"Weavers Words" Vol. 7 Iss. 13 MADE IN AMERICA BY A PROUD AMERICAN!!! Date Sent: December 14, 2003 Back Issues: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS: 1.) Back issues of Weaver's Words can be found at: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ 2.) If you are new to Weaver's Words, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) You can order a copy of the "Basketry Travel Companion", your guide to basket shops, galleries, exhibits and much more across the United States and world wide, by sending me $15.00 via PayPal (a free service) at: http://www.paypal.com/ (Send Payment To ka9zre@yahoo.com) OR Via money order / check at: David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEFORE POSTING VIRUS WARNINGS TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! Check The Following Link To Assure The Virus Isn't A Hoax: http://urbanlegends.about.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAKE A DONATION TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=ka9zre%40yahoo.com&item_name=Weaver%27s+Words+Donations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLEASE SHOP AT WEAVER'S WORDS BOOKSTORE!!! A GREAT source for Books, CD's, VHS's, DVD's, Video Games, Electronics and much more. PLEASE BOOKMARK THIS PAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/basket.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Goats Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:22:53 -0400 From: "Ina Peckham" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Do you sell a pattern for goats in peyote stitch for beading? I'm trying to find one for a Christmas present for my friend that sells goats Thank You. Reply To vainap@cox.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Walnut Crystals Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:16 PM From: Linhebert@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net To: Karen D'Angelo Re: Walnut crystals I think you definitely caused a lot of us to sit up straight and re-read your paragraph when we saw "walnut CRYSTALS". Thanks for the tip! What a neat idea! I guess I just need to get some and see about any possible toxins used to create this crystallized version of the dye. I haven't submitted anything to this list for quite some time, since I publish my own newsletter twice-monthly and it keeps me busy coming up with fresh ideas to share. The free e-mail newsletter includes Basketry Supply Specials & Sales at the first of the month, and Basketry Info, Free Patterns and/or Basketry History in the mid-month issue. If you're not on the list but would like to be, visit our home page and go to "Sign Up for our Newsletter." Happy Weaving! Linda Hebert V. I. Reed & Cane http://www.basketweaving.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New Guild In Michigan Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:08 PM From: "Sandy Atkinson" To: Dear David And fellow Weavers, We have started a new guild in the Mid Michigan area called the "Mid Michigan Basket Weavers Guild." We have around 16 members now and of course we desire to grow our membership. We meet on the first Sat of each month, starting around 9:30 am and weaving until around 1 or 2:00pm. We meet at Atkinson's Country House near Lennon. Our motto is: To further our knowledge with work shops and classes, keeping in mind all levels of weaving skills. We are not selective about your weaving skills; we accept all weavers, all levels. We feel we each have a lot to offer and can help each other. The first event that we are hosting is Bonnie Gail from NY working with willow. She will offer two classes, one on Sat. Oct. 11 from 9am to 5 pm, weaving the Early American Life Lunch Basket. Material and class fee for the day is $69.00 per student. Our guild will offer a lunch that day for $5.00 as a fundraiser. Then on Sunday Oct. 12 from 1 to 5pm, Bonnie will teach the Spoon Basket. Cost of material and class fee for the half day is $38.00. No lunch this day. You must preregister for either or both classes. There are still a few seats left. If interested call and let us know very soon! Mid Michigan Basket Weavers Guild 810-621-4947 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Willow Class Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:14 PM From: "Sandy Atkinson" To: Dear David And Weavers, Our newly formed guild "Mid Michigan Basket Weavers Guild" is hosting a Bonnie Gail Willow Workshop on Oct. 11 and 12. On Sat Oct 11, from 9 am to 5 pm, Bonnie will teach the Early American Life Lunch Basket. Material and class fee is $69.00 for the day. Our guild is offering a lunch for $5.00 this day. On Sun Oct. 12 from 1 to 5 pm Bonnie will teach the Spoon Basket. Material and class fee is $38.00 for the day. No lunch will be offered for this half day class. You must pre register for either or both classes. There are a few seats open in each class. Classes will be held at Atkinson's Country House near Lennon. Call 810-621-4947 to register for classes. Outside the area, you can call toll free at 1-800-832-3071. Atkinson's Country House Country Basket Weaving 2775 Riniel Road Lennon, Michigan 48449 Customer Service: 810-621-4947 Orders Only: 1-800-832-3071 Fax: 810-621-3058 Email: Sandy@Sandyatkinson.Com Web Site: www.sandyatkinson.