"Weavers Words" Vol. 5 Iss. 50 MADE IN AMERICA BY A PROUD AMERICAN!!! Date Sent: March 22, 2002 Back Issues: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLEASE DO YOUR PART AND DONATE TO SOME REAL HEROES!!! New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund PO Box 65858 Washington D.C. 20035-5858 http://daily.iaff.org/fund.htm New York State Fraternal Order of Police 911 Police Plaza World Trade Centers Fund Hicksville, NY 11801 http://www.nysfop.org/WTCdisaster/Fund.html ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT YOU LOCAL FIRE & POLICE DEPARTMENTS!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS: 1.) Back issues of Weaver's Words can be found at: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ 2.) If you are new to Weaver's Words, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) You can order a copy of the "Basketry Travel Companion", your guide to basket shops, galleries, exhibits and much more across the United States and world wide, by sending me $15.00 via PayPal (a free service) at: http://www.paypal.com/ (Send Payment To ka9zre@yahoo.com) OR Via money order / check at: David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEFORE POSTING VIRUS WARNINGS TO WEAVER'S WORDS!!! Check The Following Link To Assure The Virus Isn't A Hoax: http://urbanlegends.about.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 48 Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 20:52:38 EST From: KZANEBSKT@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Hello, If you ever get a chance to go to Jill's Alaska Retreat take it. What a wonderful time. Everyone in Alaska has a story of how they got there. They are friendly and eager to make you feel welcome. The Cooper Whale Inn is quaint and has a beautiful view of Cook's Inlet. It is in walking distance of downtown and you are close to all the Iditirod excitement. Watching people watching teams get the dogs ready and the excitement of the dogs was a show before the race ever got started. The artwork and displays of basketry were exquisite. The native museum and hospital both had basketry history and samples that were excellent. Dinner at Lake Lucille was beautiful. The sun setting on the mountains and planes landing on the lake was peaceful after a full day in Anchorage. It was dark when we arrived at Denali Overlook Inn and we went straight to bed. The next morning imagine our surprise when the sun came up and we had a full view of Mt McKinley and the whole majestic mountain range as it turned several shades of pink and red and white. We had enough time to make two antler baskets with Jill and a birch bark basket with Ardella Hagen. The flight with Doug Geeting over Mt McKinley will take your breath away. We were lucky enough to get three rides with the dogs. Fish Lake, Larson Lake and Pirate Lake were all sites to behold. It does not take long to see why some people fall in love with mushing. Dinning with the locals of Talkeenta gave us a feeling of being one of their own. And spending an evening with Jill and her family was a delight. Elizabeth and Steve Gilroy were our host at the Inn. The Inn is as beautiful as the view that it offers. They put a lot of care into the place and in making your stay feel like you are in your home. This was a trip of a lifetime. If you want to see Alaska and not just the tourist spots this is the trip for you. Karen Zane %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Willow Baskets Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:56:06 -0800 From: iknick@msn.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com I would like to know if there is a place to learn how to weave willow baskets in the Ann Arbor Michigan area. Thank You, Irv iknick@msn.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 49 Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:57:54 -0800 From:"Lisha Kimball" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Wow, I bet no one here watches TV!!! I've been trying to keep up on the reading material but it seems like I still have 20 more copies to go... Lori...what a nice idea to do a site for beginner basket makers...good luck, that's great! Boy the time just goes by so fast...Taxes & inventories are done and the shows will be starting again soon. There is never enough time for a basket maker to smell the roses. I had to write to tell you girls about something... For a valentines gift my aunt was going to buy me a book... I'm sure that I already have everyone ever published by now, but it was the thought that counts. The book was The Legend of the Bushwhacker Basket, by Martha. One of my very favorites! She saw it on barnes and noble for $112.75!!!! I paid $ 21.95 for it...good mark up, huh!! The other funny thing that's happened are the patterns that I have pulled from my files. I found the Cherokee Market basket by Lyn Syler that was described as a Choctaw or Cherokee pattern then a Chippewa by Joan Moore (1986) then Grace Kabels Cherokee tote (1988) Their all the same...their all copy written but the person just changed the width of the weavers & spokes and made it a bigger or smaller tote... I had fun making them anyway and the pattern certainly was easy after so much practice. I remember the patterns in the old days of the 70's. We never had a PICTURE, are you crazy!! They were typed out the best the author could without diagrams etc. ~ but still with a love of giving... Lets face it! We're all spoiled...rotten!!! We certainly have come a long way...My husband just bought me a new digital camera and its fun to take pictures of the steps in progress of making the basket for the patterns...I think its great and exciting to say the least. Well, I've got to leave on a sunny note because I'm sure someone is going to beat me up here. Sometimes you will cry and no one will see your tears... Sometimes you will laugh and no one will see you smile... Sometimes you will fear and no one will see you shudder... Sometimes you will fall and no one sees you struggle... Sometimes you will be late and no one seems to notice... But, fart just one time... Lisha Kimball from the Basketmakers Shop Webster, NH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: MO Weavers Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 12:01 PM From: Fred & Deb Mather To: davidc@iei.net Want to attend a workshop for June -- check out the Weavin' in Winona workshop web site www.weavinwinona.com or http://www.geocities.com/basket4mn or contact me for a printed brochure. I have a friend who will be moving to Springfield, MO and is wanting information on classes and weavers in the area. Please email me private if you are in that area, or know of someone so I can pass the information onto her. Thanks! Deb Mather Owatonna MN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Deer Creek Basketry Guild Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 6:57 PM From: Nancy Brandt To: Weavers words Hello Weavers, Deer Creek basketry Guild made $1,000 at our basket bingo!!! And it was fun. Members made the 20 baskets for the game prizes. And 3 large baskets for raffle prizes. About 60 people attended. This is a fun, and not too hard, way to increase our treasury. Another guild asked for information last year; I think they had a bingo last fall but I never heard if they had a good profit. Nancy Glen Arm, Md. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: David - Re: Weavers Words - Please Note Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:49 PM From: Linhebert@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David, Perhaps you could make a note in the next Weavers Words that I did NOT post the two messages that you attributed to me. I'm not affiliated with the TN Basketweavers Convention and I have no info about it. Also, I didn't post the note about the Basket Swap. Thank you. Linda Hebert V. I. Reed & Cane http://www.basketweaving.com V. I. Reed & Cane has been a supplier of superior quality basketweaving kits and materials since 1981. Guaranteed highest quality reed with quick, friendly service and Secure Online Ordering. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Fish Trap Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 11:21 PM From: drpain To: Hi Everyone, I haven't posted for a long time. Hope everyone is doing well. I do read weavers word. I am looking for a pattern or pictures of a fish trap. The Eastern Woodlands Indians made these for catching fish and eels. I have a project in April that I need to make one for. I only found one picture and it is not to clear. Hoping someone might be able to help me out. Hope everyone is enjoying this spring weather we are having on the east coast. The robins have all returned. IN PEACE njweaver2 Mary Carty pinelandsfolk.com Baskets and dulcimers a match made in heaven. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Waxed Thread Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:31 PM From: Nancy Brandt To: Weavers words Hello Weavers, I can't find the WAXED Thread in my catalogs. Or is it waxed linen?? What Judy Wilson uses. How would I use it in splint baskets? Lashing but what else. I saw Judy Wilson when she was teaching a class at Woven Spirit; I enjoyed looking at her samples; great work; wish I had known about the class. Could someone send me her address?? Maybe I could get her to teach at our guild. Nancy Glen Arm, Md. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 49 Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 08:58:36 -0500 From: "drpain" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Hi Everyone, I haven't posted in sometime now but do read the posting of weaver's words. I would like to know if anyone has a pattern for a fish trap. I am doing a project with our local educational channel. They would like me to make a fish trap. We have some pictures but they are not really clear. I know the eastern woodlands Indians used a fish trap for catching eels. Hope someone can help me out. Hope everyone is enjoying the spring like weather we are having in NJ. If someone would like to contact me they can also call my shop. pinelandsfolk.com IN PEACE njweaver2 Mary Carty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 49 Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 23:27:38 -0700 From: "Rae Hunter" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Well, I can tell you there are buttons poppin' in Alberta today. I got the most wonderful Gourdgeous swap basket from Alene Miller from southwest Missouri. It is a fairly large gourd with coiled seagrass and lots of colorful bead embellishment. I can't wait for someone to come to visit so I can show off my basket. I may just have to take it visiting if nobody shows up. It is hard to imagine she has only been weaving for 2 years. I don't have to fold my plastic bags anymore either because she sent me a bag, bag. I also am heading into the shower to try the homemade lavender soap she also sent. So if you hear me singing you will know why, I love lavender it is so relaxing. Cheers Rae, in what is turning out to be a Spring-Winter in Alberta. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Pattern Revisions Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:14 AM From: To: Thanks to all of you that contributed to the discussion concerning revisions of patterns, I really appreciated the input. I guess I will continue with my plan of writing the original copyright date with a revised notation and date after it. Thanks again and keep an eye out for my revised antler basket patterns and the 10 new ones that are due out soon! Visit my Wicker Woman site! http://www.wickerwoman.com cathryn@wickerwoman.com or Wickrwoman@aol.com (without the "e") The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters 531 Main Street/PO Box 61 Zumbro Falls, MN, USA 55991-0061 Phone: 1-(507)-753-2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Teamster Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:04 PM From: Jill Choate To: Undisclosed-Recipient; Every musher thinks about it in their odyssey of running a dog team. Some think they'll never get there. Six is enough or eight is enough and maybe they'll even get up to ten dogs in a team. But sixteen dogs in a line up? Now that's a full hitch and a lot of power. Maybe some day. Our odyssey to Skwentna by dog team was a great adventure. Ninety-three miles round trip up the Yentna River powered by two teams. Our daughter Jennah (age 11) provided backup via "iron dog" and we all took our turn managing the beast while the other two ran the real dogs. Our portable home came in the form of an "arctic oven"; a tent made specifically for winter camping complete with wood stove. Our three days on the trail were clear and cold. Great for the dogs but at twenty below on the river, a bit nippy for those mushing enthusiasts who had to climb out of the sack, break camp and hook the team up. The scenery up the river was worth it. We began the trip with Hatcher Pass and the Talkeetna Mountains at our back and the Sleeping Lady (Susitna) beckoning us forward. Soon she bid us farewell as we turned up river and the peaks of Denali (Mt. McKinley) towered in the skyline. We passed the Iditarod checkpoint at Yentna Station and saw the straw beds of other teams long gone spread out on the river. Every mile up river is like a whisper that calls your name. "Come further," it says, "see what's around this bend". "Just a bit more", it suggests, "only another fifty miles to Finger Lake". It's not hard to see why there are those that become addicted to the Iditarod trail. As in so many things, it's not the destination... it's the journey. Here's one for the memory book. Every adventure has its high point and for us it was the decision to hook all sixteen dogs up and have a go on the trail home. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the right leaders to string the team out but once figured, there is nothing finer than seeing sixteen dogs running in sync. It's been a long trail but being able to manage a full team of dogs is quite the accomplishment. This must mean that we're now ready to race. Come on up for some adventure! The Alaska Bush Basketry Retreat - Fish On! is waiting you in August. It may be hot where you live but August in Alaska is perfect for fishing, sight seeing and more. Until we meet on the trail. Jill Choate Talkeetna, Alaska %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Patterns Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:55:43 -0600 From: "Jan Putra" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Hi, David thanks for your hard work in keeping this forum together. It has been interesting, the discussion about basket patterns and what makes a good pattern. Part of what NBO is planning to do is make "standards" for patterns that would indicate a pattern is well written and easy to follow. With the okay of Helene Meyer, director of NBO, I have volunteered to compile people's suggestions for future use of NBO. I have collected the suggestions of the past few issues of WW and am making a request that anyone that has a suggestion on what would make a "good" basket pattern to post to Weaver's Words or email me privately. You are all a very valuable resource and NBO would like your input. Thanks, Jan Putra janp@tds.