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You Think… By: Richard, G, Nicholls:

Being a teenager wasn’t easy for me. Going to highschool was important to me for two reasons, the first was to finish my eduction, And the second was so I can become popular. As a student I put in my effort to complete all tasks that were placed in front of me.

My highschool career was important as well as my popularity. I made both successful for the most part. I made two good friends that I still have to this very day. May of 2002 I though I found a friend that would be greater than the two I had since highschool. I found out in the end that that was not true at all.

It came to the point were I almost lost both of my highschool friends. I got stuck in the bottle. The beer bottle that is, till one day in may that changed my life. Me and what I thought to be the best and greatest friend in the world were asked to go to a house party. Me being a heavy drinker at the time took it as a challenge to out drink my friends. I remember stopping at the liquor store to pick up some booze. I was excited to go. We were dressed up nicely and ready to impress our other friends that would be there. Finally we reached the house in the county in which the party was at.

For some reason I had a funny feeling that something was going to go wrong. Whenever I got those feelings I was right. At that time my dear grandmother was not doing very well. That feeling I got was directed towards that. I didn’t let it get to me cause I had a reputation to keep and I was going to party the night away.

At first we started drinking coolers which were new at that time. After awhile one of the other people whom was at the party came and asked us if we wanted to smoke a joint. My thinking that I was going to be cool and prove to the others that I was, smoked that joint with them. One drink turned into another. After awhile I was feeling pretty weird, But I was not going to give up. Hours had passed and we smoked I don’t even know how many joints and finished all the coolers that we had purchased earlier that day.

I passed out for a bit only to be awakened by two of the people whom we knew at the party. “ Come on you need to help,” I jumped up thinking I was ok.

My friend was shacking on one of the beds like he was being electrocuted. I started to panic. I asked one of the other to get some water and a few pieces of bread. We got him under control. I though he was going to be fine. We all went out to the barn behind the house we were partying at. I started to drink a 40oz bottle of vodka. I really started to feel it so I went and layed down in the back seat of the car and put the keys under the car. I was awaken once again by the others telling me that my friend was having troubles again. I asked if they had munchies and some stomach relaxers. They said no. I decided that it would be a good idea to drive into the nearest town to get some. That parent of the home asked his son which was coming with me along and with his friend if it was ok to go. The parent asked them both if I had been drinking at all that night. They both gave the parent the awnser “No”.

So they got into the car and I put on my seat belt feeling that I was ok to drive we left for the store. We got to the store and I told the others that I was feeling alittle fishy and sent them into the store to get what we needed. They came back with the stuff. I begain to drive back to the house. That is all I remember of that night. The police report stated that I had smacked into a little bridge that is located at the end of a drive way for big ditches and flipped the car six times almost killing the two that were in the car as well as my self.

Well I woke up in the hospital the next morning in a lot of pain wondering what had happened. I went to move and I couldn’t cause my feet and hands were cuffed to the stretcher. I looked over to my side to see an officer sitting in the chair next to me. The officer took my report to what I remembered. They then released my with no knowledge of what was going to happen or even how the others that were in the car were. My father came to get me. I was so scared that he was going to scream at me till he was blue in the face.

The curtin opened and I looked at my father. He looked like he was going to cry from seeing me in the shape I was in. I never though in a million years that something like that would ever happen to me. I though I was trying to do good. I did wrong. But that wasn’t the end. The healing(physical& mental) was nothing compared to what I had approuching me. I had to deal with the law in which I had never done. I got charged with a D.U.I and was fined. I also got my licence suspended for one year. What I was thinking I do not know till this day. I will tell you one thing though. I will never do anyting like that again. It wasn’t cool or anything of the sort. I wish it never happened, But you live and learn. I hope that this kind of stuff will come to and end. Too many lives are at risk when people do that kind of thing. Think about my little story the next party or social gathering you go to and think , "Do I want to be there? Do I want to risk other lives including my own?"

Just think about it and act on it in the future.

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