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Hello From The NorEsta Cane & Reed Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 6:26 PM From: Cris To: davidc@iei.net Hi All, We would like to invite you to visit our web site and on line store. Please visit us soon at http://www.noresta.com Thank You! Happy Weaving! The NorEsta Cane & Reed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Mid Summer Weave 2004 Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:07 AM From: Bonnie (Easterbrooks) Krist To: davidc@iei.net The Heritage Basketry Guild of Dayton, Ohio has set the date for our 2004 Mid Summer Weave. It will take place July 10, 2004 - 8AM to 5PM. Individuals interested in teaching are encouraged to submit Teacher Proposal Forms. We are looking for a variety of 2 hour, 6hour, and 8 hour classes. The cost of the basket/project class should reflect the cost of materials, kit preparation, mold or tool rental, pattern and teacher's fee. We request one form, pattern and colored photograph (not a jpeg image) for each proposed basket/project. The deadline for submitting proposals is Saturday, November 1st. Baskets/projects will be reviewed and selected by the MSW committee by Friday, November 14th. If you would like a Teacher Proposal Form, please contact Bonnie Krist, Teacher Liaison @ evergree@erinet.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Charm Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:19 PM From: Sherian Cody To: davidc@iei.net Hello Everyone, I would like introduce my new sterling silver mini berry basket charm. This is a great gift idea for Christmas for your favorite friend, a family member or a basket buddy. It comes already in a crocheted beaded gift bag. Please come and take a look at this great gift idea. www.sugarcreekpatterns.com September is almost over and but there is still time to get your free pattern with a $25.00 order. Hurry before time runs out! Sherian Cody www.sugarcreekpatterns.com fscody@worldnet.att.net 317-861-9754 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers In Fond du Lac, WI Area Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 15:49:10 EDT From: BERTACCHI@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Hi All, My sister in law from Fond du Lac has just been bitten by the basket weaving bug and was wondering if there are any guilds or basket weavers in her area. She is taking some classes but has to drive 45 minutes at night and was hoping to find something closer and some cohorts to weave with. Appreciate any info you can pass on to me at bertacchi@aol.com. Thanks a bunch. Marilyn Bertacchi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: September-October Newsletter Posted Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 9:19 AM From: Pat Yunkes To: Patricia Yunkes The new newsletter is now posted. Just go to my web page www.patriciabaskets.com to find it. Featured articles are Selling Patterns, Pictures from Lomond Elementary School in Shaker Heights, Ohio and Cornell Abraxas School in Marienville, Pa., Comments on the weather and basketmaking, Antique sewing baskets, A Puzzle Solved, and a new free technique and pattern of the month. Also new to my web pages is a totally new section on gourds. I have more pictures to be added here, but I needed to get the whole thing up and I am running out of time. I will be adding a page for basket jewelry (handmade of course), so check back in a week or so for that. Happy Weaving, Patricia Yunkes Visit my web page at www.patriciabaskets.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" Vl. 7 I. 12 Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 12:36:11 -0400 From: "Jim and Kay Autrey" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com, davidc@iei.net Dear Weavers, I am new to weaving and have a question about dyeing baskets after completion. I have several completed baskets, which I would now like to tint, but I am hesitant, thinking that they will lose their shape if I do. My intuition tells me that I can go ahead and dye them in a warm liquid bath of tea or coffee, but I will have to be careful to reshape each one. Rats - I like them just the way they are! Any friendly advice? Also, does anyone know of any basket classes or conventions in the west NC/east Tenn area this fall? Is there a basket weaving magazine one can subscribe to or are most of us bonded electronically these days? Nuke %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:30 PM From: Dianne Gleixner To: 'davidc@iei.net' I'd like to invite everyone to Lake Country Basket Guild's Basket Fest 2004. It will be Friday, April 30 through Sunday May 2, 2004, and will be held at the Sheraton Milwaukee-Brookfield Hotel, just west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Although this is our 11th year holding Basket Fest, this is a new location for us. We are excited about the change, as this will give everyone the opportunity to stay right at the hotel and not have to go anywhere else for the entire weekend. In previous