazine

untitled #36

Four of my images are included in issue #28 of F-Stop Magazine.

My images are in the fourth and fifth row.

There are some truly wonderful images in this edition including work by Elle Moss and Caryn Drexl.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:24 BST
Updated: 29 June 2008 02:05 BST
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