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My Home Page

A lover writes, the warmth of the heart, longing in all its eternity, but cherishing thy beauty. The warmth of your heart sways, the passion of your anger delves, you grow more beautiful as you arise to the passions of life. Joys abound here, shared are joys, and sorrows dipped in joys, wouldn't you feel better, if you dipped them all in the softness of the day and the night, liberated and cooled by the moon light, and heated by the passionate warmth of the summer sun. Blowing hot and cold, as the heart pounds, pumping blood, feeling through your veins. I feel thee. Motioned in all, from one beat to another, I feel thee. Shall I wear it all, or linger in all, but I want you all. Running the tips of my fingers, I want to pinpoint you all. When my fingers linger, I want to know you all. When I run my eyes around, I want to see you all. Inside me you cherish, warming up the coldness of life. The smoothness of the skin, delving to the joys of the creation. Soft and silken, it drives motion, passionate is life, if you dream in it. If you live in it, it seldom leaves behind the warmth. Long for you O loved one, Dreams are seldom wasted, worth is the motion that would lead you there