"Weavers Words" Vol. 4 Iss. 45 Date Sent: August 27, 2000 Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ Subscribers: 1453 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE BASKET BOOKSTORE Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION NEW SUBSCRIBERS 1.) You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/) and entering your search criteria into the search box. 2.) If you have recently subscribed, more than likely you will read messages about a basket swap in progress. Basket swaps are organized by other weavers approximately every 2-3 months. So if a swap is in progress when you subscribe, be patient and a new swap will begin before you know it. Every subscriber is eligible for each swap as long as you fulfill you obligation from the previous swap. 3.) If you are looking for basket shops across the country, there is an extensive list on Weaver's Words web page. The shops are listed alphabetically. If you know of a shop that isn't listed, send me the shop's information for addition. Include all of the following if applicable: Shop's Name; Web Page Address; E-Mail Address; Street Address; City, State, Zip Code; Phone Number. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION AOL SUBSCRIBERS For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION ONLINE AUCTION USERS Make Auction Payments Thru PayPal Plus Get $5 - FAST, FREE & SECURE: https://secure.paypal.com/refer/pal=ka9zre%40yahoo.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture('s) Added To Web Page Since The Last Issue NONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, Here's an update on the Basketry Travel Companion. I've listed a form and a list on the Weaver's Word web page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/companion.html Here's a little more information: THE GOOD NEWS: There is at least one listing in 35 states and Canada. THE BAD NEWS: That leaves 15 states (listed below) 188 countries without any listings. ALABAMA ARIZONA DELAWARE KANSAS LOUISIANA MARYLAND MISSISSIPPI NEBRASKA NEVADA NORTH DAKOTA OREGON UTAH VERMONT WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING SO IF YOUR FAVORITE BASKET SHOP/MUSEUM/GALLERY/EXHIBIT/ETC. ISN'T LISTED, GO TO THE ABOVE LINK AND SEND ME REQUESTED INFORMATION. Thanks & Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Puppy love.... Date: 23 Aug 2000 02:58:03 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.jchoatebasketry.com They call it puppy love... It probably would be too much to ask that a daughter might love dog mushing with the same gusto her Mother does. Jennah loves the dogs but doesn't care to run them. She has opted instead for a shorthaired, long-eared, bawl mouth canine version that has a fondness for sleeping on the couch and fervently digging fleas. If you are going to live in the hills of the Ozarks part time it's important to have the correct dog for the occasion - a coonhound of course. We deliberated on a name until we came up with "Satchmo" aka "Satch", or "Satchel" but most of the time "Stinky", or on formal occasions "Mr. Stinky". Mr. Stinky is ardently in love with Jennah and the feeling is mutual. Mother on the other hand, although fond of him can't wait until Mr. Stinky gets beyond the puppy training stage. So it appears that we have another addition to our wandering caravan of antler basketry instruction. Next spring sees us in Kalispell, MT, Pagosa Springs, CO, Scottsdale, AZ, three stops in California and by chance Nevada. If you'd like to fall in "puppy love" as well you can meet up with us in Alaska for the "Alaskan Bush Basketry Retreat" where you'll have your choice of twenty "puppies" to fall in love with. Until we meet in the bush or out west... Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK Via the Ozarks, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 44 Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 02:51:37 EDT From: ZOOBAR@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear Tony- I do stand corrected- with a chuckle however. I wondered if you weren't of the "male" persuasion, but dared not assume so in fear of "offending" a liberated female. Now I know on the secretes of your outstanding basket weaving - male hands. Blythe (as in the State of Georgia) Barbara - The The Thumbs Weaver- where the last 2 days have been glorious- someone goofed!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:30:22 -0400 From: "Joy Moody" To: Hello fellow basketmakers. The bad news is I'm about to be ousted from by Barn Studio where I usually weave till winter. The good news is we just got a truckload of Maine oak to finally build out Victorian library! Basketry moves indoors early & that's O.K. Cindy C: I enjoyed the poem as I envisioned this huge ceiling/sky/weaving, and connected with the difference between the underside of a weaving & the right side. Yes, isn't all of life like that - we won't really know what it's all about till we reach the other side. Robbie & Mona in NC: Happy to report that my "Mama", from the North, also taught us the same manners. I have a relative who never sends Thank You notes, & a friend's wedding gift we gave in early summer has yet to be acknowledged. There's no excuse for being rude. Lois: Staples?! You've got to be joking. I assume they'll rust. Ugh! Re: my comment that a quality basket can't be made in a day. It wasn't intended to