Tony and Zanna's Page


Thanks for visiting our site!

First a little about ourselves:

Hosanna is an aspiring artist who is the real feature of this website.

As for me, I'm just a working stiff who installs telephone systems by day, and loafs off by night.

And in my spare time I try to create websites such as this.

But anyway, without further ado.... On to the stuff you really are here for:

When you click the painting you will be directed to the library of artwork by Hosanna LaFazia Lowe.

By clicking right here you can visit my other cheesy webpage. On it you will find a short demonstration of my poetry and two catagories of pictures. One is our wedding pictures and one is just some pictures from my stay in California.

Now if you were to get bored of looking at my cheesy webpages then maybe you chould check out my links by clicking here.

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I've been working for hours and despite all the mean looks I've been getting from people who want to check their e-mail, I've finally made this page fully operational! There are still a lot of adjustments to make but all the pages work.


OK. It's about 7:15 in the morning and I just made a few more changes. Mostly to the picture pages. All the backgrounds are now black; for easier viewing of the pictures; and the directional buttons are working.


Well, it's been a little while since I've made any changes but I finally had a little down time and I added those little pictures to the page. Soon I will be doing that for all of the paintings so that viewing them will be easier.

You are visitor number since the 12th of March, 2001!

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If you would like to see more artwork or perhaps promote some of your own; check out some of these web rings!