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Number 1 in Germany.
Number 4 in the UK.
Number 13 in the USA.
Number 15 in Sweden.
"We were aware that the single was quite close being a disco single and
we didn't want to be like the millions of others that were out. We wanted
it to have this hard metallic sound while keeping it fairly soulful" - Alan
; taken from No 1 Magazine, October 19th 1985 by Paul Bursche.


"I really laughed the first time it came on." - Record Mirror, 7.3.1984, Ray Hoy.


"It tends to induce movement in bodies that normally wouldn't be seen
dead on a dancefloor." - Smash Hits, 15.3.1984, Peter Martin.

Interesting facts:
"People Are People" was sold over 500,000 times in Germany & over 250,000 times in the UK


"Einstuerzende Neubauten" mastermind Blixa Bargeld about the roots of "People Are People". Interview-excerpt taken from the German TV documentary film Pop 2000:

Original interview in German: ,,Wir hatten mit Gareth Jones ein
  Stück für Fad Gadget aufgenommen und aus diesen Sounds, die
  wir dafuer gemacht haben, wurde "People Are People" zu =
  sammengebastelt. Das ist direkt von unserem Multitrack ge =
  sampelt. Es ist allerdings zu einer Zeit entstanden, in der es den
  Begriff Sampling noch gar nicht gab und auch noch nicht diese
  copyrightmässige Kontrolle von Verwendung von Samples."

Translation by Strangefan: "We have recorded a song with
  Gareth Jones for Fad Gadget and these sounds, which we made
  for this song, were used the produce 'People Are People'. It's
  samples were directly used. That happened in a time where the
  use of samples was totally unknown and there was no restriction
  in regard of using samples by copyright laws."


The German hip-hop/rap-band "Fuenf Sterne Deluxe" mentioned "People Are People" in their single "Die Leude", released from "Neo.Now" (Zomba, 2000).

Video clip:
Quicktime 4 7" version (
Quicktime 4 12" version excerpt
Media Player 56 K  12" version
Cover versions:
Scam Luiz  /  cover taken from
Jesus Chrysler Suicide  /  taken from "Master Of Celebration"
Studio 99  /  taken from "Personal Jesus"
Goetz Alsmann
For further information go to
For further information about the US release go to 1/2/3/4.
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