be judgmental, but was to address the fact that if the materials are not dried & packed before the rim goes on, the result is a loose basket, as you described with your friend's L basket. Al: I enjoy seeing & buying baskets from many countries/cultures. I recently bought a wonderful basket from Ghana which I love & use daily. I've also purchased some labeled as woven my a Chinese Master Weaver. I believe it, but from the price I paid, they must only have received pennies for their labor! Angie: Re: wholesale/retail, we should all think long & hard about this one! I know a weaver who wholesales for about half what I do. Not only do they make less than minimum wage, the person who retails those baskets take the difference that rightly belongs to the basket maker because the market can certainly bear a higher selling price. One of my sellers puts a good mark-up over my wholesale & the baskets are moving out at a steady pace. Now, if I look at the final price someone is paying, my profit & the stores profit, then look at what my friend is willing to accept.... well, it makes no sense to me unless they are in business to make no profit, which isn't business, it's "hobby". Katie: Thanks for your comment about individual basket makers giving to charities. Just because we may not give a percentage to one charity doesn't meant we don't have "charities of choice" that we contribute to. Joy Moody Sign of the Crow http://www.signofthecrow.com Hampden, Maine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:18:39 -0400 From: "John W. Dorris" To: "Weavers Words" Peg, Yes you're right. Surely using " liberal feminist Republican" in the same sentence is not only incorrect English but the world's greatest oxymoron. Nan, like the idea of using the thumb protectors. I trim all my spokes for a Nantucket with a knife and have to use a band aid the keep from cutting myself (Not with the knife but the cane) Think I will give it a try but suspect the cane will eventually slice the rubber as well. If I don't use some kind of protection I end up with a paper type cut in the inside area of the knuckle of my thumb. Chrystal, Never feel bad about sharing your accomplishments with this group. When one basket weaver wins we all win. It just means our works is finally being appreciated. Allan, I often remind customers that all baskets are hand made, but that I am not willing to work for the same low wages as those in other countries. I also point out that if I were really interested in making money I'd get a job at MacDonald's. I do think it's a shame that the African baskets don't get the praise they deserve. Some of them put my weavings to shame. Lois, I think you misunderstood Angie's comment about a quality basket being made in a day. She said that it SHOULDN'T not COULDN"T. I took this to mean that all baskets (regardless of material) benefit by having a day to "recover and relax" before finishing as this gives the materials time to dry and be packed more tightly. Tony, see what happens when you stay away too long. People don't know you're part of the group. Enough for now Billie in pleasant Va. Beach %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Beach Nuts Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:51:27 -0400 (EDT) From: ebernier@webtv.net (Evie Bernier) To: davidc@iei.net Has anyone tried dying with beach nuts?. Our tree is loaded with green nuts but I have seen the brown ones on the ground before and never thought about dying with them. Any info would be appreciated. Evie in rainy, muggy Mi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:43:57 -0400 From: Angelique Raptakis To: "Weavers Words (E-mail)" Peggy -- thank you for the information on river cane and the invitation to OK, I would love to come out there and learn from you. In the meantime, where can I find hamburg cane? Would rit dye give me the dark brown/black on cane? I always thought because cane was shiny that it would resist the dye. I didn't realize that my simple question about L baskets would elicit such passionate responses! I am glad to finally know more about these baskets. Thank you all. Angelique in Maryland %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 44 Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 10:01:12 -0600 From: "STEPHENSON,KIRSTI (HP-Boise,ex1)" To: "'David Collins'" Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 43 Again, from the still smoky state of Idaho.... Lynn wrote: "Just wanted to add my 2 cents about email verses snail mail Thank you's. I have participated in the last 6 Swaps and I prefer email Thank you's." Agreed! Perhaps what should be done for the folks that do use email to send a note of thanks is to send a cc: to the swap coordinator. I've been using email for oh, at least 15 years. In that time, I know that stuff I have sent and stuff that was sent to me, never arrived. I also know that I've had my mailbox stuffed so full with garbage (make money! etc.) that I'm sure I have accidentally deleted email that should have been read. Then Mona wrote: "Okay, like many others I've been reading all the comments about Basket Swap etiquette. My two cents will be short and sweet. If you don't have time to email a thank you to your swap buddy, don't participate in the swap. Everybody has busy schedules, but busy doesn't exempt someone from adhering to common courtesy. When that happens