"Weavers Words" Vol. 7 Iss. 03 MADE IN AMERICA BY A PROUD AMERICAN!!! Date Sent: June 08, 2003 Back Issues: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS: 1.) Back issues of Weaver's Words can be found at: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ 2.) If you are new to Weaver's Words, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) You can order a copy of the "Basketry Travel Companion", your guide to basket shops, galleries, exhibits and much more across the United States and world wide, by sending me $15.00 via PayPal (a free service) at: http://www.paypal.com/ (Send Payment To ka9zre@yahoo.com) OR Via money order / check at: David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEFORE POSTING VIRUS WARNINGS TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! Check The Following Link To Assure The Virus Isn't A Hoax: http://urbanlegends.about.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAKE A DONATION TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=ka9zre%40yahoo.com&item_name=Weaver%27s+Words+Donations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLEASE SHOP AT WEAVER'S WORDS BOOKSTORE!!! A GREAT source for Books, CD's, VHS's, DVD's, Video Games, Electronics and much more. PLEASE BOOKMARK THIS PAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/basket.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Leather Handles Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:40:49 -0500 From: "Kim Leppin" To: EHBrandt101@aol.com, ka9zre@yahoo.com You might want to check out Homestead Heirlooms for all your leather needs. I happen to know the two owners and they are very helpful and have some wonderful leather handles and accessories. Kim Leppin in SE Wisconsin http://www.homesteadheirlooms.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: This Is An Answer For A Weavers Words Question Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 22:47:07 EDT From: BasketArtistry@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net This is an answer for Nancy in Glen Arm, MD who asked about cranberry leather handles...please contact Karen Booth at Homestead Heirlooms-she makes all sorts and sizes of leather handles and straps, as well as backpack straps. She has done several custom pieces for me-special sizes or colors are no problem if you can give her a sample color to try to match, and allow her a little time to do it in. She does a beautiful job, and is very reasonable for the quality she provides. Her phone number for the business is 262-367-8739. Hope this helps, Sue Preuss %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Leather Handles Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 09:28:57 EDT From: AlottaBaskets@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com In regards to leather handles. There is a great place in Wisconsin that sells them (www.homesteadheirlooms.com). I've also found that I can find great prices on scrap leather at the local craft stores and have been able to make several of my own side handles by using a grommet tool and grommets. Also, when going to garage sales and thrift shops look for discarded purses with leather straps. Darla %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Classes Are Still Available For The Mid Summer Weave Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 23:54:24 -0400 From: "Bonnie Easterbrooks" To: Have you ever wanted to try your hand at gourds, beading, pine needles, or rush paper? If so, the Mid Summer Weave is the place to be! It is not too late! Classes are still available. This summer the Heritage Basketry Guild of Dayton, OH will be hosting our Third Annual "Mid-Summer Weave". It will be held at the Community Methodist Church on Saturday, July 12, 2003. Classes being offered by: Patty Bagley - Marietta, Georgia Tom Holtkamp - Noblesville, Indiana Gail Hutchinson - Milton, West Virginia Betty Kourkounakis - Dover, Ohio Brenda Traffis - Concord Twp, Ohio Pat Welti - Cincinnati, Ohio Karen Wheeler - Columbus, Ohio Visit http://www.geocities.com/midsummerweave/ to view the classes and print the registration form. Any questions??? Please email me at evergree@erinet.com We Would Love To Have You Join Us! Bonnie Easterbrooks Krist %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New Basket Store In Florida! Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 02:01:20 -0400 From: "Mona Webb" To: Hi David, My name is Mona Webb, we've never met, but I have viewed your website and my teacher Clarice Weathers got me hooked up to your newsletter. Clarice after 25 years of teaching basket making, spinning and weaving lost the lease on her shop "Weaver's Emporium" and decided to 'retire'! Yea right! She has more going on than a one arm wall paper hanger. At this time I'd like to thank her for all she has done in our community and the fibre arts community as well. She is a powerful woman with endless talents and abilities. I am very pleased that she is on board with me as an expert basket instructor. I decided to purchase her inventory and open a basket shop in a different location in our town. The new store is BASKET EMPORIUM we are located on US1 in Melbourne, Florida. We carry a complete line of basket supplies and gourds. I would like to invite anyone interested in visiting our area to stop in and make a basket. Attached is my flyer for anyone interested in class schedules, etc. I would appreciate it if you would include this e-mail in your next Weaver's words. Thank you for your time and efforts. Mona Basket Emporium 406 N. Harbor City Blvd. Melbourne, Fl. 32935 321-757-0825 Store Phone %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bamboo Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 07:57:39 -0400 From: Helen Schwartz To: Help! Does anyone know a source of information or a good book on how to process and use bamboo to make baskets? I have a great source but the little I have read makes using bamboo sound daunting and I need to know a lot more before I get started. Thanks, Helen Schwartz %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: The Quick And Dirty Tour Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 12:59:13 +0000 From: jill.choate@att.net To: davidc@iei.net The Quick and Dirty Tour I have been accused of having a quick and dirty personality. Not really an attack on my character it's more of an observation on how I react to the world around me. My task philosophy is get it done and get it done as quickly as possible. The dirty part comes in with the amount of errors that are incurred by the lightning fast pace. To counteract this personality flaw you marry a turtle. Turtles are slow. They think a long time before they ever make a move. After a momentous time of brain storming (and with the planets becoming properly aligned) they perceive that the time has now come to make a move. Slow out of the starting box they steadfastly continue in a single direction until the task is completed. The methodical man of my dreams is a single tasker. Please do not confuse him with the clutter of possibly doing two things at once. To do so would be an insult to turtle etiquette. Because of this slow, simplified, system, turtles make no mistakes (just ask one). Working in tandem with a turtle is like teaching an adolescent how to use the accelerator and brake pedals simultaneously. Our Quick and Dirty Tour this year has been a brief stint into the greenery and perfume of a lovely Lower-48 spring. Still raining and dropping occasional plops of semi-snow in Alaska a reprieve from the battle of break up is a delight. We're half completed on our way back to Alaska and have but a visit in St. Louis, Bloomington, IL before we head for the Rockies and our last stop in Pagosa Springs, CO. We are gearing up for this year's winter expedition and will be training our dogs on a four wheeler when we return to the Great Land. We hope that you are gearing up for an Alaskan Adventure of your own by joining us for an Alaskan Bush Basketry Retreat. Iditarod, Fish On! Or if you prefer a personal bush adventure made to order for those wanting to step on the runners in the shadow of Mt. McKinley. For more information come visit us at www.jchoatebasketry.com or email us at jill@jchoatebasketry.com. Until we meet in Alaska. Jill Choate Jill Choate Talkeetna, Alaska www.jchoatebasketry.com jill@jchoatebasketry.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:56:00 +0000 From: "Mac Klingler" To: davidc@iei.net Dear David, I am looking for ideas on how to repair the rim/lashing on a baby bassinette. I assume that it is Bullrush but having never seen a Bullrush basket I am not sure. The rim is wrapped with a darker material that looks like a thin bark. A friend would like me to repair it for a new baby due in July (she just gave it to me, so I do not have much time). I make reed baskets and have done some Cedar but need help with this. Toni Klingler %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Computer Went Down Again Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 02:08:20 -0000 From: "Pat Yunkes" To: "David G. Collins, Jr." Dear David, Alas, disaster has struck again. For the second time in 14 months, my hard drive crashed. I was better prepared this time, and all I lost was my address book and my e-mails and e-mail addresses. I never though to back up e-mails, and backed up the rest improperly. I would appreciate it if anyone reading this who has signed up for my newsletter, or who has been receiving my newsletter notification would send me an e-mail at patsbaskets@pennswoods.net and ask to be placed on the mailing list again. There are two e-mail's I lost that I really need contact with the sender. It seems that after all this time of searching-at least 10 years, a lady sent me some real information on the purse I have that is made of cigarette wrappers. It is "tramp art". She sent me 2 e-mails, and I lost both of them. Alas. The second was from a chemist who wanted information on the twill weave. It seems she found a chemical whose structure was a basic two over, two under twill weave. Alas again. And a word of advice for those who back up on re-writable CD's. It does copy them, and you can put them back on the computer, but it takes a lot of work to get the files into shape to use. Don't be a skinflint like me, and use the discs you cannot use over. Penny wise and pound foolish fits very well. Thanks for posting this. Regards to all my basket weaving friends, Patricia Yunkes Patricia Baskets %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: (No Subject) Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 13:47:36 EDT From: ShirleyWeaves@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com The North Shore Basket Guild in Duluth, Minnesota will hold it's 2nd annual basket retreat on August 2 and 3, 2003. There is still time to register. We have some great teachers lined up: Risė Andersen Marlene Meyer Sandy Bulgrin Diane Ericson Karen Wheeler Marilyn Wald For more information and to print out a mailable registration form, go to www.nsbg.org. Thanks! Shirley Adamczak, Past President %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Need Your Help Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 18:43:21 -0700 From: "Mary Zeh Kuhr" To: "David Collins" Does anyone out there know how I can get up with Cathy Strickland? E-mail address? Phone number? I believe she moved out of NC several years ago and I haven't seen or heard from/about her since. E-mail me privately if you prefer. Thanks For Your Help (I Hope), Mary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Traveling Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 22:02:31 EDT From: AuntPattie@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear Anybody who lives in New Zealand & Australia, My husband & I are going to Brisbane & Auckland in September. We will do the typical tourist things but he will be working for a couple of days in each city & I will be keeping myself amused. Are there any basket things going on? Are you interested in getting together to weave something? Please email me if you are interested. Thanks, Pattie Bagley in excruciatingly beautiful north Georgia %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Patriotic Free Pattern At Baskets Of Joy! Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 16:33:30 -0400 From: "Baskets Of Joy" To: "Baskets Of Joy" MY COUNTRY AT HEART We redesigned this pattern when Maurine wove one especially for her brother, who proudly serves in the U.S. Navy. This basket is in appreciation of all those who serve our country. In plenty of time for your Fourth of July celebration, you will want to weave up several of these pretty country baskets! KIT includes Patriotic Star Stenciled Base, Wire handle with spool (with white stars on a field of navy blue fabric), dyed reed in Navy blue, and all other materials needed to weave this basket. Just print out your Free Pattern at www.basketsofjoy.com today and order directly from the Free Pattern page! MY COUNTRY AT HEART KIT, for a limited time just $18.50 PATRIOTIC STAR STENCILED BASE $9.00 WIRE SPOOL HANDLE with matching fabric $3.50 Shipping will begin on June 4th! BASKET CLASSES We've added some new classes due to popular demand! You can find out more about our classes at www.basketsofjoy.com, view full color photos of many, and even sign up while you're there! Just go to the Classes section of our Online Catalog, or email us today! JUNE Saturday & Sunday, June 7 & 8: Chair Caning with Off Your Rocker Friday, May 13th: Seashore Welcome Basket with Towanda Brown Tuesday, June 17th: Southwestern Work Basket Tuesday, June 24th: Onion Storage Basket JULY Thursday, July 10h: Beginner's Pineneedle Basket with Maurine Joy Friday, July 18th: Gourd Vessel with Betsey Sloan Saturday, July 19th: Antler Wall Basket with Betsey Sloan AUGUST Sunday, August 3rd: Maine Woods Pack Basket with Maurine Joy Saturday and Sunday, August 9 & 10: Shaker Keepsake Basket with Martha Wetherbee Monday and Tuesday, August 11 & 12: Nantucket Seaside Basket with Martha Wetherbee We'd love to hear from you! We are open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (eastern time). Call Toll Free Today! 1-800-377-6097 basketsofjoy@basketsofjoy.com BASKETS OF JOY 81 Old Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011 Customer Service 207-725-5899 Orders 800-377-6097 Fax 207-725-6004 www.basketsofjoy.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Article About Judy Zafforoni Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 10:38:05 EDT From: D2crispin@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com This is an article that Peg Elliot Mayo wrote for the Corvallis paper. Let me know if it doesn't connect. Thanks, Donna http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2003/05/28/news/community/wedloc06.prt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Inclusion Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 09:49:20 -0400 From: Bonnie Gale Organization: English Basketry Willows To: davidc@iei.net Dear David: Please include the following note in the next Weaver's Words. I appreciate inclusion ASAP. Thank you very much. "Bonnie Gale, traditional willow basketmaker, who is know to many of you, will be attending the International Master Gardener's Convention with her eldest son, Timothy, on June 19, 20 aand 21st. She will be attending as a vendor and her and her son would love to stay with a basketmaker/family, if possible. The Convention is being held at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington, Kentucky, over the border from Cincinnati. They can travel an hour or so as the Vendoring hours are not arduous. Accommodation would be nice for the nights of the 17th through 21st. Can any one help, please? We are a lot of fun and can share basketry and weaving tales. Thank you for your consideration. Phone number is 607-336-9031 and E mail is bonwillow@ascent.net." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Ideas For Kids 10 And Under Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 05:52:03 -0400 From: "Cynthia Ludholtz" To: Help, Seems like the only time I email my basket buddies is when I am in need of help. I am teaching baskets to some of my church people, there are some kids that come along with their mothers and they want to weave too. Could someone give me some ideas on patterns to use? I need something not too large and easy enough for 7 and 8 year olds in particular. Thanks to all in advance. Cynthia Ludholtz Zenda Crafts zendava@gte.net Harrisonburg, VA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's All For Now Folks. To Post A Message Use: davidc@iei.net or ka9zre@yahoo.com To Subscribe Use: weaverswords-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To Unsubscribe Use: weaverswords-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com