"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 70 Date Sent: November 18, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1250 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 Fax: (520) 222-0391 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, GREAT FREE PROMOTION PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING & PARTICIPATE. EVERY FREE FLEECE VEST I RECEIVE WILL BE DONATED TO HOMELESS SHELTERS HERE IN INDIANAPOLIS. WITH OVE 1200 SUBSCRIBERS, WE COULD CONCEIVBLY GET 120 VEST. E-MAIL THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. If you sign up for the Asimba Friends and Fleece program, and reference my email address davidc@iei.net, then you'll help me get one step closer to receiving a fleece vest with "Asimba Team Elite" embroidered on it. But this isn't just about me. By signing up, you are eligible to get a fleece also. Just ask your friends to join and tell them to use your email address as the referral. Once ten (10) people use your email address as the referral, Asimba will send you a fleece. And they'll keep sending you one for every ten (10) new people that join. This promotion is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Just click the link below and we can all be on our way to a new fleece! http://www.asimba.com/cgi/go.to?ac=933305&pm=FNF I RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE TODAY. IF ANYONE IS INTEREST, PLEASE CONTACT AMI NORRIS. I am an editor at Sterling Publishing. I am currently editing a book on basket making. It is a translation of an Italian book. However, there is a whole section on basket making in Italy, which I would like to change to Basket making in the US. I was wondering if you could write a three-page section for our book. If this is something that you are interested in, or if you know of someone who would be able to do this, please email me at anorris@sterlingpub.com or call me at212-532-7160 ext. 177. Ami Norris Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:23:18 EST From: "Patricia Steinmetz" To: davidc@iei.net Greetings, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my cry for help. I was able to locate exactly what I was looking for. Weaver's Words Friends are the best. Thanks again, Pat S in Indy where the weather is blustery. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 69 Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:32:03 EST From: Sandybsk@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Judy Miles - the basket pasta comes from the Longaberger Kitchen store at the Homestead complex in Ohio. Hope this helps. Sandy MS Creations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Basket pasta Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:50:09 -0700 From: ROY LEA To: David Collins To Judy Miles, I think the person would have purchased the pasta in what I like to call "Longabergerland" since it is where they make said baskets. I checked with a pasta supplier - I had some snowflake shaped pasta and the package gave URL info - but they said that Longaberger had purchased their entire production of the basket shaped pasta. Try a search on "Dresden, OH" and see if you can turn up a shop there that sells the pasta. I do know some people who live about an hour away from Dresden, and if you get really desperate, I could see if they could go get some. You can e-mail me privately regarding this if you wish. Good luck on your quest. Diane in sunny AZ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 69 Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 08:38:23 EST From: Hairbasket@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net I haven't written but one time to WW, but I'm looking for a basket car tag. If any of you weavers know of any please let me know. Thanks, Phyllis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: ww/chit chat Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 09:52:18 -0500 From: "mkoch" To: Bert C: Saturday evening I needed to rest my fingers as well as myself, so I could weave my Sunday morning basket. "I have whimpie fingers"..... :) Saturday evening was devoted to chit chat with the other gals that didn't weave.... It was great!!!! Bert, have a great time in March!!!!! Happy Weaving, Dollie Koch Indpls IN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 68 Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 14:11:51 -0600 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 68 Patricia Steinmetz - The little handles you're looking for sound a lot like some of the 'ears' I've seen for swing handles. Could you substitute something like that? If not, maybe you could carve some out of half-round reed, or make wire ones with bead grips. Helen in Princeton, regarding natural dyes - The Earth Guild web site: http://www.earthguild.com has some wonderful information on dyeing reed with natural dyes in one of their 'riffs'. For the most part, it involves mordanting with both alum and tannin, then following directions for dyeing cotton. Several excellent books have already been mentioned here. There are many more available. I would add WEEDS: A GUIDE FOR DYERS AND HERBALISTS by Anne Bliss, 1978, Boulder: Juniper House, ISBN 0-931870-01-1; NAVAHO AND HOPI DYES by Nonabah G. Bryan, Navaho, Originally published by US Bureau of Indian Affaris, available as a paperback reprint ISBN 0-910584-49-4; THE ART AND CRAFT OF NATURAL DYEING by J.N. Liles, Knoxville: U. of Tennessee Press, 1990, ISBN 0-87049-670-0; TRADITIONAL SCOTTISH DYES by Jean Fraser, Edinburgh, Scotland: Canongate, 1983,1988, ISBN 0-86241-108-4; anything by Su Grierson, and the several booklets on natural dyes that are published by the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Bert Comstock, Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Winter Weave Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:24:48 EST From: DebGring@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello fellow weavers and David, My confirmation letter for Winter Weave in Mentor, Ohio came this week and I am thrilled with my classes, scared too if it needs to be known! I have never woven with willow, and am taking 2 classes with Sandy Whalen, one is a day pack and one is a fruit basket. The last day I am taking a class with Joan Moore entitled Quiet Changes. I am looking forward to new and exciting ventures! Speaking of t shirts and iron on transfers......I did make a t shirt last year for winter weave, but my hubby ruined it when he dryed it on too high of heat, beware when you make your