years, Fest was held on a community college campus, with classes located in different buildings. However due to budget cuts, the campus will no longer be opening on Sundays. After much searching, we found a new location that will meet our needs, without having to increase fees for registration! Another exciting change is the addition of an 11th teacher! We had many excellent teacher proposals and it was tough to choose from them all. We'll have classes for all abilities, and a wide variety of materials. Don't forget about Basket Boutique (our vendor area), the Silent Auction, and our Teachers Marketplace! If you are looking for an excellent mid-west convention, or are skipping the Indiana convention, give Basket Fest a try. Learn why past teachers and students alike keep coming to Basket Fest year after year. For information on how to become a member of the Lake Country Basket Guild, send me a private e-mail. Membership dues are $15 annually. Paid members as of December 1, 2003, will receive the first mailing of the Basket Fest brochure and have first crack at classes. Classes fill fast; so don't wait till you hear about it from friends! On a sad note, I came across the following news on Susi Nuss' BasketMakers.com site. The world of contemporary basketry lost one of its most influential contributors on September 11, 2003. Shereen LaPlantz, basketmaker, author and publisher lost her battle with cancer. A personal memorial from her husband David is available as well as an obituary with a guest book. http://laplantz.com/Pages/David_memorial.html http://www.legacy.com/Times-Standard/LegacySubPage2.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=1399544 My thoughts are with her family. She will surely be missed by many. Dianne Gleixner SE Wisconsin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Response To Babs Kasper Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:43 PM From: Laurie Harper To: davidc@iei.net Dear David, Thank you for your continued efforts with Weavers Word over the years! I've just returned from the 7th Annual Fiber Retreat in Columbia, MO where Polly Adams Sutton and Jackie Abrams each taught wonderful classes! Jo Stealey and all those involved in organizing the event, did a very nice job. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend of shared creativity. I'm responding to Babs Kasper's e-mail about the IBA Convention. I truly thought that things had moved forward and there was no need to re-hash what had received considerable press in the past. I'm sure someone from IBA will respond with specific details, but I can't imagine why teachers would "boycott" a convention. This is part of their livelihood and they wouldn't really have anything to gain by boycotting. As a professional in the group travel/meeting planning industry, I felt compelled to respond to Ms. Kasper's posting. Many factors play into the selection of a convention destination such as room rates, attrition and cancellation policies, and how rooms attrition affects the cost of contracted function space that is used for teaching and display areas. Hotel's typically generate their best revenues on Food and Beverage, so when a basket convention group has low commitments on F&B and many double (triple or quad) occupied rooms in the group block AND has proportionately very high demand for function space (which can't be resold in the evenings for other catering events), it should stand to reason that every guild's convention organizing committee will review what properties (hotel/university/etc.) provide the best hosting facility and cost/value for the attendee with the least exposure to the guild. Many people do not realize the exposure a guild undertakes when signing hotel contracts, and my guess is that IBA has found a property that can host IBA's convention at a reasonable cost for attendees while keeping IBA's exposure to a minimum. In Missouri, the decision to have the convention in the Kansas City area in 2004, was a matter of the chairs for the convention living in the KC area. A huge amount of time and energy go into chairing a convention and although it is possible to chair a convention from a distant locale, it is much easier for the chairs to live near where the convention is being held. My personal opinion about the lower attendance at Basketry Conventions is that many states, including Missouri, now have more than one large basketry event being held each year. However, the number of people participating in this craft has not necessarily doubled. The economy remains soft and weaving for most people is a hobby, not a necessity. When you have twice as many "events" competing for the same number, or even fewer weavers, the result is unfortunately going to be lower attendance across the board for most events. Again, this is just my opinion. I'll step off my soap box. There is no intention on my part to offend anyone. If I have done so, I sincerely apologize. However, I just hate to see Weavers Word used as a forum for what seemed to be a re-airing of dirty laundry. Laurie Harper St. Louis, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Color Chart Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 9:48 PM From: Marv or Mary Anne Nielsen To: davidc@iei.net Do you know where I can purchase the color mixing chart for Rit Dyes? I saw your listing on the web but when I went to the sight that was about the color chart it was not in service anymore. Then you name came up later so thought I'd give it a try. Thanks for any help you can give me. Mary Anne Nielsen at mnielsen2@charter.