"Weavers Words" Vol. 7 Iss. 22 MADE IN AMERICA BY A PROUD AMERICAN!!! Date Sent: March 14, 2004 Back Issues: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS: 1.) Back issues of Weaver's Words can be found at: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ 2.) If you are new to Weaver's Words, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) MAKE A DONATION TO WEAVER'S WORDS AT: http://www.paypal.com/ (Send Payment To ka9zre@yahoo.com) OR Via money order / check at: David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEFORE POSTING VIRUS WARNINGS TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! Check The Following Link To Assure The Virus Isn't A Hoax: http://urbanlegends.about.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to Weaver's Words. You know who you are. It's not expected but is greatly appreciated. Thanks Again, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Advertising Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 8:35 PM From: Barbara Peterson To: davidc@iei.net Hi All, Have been lurking again for a long time, but am delighted to see that David has set definite dates for publication no matter how much or how little is in on those dates. Wanted to throw in my 2 cents worth on the matter of folks using this forum to advertise - whether it's a convention, a shop, or personal sale. I remember reading some suggestions that David charge a fee for this type of advertisement, and think that's a GREAT idea! David, you work hard to keep this site up, and you should get something out of it when folks are looking to use it as 'free' advertising. I admit I miss a lot of the information we used to get here; maybe it's a sign of how busy our lives have become. Personally, I recently returned from a 2 week trip to Ireland and Scotland; spent 3 days with a friend who is a weaver, but didn't have time to do any willow weaving - we spent too much time shopping! Did see beautiful baskets and lots of other wonderful crafts. I'll have to weave some baskets to sell to help pay for that trip! Thanks again David for helping us stay together. Barb, in once again chilly Wisconsin... (Ireland was warmer!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Scottish Basketry Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 09:57:43 -0000 From: luichart.woollens@lineone.net To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com For all those people that seem to be visiting Scotland this year you can find information regarding Scottish basketry at: http://www.scothost.net/~sbmc/SBCindex.html or although mainly English: www.basketassoc.org If any of you manage to come to the Nothern Highlands then you can visit me! My main job is making knitwear but I also make a few baskets. Harry Goudie Luichart Woollens Lochluichart Garve Ross-shire IV23 2PZ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Staining Baskets Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 9:41 PM From: To: Hi Everyone, A huge thanks to David for sending this out weekly. I always looked forward to weavers word and getting it on a regular basis is even more exciting! I wondered if anyone wanted to share their staining recipes. I know in the past, people have mentioned what they used when staining a basket and I have tried some of them. I like to experiment and there were some I never would have thought of. Currently, my favorite is a combination of minwax (ipswich pine) stain, boiled linseed oil and paint thinner. I start with mostly paint thinner with a few "glubs" of linseed oil. Then I add the stain until I get the shade I want. I use this mainly in the Spring, Summer and Fall here in upstate NY as this really smells when done inside. In the winter, I tend to use Weavers Stain or if the basket will be used to hold any food or kitchen item that would come in contact with food. I have also tried using black walnut stain that I make, but the color isn't as deep/rich looking as the minwax stain. If I want the natural look, I just spray the basket with Liquid Gold furniture polish, to keep it supple. What's your favorite stain recipe? Laurie in Freezing Clinton, NY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: What's Up In St. Louis? Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 13:42:47 -0700 From: "Jean Ellen Carryl" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com First off, a huge thank you to David and all those who write in to Weaver's Words. I always learn something new from the suggestions, information and ads. Living in Jackson, WY has its perks but meeting other basket weavers to talk or weave with is not one of them! I have the opportunity to visit St. Louis, MO during the last week in March and the last week in June this year and am wondering if anyone knows of any guilds, classes, shops or museums in the area? Would love to connect with someone there as I envision spending more time in the area throughout the coming year. Thanks for your help. Happy spring to all those experiencing it already-it won't be here for another couple of months! Jean %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Stepping Up With Triple Twine Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 09:24:57 -0600 From: "East Troy Basketry" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com To Kay and anyone else interested in doing the step up after a row of triple twine: The best written source is Wicker Basketry by Flo Hoppe. Many of her patterns also describe and show how to do it. Also, Flo says that you should either do the step up after all the rows or none of them. In other words, if you don't do it at the end of each row, don't do it at the end of the section either. Anyone interested in over the phone instruction, feel free to call me at East Troy Basketry at the toll-free number below. Please have your basket in hand and ready for the step up. From sunny southeastern Wisconsin where signs of spring are all around :) Eileen Mirsberger East Troy Basketry www.easttroybasketry.com Toll-Free 1-888-424-9866 2082 Church St. P.O. Box 643 East Troy, WI 53105 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 7 I. 21 Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 22:06:28 EST From: Caldesigns@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Bonnie...don't know the geography of where you are going, but have this website for you to check: www.scottishbasketmakerscircle.org Also try earthrite@gn.apc.org. Just was given some wonderful postcards of baskets from a woman from Scotland when she gave a presentation to our fiber arts group (California Fibers: http://www.californiafibers.com/index.htm) Maybe these will help a bit with your search. Carol in Carlsbad CA :) (she who lurks) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 7 I. 20 Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 09:09:26 EST From: CM4Baskets@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com, weaverswords@yahoogroups.com >>>>>http://logcabin1999.tripod.com/ >>>>>I would like to thank everyone who responded for my request on leather >>>>>suppliers. You are a great group of people Could you share the list of Leather suppliers? I have be looking a long time, no luck. Thank You, Carolyn of Michigan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New Seatweaving & Wicker Repair Discussion