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ArtSy GurL 128 a.k.a. ME
Sunday, 12 October 2003
i don't wanna graduate! 4 u clueless dips out there, i'm in eighth grade. this year, everyone finally hangs out with each other! everyone is friends! and i seriously don't want 2 lose that(i'm quoting u, KT!). i'm kinda scared about next year, starting over and all, but i'm also excited! here's me n KT's convo. ur awesum, kate!

KaTe4502: hahaha!!!!!
KaTe4502: thats a gag
ArtSy GurL 128: well, i think everyone already knows i have a crush on zack h.
KaTe4502: well i didnt know that!

Auto response from KaTe4502: brb~L1!

KaTe4502: ok!
ArtSy GurL 128: ok back
ArtSy GurL 128: well-now u do!
ArtSy GurL 128: lol
ArtSy GurL 128: omg yesterday was so f-in fun!
ArtSy GurL 128: i'm so glad u came?
ArtSy GurL 128: arrgh i cant typr
ArtSy GurL 128: **type
ArtSy GurL 128: c wut i mean?
KaTe4502: haha!! i know!!! madalyn! i love our grade!
KaTe4502: i dont wanna graduate!
ArtSy GurL 128: omg i know!
KaTe4502: i mean we are ALL FINALLY starting to hang out w/ EVERYBODY
KaTe4502: and ugh!! i dont wanna lose all of that!
ArtSy GurL 128: i know!
ArtSy GurL 128: and alotta ppl willl b goin 2 diff skools next year...
ArtSy GurL 128: :'(
ArtSy GurL 128: r u goin 2 ND?
KaTe4502: i know!!...yah!!! i dont have a choice...r u??
ArtSy GurL 128: yep
ArtSy GurL 128: it was either move & go 2 richwoods 4 free, or pay lotsa green 4 ND, but stay here
KaTe4502: yah i dont have a im goin to scared 2 go tho!
ArtSy GurL 128: y?
KaTe4502: cuz...well..what if nobody likes me and what if i dont like it there...and i dont wanna have to start ALL over again..u know?
ArtSy GurL 128: i know, but, hey, u got me! and i know lotsa other ppl from french, we're all friends
ArtSy GurL 128: & ya gotta admit, pretty much evry1 likes u!
ArtSy GurL 128: there r just sum boneheads out there who dont like ne1
ArtSy GurL 128: sorry if i'm startin 2 sound prechy
ArtSy GurL 128: **preachy
KaTe4502: yah there will always be sumone at ND for EVERYONE...but i dont wanna have to have like a whole new life all over again!! and i like our grade!!
ArtSy GurL 128: i kno wutcha feelin
ArtSy GurL 128: swear, i'm gonna cry like a baby @ our graduation!
ArtSy GurL 128: but, dont u think it'll be kinda fun?
KaTe4502: i know!! me 2 im gunna bawl like theres no tomorrow!!...haha yah i think it will be a blast
KaTe4502: i think the end of 8th grade yr wil be fun 2!
ArtSy GurL 128: like when u go there, no1 will really know if u were popular or not @ ur old skool, and u never know, this year's dork may b next year's popularity king/queen!
KaTe4502: yah!! thats a good point!! but i dont want to leave our grade zack is goin to richwoods..ali is 2...
ArtSy GurL 128: o crap! :'( no more zack! lol
KaTe4502: haha! i know!! but kramer will be rite there w/ us at nd
ArtSy GurL 128:
*pumps hand in air* YES!!!
ArtSy GurL 128: omg so many girls have a crush on him it's not even funny!
KaTe4502: hahaha i know!!! he asked me out twice...i said no and i felt bad!!...but hes such a ladies man its a gag!!


Posted by art2/artisticteen at 6:23 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
Hey...This is my first entry-obviously-and I just got home from my first Student Council meeting. I'm Chair-person of the Pep Club, haha. I wanted to be Co- with Kevin for the Pumpkin Contest Committee, but Mrs. O'Brien said we only need one chairman. Tim won anyway. Oh, yeah, this week we had Terra Nova testing. ARRGH!! Anyway, I'm out. Leave a comment or something and tell me whatcha think! Lots 'o' Luv!
P.S. Happy Birthday Mal!!!

Posted by art2/artisticteen at 4:34 PM CDT
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