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Special Classes At Baskets Of Joy! Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 12:53:39 -0400 From: "Baskets Of Joy" To: "Baskets Of Joy" NANTUCKET BASKET WORKSHOP Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 1 & 2, 2003 MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Class is Nov. 1 & 2 (Saturday and Sunday). Weave the Nantucket of your choice with Sharon Owens of Massachusetts. Class size is limited; cost includes rental of mold for class. Cost varies with the project you choose, from $170 - $350, so price will be charged when you sign up (photo is just one sample). Call today for more information! 1-800-377-6097. Advance signup is required--this class fills up quickly! Deposit: $50 due when you sign up. 2004 WORKSHOPS WITH MARTHA WETHERBEE Friday, August 6th, 9 am - 3 pm: "SUGAR SERVICE" Nantucket Workshop Saturday & Sunday, August 7th & 8th: "CONFECTION" Shaker Workshop www.basketsofjoy.com BASKETS OF JOY 81 Old Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011 Customer Service 207-725-5899 Orders 800-377-6097 Fax 207-725-6004 basketsofjoy@basketsofjoy.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Looking For Dianne Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 10:37 AM From: Linda Scherz Allen To: davidc@iei.net Hi David & Everyone, It's been a long time since I wrote. I'm hoping someone can assist me. I am trying to reach Dianne Stanton. The phone number I have & the email I have are not working. I would appreciate anyone either forwarding this request to Dianne or if they would email me her contact information. My email is: basketry@gisco.net Thanks so much. I also have several patterns that I have been revising and many new ones. If anyone is interested or has expressed interest in the past, please send or resend an email to me. With my previous computer I had many problems and unfortunately lost a lot of information. I'm working on getting up to date on the new computer. We sure have had fall weather here; even some snow this past week. Linda Scherz Allen Adirondack Basketry 7347 Number Four Road Lowville, NY 13367 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Fall Basket Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 11:55:58 EDT From: EHBrandt101@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Hello Weavers, Which space-dyed reed is the most like FALL colors?? I cant order too many lbs just to look at it; have order for fall basket with fall colors and I cant dye all that. so thought I would use Space dyed. Thanks, Nancy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Print Your Halloween Bucket Pattern Today! Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 9:26 AM From: Baskets Of Joy To: Baskets Of Joy HALLOWEEN BUCKET Go to www.basketsofjoy.com to print your own copy of this fun basket! A simple double spoked base, dyed accent weavers and stakes, and a great handle make this basket perfect for Trick-or-Treating or for serving your goodies. We used Rit powder dyes in orange and green for ours. Make up your own scary combination! Halloween D Handle: Creeepy green with Candy Corn stenciled on it, $9.95 Candy Corn Mini Stencil, $3.25 Rit Powder Dyes, $2.15 each Sunshine Orange Tangerine Golden Yellow Dark Green Kelly Green Black Cocoa Brown Black Plum Aubergine Plus many more! NANTUCKET WORKSHOP Saturday & Sunday, November 1 &2, 2003 Sign up today to join Sharon Owens to weave your heirloom Nantucket basket. All levels of weaver are welcome--many styles to choose from. Space is limited, so call or email us today to sign up! Fun Fall & Winter Classes at Baskets Of Joy! Visit our website to see our current schedule, including the Mitten Basket, Halloween Bucket, Snowman Greeter and more! Go to class schedule now. We hope you can join us! www.basketsofjoy.com BASKETS OF JOY 81 Old Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011 Customer Service 207-725-5899 Orders 800-377-6097 Fax 207-725-6004 basketsofjoy@basketsofjoy.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Land Of Lincoln Website Down? Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:31 PM From: "Cathryn Peters" To: Does anyone know if the Land of Lincoln, the guild from Illinois is experiencing problems with their website or if it's been closed or sold? I have been trying for several weeks to get it to work, but keep getting the 404 Error code message. The URL I have is http://www.llbwa.com/ that I took directly from their site on 8/1/2003, but since it hasn't worked in quite some time, I decided to remove the link from my http://www.WickerWoman.com/basketguilds.html link page. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. I would like to join the guild again and put the link back on my website for others to see and use! The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters "Weaving for Preservation, Education and Innovation!" Wicker Furniture Restoration Expert, Antler Basketmaker, Workshop Leader and Speaker, Pattern Author, and Writer 1250 Hwy 25 Angora, MN, USA 55703 Phone: 1-218-666-6189 Email: Info@WickerWoman.com Website: http://www.WickerWoman.com Ezine: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WickerWomansWeavings/ Photo Albums: http://www.picturetrail.com/wickerwoman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Purchasing Info for Colorado Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 4:19 PM From: Debbyoconnor@aol.com To: TamarasClub@aol.com More information regarding purchasing tickets to the play reading Tamara will be doing in Colorado: Tickets are $36 for Patron (reserved seating) tickets, $10 for adults and $5 for students. Group rates are available. Tickets are available at: the Boulder Bookstore, 1107 Pearl Street; Middle Fish, 1500 Pearl Street; Copy Express outlets at 2720 Canyon Road in Boulder and 309 Waneka Parkway in Lafayette; or by calling the ADL at 303-830-7177 or 303-443-2723. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: NCBA Website Update Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 14:27:38 -0800 From: "Mary Zeh Kuhr" To: "David Collins" Hello David and Fellow Basket makers, I have just finished updating the NCBA website, so if you haven't come by for awhile, click on http://www.ncbasketmakers.com Photos from the West Virginia convention and the Goldweavers' Harvest Workshop have been added, along with a new free pattern. Past free patterns are not archived, so you'll need to visit the site often if, like me, you can't bear to pass up a free pattern. I miss the large volume of Weavers' Words from the past. It was so nice to hear what everyone was doing. Let's see if we can't get the ball rolling again! Happy Halloween, Y'all, Mary in sunny-and-warm-perfect-Halloween-weather NC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:29 AM From: BARTZ-JONES To: davidc@iei.net Hi, Just wondering if this is still active, as I have not gotten a new message since 09/21/03 and sure do miss reading Weaver's Words? Thanks, BLB Northwoods, Wisconsin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 7 I. 10 Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 10:53:16 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) From: "Lisha Kimball" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Hi Girls... I was wondering if anyone knows anything about Plymouth Reed & Cane (in Michigan)? Are they still in business? I've been trying to get them on the phone but its not in service... Also, I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences with me on how they published their basket booklets? I've discovered that I have a life threatening illness so; I'm looking for other things to keep me busy until I conquer it. I'm looking to have some of my patterns published in a booklet form, and need some help in how to accomplish it. Any advise would be helpful & very much appreciated. Lisha Kimball kimball@kear.tds.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Georgia Basketry Convention Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 5:17 PM From: PJabaley@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net The annual convention of the Georgia Basketry Association is being held February 6-8, 2004 at the Holiday Inn in Roswell, GA (just north of Atlanta). We currently have an enrollment of 138 participants but still have spots open in some great classes with some wonderful teachers. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the convention booklet please contact Sybil Sweat at Sweatsybilts@aol.com or 770-594-0780. Patsy Jabaley, GBA President %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Little Christmas Bucket Pattern Available Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 13:03:28 -0500 From: "Baskets Of Joy" To: "Baskets Of Joy" Little Christmas Bucket Go to www.basketsofjoy.com to print the pattern for this sweet little basket! We used a 3" round wood base with a groove and a pretty little Christmas beanpot handle to create this special Christmas basket. We used dyed green stakes and dark wine accents and curls to add holiday color. Good size to give filled with little goodies, perfect for co-workers and teachers. Ready to ship on Nov. 14th, so order yours today! Little Christmas Bucket Kit: Includes base, handle and all dyed and natural reed to weave this little basket, $14.95 (Pattern not included--go to www.basketsofjoy.com to print your pattern today!) SUMMER WORKSHOPS with Martha Wetherbee Friday, August 6th, 2004 Nantucket Salt & Pepper Basket. