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Uhm.. The site is kinda incomplete at the moment. So it'll probably be.. Boring. Heh. Welcome.
Hi there. I'd name this place something interesting like, "KEERANIVA'S FANTABULOUS PALACE THINGY" but I'm not in a creative mood. Maybe one day I might.. But not right now.
Update; 5.6.o3 Hey, I actually did name this place "KEERANIVA'S FANTABULOUS PALACE THINGY". Well, almost. ;)

Anyways, I'm Sporgy, the owner of Keera. My real name isn't Sporgy, it's Jessica. But I prefer Sporgy, Okay? But hey, this page isn't about me, is it? It's about my over-larged and slightly deranged pup, Keeraniva. His name is pronounced "Kee-rah-nee-vah", but you can call him "Butt-Face" if you want. :3

So anyways, at the start of time or whenever it was, I was sitting on my bum and reading a magazine. Barbie Magazine! (Hey, I liked that kinda stuff when I was little, okay? Come on, Barbies are kinda cool. Right..?!) I was reading one of the pages and it said something about a COOL NEW VIRTUAL PET SITE or something. And I was all, "Hehee.. Cool." and so I surfed it up and came here.
Around that time, Neopets wasn't really big and there were hardly any accounts. It was also the time when you could create as many accounts as you want. So I created about fifty billion accounts with names like Magick_Dragon13587y12348327432324 or something like that. I was only around.. Eight or nine years old.
So I was addicted straight off. And as I matured, I forgot about all the account names I had. I took a break from neopets for around a year and then came back, making the account name, chania_tojo. Then I was hacked and couldn't access my account anymore and The Neopets Team wouldn't answer my emails, dangit!
So, racking my brain of what to do, I suddenly, out of nowhere, remembered that I had an account named _kurce_. So I was all, "Shweet.." and accessed it. And then I thought, "Awwh, dang... What about my pets in my chania_tojo account? I bet they're starving right now."
Okay, I bet you're wondering what the heck all this has to do with Keeraniva? Well, not much, actually. Well, to cut an already long story short, I created Keeraniva for a sort of symbolic reason. Just to.. Uhm.. What's the word? Commemerate (Did I spell that right? My spelling skills have died.) the loss of my four pets, in my chania_tojo account. Yeah.

Ah. Art by Jessica! COVER YOUR EYES.Now, on to the real stuff. Keeraniva is a happy-go-lucky lupe that has an insane obsessions with toilets. He can be a bit depressing at times - reciting shakespeare ("There was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently!") or glaring at people randomly. Sometimes Keera can be a little melodramatic and moany and sarcastic. You should probably feel lucky that you don't have to put up with im when he's in these...Stages. He enjoys nibbling on fruits and vegetables (hey, I encourage my pets to become vegetarians like me, even if they don't want to. -shoves a carrot down Keera's throat-) ;D Summing up, Keeraniva is weird. And here's the weakling's stats!

Hours alive: 1880 (Let's hope he doesn't die too soon.)
Level: 1
Strength: 9
Speed: 11
Defence: 10
Hitpoints: 12
Current Hitpoints: 21
Intelligence: 14 (:B He's not too bright. But that's alright. -pets Keera slowly and watches as he shoves his fingers in a powerpoint-)

The Design.
Ah..Keera's design. As you can see by the picture above, he's a lupe. A male lupe. I realise the picture is very feminine or however you spell it. :D And it's compressed and the colours are off, but enough about Sporgy's crappy art. As the picture doesn't illustrate, Keeraniva has flame-like swirls going up his front paws and ending at his "elbows". His tail is tipped black and he has some.. Interesting markings under his eyes. X) He also has wiiiiings. He can't fly with them, though. He tried once and jumped off the lounge, hovered off the ground for a few seconds before crashing into the fish-tank. I think that experience might had damaged his emotional status, because ever since he hasn't tried flying. But that might also be because I'm his "personal slave" as he puts it and doesn't really have to get out of bed.

Stuffs he likes?! Keeraniva likes stuff?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Ahh.. Keera loves lots of things. The stuff he likes most are his petpet, Manchado, toilets, television, soap, newspapers, plants, shiny things, loud music, kaus, paperclips, feathers, mirrors... Keeraniva is a also HATING machine. Mwahaha. :D! Not really, he doesn't hate many things. Well some of the stuff he does hate is cheese (I guess growing up in a family obsessed with cheese just hasn't rubbed off on him. Yet. -forces a block down Keera's throat-), pop music, day-time television, jeans, apples, blahblahblah..

Pfft. Friends. Who needs them? I mean, all they do is give you encouragement and help you through hard times and make you laugh and stop you from driving insane... Okay.. So maybe friends are a vital part of life. Unfortunatly, Keeraniva doesn't have any friends. Hehe.. LONER.

What does he do? I mean, Keeraniva has a pretty interesting life. Sort of. And I bet you're all sitting behind your computer going, "OMG WOT DOES HE DO LOLZ!!!!1111!!1oneone!~111!" Well, for all you "fans", your curiosity is going to be..Err.. Quenched. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for. I think. Anyways... keeraniva usually lounges around the house all day, watching television or gnawing on shiny toilets. Sometimes he manages to coax Manchado out of sleep and takes him for little walks. Moo? MANCHADO. @@;What is that little red thing that cost me lots of money, you ask? Have you been living in the past?! This is Manchado, Keeraniva's best friend. Yeah, I was shoved down the list and forced to eat dirt. -shakes a fist- Anyways, despite Manchado's appearance, he is very lovely and great to take care of. No, I'm not lying.. Much. Okay, so he's a rotten ball of red that I can hardly stand and likes to attach itself to my arms and bite into it. Hard. But I've learned to put up with it. Besides, if I don't, Keera will probably get angry. And when he gets angry he's scary.

Wow! A little collection of adopted..Things. Things that I think look cute and also look like Keeraniva [Okay, some of them don't, but they're too cute not to adopt. XP]. Someday Keera hopes that I will make some adoptables of my own. You know what? That's never gonna happen.
Click to Adopt me! Zzz

-GASPS- You're not leaving me, are you? Eh.. I don't blame you. XP Visit these awesome sites?

  ••×Elitrinו•  Bick.Mutants aren't always ugly. Come visit Equuata's Ice Haven! :)Purple isn't just for Girls Click on me! RAWR!

Likes and Dislikes

All you need to know.
Name: Keeraniva.
Nicknames: Keera, Niva, Kee..
Age: Teenagerish?
Species: Blue lupe.
Gender: Male.
Eyes: Turquoise/teal.
Fur: Purple.
Markings: Flame-like markings going up legs; eye markings; black tipped light-purple wings.
Marital Status: Single/not really looking.
Personality: Crazy, jovial, boisterous, moody.
Current Mood: Confused

This page is looking a little dead at the moment, and I'm sorry about that. Everytime I'm almost finished with a layout, I get kicked with a bout of inspiration and have to change the dern layout. Currently, I like this one, but it might change. So be.. On the lookout. Or something.

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