"Weavers Words" Vol. 4 Iss. 09 Date Sent: June 12, 2000 Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ Subscribers: 1420 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Earn $0.50/Hour By Surfing The Net From AllAdvantage.com: http://www.alladvantage.com/home.asp?refid=BOK567 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture('s) Added To Web Page Since The Last Issue Glennie McKirdy's-----Pine Needle Dreamcatcher Earrings. Glennie McKirdy's-----Hanging Bear Grass And Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----"Turtle" Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----Hanging Pine Needle And Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----Lidded Pine Needle And Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----Hanging Pine Needle And Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----Hanging Bear Grass And Gourd Basket. Glennie McKirdy's-----Hanging Pine Needle And Gourd Basket. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I've had some people emailing me stating that they are having difficulty loading Weaver's Words Web Page. The web page is still there, but unfortunately my web page host (www.xoom.com) has periodic outages. That's one of the disadvantages of having a free web page. My only advice is to be persistent. The web page is still there unless xoom.com is down. Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 07 Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 23:02:38 -0500 From: kderrick@swbell.net To: David Collins References: 1 Cynthia: The best book on braided borders that I have found is by Genie Jackson, called "Braided Border Baskets". It has seven basket patterns and explicit directions for various braided borders, including the Gretchen border. I took a class from Genie at the 1999 Missouri convention and made her "Inside-Outside Basket." The pattern also has good instructions in it. It has a beautiful Gretchen border...although mine isn't perfect; I have made a couple since that look pretty good! I usually just lurk, but I thought I'd try to be more social. Kathy in Parkville, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: SWAP #9 Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 23:06:54 -0500 From: "Karen D'Angelo" To: CC: "David Collins" Faye, I don't know about everyone else in Kansas, but I did send my name in and it didn't get returned and you also did not get it I don't know what happened. This will be my first basket swap on WW. I did do the basket exchange at the Mo. convention, that was my first ever. I have been basket weaving for 3 years. The 2000 MBG convention in St. Louis was my first convention. I had a great time and made some wonderful baskets. I am not very happy that there may not be a MBG convention next year. I hope that someone can see their way to be in charge so that it doesn't have to be cancelled. I took two classes from Cass Schorsch the Cedar Biscuit Basket and Undercurrents. I liked working with cedar very much and especially enjoyed the Undercurrents class. Cass is a wonderful teacher. Sunday I took Blooming leaf of Mexico from Judith Olney. I was really looking forward to that class because I am also a weaver and I want to make an afghan with the same colors and pattern. I have made that pattern several times in the past and enjoy doing it. I like all types of baskets except the ones that combine very bright colored yarn and natural materials. One or the other please, in my opinion. Up until now I have been a lurker, I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. Thank you Faye for coordinating swap #9. Thank you also to David for doing WW. Karen D'Angelo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Trip to Wisconsin Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 14:13:28 -0000 From: "Marianne Barnes" To: "David Collins" Hello fellow basketweavers, Just a note to say I am taking a trip to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. We will leave on June 29 for a visit to my husband's sister. On the way back we will sight see. Are there any shops close to where I will be? We are traveling from Greenville, SC, but we may take a different way home. Any suggestions on special places to see? We may take the ferry to Michigan one day while we are there. I will let you know later my route there and back. We are still looking at maps. If any of you that live that way have any ideas on places to go, please let me know. I am really excited. I have been working on weaving on gourds. I have done some undulating weave on top of the gourds. On one large one I even cut a hole in the center and made a dream catcher. As soon as I get my pictures back I will send one to David. I was asked to put some of my gourd baskets in a show at the Wachovia bank downtown sponsored by the Upstate Visual Artists Association. I am so glad school is out for a while. I love my summer vacation. Now I have a little more time to weave. Our guild is getting everything ready for Weave in 2000. It's going to be great. Thanks to all who helped out with the goodie bags and raffle items. Marianne Barnes from the sunny south %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 08 Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 12:23:31 EDT From: "Bonnie Hauser" To: davidc@iei.net HI. The Deustches Korb Museum in Germany did have a small gift shop with miniature baskets for sale. The only postcards for sale were of the museum. I spoke with the Staff and they mentioned that a man from England was going to put out a book of all the basket places of Europe later this year. They were going to send the information to me when it came available and I will Let weavers words know. Hot and muggy in Southwestern Michigan Bonnie Hauser %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Suggestions wanted. Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 11:26:52 -0700 From: "Tish Kendrick" To: I will be traveling in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in July. Bonnie has told about the museum in Michelaw, Germany. Any other tips or suggestions from anyone? The last time I was in Europe some forty years ago, I wasn't interested in basketry, but now...I'd appreciate any into form WW readers. Thanks, Tish in Nevada %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Baskets 2001 - a calendar Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 16:11:57 -0400 From: "Steve Catsos" To: "david collins" I wanted to let you know about a great new calendar featuring the work of 14 talented basketmakers. BASKETS 2001 a calendar Compiled by the Northeast Basketmakers Guild, BASKETS 2001 features the work of 14 award winning baskets from the NBG sponsored Baskets 2000: A Reflection of Diversity exhibit in a large 12" x 14" format. Basketmakers whose works are included in this calendar are Karol Lindquist, Doris Messick, Flo Hoppe, Arlene Kostek McGonagle, Deanna Savoy, Joanne Wood Peters, Sosse Baker, Jane Gross, Dianne Stanton, JoAnn Kelly Catsos, Mary Hettsmansperger, Elizabeth Whyte Schulze, Mary Butcher, and Polly Adams Sutton. Individually shrink wrapped and professionally printed on quality paper, you will be impressed with the incredible beauty of each basket pictured in BASKETS 2001. BASKETS 2001 will retail for $15.95. You may pick up your copy of this 2001 calendar at any NBG guild event, or order today by sending a check for $15.95 + $3 shipping (payable to NBG) to JoAnn Kelly Catsos, 90 Polikoff Road, Ashley Falls, MA 01222. Quantity discounts are available - contact JoAnn at catsos@bcn.net Please order early, as quantities are limited. Calendars will be available in early August. Happy Weaving!! JoAnn Kelly Catsos In southwestern MA - getting ready for a basket weaving trip to Alaska. I'll be gone June 14-26, but will answer your e-mail when I return! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Winter Weave 2001 Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 02:28:48 -0500 From: "Char Ciammaichella" To: Just wanted to let everyone know that Winter Weave 2001 is announcing our list of teachers for Feb. 23, 24, and 25th 2001. We will have: Anne Bowers, Judy Briscoe, Susan Coyle, Flo Hoppe, Eileen LaPorte, Ruthanne Morningstar, Judith Olney, Cass Schorsch, Mary Smith-Stokes, Tressa Sularz, Marilyn Wald, and Karen Wheeler. Anyone wanting to receiveinfo can email their address to: charweave@adelphia.com Could you please add this to your events listings? Thanks Char Ciammaichella %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 07 Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 23:09:41 -0400 From: "Donna L" To: "David Collins" Cynthia - The best instructions I know of for a Gretchen Border can be found in Genie Jackson's book "Braided Border Baskets". You can view it at: http://www.countryseat.com, click on "Order on Line". It's not at all difficult to do. Donna in PA where today was hot, and tomorrow will be worse. bordlong@fast.net http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Update on Carol Antrim Class! Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 12:28:37 -0600 From: "Faye Stukey" To: "David Collins" To: davidc@iei.net Chrissie: have you thought about braiding your own strap? I made a fishing creel basket with no pattern, so there was no set way suggested for the strap. I took six strips of leather from a spool I got for about $8-$10 at Michael's, and made my own. Look in books about braiding lanyards or even leather braiding for ideas. The strap came out great, and I am still getting lots of compliments on my now two-year-old creel purse. Do some experimenting and you may be very pleasantly surprised. Shirley in warm, windy Monterey CA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap #9 Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 21:47:10 -0600 From: "Faye Stukey" To: "David Collins" References: 1 Hi Weavers! I just want to report... we are now up to 112 participants in Swap #9! I recently had one weaver, who had already sign up, send me some extra information about herself that she thought her partner might find useful. I thought it might be a good idea! I know, in a previous swap, I wanted to know a little more about my swap partner... and even went so far as to search the old issues of Weavers Words to learn a little more about her. Some readers, when they first sign up to receive Weavers Words, will share a little information about themselves. I learned that my partner had two young children... really young... which gave me a little insight into what I might want to include with my basket. I guess the purpose of this letter is only to say that if you'd like your partner to know a little something about you, other than any likes or dislikes you may have already sent me, I would be happy to forward that information on to your prospective partner! WOW... am I creating work for myself! Keep those sign ups coming to stukey@digisys.net! Faye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 00:03:10 -0400 From: "Jayna Glemby" To: "David Collins" FYI: The big JC Penney Catalog arrived this weekend and I noticed that on the several pages of wallpaper borders they had several featuring baskets! Up until a few years ago borders with baskets were not that easy to find. They also had some with birdhouses. Since my illness I have had to walk with a cane...it's better then the walker! But still, it's difficult to carry things with just one free hand. Recently I attended a young neighbor's high school graduation and between my cane, my purse, camera and having to get out my reading glasses, I knew it was going to be an awkward day. So, what else does a basket maker do? You make a basket for your cane! I fiddled around and finally made a cone shaped basket, using the cane as the center back spoke. It is about 8" high and it worked out perfectly. I put my little camera and reading glasses in the basket and there was no fumbling around for them. Since then. I find it is a big help at work, again to carry reading glasses, especially when I have to travel to another department. You just can't keep a basket maker down! Jayna In central Massachusetts where the Iris are in full bloom. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any reason you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.