"Weavers Words" Vol. 5 Iss. 23 Date Sent: September 28, 2001 Back Issues: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLEASE DO YOUR PART AND DONATE TO SOME REAL HEROES!!! New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund PO Box 65858 Washington D.C. 20035-5858 http://daily.iaff.org/fund.htm New York State Fraternal Order of Police 911 Police Plaza World Trade Centers Fund Hicksville, NY 11801 http://www.nysfop.org/WTCdisaster/Fund.html ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT YOU LOCAL FIRE & POLICE DEPARTMENTS!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS: 1.) Back issues of Weaver's Words can be found at: http://www.angelfire.com/art/weaverswords/ 2.) If you are new to Weaver's Words, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) You can order a copy of the "Basketry Travel Companion", your guide to basket shops, galleries, exhibits and much more across the United States and world wide, by sending me $15.00 via PayPal (a free service) at: http://www.paypal.com/ (Send Payment To ka9zre@yahoo.com) OR Via money order / check at: David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HELP SUPPORT WEAVER'S WORDS If you aren't a member of PayPal, please sign up for me. Use the following link: https://www.paypal.com/auction/pal=ka9zre%40yahoo.com For every person who does this, my account will be credited $5.00. If every Weaver's Words did this, I would receive $7,500.00. WOW!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 13:36:53 -0700 From: "Sandy Atkinson" Reply-to: sandy@sandyatkinson.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com Dear David and All at WW, It is good that someone criticized you David, now you have hundreds of letters flowing into you, just to let you know how wonderful you are and how much you are appreciated! One bad apple did not spoil the bushel in this case - It only made it sweeter!!! Thanks so much for all your efforts!! Sandy Atkinson Atkinson's Country House 1-800-832-3071 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Jill Choate Class Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 12:04 PM From: Chrystal L. Higgins To: I just wanted to let everyone know that Jill Choate ended her summer trip to the lower 48 this summer by teaching her Antler Wall Basket in Kalispell, Montana, this last Saturday. We had a great turn-out with a fantastic group of women. Jill graciously agreed to return every year for a repeat performance - teaching a different basket, of course. Next year we will probably learn how to do her Intertwine basket, sometime the end of October. If anyone is interested, just let me know because the list of students is under way. For those of you who have been lucky enough to take one of Jill's classes, I am sure you will all agree with me - if you get the chance, sign up for one! She is a fantastic teacher, very patient and very willing to teach new techniques and new tricks that we haven't used before. Her stories are great, too - remind her to tell you her husband's favorite mushing story. It is priceless!!!! Chrystal Higgins Kalispell, Montana %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bren And Criticism Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:37 AM From: Joe Conroy To: David Collins Hi David, Don't let Bren get you down. I am a volunteer firefighter, and my son is a full time fire fighter. We, and others like us, appreciate your statements on behalf of the men in New York. I hope Bren realizes that despite her criticisms the fire fighters and police officers in her community are still there to help her in time of need.... even if they are aware of her criticisms. Best wishes to both you and your mom. Joe Conroy Exeter, RI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Printers Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:16 AM From: Mary Hooper To: davidc@iei.net Does anyone on the list have suggestions for a printer that runs longer on an ink cartridge than the Epson 777? One has to be made of money or be parsimonious with printouts to keep this one fed... :-( I teach classes and like to send pictures of the baskets with my class schedule and the printer is a major hindrance. If you are happy with your printer, would you share your experience with us.... thanks, Mary Hooper mjhooper@mitchell.main.nc.us %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Stuff Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 7:46 AM From: Timothy Hall To: davidc@iei.net Dear David, You really touched a spot with readers. Many who only read (but enjoy immensely) WW wrote to express their thanks for your work in assembling WW. For those "lurkers" who don't like to post, it's a big deal to write to you, and many did. There were many kind words (and secret prayers) that you continue this service for us. Please include me in that group that thanks you profusely. There will always be those that criticize others, but they are usually the ones that don't volunteer their time to anyone. I sincerely hope that you decide to continue WW. You are good at it and bring joy to all that read it. Weavingly yours, Donna H. P.S. I like the way your mom kicks butt! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bren Miller Speaks Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:44 PM From: Bren Miller To: davidc@iei.net OK, OK, Already. I'll take my 10 lashes and apologize. Forgive me for giving my opinion in an insensitive way regarding David's message in behalf of the firemen and police officers at ground zero. I never implied at any time that David is not a blessing to the readers of this forum, nor did I imply he should leave the forum. I was shocked that he felt he should. I actually thought I was sending the message to him personally and I would never have embarrassed him on the forum with my opinion. For this I also apologize. Bren Miller %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Mom's Message Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:49:38 EDT From: LT92092@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Coming out of lurkdom again. I'm not sure what was written by Bren. I never miss an issue but somehow I must have missed something. I do know that David is providing a service that means a lot to me and something that I very much look forward to. Being a Mom too it angers me that the "hit" was bad enough to make David think about stepping back. We all have the option of reading this wonderful mail or deleting. I for one have seen that David is a very unselfish person to take the time to bring us all together, let us express opinions, and learn from each other. I think David should step UP not back and receive thanks, hugs and appreciation for the great work he does! Terri in Beautiful NC GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS US ALL. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Shops In PA Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:44:29 -0500 From: "Tracey Green " To: ka9zre@yahoo.com I will be traveling to Lancaster, PA in a couple of weeks. Does anyone know of any basket shops in that area? Tracey Green Warners NY greent@sunyocc.edu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:58:19 -0700 Reply-to: "Susie Billingsley" From: "Susie Billingsley" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Hi David, Norma and Weaver's Word Folks, I'm mostly a lerker also but do read and enjoy every issue of Weaver's Words. David...you are invaluable to so many of us. Not only do we learn more about basket making, where to find basket materials, shows and classes, meet new basket makers...we also can learn more about life. There will always be insensitive people around who don't think before they speak (or write in this case). If ever there were a time in this country to solicit money for people in need, it is now. You were not out of line in the least. You do a great job for basket makers (even the NBO contacts you for help!!). Please continue this forum for us and thank you for all your hard work. I'd bet your e-mails are coming fast and furious...and ALL in support. And God is blessing this country. Just look around. From Susie Billingsley in the chilly Indianapolis area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WVBA Membership From: SLTARAWOOD@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com Basket weavers wanting to join the West Virginia Basketmakers Association may do so by sending dues to: Membership Chairman Sharon Sutton #6 Scenic Hills Parkersburg, WV 26104-8064 Dues are $20.00 for individuals and $25.00 for businesses or teachers. Dues not paid by September 1st will be subject to a $5.00 late fee. This fee does not apply to new members. Make checks payable to: West Virginia Basketmakers Assoc. (No prorated checks) Membership dues for this year are from July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. Include your name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and e-mail address. If you have a basket business include your business name and business phone number. We would also like to know if you teach basket weaving and if you are interested in vending at our conventions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weave-in 2001 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:32:18 EDT From: SLTARAWOOD@aol.com To: ka9zre@yahoo.com In light of the recent tragedies at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania it is understandable that everything in our lives was put on hold the last few weeks. So, this is a reminder to anyone, wanting to attend the WVBA Weave-in who might have set their registration aside to stay glued to the TV as I did. Don't forget to send it in this week. It is so hard to get back into the swing of things when something this tragic happens. When I go out and overhear other people talking this is the only thing they are talking about and will be talking about for years to come. My heart goes out to all who lost their lives and to the families involved and I am thankful Dave has provided us with a way to communicate with each other and keep each other informed of the things going on in our lives. Before I became involved in the WVBA I was mainly a lurker, but enjoyed reading what each of you were doing and what you were involved in. Thanks Dave. The West Virginia Weave-in, November 9-11, 2001. It will be at the Holiday Inn in Weirton, WV. Call the Holiday Inn at 304-723-5522 for room reservations and be sure and tell them you are with the WVBA. For anyone interested in attending but who is not a member please e-mail Shireene Matheny at: smatheny1@citynet.net. She will be able to get registration information out to you. The deadline to register is September 28, 2001. In light of everything that has happen recently I'm sure she will allow for that in reference to the deadline. If you cannot get in touch with her e-mail me at: SLTARAWOOD@aol.com