we cease being human." This, I don't agree with. Because shipments can get lost (I know this because I'm working a law suit due to a lost shipment), emails don't arrive and the sender may not get an "undeliverable" notice. Cease to be human for not sending a thank you? No. Inconsiderate, maybe. You have no idea what the person's situation may be. Its possible I think I've sent a thank you, can't find proof of it because my sent folder purges older stuff. Should I send weekly thank you notes just incase? What if the receiver of said thank you note never sends a note back "glad you liked it"? Do we assume they never received the note? If it bothers the sender to the point of sending a public post, perhaps that person should contact the receiver directly to get it straightened out. Kirsti %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 13:39:25 -0400 From: Kathy Halter To: davidc@iei.net Hi! Just wanted to send a quick note to thank Carol Antrim for teaching a tour shop over the past weekend! Friday evening, she taught a Shell Tote which is a very sturdy and useful size basket made on a D-handle and embellished with absolutely gorgeous cut seashells! The folks loved the Sat. "Antler Handle" and Sun. "Antler as Base" baskets! Carol is an excellent teacher, very sharing of her knowledge and full of great ideas. Watch for her classes at other spots around the Mid-West in the future! Kathy Halter - Mansfield, Ohio - where the leaves are turning prematurely, & it is shaping up to be a beautiful fall! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Message to Lisa Carstens Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:06:39 -0400 From: Judy M Mullins To: davidc@iei.net David, I hope you don't mind if I use WW to get a message to Lisa Carstens. Lisa, I just wanted to tell you that I sent your herbal soap last week on Monday. It should have gotten to you on Thursday of last week. My e-mail address has changed, so maybe you have tried to reach me by the old address. It's logcabin1999@juno.com If anyone is planning on attending the Kentucky State Fair, I will be there at the Grant County Booth on Aug. 24th. It's called pride of the counties, and we highlight each of our county businesses, such as The Quilt Box, Barkers Blackberry Winery, Twigs and Sprigs Country, and last but not least, Mullins Log Cabin Country Getaway. I've been making mostly potato baskets this summer &tending my vegetable and herb garden. We've been blessed with lots of rain, so everything has really grown fast, including the weeds. I'm getting ready to try some wild plants for dyeing, such as yellow dock& smart weed. Has anyone used wild plants for dyeing other than Walnuts? Until next time happy weaving. Judy Mullins in rainy warm Kentucky http://logcabin1999.tripod.com/ logcabin1999@juno.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 44 Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:15:24 -0500 From: "Pace, Dorothy" To: "'David Collins'" Laurie of Easton PA, We used to drive the car or pickup truck over the nuts spread in the driveway. Or, we put the nuts in the driveway so that the milk truck would drive over them. After the nuts were loosened from the hulls, they were picked up with tongs or gloves and put in burlap bags to be taken to the local walnut huller. Feed stores or farmer's co-ops in town purchased black walnuts either hulled or unhulled and paid by the pound. Hulled nuts were paid at a higher rate than the unhulled ones. If you took unhulled nuts, they were poured into a big machine that removed the hulls. I think this was done by being tumbled about in the machine. We had a lot of walnut trees on the farm and spent many afternoons after school and weekends picking up the walnuts. Selling them provided the youngsters with a major portion of their spending money each year. We always knew which students at school were involved in the walnut business by the stain that managed to get on their hands. It is hard to remove, although bleach will do a fairly good job of removing it. A small town in southwestern Missouri (Stockton) even hosts a Walnut Festival each autumn. This is probably more than anyone wanted to know about black walnuts! Dorothy in hot and humid Jefferson City %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 44 Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:18:18 EDT From: Caldesigns@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Nan, would that be Daniel's Office Supply on Western Ave? Carol in Carlsbad CA (formerly from Muskegon Mi) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Conclusion of basket Swap Manner Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:55:31 EDT From: Bsktmkr23@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi to fellow weaver. I was the person who wrote the original comment on basket swap manners. It has been a pleasure to read all the comments in the past few WW. I also received about 25 notes from those who decided not to respond publicly. The intent of addressing manners and the results of anyone not expressing a thank you or acknowledgment of receiving a basket in whatever forum has been very well discussed and I would say everyone is in agreement that when a decision to participate in a swap is made, honor your comment throughout the entire process. I have encouraged those private responders to give swaps another