artwork t shirts, dry them either on delicate or line dry! I am planning a new one for this year (or maybe two) and am thinking of adding some glittery type fabric paint to it etc......I am not very artistic tho, so who knows what will come out. I bought the Hanes t-shirt maker and use the transfer paper they had with that, but actually use other programs too for designing t-shirts, Printmaster has some nice graphics as does The Print Shop. Nora, that is a good idea to add the URL's of various basket sites, may have to do that.....and affiliations too! I finally have the baby afghan done (it is a LARGE blanket type thing) and began weaving again yesterday getting Christmas presents begun. Made some Carolina Snowflakes for the 1st time and am very happy with them. Made some out of black ash and some out of dyed reed, they really turned out good. Am going to try another shell embellished basket this next week also. Fortunately don't have to drill a bunch of shells (I hope!) Think I drilled a lot last time. Judy, I understand your decision not to sell your baskets anymore, I have tried direct sales twice, and not done well, I am not a salesperson! We all have things we are good at and things we are not. If we were all the same, what a boring place this would be! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take care. Debbie Gring Who is either weaving, crocheting, cooking. reading or computing, but not doing housework! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW/Free Pattern is Ready Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:18:28 -0500 From: "mkoch" To: Hi everyone!!! David has input the "Xmas Drum Ornament" pattern onto our web page. www.weaversstain.com Go to Free Pattern section #3 This weaves up very fast and is great on the Xmas Tree and also makes great sweet & low baskets for the holiday table. Great Seller for you gals that do shows. Decorate a wreath with approx. 6 to 8 drum ornaments. Very cute! Enjoy!!!!! Mark & Dollie Koch The Weavery Home of Weaver's Stain %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Go! Dog! Go! Date: 18 Nov 1999 03:35:01 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.corecom.net/~choatepp Yee haw! Although there is isn't very much snow I took the dogs out for the first run of the year today. I must be doing better since I only had one dogfight and I didn't lose the sled. I'll figure that as a good omen for the season opener. The computer seems to be taking up a lot of my time lately. I'm in the process of revamping all those antler basket patterns with photos from my digital camera. The first one completed is the Antler Wall Pocket, so if you've been baffled by this pattern maybe the revision was made with you in mind. I've just recently traded in my road warrior shoes for bunny boots. All my classes have come to a conclusion until the March convention in North Carolina. After that I'll be hot on the trail once again offering classes in April and headed towards the Lower 48 in May. If you are interested in becoming part of the Summer Tour 2000 give me a hoot and we'll find a spot for you. Antler Tip: When adding ribs make sure that you put a good slype on the rib and insert it with the "slyped" side of the rib next to the existing rib in the basket. You'll be amazed at what a good cut on the rib and this insertion technique will do to keep those ribs in until the weave will do so for you. Until the snow blows in your direction..... Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap #7 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 13:53:54 -0500 From: "Dolores Gatz" To: "David" Hi All, Well Roberta Comstock has notified me that my name is up next on the Basket Swap Coordinator list (yaaaa). I looking for input on it. I thought about running it in January and if we all mail them out the beginning of February, they should be arriving to everyone for Valentine's Day. So, was thinking about doing a Valentine's Swap. Then, all those red and pink heart shaped baskets came to mind. Would everyone be getting the same basket? So now, I'm thinking about leaving it a open swap with just a reminder that Valentine's Day (or about) would be the arrival date of the baskets. Any thoughts out there? Let me know and I'll try to get the notice in next week for the swap. I'll take names from then till the end of December, get the swap names to everyone over the holidays (Christmas/New Year's that is). Bert can I use your list of rules for the swap? Dolores Gatz Long Island, New York %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 69 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:44:47 -0600 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 69 Rae - your words of encouragement are wonderful. I know they will be helpful to many of us when we get discouraged. Nora - Since you brought up the idea of a WW T-shirt, I'll drop my 2 cents worth in here and suggest that some of the shirt makers out there consider doing embroidered patches of baskets or guild logos. I can't always afford (and don't always need or want) another shirt, but would love to be able to buy patches to sew on things I already have. Joe Conroy - Thanks for the rim tips. I use emery boards regularly in other crafts, but keep forgetting to put some in with my basket tools. Nora - Good luck on your other show! Bert Comstock, off to clear a new work space in my library/computer room in Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: simple program Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 16:45:03 -0500 From: cyousey@northnet.org To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, I was wondering if anyone puts their weaving craft in a program on the computer. I have been searching for a "simple" program that I could incorporate to basket weaving, I don't have to do pay roll etc... Anyone out there with info please? Connie in Upstate NY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: books on natural dyes Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 20:42:43 -0800 From: Sue Ann Boitnott To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, I have not written in quite awhile but I read the posts faithfully. My favorite book for dyeing is NATURE'S COLORS - Dyes from Plants, by Ida Grae. The recipes for different colors are quite detailed. I got my copy while on vacation a few years ago in Portland, Ore. Sue Ann in central Michigan where I am waiting for colder weather to harvest my willow. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.