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Toungue Twisters!

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Tongue Twisters

Two tooters
Who tooted a flute
Tried to tutor
Two tooters to toot.
“Is it harder to toot”, said the two to the tooters, “or to tutor two tooters to toot?”

Strange strategic statistics.

Does your shirt shop stock short socks with spots?

Should a shad shelling shrimps for a shark, cease to shuck the shamed shrimps who remark, “Serve us not without dressing, tis really distressing or should he shuck shrimps in the dark?”

Double bubble gum bubbles double!

Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.

Eat fresh fried fish free at the fish fry.

Of all the saws I ever saw, I never saw a saw saw like that saw saws.

Tongue twisters twist tongues twisted.
Trying to untangle twisted tangles:
My tang’s tungled now!!

Rubber baby buggie bumpers.

Sixty-six sick chicks.

The sun shines on the shop signs.

Each sixth chick sat on a stick.

A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thunk the skunk stunk: the skunk thunk the stump stunk.

Tie twine to the tree twigs.

She sells seashells by the seashore.

I saw Esau kissing Kate.
Fact is we all 3 saw.
I saw Esau, he saw me.
And she saw I saw Esau.

Six slim slick slender saplings.

Peter Prangle the prickly prangly pear picker picked three pecks of prangly prickly pears from the prickly prangly from the prickly prangly pear trees on the pleasant prairies.

Cross crossings cautiously.

“Go on my son and shut the shutter”, This I heard a mother utter, “shutters shut”, the boy did mutter, “I can’t shut’er any shutter”.

The sixth shiek’s sixth sheep’s sick.

Truly rural.

Six thick thistle sticks.

Lemon liniment.

Unique New York.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Nine nimble noblemen nibble nuts.

His shirt soon shrank in the suds.

Who washed Washington’s white woolen underwear
When Washington’s washerwoman went West?

How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans.

Quick coke kick.

Choose stew Tuesday, Tuesday is stew day.

For fine fresh fish phone Phil.

Miss Smith dismissith us.

Is this a zither? This is a zither.

Better beat a bit of bitter butter to make a better batter.

I often sit and think,
And fish and sit and fish and think,
And sit and fish and think and wish,
That I could get a cool drink.

That dude designed the desperate plot to dupe the dreadful deadly desperado.

When does the right wristwatch strap shop shut?

Which wristwatch straps are surely Swiss wristwatch straps?

Slim Sam shaved six slippery slimey chins in sixty-six seconds.

The hefty horse's hoofs hit the hard high road.

Violet very vainly viewed the vast vacant vista.

A tree toad loved a she toad that lived up a tree. She was a three-toed tree toad, but a two-toad tree toad was he.

Refrigerator pickers have bigger knickers!

Strange Statistics.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pecks of pickled peppers did Peter Piper Pick?

Sarah, Sarah sitting in a knitting shop. All day long she sits and knits. All day long she knits and sits. Sarah, Sarah, sitting in a knitting shop. All day long she sips the Schlitz, all day long the Schlitz she sips. (Attributed to Woody Woodbury)