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Just your BASIC webpage

Hello there... and welcome!

Welcome to "Just your BASIC webpage", the website that's just as simple as it's creator... heh heh...

This little site will keep growing as time goes on. This provides me a good chance to learn more and more about webpage building and put it to good use. Also, this provides a nice space to keep a few things that others might be interested in seeing.

So far, I've got alot of animation related stuff up. I plan to include some other subjects that interest me, but for now this is what I've had time to build. Look for new pages in the future.

Please feel free to have a little look-around, view the random information I have placed here in random locations, and enjoy your stay!


Dennis the Penguin here, 
wishing everybody PEACE!

-- News and Updates  

Who knows what lies ahead... Who knows what tomorrow may bring... Who knows when the next update may be coming along.....

Well, I don't have the answers to all of those questions, but when future updates are made to "Just your BASIC webpage", I'll be sure to make a note of it here.

Beautiful Horizons

Cassandra Cain - the new Batgirl  -- Comics Page

I was very pleased to discover that contempory comics arn't the way they were back in the fifties. Don't get me wrong - I did enjoy watching the Adam West version of Batman. Those were entertaining. But the comics of today.... they're just so... so... so... darn good!

Well, I may not be able to describe them very well, but if you like, you can have a look and see for yourself.

Here, I shall keep some of my favorite stories that have been told on the comics' page.... I hope you like them as much as I did.

-- "Opus" by Berkeley Breathed  

First, he brought us "Bloom County". Next came "Outland". Now, after nearly ten years of retirement, Mr. Breathed (pronounced breth-ed) continues the saga of the flightless waterfoul that charmed his way into our hearts in his new Sunday-only strip "Opus"!

For those of you who would be interested in following his adventures, but are in a city with an uncooperative newspaper, I'm happy to announce..... I got'cha covered!

Opus the Penguin

Like Abbot and Costello...  -- Rita and Runt

Two of the best characters to be introduced on the WB's "Animaniacs!" cartoon.

This section is dedicated to a very good friend of mine who is the biggest Rita and Runt fan I know. My friend, if you are reading this, I just want you to know - this one's for you!

-- Links  

I know a few people who have made some really nice websites that are cirtianly worth a visit. So if you have a moment, and would like to do a little websurfing.... *click*!

Alright... Who's been showing the 
penguins THREE STOOGES reruns?

This section of the "Just your BASIC webpage" site contains no links, no pics, and really is of no importance whatsoever. Feel free to scroll on through without reading it.


Comments? Critisims? Need someone to talk to?
Write me anytime!
I can be reached at

I'm always availible, but sometimes busy...
...but I always do my best to respond to everybody who's kind enough to say "Hello"!

Thanks for coming by. Y'all come back now, ya hear!