Registration for the Weave-in is $20.00 for members and $30.00 for nonmembers. The weekend will include buffet meals at $8.55 for each meal. Saturday night's dinner will be paid for by the WVBA so there will be no charge for Weave-in participants. If you are bringing a guest not registered for the convention the cost of their dinner will be $11.69. You need to send the cost of any meals along with your registration. If you wish to participate in the basket swap on Saturday night don't forget to bring a basket. Registration will begin at 3pm on Friday, November 9th. Participants are allowed to bring their favorite cookies to share for the hospitality table. Coffee, hot tea and water will be served through out the day. We will have a raffle, door prizes and goodie bags. Saturday will be open to visitors. We have a room of vendors lined up and will have a teacher market place. Teachers for this Weave-in include: Dolores vonRossen Kathy Tessler Vicki Worrell Dianne Craver Bob and May Etchason Sandra Lyons Elaine Sinclair Betty Kourkounakis Karen Wheeler Thanks, Sandra Lyons %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 22 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 08:46:20 -0400 To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com From: "Ruthanne M.S. Morningstar" Hi There, All I can say is DITTO to all that have responded on behalf of WW's subscribers! Take care! Ruthanne M.S. Morningstar 'The Electronic Woman' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Thank you Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 08:41:05 -0400 From: "Judy Clark" Reply-to: jsclark@voyager.net Organization: Voyager.net To: ka9zre@yahoo.com David - I just want to echo all the nice things that were said today about you and your MOM. I read every word of weaver's word but rarely respond. I appreciate the reminder about our everyday hero's. But you are my favorite hero!! Thank you for doing this for me. Judy in Mason %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 20 Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:59:01 EDT From: Bsktmkr23@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com David and Fellow Weavers - I think supporting those in need at this time is an individual choice and I found your statement to be totally appropriate. I have been making flag baskets which are normally most popular around the 4th of July. Needless to say they are very popular at this time as well. All sales on these baskets are being donated to those in need. This is a small way to feel that you are supportive and helpful to the many in need. I would like to suggest that other basketmakers consider a similar type donation from sales of a particular patriotic item. I work daily with young military families and see the many sacrifices these young people are preparing to make to support our fellow Americans. Stand proud and make your own choice as to how you wish to participate. David, I am most appreciative of your work on Weavers Words and have received a great wealth of information and pleasure from reading it on a regular basis. Criticism serves no useful purpose as we still can make our own choice as to how we respond in these situations. Thanks, Jean Weinrich No. Stonngton, CT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Special Fall Message Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 18:04:25 -0400 Reply-to: "Baskets Of Joy" From: "Baskets Of Joy" To: Undisclosed-Recipient@, Hello Basketmaker! Baskets Of Joy is pleased to announce our Fall Schedule: November 3rd & 4th, 8:00 am--Genuine Nantucket Lightship Basket Class. Cost varies with design chosen. Advance registration is required; class size is limited. This 2-day class will finish your heirloom basket. Guest Instructor: Sharon Owens. Class will be held at our 81 Old Bath Road, Brunswick, shop. Saturday, October 20th, 10:30 a.m.--Melon Basket Class. Cost varies with the materials you choose, about $20 to $25 per person. Advance registration is required; class size is limited. Maurine Joy will teach this fun class, held at our 81 Old Bath Road, Brunswick, shop. A 10% discount to all students on that day's purchases in our shop. Open Weave Wednesdays--each Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 at our Old Bath Road, Brunswick, shop. Advance signup is required. An experienced basketmaker/teacher is on hand to guide weaving. Learn to make your first basket, brush up on rusty skills, discover a new pattern, or just come to work on your current basketry project with fellow weavers. Cost is $10 plus materials; all students receive a 10% discount in our shop on the evening of class. All are welcome. NEW FREE PATTERN! The Small Flag Basket pattern is FREE at www.basketsofjoy.com NOW for you to print out. This special edition basket is offered in support of our Nation, in memory of those lost, and in support of those working so hard in recovery. It is free for you to print out next time you visit our site. We hope to hear from you soon. Meanwhile, Happy Weaving!! www.basketsofjoy.com BASKETS OF JOY 81 Old Bath Road Brunswick, ME 04011 Customer service 207-725-5899 Orders 800-377-6097 Fax 207-725-6004 basketsofjoy@basketsofjoy.