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<<About me:>>

name: mili
age: 19 (finally)
gender: female ( i could have sworn i was a guy in a past life)
fav food: cake
likes: cows.alienkitties.kites.octopussies.shrines.cellphone.mario-stars.drawing.reading.writing short chocolate chip ice cream.driving.getting lost.sugar camera.friends.violence.comics.indie rock.corn mouse BONNIE.dick tax.slurpies.history.
hates:boogers.smokers.bad mouse BONNIE.peppermint.math.
religion:roman catholic
political standing:utilitarian (why did i mention this ???)

Hm...What can I say about myself? Well, I am Puerto Rican. I was born in Frankfurt, Germany. I know it's kinda weird. I have always had an affinity for drawing and writing.

I know my art isn't as good as other artists out there, but I really do enjoy it. This is just one of my many hobbies. I have been drawing on and off ever since the 6th grade. Man that was a nasty start.

The very first anime that I had ever seen was Speed Racer. That show was the shiznit!

Anyway, in my art I try to mix different styles in hopes of coming up with my own original style one day. (Did that sentence make sense?)

I'm not that great at web design as you can see, but I am working on it. I really need to organize my schedule more. Sleep less! Work more!

Please do not duplicate the images on this site. Thanks!