Board Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 14:01:14 -0600 From: "Cathryn Peters" To: "David Collins, Jr." Greetings Everyone! The Chair Caner's Discussion Board that was hosted by Clay Richmond at Richmond Restorations is not too active anymore since Clay closed his business, so I started up a new one today. It's called Wicker Woman's Seatweaving & Wicker Repair Discussion Board and it's for both the hobbyist and professionals in the field. If you've been searching for ways to connect with others in the related field, need answers to weaving problems, or just want to chat, this will be something you might want to participate in. It's not in "real time" so you don't have to be a fast typist or anything like that. Just post your questions or comments and wait for the answer. You can set it up so that you will receive notices of all postings via your email box and then go read them at your leisure. Hope to see you soon, contributing whatever you want. http://disc.server.com/Indices/220033.html "Weaving for Preservation, Education and Innovation" The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters http://www.WickerWoman.com/ http://www.WickerWoman.com/repairdirectory.html http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WickerWomansWeavings/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Splint Gauge Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:16 PM From: Martita To: davidc@iei.net Does anyone know of a supplier for a tool variously called a "splint gauge" or "basket gauge" for making a strip of black ash into several narrower ones? (For example ) I found a website that has pictures of antique ones, but have been unable to locate a website or catalog for a store that sells them. A phone number or address would also be welcome. Please forgive me my vast ignorance on this topic if there is an obvious answer to this, but I've only been making baskets for about a year. Many Thanks! Martita mamastep7@yahoo.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Mid Summer Weave Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:06 AM From: Bonnie (Easterbrooks) Krist To: davidc@iei.net This summer the Heritage Basketry Guild of Dayton, OH will be hosting our Fourth Annual "Mid-Summer Weave". It will be held at the Community Methodist Church on Saturday, July 10, 2004. Classes will be offered by: Sherian Cody - New Palestine, IN Pam Feix - Eaton, OH Tom Holtkamp - Noblesville, IN Ruthanne Morningstar - Dryden, MI Dolores VonRosen - Chappells, SC Pat Welti - Cincinnati, OH Karen Zane - Anderson, IN Visit http://www.geocities.com/midsummerweave/ to view the classes and print the registration form. If you would like an electronic brochure as a "pdf" file please email evergree@erinet.com Come weave with us in July! We would love to have you join us. Bonnie Easterbrooks Krist %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: (no subject) Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:54:13 EST From: AuntPattie@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Dear Fellow Basket Weavers, I really need your help. My daughter is moving to Clovis, New Mexico (Canon AFB) in May and is having my grandson there at the end of June. I will be there, of course, and plan to stay for 5 or 6 weeks. I have signed up for Jill Choate's classes in Santa Fe in July but that is the only basket related thing that I have been able to find while I am there. I'm looking for some things to do for a couple of weekends so I can give the new family some space. I would be willing to drive for 5 or 6 hours to get somewhere and would really like to do something culturally specific to that area. I've been looking for classes on the Internet & am not getting anywhere. If any of you know of anything going on in July, would you please let me know? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Pattie Bagley (in the beautiful North Georgia hills where Spring is springing out all over) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Spring 2004 Basket Swap! Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:09:41 -0700 From: "Faye Stukey" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Okay, gang! Just an update here... we have about 30 participants so far in the Spring 2004 Basket Swap! Following is last week's post about the swap... sign ups will end March 15... so get in touch right away if you'd like to be included! >>>>>Okay... it sounds like there's plenty of interest in a basket swap so I've >>>>>decided to set the date! Let's plan a Spring Basket Swap with a closing >>>>>date of April 2, 2004... which will get everybody a brand new basket in >>>>>time for Easter! There were several people who expressed an interest in a >>>>>blind swap, but the majority preferred swapping with a partner... so that's >>>>>they way we'll go! >>>>> >>>>>If you're interested in signing up for the Spring 2004 Basket Swap, please >>>>>send me your name, complete mailing address, telephone number, email >>>>>address, and any information you'd care to share with a swap partner! Sign->>>>>ups will end March 15... that will give us two issues of Weaver's Words so >>>>>nobody misses out... you can then expect your swap partner information by >>>>>Wednesday, March 17. Start planning what you'd like to weave now! You'll >>>>>then have a good two weeks to weave for your partner before the mailing >>>>>deadline of April 2, 2004. >>>>> >>>>>I look forward to hearing from all of you! >>>>>Faye Stukey >>>>>Kalispell, Montana >>>>>stukey@aboutmontana.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Triple Twine With A Step Up Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 22:24:39 EST From: SharonKlusmann@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Hi David & All: To Kay Kibbel about a Triple Twine with a Step up: I put this instruction at the end of my patterns so that if you are unfamiliar with the step up you can go to the back and read it. *Mark the three spokes you began your round reed behind as Spokes A, B, & C. A Step up is used to end one row and begin the next evenly. At the end of your first row of triple twining, stop after you have twined the spoke before Spoke A. You will be reversing the order you pick up your round reed for your next three twines only. Instead of picking up your round reed on the left and passing it in front of two spokes and behind the third, pick up the piece on the right first passing it in front of Spokes A & B and position it behind Spoke C. Then go back and pick up the next piece on the right and pass it in front of the Spoke before Spoke A and Spoke A and position it behind Spoke B. Now the last piece passes in front of the two spokes before Spoke A and position it behind Spoke A. You will now be behind Spokes A, B and C, the same three spokes you started behind. Go back to regular triple twining for each row but step up in the same spot at the end of each of your rows.* Hope that helped. Sharon Klusmann Cornerstone Baskets www.SharonKlusmann.com Sharon %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's All For Now Folks. To Post A Message Use: davidc@iei.net or ka9zre@yahoo.com To Subscribe Use: weaverswords-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To Unsubscribe Use: weaverswords-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com