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Site(s) of the month:
Zymic is a free resource site with loads of quality free templates and tutorials. Browse through the various catagorys and download the best templates and tutorials they offer. // free templates, tutorials & much much more!


BrokenShadow is a free webmaster tool site that has templates, scripts and a graphic request service. // free templates, tutorials & much much more!
Posted by Chron!c
Welcome to the Orange Radiation template, a customization of's template15.  
Both Zymic and require you to keep the links in the links image bar.
This template was created by Jack, Webmaster at and Fully Re-Imaged 
by Chron!c, Webmaster at with the full permissionof the owners of 
this template. The psd of the banner is in the image folder, you will need adobe 
photoshop to edit the banner and you will also need to move the fonts in the folder fonts
 fount in this zip file into:
C:/WINNT/Fonts if you have Windows XP or C:/Windows/Fonts if you have windows 
2000 or lower. 
Posted by Chron!c
Please Vote for BrokenShadow.Net on the AVDFX.COM topsites.  Click on the AVDFX 
image to vote.  Just click on the image and wait for that page to load, after the page 
loads you can do whatever you want to it.  Its that easy.
Posted by Chron!c
This template was provided to you with no charge, keep in mind that the makers of this 
template put their time into providing you with the best free template they could.  please
do not steal it or say you made it.