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Antler Baskets Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:21:50 -0400 From: "Roman Monastyrski" To: "ka9zre@yahoo.com" Greetings from Michigan. It's COLD, but the fire is so delightful. Here's a question for all antler basket people. What is your preferred way of finishing your baskets? Liquid gold? Spray acrylic? Etc? Also - when needing to glue the ribs into the antler - what glue do you like to really stay and or fill a little too big hole? I've done a number of antler and off a stick rib baskets and am curious as to the most used - tried and true - methods of the above. That's about it- Peace- Kristin Monastyrski %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: The Star Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 11:45 AM From: Shedlady@webtv.net To: davidc@iei.net David, I'm usually a lurker but do appreciate all the hard work you put into this newsletter. You give us the forum to talk about our baskets, our lives and the world. Thank you! The world is so uncertain now and I have written a letter that thru you I can reach so many: I hung a star in my window today. It's just a 10-inch star cut out of wood by my husband. I painted it gold and on it I've written my son's name and his branch of the military. The star reminds the world that we have a son in the Army and we are very proud of him. He has chosen to defend this great country of ours and make a stand for freedom. His life is on the line whenever mad men try to destroy what we hold most dear. The military is ignored and taken for granted whenever they are not needed but they are always ready to follow the orders of their Commander in Chief not matter what is required. It takes a special kind of man or woman to leave his family and all of those he loves so we may sleep easy at night knowing they are standing between us and evil. I hope other will make stars! Tell the world how proud you are of your military son, daughter, husband, wife or relative. When the trumpets of war fade and the flags no longer wave so wildly may our gold stars remain. I am proud of my son and of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. You are special people. You are there for all of us. Remember, as you go about your jobs, there will always be a gold star shining brightly in my window for all of you! God bless the men and women who salute the red, white, and blue. Thank you from a fearful but proud military mom. David, once again, thank you for giving us this forum. Keep up the good work. Connie Hughes Winston-Salem,NC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WORDS Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 4:01 AM From: ZOHE@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David, I join others in their thanks, and if you do choose to have a rest, please stay with us for the next few weeks of these painful times. Laurna, I love your stepson, Paul Hebner's poem: "I am an American. I am Christian and Jew, Muslim and Hindu. I am fair and I am dark.............., And Alice's 'let us deal gently with each others souls, spirits and feelings'. I quote these again because I may be seen as expressing a negative opinion: I think nearly all the letters we write to this weavers group are sent with good intentions, but we have to be so careful about our words. The "Binch" poem was intended to be inspiring, but even these lines have their unintentional dark side, "It could be his turban was screwed on too tight," and " Whatever the reason, his heart or his turban," The Sikhs in this area are now living in fear, especially for their old people. Their homes, temples and their persons are being attacked physically by ignorant bigots because they wear turbans. With the Internet we never know where are words will land, way beyond our own group, and who will pass them on. Now I am going to pin Sue Preuss's grandmother's saying about the two ears up on my wall and confine my future words to baskets. Diana M. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:53 AM From: Alice Edwards To: Dear David and Weavers everywhere, Just a quick note, but wanted to pass on this warning our technical group released here at work that I will include at the end of my message. I checked out the website about fraud it mentions and thought it was interesting. I didn't know that there were several area codes that were basically overseas without any other special dialing necessary. I finally got my picks made for the Heartland retreat and I'm looking forward to a weekend of weaving and weavers. Hope everyone is safe and well. Thanks for all you do for us David, you are tops in my book. Alice, in sunny Kansas City. Technical Service Group has just been informed of a toll scam using the area code 809. Please use extreme caution with this area code due to, in the North American Numbering Plan, the (809) area code is for part of the Caribbean. As the warning message from AT&T states below, these Caribbean nations are not covered by US law. Please review the following message from AT&T: "THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION PROVIDED TO US BY AT&T. DON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809. This one is being distributed all over the US. This is pretty scary-especially given the way they try to get you to call. Be sure you read this & pass it on to all your friends and family so they don't get scammed! MAJOR SCAM: Don't respond to Emails, phone calls, or web pages, which tell you to call an "809" Phone Number. This is a very important issue of Scam Busters because it alerts you to a scam that is spreading *extremely* quickly can easily cost you $24,100 or more, and is difficult to avoid unless you are aware of it. We'd like to thank Verizon for bringing this scam to our attention. This scam has also been identified by the National Fraud Information Center and is costing victims a lot of money. There are lots of different permutations of this scam. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: You will receive a message on your answering machine or your pager, which asks you to call a number beginning with area code 809. The reason you're asked to call varies. It can be to receive information about a family member who has been ill, to tell you someone has been arrested, died, to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc. In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls. If you call from the US, you will apparently be charged $2,425 per-minute. Or, you'll get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges. Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you'll often be charged more than $24,100.00. WHY IT WORKS: The 809 area code is located in the British Virgin Islands (The Bahamas). The 809 area code can be used as a "pay-per-call" number, similar to 900 numbers in the US. Since 809 is not in the US, it is not covered by U.S. regulations of 900 numbers, which require that you be notified and warned of charges and rates involved when you call a pay-per-call" number. There is also no requirement that the company provide a time period during which you may terminate the call without being charged. Further, whereas many U.S. homes that have 900 number blocking to avoid these kinds of charges, do not work in preventing calls to the 809 area code. We recommend that no matter how you get the message, if you are asked to call a number with an 809 area code that you don't recognize just disregard the message. Be wary of email or calls asking you to call an 809 area code number. It's important to prevent becoming a victim of this scam, since trying to fight the charges afterwards can become A real nightmare. That's because you did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You'll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong. Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and colleagues to help them become aware of this scam. Additional information can be obtained from the following AT&T Web Site http://www.att.com/fraud/home.html#thre/s/ AT&T Field Service Manager %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 7:56 AM From: To: David, As a fairly new weaver with a teacher who just moved to another state, I so look forward to your postings. They are the first thing I open when I check my e-mail, and whenever I see a posting it makes me smile. Volunteer work is said to be thankless and I know I have been remiss in letting you know how much I appreciate all you do and the way you do it. I have been involved in other mailing lists and they have all had ungrateful people ruin them. I love the sense of family you have created and all the posting that make me cry and sometimes smile as well as those have learned so much about weaving from. Please know that I (and hopefully I can add we) love you and what you do for us...THANK YOU! Sharon %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 7:35 PM From: To: Norma, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. Hopefully Bren was just having a bad day or was stressed by the situation in NY. I think we should all reread our emails before sending them. I live only 2 hours from the tragedy, and my eldest daughter and her new husband are both in the Air Force, serving in Germany, right now. Talk about stress!! David, we need you and appreciate you. Please don't let 1 bad apple spoil it for the rest. I have met many new weaving friends thru WW and enjoy reading every issue. You still have 1399 fans!!!!! Maybe we should all live by something my Mom taught me a long time ago. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. We love you David! Lynn form upstate NY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] Digest Number 19 Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 19:34:45 -0700 (PDT) From: [Send an Instant Message] "M Balleweg" To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com David, Thank you for all the time and energy you spend on Weavers Words. I really appreciate it. I would also like to thank you for your support of firefighters and police officers. My husband and son are police officers and my brother-in-law is a firefighter paramedic. I know what it is to worry about them. I know that sometimes they feel unappreciated in the work they do. A smile and a kind word would do a world of good for all our emergency personnel. You know they all have to be hurting for their brothers lost in this tragedy. Marcia Balleweg %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: A Little Of This, A Little Of That Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 11:10 PM From: Elaine Bidstrup To: David Collins Weavers Words Tony Stubblefield, I'm sorry your birthday plans were upset on Sept. 11. I know how you feel - my birthday coincides with the Challenger Disaster and Elvis Presley died on our wedding anniversary. Celebrating is just not the same when the radio reminds us of this tragedy or plays nothing but Elvis songs all day! As I get older I do not need to be reminded of my own mortality like this. I think I said this in my last post, but I think it bears repeating. The recent tragedy has brought