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Small and pretty, a great addition to your personal Nantucket collection. Saturday & Sunday, August 7th & 8th, 2004 Shaker Confection Basket. Weave a beautiful ash basket in this two-day workshop. We'll be offering more advanced Shaker classes over the next few seasons, so you'll want to get some experience weaving these wonderful baskets. Class space is limited, so call or email us today to sign up! Classes at Baskets Of Joy! Visit our website to see our current class schedule and to view photos of the baskets we'll weave. If you have a special class request, be sure to let us know! Go to class schedule now. We hope you can join us! www.basketsofjoy.com BASKETS OF JOY 81 Old Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011 Customer Service 207-725-5899 Orders 800-377-6097 Fax 207-725-6004 basketsofjoy@basketsofjoy.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Class Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 2:09 PM From: Deb Mather To: davidc@iei.net I had my first experience at Michigan convention -- WHAT FUN!!! I would encourage anyone who has been thinking about going but hasn't made it yet to make the plans and attend. It was such a great time! So nice to see some old friends and meet new ones! Everyone was very friendly and accommodating! There is such a variety of classes to choose from - the hardest part is actually making the choices as to what to take. Too bad we can't just take several weeks of classes to get them all. I want to let everyone know that Marlys Sowers will be teaching in Owatonna MN on February 6, 7, and 8th - 2004. She will teach the Turned Rim Vase, Gypsy Willow, and Mini Backpack. If you are interested in more information, contact Deb at bsktcase@hickorytech.net I am wondering if anyone knows where the poem "The Weaver" comes from? I had gotten it some time ago, copied it, but don't remember where and don't have an author. Thank You! Deb Mather %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Shave Horse Plans Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:28 PM From: Karen M Johnson To: davidc@iei.net Does anyone know where I can purchase a shave horse or plans for one?? Thanks, Karen Johnson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver Words Announcement Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:16 PM From: "Craig and Anne Urso" To: "David Collins" David, Just wanted to mention that I now have a website for Middleton Basketry & Supplies, in Middleton, WI. This site displays photos of the shop, lists classes, states hours of operation, gives directions to the shop and provides an e-mail link for questions/comments. Thanks for posting this on your newsletter. I certainly enjoy reading comments and tips from fellow weavers. www.middletonbaskets.com Anne Urso Middleton Basketry & Supplies 6517 Century Ave. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-3252 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New From Cornestone Baskets Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 21:06:42 EST From: SharonKlusmann@aol.com To: Ka9zre@yahoo.com Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this finds you all well and ready to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with family and friends. We have three new "fun" patterns and kits to share with you this time. Our featured basket is our Mini Snowman Companion Bowl with the same precious trio of snowman that are painting on our Mini Snowman with swing handle. They have grown up a bit and are now painted on the base of our mini bowl with its beautifully braided rim. This kit is on sale this month. To complete our Mini Snowman series, look for a Mini Snowman lid coming soon. Our two other new patterns and kits are the first of six new patterns designed for Arnies Arts & Crafts adorable painted bases. The first is a snowman face painted on an 8" slotted base. Look for this cutie on our new Page 7, which will eventually feature all of Arnies painted base designs. Next is our Double Walled Tray with Hanging Grapes. This tray is sturdy with painted bean pot handles to help hold your snack or help clear your dishes. A great Christmas gift idea! Come and browse all 7 pages of patterns and kits! In Him Who Is Our Cornerstone, Sharon Klusmann Cornerstone Baskets www.SharonKlusmann.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 11:28:22 -0800 From: "Pat Yunkes" To: "David Collins" You do not need to publish this, and if you do, please feel free to edit. Dear David, I have noted that you mentioned some time ago that you were not getting many letters to post. I have also noticed that not as many editions come out. I'm going to stick my neck out, and venture an opinion. When Weavers Words came out, it was sort of a chat room for weavers...to give and get information. I have found, and heard from other people that WW has gotten away from that...it has become a format for anyone giving classes or having a sale to list every detail... something that should be done on their website. When I send in information on my new newsletter being posted, I try to limit my words to a few things that might interest readers. There is always more to say, but I say it in my newsletter, which is available on my website. You might limit commercial advertisements to a fact that their new classes for spring (or whenever) are posted and can be found on their website. They could list the teachers because everyone wants to know who is teaching where, but do not need to describe each and every class and it's cost. That should be done on their website, and they could give their web site for any one who wants more information. That way, your newsletter could be free for readers to exchange ideas. I believe that was the original intent. You might consider asking readers for their feedback on this idea. Patricia Yunkes Visit my web page at www.patriciabaskets.