try. They are indeed a great deal of fun and also a learning experience to see and appreciate other members weaving at what ever level you may be at in your weaving experience. I am anxiously awaiting the next swap in hopes of another great experience. Certainly imposing withdrawal from a swap because of not responding in the past was not my intent. I was wanting those who did not respond to be aware that someone else may be hurt and discouraged by that kind of experience. One should learn from mistakes and move on to enjoy all the great info that is shared in this Weaver Words forum. I would suggest we move on and look forward to the next swap and by all means remember our manners. Thanks to all. Jean Weinrich %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Ash camp pictures Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:04:08 EDT From: DebGring@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone to see what fun you missed at Ash Camp in the UP at Daniel Nyes house, visit my photopoint album, link below! It is the album labeled appropriatly, Ash Camp 2000. If you want to see some of the scenery from the UP, click on the Vacation album. And Tony, and everyone else, you should be kicking yourselves for not being there! Debbie Gring in NW Ohio, humid and stormy today. Debbie Gring in NW Ohio, where I am weaving, crocheting, reading or cooking! Debbie Gring's PhotoPoint Album %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 20:56:27 -0400 From: Carty To: davidc@iei.net, davidc@iei.net I like the word lurker, I am sure there are allot of us out there. I started reading weavers words when it was the Basket list with Shirley Reed. Just wanted to say hello to everyone. And let them know that I am still around. My elder that I was taking care of past away on Christmas Day. She will be miss by allot of family members. I am back to weaving at full speed ahead. Getting ready for the coming holidays. I now have 4 apprentices weaving with me. So the shop is always busy. I can not be in more then one place at a time so some of my apprentices do some of my demos for me. I am still teaching my antler baskets. I got another blue ribbon this year at the fair for a antler basket. Best of show went to a Nantucket nesting set. (It was beautifully done) My husband is going to Italy in April (I can't go with him) so I am looking for some place to visit while he is gone. Anyone that would like an antler class let me know. Have antlers will travel. Have no one at home anymore. And hate to stay home alone when he leaves. I know April seem along way off. But when you get older time flies when your having fun. By the way anyone visiting NJ in the future stop in and say hello. IN PEACE njweaver2 Mary Carty from green green green New Jersey, if the grass would just stop growing so fast. pinelandsfolk.com Dulcimers & Baskets a match made in heaven. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket list Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 22:13:07 -0400 From: Carty To: davidc@iei.net I myself have a house full of the "L" Baskets. I also have visited the Factory. I was amazed at seeing so many people weaving baskets at onetime (over 800). The tour you can go on is very nice, and interesting. I even got my husband to weave a basket for me. I have people who come into my shop who only want the L baskets. I consider myself a good businesswomen. I have to admit that I sell the L baskets. But I also sell my baskets too. There is room in this world for all basket makers. I recently made a basket for a cooking show on the Discovery Channel. Haven't seen it on there yet but who knows. Well gotta run for being a lurker I have had allot to say. Keep weaving INPEACE njweaver2 Mary Carty pinelandsfolk.com dulcimers & baskets %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:31:22 -0400 From: Jimmie Kent To: davidc@iei.net CC: riggstow@nternet.net Wanted everyone to know that COASTAL WEAVERS OF ONSLOW COUNTY is having a fund raising raffle for their guild. They have 9 baskets to raffle off on Oct. 3rd, one ticket wins all. Best of all, tickets are only $1.00 each! This is a fairly new basket guild with a lot of beginner weavers, who have all donated baskets for this raffle. Please contact LOUISE RIGGS AT 306 CEDAR POINT BLVD.; SWANSBORO, NC 28584 or email atriggstow@nternet.net...thanks for helping out this guild in their fundraising event. Miss Jimmie's basketry www.basketryonline Jim & Jimmie Kent %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: ATTN: CHASE MILLER! Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:16:02 -0400 From: "Mary Berrus" To: Hi Chase, I just wanted to let you know that your basket to my daughter, Chelsea arrived yesterday. But she isn't here, she is visiting her aunt and uncle out of town until Sunday. I called and told her it was here, and she informed me NOT to open the box, hahaha, so that is why I didn't write to your personal e-mail, because I don't know what it is, until the box is opened :-). Anyway, when she gets back on Sunday, she will be writing you and thanking you. Thanks, Mary Berrus (Chelsea's mom-who is going nuts starring at an un-opened box-who knows that there is a basket in there-:) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: kid's swap update Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 17:52:12 -0500 From: Chris