out the best in many of us and the worst in a few. I feel sorry for those few - those who raised gas prices here in St. Louis to $4.99 on the 11th, the car rental agency (one branch office of a national company) who charged up to $450.00 a day to rent a car, the hotels who doubled or even tripled their prices to stranded travelers, the high school senior (from the school where I work) who told the younger students that since our school is a state facility, that our building was a target, those who have tried to get social security numbers of victims, those who tried to 'rip off' a gullible and caring public by collecting money for a charity and keeping it, and those who put others down for reminding us of ways to help. Our world is full of tales of courage and the courageous are not always those who we see or hear about. Now the firefighters and police are in the limelight and getting the respect and admiration they deserve, but there are others for whom getting through any day is harder than any of us can imagine - much less live through. I work with disabled children, as I've said before. I have a student who is quadriplegic due to spinal meningitis. Her mother punished her for crying, instead of taking her to the hospital. Two days later her grandmother found she had a temperature of 105. She was also sexually abused by her mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, someone at the first foster home where she lived. She is mildly mentally retarded and legally blind. Could you get through the day? Could you smile at a joke? Try to help a classmate? I have another student - 10 years old, born blind, rejected by her mother ("I don't want you, you're blind"), left in a hot car as a baby, placed in foster care when her mother was jailed, released to her grandmother's custody, sent across state to our school when she was four, possibly sexually abused by her older brother, placed back with her mother and her 'live in.' When she was 9 the girl asked her mother to explain sex to her. Mother explained all right! She had the boyfriend perform sex on the nine year old and the mother participated in it. Three months later, when she told our social worker, she was placed in foster care, the boyfriend committed suicide, saying 'I won't go back to jail, just because of that kid,' the mother blames the child for her boyfriend's death, and gave up parental rights. The foster family wanted to adopt her, as did a friend of mine. It took the state six months to make up their minds, but finally, she was placed with my friend. She is ecstatic, but obviously has lots of issues. I don't mean to say that the rest of us have perfect lives, I just know that working with these brave kids have made me a more compassionate and understanding person. I know from where David and his mother are coming, but I don't know where Bren was coming from. Who is right? My feelings run toward David, since we know him as a kind, caring person, who generously gives his time to all of us. I hope that Bren finds it in his/her heart to forgive those of us who lambasted her and that we don't continue to berate her, as we don't know from where he/she is coming. Enough rambling - let's weave! Elaine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Off-Subject Postings Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:55 PM From: Elaine Bidstrup To: David Collins Weavers Words Dear David and WW friends, I am behind in reading my WWs and have missed the current controversy caused by a particular letter. I've not gone back to read the offending messages and other responses, but thank David for giving those particular addresses. As you can imagine working as a school counselor these past two weeks has been even more stressful than usual. Kids of all ages and abilities are as puzzled by why terrorists would attack buildings full of people as are the adults. This has made the usually secure kids fearful and those who have reason not to feel safe downright terrified. This insecurity in a formally secure and safe world is disconcerting to all of us; try explaining it to a 12-year-old mildly mentally retarded child! The kids, when they understand what has happened, are especially compassionate and wanted to give blood, but most of them aren't old enough. We're writing letters to the hospitals in NY and the police and fire depts. David, as usual, came through in the pinch -I have letters to mail and would have had to spend time looking for the addresses when viola they appeared like magic thanks to our friend David. I won't comment on what I have yet to read, but it seems to have been pretty inflammatory! I belong to another work related site that, while it is not 'edited,' the list-host posts nasty notes to anyone who posts off-subject. Would we want that? NO NO NO!! Naturally, David's generosity has lead him to be a target. I hope that, as several other members have pointed out, this forum continues as it has been for the last 3? 4? years - for as long as David would like to be our host. Thanks again, David! Elaine in St. Louis (finally cool!