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Magick Apple
Trinket Boxes

magick applesmagick apples

Apples have been used for centuries to symbolize ideas and intent. Eve's apple in the garden, the poison apple offered to Snow White by the witch, and the golden apples of immortality sought by Jason and the Argonauts are all examples of apple symbolism. Apples have represented luxury, pleasure, love, fertility, and even jealously. Many stories have given the apple magical qualities and even aphrodisiac powers. The apple and it's projected powers could fill bushels of folklore.


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hand painted magick apple trinket box
MAGICK APPLE trinket box
This hand painted, shiny, wooden apple can be your mythical apple!
Each apple has a hollow center and lid so you can fill it with your
intent. Write down your wishes, use stones, herbs or any trinket to
represent your desire and tuck it inside your
apple. Set your magical apples somewhere that you will be reminded
of what you're intentions are.

hand painted magick apple trinket box
When an apple is cut crosswise you will see the five-fold star.
This is the symbol of the Maiden Goddess Kore, who is the
"core" soul of Persephone.
Each Magick Apple has five seeds painted on the inside of the trinket box lid to represent the core of your intent and Kore's balance betwen worlds.

Each Magick Apple:                       $8.00 plus shipping

approx. size:
outside- 3"h x 2-1/2"w inside- 1-1/2"d x 1-1/2"w