"Weavers Words" Vol. 4 Iss. 05 Date Sent: May 29, 2000 Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ Subscribers: 1408 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Earn $0.50/Hour By Surfing The Net From AllAdvantage.com: http://www.alladvantage.com/home.asp?refid=BOK567 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture('s) Added To Web Page Since The Last Issue Nancy Bemis's-----Blue Ribbon Antler Basket Pamela Woodbury's-----Thumbweavers Guild Making Monkey Business Twill Basket %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New email address Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:07:38 -0400 From: "Linda S. Allen" To: "David Collins" David, I have a new email address for receiving Weavers Words - please pass along to everyone. Thanks, Linda Allen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Gourds!! Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 20:12:53 -0700 From: Doug Pickles & Glennie McKirdy To: davidc@iei.net Leigh Ingram; Gourds! One of my favorite things to work with!! Paste wax (for wood floors) gives a great nice shine to gourds, and enhances the natural color very nicely. Shoe paste works as well, if you want some color. Leather dye has wonderful colors (I use Angelus), then I give it a light spray with Deft Semi gloss clear wood finish. To cut, I use an Exacto type knife (No. 2, with a saw blade - #15 - this gives a nice fine kerf) (kerf~cut). A bit hard to find. Artist supply stores have them. Some craft suppliers. The Caning Shop by mail order - www.caning.com. I weave on the tops of mine with anything that will make a coil. Pine needles, bear grass, sweet grass, etc. I cut one gourd to make two baskets. The bottom one can sit and the top one hangs. I drill holes evenly around the rim to add my coiling material. Have fun!! Gourds are so neat to work with - you can do so many different things with them. Glennie McKirdy Creston, British Columbia, Canada %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Working With Gourds Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 23:25:33 -0400 From: Jacqueline Carlson To: Weavers Words Leigh - Gourds can be cut using an Exacto knife with a saw blade. First set the gourd on the table, decide where you would like to cut the gourd and then make a pencil mark around the gourd. Insert an awl into the gourd on the pencil mark, then insert the blade of the Exacto knife and following your pencil mark, saw around the gourd. The awl can also be used to make the holes around the rim of your gourd bowl, if you decide to coil on your gourd or you can use an electric drill. I like to use leather dye on the outside of the gourd as it gives a nice "leather" look. There are many colors of leather dye to choose from. I have a few gourd photos on my website (www.summermeadow.com) which may give you some ideas. If I can be of any further help, feel free to contact me. Jackie Summer Meadow Basketry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Pat Levitte's e-mail Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 23:46:37 -0400 From: "Nancy Carlson" To: To Diane, Pat does not have e-mail - you will have to resort to some other means of communication. Phone works quite well or snail mail. Nancy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Great tips Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 10:56:52 EDT From: GrayFelix@cs.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone Thanks for the tips on philodendron sheaths from WW and personal e-mail. I can always count on you for information. As for the answer to white dots on dyed reed, that's a good thing to know to give the reed a warm water dunk before dying it. Happy to have you back Bert. The best to you. You seem to be quite a bond to WW and you have our support. Thanks David for keeping us together so we can learn, share and grow in the wonderful world of basketry. Georgia in WI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Stowe Basketry Festival Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 14:39:59 EDT From: RndHearth@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear David, We just finished our very successful 9th Annual Stowe Basketry Festival and are already looking forward to the 10th Anniversary Festival in 2001. We would like to participate in the information sharing that goes on between your subscribers. Would you please advise me as to how we could do that? If you would like to see our brochure on line, go to www.roundhearth.com. You will see both a Basketry and a Beading Festival Brochure. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Merry Vigneau Stowe Basketry and Stowe Beading Festivals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Stuff Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:08:15 -0400 From: "Ruthanne M.S. Morningstar" To: davidc@iei.net Hi WW's, I sent this last week, but it never got into WW's, so here it is again: To Diane: Pat Levitte's brother makes those and says you can order from him. His name is Bob Teller and his number is (810) 784-5952. Sandi - I've drilled shells with a fine Dremel tool. You have to be careful and put the shell in a vise or block it somehow. If the drill bit catches, it can throw the shell. I would suggest you also wear work gloves, leather preferably and as always, safety glasses. You only have one pair of eyes. Take care of them. I usually block it against a piece of wood and use another piece of wood to hold it. You do sometimes break a few. Good luck. Bert - It's good to have you back. New message - Bert - I know I can take my tag line off. If I really wanted it off, I'd figure a way, but it generates so many responses, I leave it. My only problem is that when people see it, they figure I'm a real 'Wiz' with computers. I'm not, but my husband, David, is. Take Care! Ruthanne M.S. Morningstar 'The Electronic Woman' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 17:59:35 -0500 From: Jim Beltz To: davidc@iei.net Hancocks of Paducah has a catalog that they will send to you that has color pictures of a lot of their fabrics. I was just there for the Quilt Show. And Donna is right, they have