"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 48 Date Sent: September 21, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1177 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, Due to some subscribers having trouble accessing the web page, I'm in the process of removing all JAVA from the web page. So the next few days you may find some broken links and pictures. Don't worry I'm working on the update. Don't miss this -- PlanetRx.com has a great offer for new customers right now. Get 20% off your first order, plus get a FREE Johnson & Johnson First Aid Kit ($25 retail value) as a special gift! This offer is for first-time buyers only and does not apply to prescriptions. PlanetRx is an online pharmacy with a complete selection of over-the-counter medicines, personal care items, prescriptions, cosmetics, medical supplies, vitamins, herbs, and supplements. To get your 20% savings and free first aid kit, click on the link below, or copy and paste the entire link into your browser: http://www.planetrx.com/promo/staf.asp?pid=109462 Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 47 Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 20:05:53 PDT From: "Jennifer Forsyth" To: davidc@iei.net I am hoping someone can help me. I recently had a customer ask if I could make a butterfly basket and although I am sure I could, I really don't have any interest. I don't really enjoy ribbed baskets (just a personal preference). I have seen Patricia Yunkes patterns but have never seen anyone who makes them. I would like to forward a couple of sources to my customer. Does anyone have any suggestions. She has butterflies all over her home and would like to have them in the form of a basket. Thanks for your help. Jenn in Central MA. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 01:15:45 -0400 From: "Tony and Lynda" To: "David Collins" Hello all, To Bev about the tobacco stain, woodworking suggests 1 square of tobacco, of your choice, to a pint of ammonia. Hope that helps. Hope this finds all well that got in Floyd's way. Take care and God Bless! Lynda Crowe 'The Crowe's Nest Basketry' http://home.wirefire.com/crownest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 46 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:45:24 -0400 From: "Donna L" To: "David Collins" Debbie - In our on-line catalog at http://www.countryseat.com we have heavy metal spoke weights that weigh 1-1/4# each. These really do the trick to hold ends in place. Donna in eastern PA where we finally have power restored and LOTS of water bordlong@fast.net http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:33:39 -0400 From: John Dorris To: "Weavers Words" The more I see of the flooding in N.C. the more I realize how lucky we were. We got some rain and a little wind but nothing to compare with what has happened other places. It's hard to imagine enough water that they would have to close sections of the interstate. Tony, I agree about having enough supplies to make tons of baskets. I doubt if I'll live long enough to use everything I have. Esp. since I am now concentrating on Nant. I have lots of materials for other types. I know I could sell them or give them away but getting rid of things is not part of my personality. I have to hang on to everything as I never know when I will need it. About using glass bowls as molds. I still love them but need to warn everyone that many of them, esp. the round bottom ones are not symmetrical. You have to accept that both sides are not the same and deal with it the best you can. It doesn't mean that you base isn't centered but that the bowl itself is crooked. After saying all that I must admit that it still drives me crazy and I'm constantly trying to get them even. I am also going to Arrowmont and the weaver's conference. I have a class with Leon Niehaus and my friend Meredith Macdonald has Mary Jackson. Two weeks from now we'll be on our way. Because we are driving (500 miles) we will leave on Mon. and drive part way. Could do it all in one day but we decided we'd enjoy it more if we weren't exhausted from the trip. Enough for now as I have much to do with a show in two weeks. Billie in thankfully dry Va. Beach %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words V.31.47 Decoys Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:24:34 -0400 From: "j.carreon" Reply-To: "j.carreon" To: "David Collins" Hi David and all WW members. Debbie Wagenecht~~you will find the information you need for the Canadian Geese Decoys at this e-mail address Diana Macomber ZOHE@aol.com, I have contacted her about her patterns. They are beautiful geese pattern. Here in Havelock, NC we were very lucky to have weathered Floyd. It was nerve wrecking to wait and see where Floyd would make landfall. We didn't need this since we hadn't dried out from Dennis. Now the people west of us, between the coast and Raleigh are having a time with the flooding. In some places the water has reached 5 and 6 feet. It's just so heartbreaking to see people that have lost everything they own. It was scary you had to be there. David~~thanks for your hard work. I look forward to receiving Weavers Words. Juanita Carreon Havelock, NC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 42 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:31:44 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net From: David Collins "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 42 Cass McDonald - This is just a guess, because I haven't actually woven with bean vines, but when I use bindweed, I like to let it dry about halfway and then use it. It wilts as it begins to dry and becomes flexible, kind of leathery feeling. You can then go ahead and weave with it before it gets brittle. Nancy Brandt - I'm seldom fussy about exact measurements, but when I want a base to have an exact dimension, I cut that shape out of cardboard and clip the base to it with bobby pins so that I can keep it from pulling our of shape as I weave. I generally