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UPDATED 8/02/02

Kuat Systems Engineering


The Dagger is an older fighter design from Kuat Systems Engineering, the makers of the Firespray patrol craft and the Cloakshape fighter. It was designed as a dual-atmosphere heavy fighter. What it lacks in speed, it makes up for in maneuverablity, durability and firepower. The Dagger is capable of turns and flips that most humans find difficult to control. Despite their size, the engines are relatively light and very fuel efficient, utilizing the latest in exotic alien technologies. They are mounted slightly above the fuselage to protect them from ground fire and explosive debris. The KSE-12a employs two heavy blaster cannon with fire-arc capability and either 8 proton torpedos or 4 bombs.
The Gran mercenary Kol Kotha flew the Dagger during the Battle for Naboo. He broke his allegiance to Borvo the Hutt in order to help Gavyn Sykes fight off the Trade Federation. He helped to free many slaves captured previously through Borvo's trickery.

Here's a schematic for his ship in Word format:


This was Borvo's ship

Email: zarkus@iwon.com