it all. I am just east of San Antonio, Beaumont area, and it is HOT here and the mosquitoes are HUGE. Beth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Coordinator notes Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 20:24:26 -0400 From: "Jennifer Mulcare-Sullivan" To: "David Collins" Barbara Holt & Melody Palm have fulfilled the swap requirements and are welcome to participate in future WW basket swaps. My apologies to both of them for printing their names in a public forum such as WW. Posting names here was not meant an assault on anyone's good name or character. Please understand that I was & am still trying to tie up loose ends. Thank You. J. Mulcare-Sullivan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 04 Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 23:50:02 EDT From: SharonKlusmann@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi All: I am in need of a basket handle supplier who could accommodate a large special order. I have a price from the company I always buy my handles, but am interested in possibly eliminating a middle man and going right to the handle maker. If there are any of you handle makers out there, please e-mail me. I just received a verbal commitment from a manufacturer of a product that wants to purchase 500 baskets for us for their initial order and the handle we designed is not standard. I know a new mold would have to be made for it and I would love to have more than one source because this could turn into another 1,000 baskets every 3 months if it flies the way the company is hoping. If anyone can help me out, please let me know. Thanks, Sharon Klusmann/Ohio Where we had summer several weeks ago, now back to a cooler than normal Spring!! www.SharonKlusmann.com SharonKlusmann@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW-Need Portland Info Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 05:12:13 -0700 From: "STEPHENSON,KIRSTI (HP-Boise,ex1)" To: "'davidc@iei.net'" I may be making a trip to Portland the first weekend in June to attend the Bead & Button show at the Oregon Convention Center. I'll be meeting my mom and two of my sisters to do the "girl's thang" (the only rule: there are no rules :) and need to know if anyone can point me in the direction of weavers/shops/basketry supplies in the area. Thanks in advance, Kirsti %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Smell Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:52:47 -0400 From: "MK Loukus" To: I was wondering if any one can tell me how to get the smell off of baskets after they've been stained? I've had them out in the fresh air, but they still have the faint smell of stain. If anyone has a lot of pictures on their computer, there is a great program to get called flip book. It is a 28-day evaluation download, and after that it sells for $39.95. I sure like it, and I'm sure more of you will too. You can go the web site www.flipbook.com to get the download. I sure enjoy these newsletters and the web site. Keep up the good work! Thanks for any help that you can give me with the basket stain smell. Mary Kay loukus15@up.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Peeling birchbark Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 11:04:43 -0400 From: Daniel Nye To: davidc@iei.net For Weavers Words, When peeling birch bark it is not necessary to score around the tree both top and bottom of the piece you are obtaining. Rather, hold your very thin knife about 45degrees from perpendicular with the bark and make your vertical cut. Then score it a short distance top and bottom and begin working the piece off the whole length of the vertical cut at onetime, working back and forth. It is important that you do not get ahead of yourself too far or you will have tearing problems. If layers start to stay attached to the inner bark they need to be pried free or they will only get bigger and ruin the piece. There is no value I know of in not going all the way around the tree, just a smaller piece. One final hint; if the bark starts to split in the middle of the piece it can be halted if you stop, awl a couple of holes with a triangular awl, one on each side of the split, and tie the two sides of the split together with some string. Good luck, Daniel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New e-mail address Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 12:10:31 -0400 From: "Ronald and Mary Kuhr" To: davidc@iei.net Hello Everyone! Ron is convinced that DSL is faster than old faithful ATT&T. Thus, I have been switched. My new e-mail address is: mzkuhr@nc.rr.com. Please change your address books to reflect same. I'd hate to miss even one tiny communiqué. Thanks, Mary (Kuhr) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 4 I. 03 Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 17:18:29 -0500 From: "RWS" To: "David Collins" Hi Trying to find information about location and whether classes are still available for the MO basket convention in St. Louis, as I will be in the area visiting family at the time. If you know or have a contact via phone or e-mail, please let me know. Thanks. hms371@FLASH.NET (281) 360-0093 HELEN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Question Time Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 20:05:11 -0500 From: "Cynthia G. Robbins" To: Happy Memorial Day! Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've tried to use a heart shaped paper punch to punch a strip of maple for a basket and have had no luck at all. I'm using the "paper thin" maple and it's one of those big punches (like scrap bookers use). It just won't cut it! Is there a special punch or strip to use? I know it can be done; I saw several baskets at a craft show that used the punched strip as an overlay on a dyed weaver, but the lady that was at the booth wasn't the weaver, so she didn't know. Help, please! In case you have tried to find the basket cloth at Hancock Fabrics web site and couldn't, it's supposed to be under the "Chicken Soup" line. Cindy in Beautiful Bama %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any reason you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.