Carstens To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone! To those people whose kids/grandkids participated in the kid's basket swap: Just a reminder that you have slightly more than one week until the deadline to send out your child's basket. The deadline is September 2nd. Only 7 people out of 29 have notified me that their child's basket has been sent. Also, if your child has received a basket and you have not notified me, please do so. There are a few kids who should have received baskets by now and I was not yet notified about it. Hope the kids are having fun with this! Lisa Carstens, kid's swap coordinator Email: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Thank You Notes and Such Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 06:18:54 -0400 From: "Lewis & Carolyn Megginson" To: "David Collins" Hi All, I have noticed one reason for now sending hand written Thank You Notes not mentioned, Penmanship. My hands cramp up very tightly and sometimes writing looks like chicken scratch. I really miss the old office supply stores where you could try out the writing implements before purchasing. The last pen I bought was a Scheafer but found this difficult to write. I received a beautiful Thank You Note from my pattern partner, Kate Conroy and will keep it in pages with patterns to enjoy at later time when browsing through patterns. I hope we can all accept thanks and acknowledgement however it is offered. I did purchase some Thank You Notes but the acknowledgement will be shorter than an e-mail. Since we have something like L Baskets to contend with maybe we could all get together and start swapping hints to help basketmakers. I sent in one several years ago concerning the fraying of lashing. I know there is a tool on the market to help but I have found that using 1/4 flat oval before the rim row provides a cushion and isn't as rough on lashing material. This doesn't in anyway take away from the basket. I have also found that using 00 Seagrass instead of twining around the bottom provides an interesting look and doesn't break, especially when transporting baskets to shows. I have also heard of cutting plastic strips from bottles to help overlays slip through reed. I am sure there are many little things that we do that could help fellow basketmakers. My husband works very fast, he can make a step basket in 1 1/2 hours. I take part of the second day. I don't think we can judge the quality of basket by the time spent. We should spend as much time as needed for our baskets. They are a source of pride and sometimes a great help to income, retirement or otherwise. We have two more outside shows, hope the weather isn't to harsh. I also have two more that will have the L Baskets. They are not allowed in spring shows but are acceptable for Fall and Winter at school shows. Happy weaving, Carolyn of Suffolk, VA. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Help Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 12:11:10 -0400 (EDT) From: ebernier@webtv.net (Evie Bernier) To: davidc@iei.net Accidentally wiped out the email address for a basket site. I think the word HOME was included. Just glanced at it and thought that I had saved it. Don't know where it went. It was in a recent mailing. Does anyone have any info on dyeing with beach nuts? Evie in cloudy Sanford, MI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Summer Workshops Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 13:40:03 -0500 From: "Barbara Byrne" To: "David C (Weavers Words)" Hi all, I hope you all don't mind if I ask this question, but I couldn't think of a better way to get this kind of input. This season I only offered basket workshops in spring and fall at the Nature Retreat because the facility is not air-conditioned. But my husband is installing wall units in every bedroom as we "speak", so we will have a/c for next season. My question is this: How interested would you be in attending a summer workshop over one offered in either spring or fall? Is availability better in the summer? I want to be able to fill the retreat weekends and not have to cancel any (to the disappointment of those who have signed up and then the class doesn't make minimum). So I would appreciate your honest input before I start scheduling dates for the 2001 season. Please answer me privately so that we do not inundate David with emails that have no interest to the WW community at large. I sincerely appreciate any insight you can provide! Best regards, Barb %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Pattern Swap Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 21:04:59 -0400 From: "Jayna Glemby" To: "David Collins" Just an update on our first ever Duplicate Pattern Swap. All patterns are suppose to be in the mail by August 30th. Actually, it is going so fast that many have not only sent but received their duplicate pattern already. Of course it is faster than making a basket and best of all, everyone seems happy with the pattern they received. It is nice too, to see some emails on the Weaver's Word from those who took part. I'll keep you updated and hopefully, someone will come forward and offer to co-ordinate a second Duplicate Pattern Swap somewhere down the line. Jayna In central Massachusetts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any reason you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.