start going up the sides with the cardboard piece on the inside of the basket. You may have to bend it to get it out, but that's not hard to do after you've woven a few rows. Bert Comstock Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:32:44 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 43 Date Sent: September 07, 1999 Arcea - Pine needles can be soaked in water to make them flexible for weaving. Vicki - You can collect leaves of day lilies, daffodils, iris, etc. when they begin to get yellow or brown. By that time, they are no longer producing food to be stored in the roots, rhizomes or bulbs. Fall is a good time to gather cattails. Cut them off near the water line. They will come up again from the roots. The stems with the seed head on them aren't good for weaving, but they can be used in dried floral arrangements. If you want to do that, spray them with fixative or hair spray to keep them from bursting. I have saved my last batch of cattail heads to see how they work in papermaking (one of these days!) Sue Brunton - I get most of my waxed linen thread from Royalwood. There may be a link from the WW website. I also sometimes find little coils of it in craft stores, but those are only available in white, ecru, and black. Anette - Bleach bottles are good for dye storage, but bleach is not acid. It is alkaline. The active ingredient is sodium hypochlorite. Bert Comstock Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 45 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:37:12 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 45 Karen Awong - You could measure the outside of the basket and then you would have a built in seam allowance, if you keep the seams narrow. Another way to get the inside measurements would be to put aluminum foil into the basket, tucking it close to the corners. Mark the edges of each side by 'drawing' up or down the seam line with a knitting needle or the tip of a pencil, or your fingernail. Then you can remove the foil, lay it out flat and cut the pattern pieces apart. You can also tape the parts back together to minimize the amount of sewing (lay out the bottom of the basket and tape each sidewall in place along the edge of the bottom - your only sewing would then be the vertical seams at each corner and the hem around the top). JoAnn Kelly Catsos - Yes! I'm going to Arrowmont, too. I'm really excited about it! I'll be in Leon Neihues' oak workshop. Look forward to meting you there. Is anyone else on the way to Arrowmont arriving late Tuesday evening? I'd be interested in sharing the ride from the airport at Knoxville to Gatlinburg if possible. Bert Comstock, Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 46 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:39:29 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 46 Kathy - I think the case we use for our Mavica is from Wal-Mart. I believe Bob found it in the music section - it's for carrying a small portable sound system & CDs. The main pocket holds the camera and instruction booklet, the front pocket holds the battery charger & cord, the back pocket holds extra discs. Check your local big discount store, whatever that is. Mindy - Ooh! Tiger maple is going to be gorgeous for your wooden basket parts! Bert Comstock in beautiful autumnal Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Canadian geese decoy pattern Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:46:59 -0500 From: "Sarah Stoddard" To: Debbie from Illinois: I'm a quiet lurker too, but I just wanted to let you know that the decoy pattern you asked about is actually on the Weaver's Words site in the Classifieds. Maybe you could get some more info there. Good luck! Sarah Watts in southern (and currently gray) Alabama %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaving without a guild Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:12:14 -0400 From: gatsby@larck.net To: davidc@iei.net Lois, you asked about get togethers where people weave without a guild. Here in Central Maine there is no guild that I know of. When my 2 friends and I started weaving, we would get together at the school where we taught after the students left. We did have others join us who wanted to learn how to weave and we did teach a few people. Now, there are 4 of us that get together regularly. We no longer weave at the school since we've changed jobs. Instead, we go to each other's houses. We usually stay for a meal. Everyone brings something. We try to set the date for the next "weave in" before everyone leaves. We help each other with patterns that are difficult. I'm usually the one trying all the new and difficult techniques. But, the others coach me and assist with figuring out how they work. We never have an assigned basket to weave. Everyone brings whatever they want to work on. It's really relaxing and lots of fun. There are no rules or set dates. It really depends on what works for everyone. Since we are all educators, we find that attendance is much higher in the summer than during the school year. We have had as many as 6-7 people, more would be too many for our houses. Hope this helps. Dot in Maine where the school year is off and running. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: stain, protectors, and Denise Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 15:16:42 -0500 From: Mike and Brenda Johnson To: David Collins References: 1 Karen, I saw your posting about trying to achieve the shade of stain to match Longaberger's. I tried this once. I always used the Minwax golden oak and provincial. To achieve the color you wanted, I know I used a little of the cherry. I'm not sure which one I mixed it with. I would suspect I used provincial or both golden oak and provincial (with mostly provincial). It has been a while since I did it (years). Try different mixtures and play with it. A good place to start would be 2 parts Provincial, 1 part Golden Oak, 1/2 part Cherry. (May need 1 part cherry instead of 1/2.) Adding the cherry gave it the almost reddish cast that the Longabergers have. I now use Weaver's stain most of the time. I like the fact that it can be used with food service also. Good luck. Also on the plastic liners, I purchased some at a basket shop for Royce Craft baskets (much like Longabergers). The problem I see is to get the basket to fit it properly. I think the reason we haven't gone to standard plastic protectors in the type of baskets we make, is that we don't usually use molds. These work best for baskets made on molds. If you find something you can use first as a mold, and then a protector, that would be good. The protectors I have aren't sturdy enough to use as a mold, though. I did have the idea of filling it with plaster of paris to make a (sturdy) mold. This would only be practical if I were to make several of the same size. Hope I've done more than confuse you! LAST SWAP: I was relieved to hear from my new friend in NC that her and her family were not severely affected by Floyd. Denise Pittman wove my basket for me on our last swap. It was exciting for me that I received my basket from her right before leaving on vacation to her area. After quick research before I left, I found out how to find her (as she had forgotten to sign her basket or leave a note in it, or a return address.) As a surprise, I showed up at her front door to "PERSONALLY THANK HER". This was quite a thrill for both of us. She confirmed my belief that most basket weavers are wonderful people too. It's been great to keep in touch. I am curious if any of the rest of you have had the opportunity to meet a new friend through the swap too. Glad to be back on line and keeping up with my WW since my computer had a trip to the "hospital". Brenda Johnson in Darke County, OH Where I'm firing my first load of stoneware pottery with my new hobby... like I needed another one. PS I have attached a picture of Denise and I on the day we met. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 47 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 21:02:43 -0700 From: "Pamela Zimmerman" To: "David Collins" It's here! It ran the gauntlet of hurricane and flood, but my swap basket is here! It is made by Connie Yousey, and is the most wonderful little 6"Anirondack backpack. It is so beautifully, perfectly shaped, and has lovely little tiny canvas straps...just like a real one! I am in awe. Thank you, thank you, what a wonderful treat, especially after all we have been through lately. I don't know how she knew to make the straps forest green - it is one of my favorite colors, and I didn't specify. How about that. Thanks for making my day, Connie, I needed it. M in a state beginning with M - YOUR SWAP BASKET is leaving tomorrow, via priority mail...keep a lookout for your special "Housebound by Floyd" basket! Hope you like it. We have been so lucky - several of our neighbors were evacuated by boat from their houses in the middle of the night as the waters rose...but we have stayed dry. Now we are watching the rivers, which are further away from our house than the creeks, but SO MUCH BIGGER! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, we need them! Pamela Zimmerman In Washington, NC http://www.homestead.com/lizardskinsnpineneedles/index.html Come to the Pine Needle Group: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/9114/index.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Basket Swap Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 08:08:21 -0400 From: jbenner@juno.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello all, Just a note to tell "someone" that they can expect a little US mail truck at their door maybe by Fri.??? This "someone" lives near some really big arches (and we're not talking McDonalds here) and I'd say it's in the Midwest, but I'm so bad at geography. (I am always looking at the weather channel and asking my dh, what's that state over there again? Or where IS Wyoming??) (VBG) I recognize the eastern states (though for years I thought South Carolina was Georgia) and the really big ones or odd shapes, but that leaves about half the states a mish mash to me. Unfortunately my swap basket is going to one of those states that I can't recognize. So, must be in the Midwest. In any case I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. Take care, Judy Benner (working feverishly on baskets for a craft show- I don't know how you people do this!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: MY SWAP BASKET HAS ARRIVED! Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 07:49:53 -0500 From: lin karrels To: "'davidc@iei.net'" CC: "'thekarrels@prairienet.com'" My swap basket is here and it's just beautiful. It's been sitting on my worktable for the past few days and I've been admiring it, deciding on just the right place for it. My basket was woven by Leigh Ingram of North Carolina. She wove a very sweet tulip basket with a woven border, using mauve and dark green weavers. She filled the basket with, what else, tulip bulbs! I love it. Leigh, your weaving is wonderful and I am very proud to now have one of your baskets. By the way, Leigh burned her name, the swap number and my name into the bottom of the basket, showing it was made just for me - the perfect finishing touch. Again, Leigh, thank you and I hope Floyd has not touched you too badly. I had originally posted this message earlier, but as usual, with my impeccable timing, it got lost in the glitch on David's site. And, along the same note, my swap basket went out today, right back to North Carolina. Lin Karrels - in very, very cool north central Illinois - great weaving weather! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: HELP Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:22:33 EDT From: ZOOBAR@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Once again ole' Ten Thumbs has gone and done it!!! I've misplaced (perhaps even lost?) the pattern for the basket using a soup can for a mold? Aggggggg!!!!! I've tried to find it via both the "search" on the main page and by looking at what seems to be zillions of past issues, to no avail! Weep, moan, to the sound of the rending of clothes and tearing out of hair (ouch!). Will someone PLEASE take pity and send me the instructions ??? Zoobar@al.com Barbara in Louisville, the Ten Thumbs Weaver where instead of rain it's just misting- I've seen thicker fog in San Fran. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Decoy Geese Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:58:11 EDT From: ZOHE@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear Weavers, Debbie, Thanks for your inquiry about the decoy goose pattern. When I try to email you directly a little flag comes up from AOL saying, "This address is too long. Addresses are a maximum of 16 characters." Does anyone else have this problem? I have had other letters to WW members rejected by AOL recently. The pattern is advertised in the Classified Section of Weavers World. Maybe new members do not know that David has a classified section and sellers give him a voluntary 10% of sales from there. Check it out sometime. The pattern has seventeen pages, contains instructions with diagrams and measurements for weaving and coloring a Large Atlantic Canada Goose (25 inches in length) and a Lesser (Western) Canada Goose (18 inches length). There is a full color photo sheet showing twelve close-ups of the goose under construction. Also included is a short decoy history. Suitable for intermediate weavers who are experienced at working with round reed, including twining, and understand the shaping such as an Appalachian egg basket or Scottish Hen Basket. Vine rattan is my favored flexible material. Hope its OK to put the price in this one time since there have been inquiries: $8.50 ($7.50 + $1 shipping). I notice that a few people advertise their classes and prices in these letters. This is useful information, but am not sure if it is approved by the general readership or fair to the basket pattern businesses. What do readers think? While I'm about it, my geese will be at the beautiful Waterford Fair in Loudon County, Virginia, the first weekend of October. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Looking for pattern Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 12:51:47 -0400 From: nancy brandt To: "davidc@iei.net" Hello everyone, We were very worried about Floyd and prepared, but I know we were lucky. We lost elec. 14 hours one day and 2 hours another. I'm looking for a pattern. All spokes and weavers on this basket have a round weaver -#2 or #3 in color- on each side. I don't care what shape it is but want this treatment. Thanks to everyone who sent me such lovely words of encouragement about the basket classes at the nursing home. Last week 9 residents each made the Candle holder basket from Farmers Wives catalog. I wish I had eliminated the feet; gluing those on was just the last thing when I was exhausted; my sample had feet, so we did the ball feet! They all turned out well; I wove ALOT of 1/4 flat rows; I think the residents could weave better with wider rows. The social director was supposed to help but when she saw how cute the sample was, she wanted her own, so she almost only worked on hers! My Mother can't do any of this now, but she was beside me all the time, and enjoyed it. I am looking for ideas for medium size baskets-very simple. Many homes in Md. still don't have elec.; but many in Va. and N.C. are in far worse shape from Floyd. Nancy in Glen Arm, Md. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Geese Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 14:40:26 -0500 (CDT) From: catslapbaskets@webtv.net (Russell / K.L. Mitchell) To: davidc@iei.net To Debbie, The Prairie Weaver in N. IL The pattern for the Geese is available in the Classified section at the Weaver's Words web site, http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ look under the listing for patterns. Karen in Sunny Mpls MN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Hey! and congrats Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:36:05 -0000 From: "Vic & Darleena Jones" To: "David Collins" Hey fellow weavers, It's been so long since I have posted anything but I do read every WW. Billie- Congratulations for winning Best of Show and the kids choice award. One of the hardest things to do is to get a child interested in art and to keep them interested is a wonderful thing. They will remember that weaving experience for years! Lois K.- The smaller group is what we call- in quilting guild- a mini group. We have a great mini group here and we meet every two weeks, adjusting the schedule now and then for things that come up. Once in a while we include dinner after. We share ideas, projects, books, jokes, and generally have a nice afternoon. Unfortunately, I am the only weaver here on the base so if I were to get a mini group going it would be a class atmosphere and I never seem to have the time to teach anymore- so that wouldn't be any fun for me. Thank you for letting us know the author of the Jeremiah basket. Does anyone know when it was created and why it is called the Jeremiah basket? I love the basket and it is a popular one at shows but they always ask me those questions and I'm tired of shrugging. Take care all and I hope the East Coast is drying out. Darleena in windy Azores %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Traveling east....and north.... Date: Tue, 21 Sep 99 17:22:41 -0600 From: rounds@ionet.net To: "David Collins" Well, I packed up a basket I wove, tucked in some things that are made in Oklahoma...and put a label on it asking that it be 'lovingly delivered' to my swap partner. It's winging it's way a 'far piece' east and north of Oklahoma. It flies out of Oklahoma this afternoon in a priority mailbox provided by the USPS. Reporting in, Denise (Who can now weave her OWN basket not that she's fulfilled her obligation to the swap) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.