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Testing Basket Patterns Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 10:47:19 -0800 From: "Pat Yunkes" To: "David Collins" Dear David, It seems like I could use a little help again. Perhaps some of your readers might be interested. Many of you already know the sad story of my computer crashing a year ago, and my losing all of my patterns. I had them re-typed and have been putting the pictures and drawings back on, and most of them are done. I have also been writing new patterns. Mistakes have been made because 1) typographical errors and 2) when you write a pattern, you go over it so many times and know it so well that you simply fail to see errors. ALL these patterns need to be re-tested, and I don?t have enough people to do so many patterns. So I am asking for volunteers to help test patterns. To test a pattern and kit, you need to have some weaving experience. For beginners - know the basic basket weave. Adv. Beginners - Know the basic basket weave, how to twine, can set a handle and rim. Intermediate - Know most basket weaves, but willing to try some new ones, can set a handle and rim, willing to try some new techniques. Advanced - Must be willing to take more time with a basket, can shape baskets, Can see when you have made a mistake in the pattern (broken pattern), willing to count. I will provide a list of patterns to be tested. You may go to my web site patterns page, and choose one that you want to do. Please list 10 patterns in order of preference, as I will not duplicate test patterns and kits, and your first choices may already be taken. I will provide 2 patterns and one kit. You will make and keep the basket. You will return one pattern with your notes on any errors or suggestions you may have. You will also make a note if the kit was short in any parts, or how much material was left over. Please e-mail me if you are interested. Patsbaskets@pennswoods.net Patricia Yunkes Visit my web page at www.patriciabaskets.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Need Help Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 9:31 AM From: Gatz, Dolores To: 'davidc@iei.net' Hi David, Back a couple of years ago I participated in and exchange with M. Smoot as a partner. She sent me a tote. Well we emailed a bit and exchanged a few things after the exchange. I'm putting a package together I'm like to send her. Wanted to verify her address so I emailed her. The email came back unknown. Does she happen to still be a member of Weavers Words and do you have a new address for her. First first name was Margaret, well not really but it was something close to that. She was living in Alaska at the time. Would really like to get in contact with her again. Dolores %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Word Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 09:15:50 -0500 From: "C & D BASKETS" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Hi Everyone, I am searching for a copy of "The Basketmak'r" Book two by Deborah Blair. I lost my Wife's copy and I want to replace it. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Tip For Reed Bundles Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 3:49 PM From: Jodi Gouwens To: davidc@iei.net I haven't seen an issue of Weavers Words in a while and really miss it. I have a hint for keeping those coils of reed together. Before you take off the last of the ties that hold the coil together, wrap a ponytail holder around the end of the bundle. I use the bright colored ones that don't have little balls and don't have the little metal connector piece on them. They really help to keep the bundle together at the end. As the bundle gets smaller you can pull up on them and give another wrap around the bundle to keep it tight. These ponytail bands are more durable than rubber bands and I have never had one break. From Fairbanks, Alaska -- where we have a pleasant heat wave of 10 above zero today and we always have a white Christmas :-) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: About My Mom And Baskets Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 6:00 AM From: Patjc333@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, I have an 86-year-old Mom who makes baskets. She loves to do them and talk baskets. I was wondering if there is a way you can sign her up to where she can talk to other basket people plus receiver things about basket. Katie Calvert said she thought you might could help. Here is mom address. marycabe@asapgroup.com Here name is Mary Cody. Thanks for all your help. Pat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's All For Now Folks. 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