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Baskets 2002: New Perspectives On An Ancient Tradition Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:30:52 -0500 From: "Susi Nuss" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Roberta Comstock: >>Susi - Sorry I can't be there to see the big show & take a workshop. Is there an exhibit catalog available? If so, how does one obtain a copy?<< It is a very interesting exhibition, featuring close to 80 basket artists. The opening last Saturday was well attended and it got TV coverage on Channel 8 early this week. There is a print catalog. Sorry, no photos other than the cover, which is in color and features Donna Kaplan's Undulations; Susan Kavicky's Earth Birth and Jo Hoersten's Linen and Gourd I. Many of the pieces are available for sale. Contact Nancy Macgregor [mailto: nmacgregor@handcraftcenter.org] to request a copy of the catalog or the full color postcard, which also features Cass Schorsch's Chrysalis. Northeast Basketmakers Guild is in the planning stages of a photographic 2003 calendar featuring the exhibition award winners. Contact Sharon Culberson [mailto:Hltpgdns@aol.com] if you want to get more information. Susi Susi Nuss BasketMakers http://basketmakers.com Email: mailto: susibasket@basketmakers.com http://forums.delphiforums.com/basketmakers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Twill Bases And Dye Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 09:46:51 -0500 From: "Mary Hooper" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Daniel: Thanks for your twill base sizes. Tony S: I notice the same sucking up of dye from the ends of the short pieces... I should have caught on to that sooner. It's a lot easier to dye by the piece, but guess I'll have to go back to doing it by the long length. Mary Hooper %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap Ends - Thank You! Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:53 PM From: JC Hagelberg To: I have passed the swap info over and Bonnie will be posting a message soon about the new swap starting soon. We had a lot of fun and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks...Jay Also, wanted to let everyone know if you have the chance to take a class from Mark Katz, it is well worth the cost...he is a great teachers and he did very well with the group this past weekend in Iowa. Take care everyone and can you believe we are going to end March with one of the coldest in years. Where is spring!!!??? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Let The WW 2002 Spring Basket Swap Begin.... Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:06 PM From: Bonnie Easterbrooks - Swap Coordinator To: davidc@iei.net Got Spring Fever? It's time to experience that wonderful sunshine, blue sky, green grass, those budding trees, blooming daffodils, singing birds, and that gentle warm breeze that comes through the open window as we weave. Jay Hagelberg just handed me the torch, so let the WW 2002 Spring Basket Swap begin. This will be a swap in which you will be randomly paired with a fellow Weaver's Word subscriber. Sign up will be open from now until April 9, 2002. After that date, you will be sent a message with the name and address of your Swap partner. Your personally woven basket must be sent to that person no later May 17, 2002. (Anyone who has failed to follow through in a previous WW swap will not be allowed to participate.) Sign up now for the WW 2002 Spring Swap, by emailing the following information to me at basketswap@hotmail.com: Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number (this will be for the coordinator's use only): Two unique statements about yourself: Favorite colors: I encourage all weavers, regardless of weaving abilities, to participate. This past Swap was my first and I was a very hesitant since I had never participated, and a relatively new weaver. I found it to be great fun. I was proud of the basket I wove, and received a really neat basket in return. Take this opportunity to share a little bit about yourself and your love of basketry - make a new friend. Time now to get reed, and weave. Happy Spring! Bonnie Easterbrooks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's All For Now Folks. To Post A Message Use: davidc@iei.net or ka9zre@yahoo.com To Subscribe Use: weaverswords-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To Unsubscribe Use: weaverswords-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com