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: re: THANK YOU DAVID Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 8:34 PM From: chas To: Weavers Words Hello All. I really don't post too often. But after reading the last few issues. I had to write and THANK David one more time. I have been a member for many years. And David has ALWAYS been GREAT. So patient, so thoughtful, so caring. And we all know how much work this forum is. We have all been through a lot lately, and maybe that has something to do with this. Please, everyone, could we "turn the other cheek"? This is such a great group of people; I would hate to loose that. But of course David, you do what you need to do. I also, will support whatever decision you make. Take care all Ruth :0) PS: THANK YOU Diana M. so much for the response to my last question. I CAN'T WAIT. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 21 Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 12:18:38 EDT From: Mkbskts@aol.com | Block Address | Add to Address Book To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com David- Just another friendly voice out of the Netherlands come to say PLEASE do not quit doing this because of one other person's bad day/attitude/whatever. I agree that Bren Miller owes everyone on Weavers Words a HUGE apology, and another one specifically to you! I read 2 issues of Weavers Words at once (yes, I'm a little behind) and was shocked and appalled at his/her attitude of thinking you were 'berating' us. As so many others have said, I also appreciate everything you do for us. Though I only occasionally write in, I read Weavers Words faithfully, and have also participated in some of the swaps. I don't have the words to thank you for everything you do for us, and all the information you allow us to share in this forum. So please rethink your decision to give this up. I can't imagine anyone else having the time/talent to keep this going the way you have. Thank you again for ALL you do for us. And thanks to Norma for her defense (not that a lot of us think you need it, judging by the overwhelming response I read in Weavers Words). WTG, Norma!!! ;>) Barb in sunny, cool WI, where fall seems to be here - at least this week! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: [weaverswords] "Weavers Words" V. 5 I. 22 Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 11:24:02 EDT From: BODBASK@aol.com To: weaverswords-owner@yahoogroups.com I am going to Kansas City MO. in November and was wondering if there was anything in the vicinity basket wise that I might be able to look into? Also, does anyone have a name, email or address of the membership chair at NCBA? I don't know if my dues are paid! agh! Thanks so much. Jill In Orlando where it's wet, damp, humid and the flags are flying high and proud!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Knotty Puns Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 09:10:26 -0400 From: "The NorEsta Cane & Reed" To: "David Collins" Hello Everyone In Basket Land! Here are a few more puns that have rolled in to the contest. If you would like to enter, you can go to http://www.noresta.com/contest.htm Remember to send along your mailing address so that you can receive your prize when the contest ends on November 15! "Knot on a log" "Thou shalt knot" "The haves and the have knots" "It's knot what you think it is" "This is knot funny" "Ready or knot, here I come!" "All of my baskets are knot the same." Happy Weaving from The NorEsta Cane & Reed http://www.noresta.com sales@noresta.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Numbers Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 05:19:58 -0700 (PDT) From: "Willow Weaver" To: ka9zre@yahoo.com To all you weavers out there those play with numbers An interesting observation The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year. 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11 The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11 There's More... State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union New York City - 11 Letters Afghanistan - 11 Letters The Pentagon - 11 Letters Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993) Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11 Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: About Basketry Is History From: To: Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 10:02 AM I got the word Tuesday, September 25, 2001 that About Basketry is being eliminated from the About network along with over 300 other sites. It came as a total surprise to me after over three years as a guide. I just wanted to let you know that I had nothing to do with these decisions and I hope you are not negatively impacted by these changes. If there is something you wanted to print out, but hadn't gotten to, you better do it immediately. Please remember that I still hold copyright to all the content I wrote, so it cannot be copied and posted online or in print by anyone other than myself without written permission. You may print a single copy for your own personal use. I can only hope that somehow I offered something positive to the basket making community these last several years. I am in negotiation now to attempt to get permission to repost some content to a new site if there is demand for it. Woven Wooden Wishes, Susi Former About Basketry Guide Susi Nuss Double Satin Basketry 5 Steele Crossing Road Bolton, CT 06043-7622 Email: mailto:susibasket@snet.net http://www.delphi.com/basketmakers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's All For Now Folks. To Post A Message Use: davidc@iei.net or ka9zre@yahoo.com To Subscribe Use: weaverswords-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To Unsubscribe Use: weaverswords-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com