"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 44 Date Sent: September 10, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1155 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues of the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, Regarding the date 9/9/99, I meant that format happens once every decade (i.e. 1/1/11. 2/2/22, 3/3/33 etc.). Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 20:37:47 -0700 From: Sharle Osborne To: David Collins If you are interested in signing up for the Willow and Naturals list you may email me and I will send you instructions. It functions independently of Weavers Words though some people are on both lists. It is not a digest. If you sign up, you will receive an email every time someone posts. This is zero some days and 20 emails other days. It is not a chatty list. I would encourage persons working in or growing willow to email me, I think you would get a lot from the group. Sharle Osborne sharleo@orca.esd114.wednet.edu http://www.olympus.net/personal/skoehler/bskt.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 23:50:53 -0400 From: "Linda J. Braun" To: Carolyn -- The Jeremiah Basket pattern can be found in McCall's Craft Book "Baskets in Color". There are Jeremiah baskets pictured on page 50 of "Let's Weave Color Into Baskets" by Pat Laughridge, but beware, the pattern is not included in the book. Sue -- Royalwood, Ltd in Ohio is a very good source for waxed linen. Their website is at http://www.bright.net/~roylwood/ and they even have a color chart posted. For Canadian suppliers, visit Suppliers, Etc. page at http://www.bright.net/~basketc/suppliers.html and check out Fibres Plus and Basket Traditions. Hope none of our weavers on the East Coast suffered too much damage from Dennis. We got a good downpour and some cloudy weather from that storm clear over here in north central Ohio. Linda Braun Baskets, Etc. http://www.bright.net/~basketc/ Linda J. Braun 636 Keen Avenue Ashland, OH 44805 Phone 419/281-1210 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 00:19:48 -0400 From: "Donna Longenecker" To: "David Collins" Carolyn - A Jeremiah basket is similar to a large market basket but has some degree of shaping involved. If you care to see a picture of one, please go to our on-line catalog and either enter the word "Jeremiah" in the search box or go to the basket kits and look under the "ACP" kits and you can see what it looks like. It is woven on a 10" x 14" D handle. Lois - Just Patterns is alive and well. The site is just a bit slow to load I find. It's public knowledge that Sheri VanDuyn from MI has bought the publication and here e-mail is on the Just Patterns site. We don't expect any interruption in the publication. Donna bordlong@fast.net http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 07:58:48 -0500 From: "Adamczak, Shirley" To: "'David Collins'" The best thing I have found to store used dye is Speas Apple Juice one gallon bottles. They are very sturdy and rectangular shaped and they don't leak when stored on their side, if you need to store them that way for space. Lumps in the dye seem to disappear if you bring it to a boil before using again. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:52:22 -0500 From: "Ron and Bobbie" To: "David Collins" Hi. Keep seeing notes from folks on the WW list that they want to join the naturals list. WW and the naturals are 2 separate lists- David does not maintain the naturals list nor has any connection to it. Rob Sutherland maintains the naturals list. Sue Ann- jump in here and give them the address for subscribing to the naturals. Thanks- Bobbie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: misc. Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 12:01:19 -0400 From: "Angie Wagner" To: "David" Hi all! Tina in Williamsport - have you seen my father? He looks like Kenny. My dad just hasn't gone quite that gray. Kenny Rogers was my favorite singer when I was growing up. Nancy in Glen Arm - do you twine around the base of your baskets before weaving the sides? This holds the spokes in place without slippage. Or are your spokes too far apart? If there is too much space between each piece, they will slip and won't be as sturdy as a base with only a small space between each spoke. Carolyn - the Jeremiah basket is an old one. We carry it a kit and it's also in the book "Baskets in Color" a McCall book. If you go to our on-line catalog and type Jeremiah in the search feature, you'll be able to see the picture from the kit. The Jeremiah has an unusual curve to the sides. Lois in HI - Just Patterns was sold and the last issue was Deb's last. It supposedly will be continued in the same manner. JP was a nice magazine, hopefully it will remain so. Angie in PA The Country Seat http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 12:56:25 -0400 From: "Ingram" To: To Naomi--David's suggestion is right! By all means, eat at the Daniel Boone Inn, but there is one requirement: GO HUNGRY!! They specialize in family style serving, and no family I've ever been with could eat it all. My husband used to take the youth group through there when they were on road trips and it was always a highlight. Weavers--please send some new pictures of your baskets! I love to see what others are doing. A special request to Tony Stubblefield to send some more. You always have great advice, and the one picture you have is amazing. I'd like to see some more of your work. And any twill weavers out there, please do the same. Back to Art Council work-wish I was weaving! Leigh in Laurinburg NC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 10:23:01 -0700 From: "Denise Beck" To: "David Collins" Hello everyone I am looking for basketry suppliers in Canada. Also a source for waxed linen. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate hearing them. Thanks Sue in Parry Sound Ont Canada Pacific Basketry at 190 Broadwell rd., Salt Spring Island BC, V8K 1H3 carries all sorts of basketry supplies and tools, including locally-grown rush and red cedar bark, waxed linen, reed of all sizes, sea grass, etc. You can call Lorna Cammaert at 250-538-0033 Denise Beck Hey Anne Boquist, thanks for the neat tip on drilling sea shells! I'm going to try it. Coincidentally I have a box of plasticene on the shelf where I keep my drill! Fate. How's the seaweed in Sooke these days? And thanks Crystal for the great dye storage tip! I'm planning on doing some tie-dye, but don't necessarily want to dye every white sheet and towel in the house to use up all the leftovers, the way I usually do so as not to waste all that prepared dye! This is a very handy-dandy tip! To anyone who is interesting in being on the naturals mailing list, please send your requests to baskets@maillist.ox.ac.uk and ask to be added to the list. David doesn't run it, he has enough to do, poor guy! Sue Ann - If the worms eating your willow are one of the night moths, I hope you let it live. They are one of the only, perhaps THE only, pollinator for gourds, which bloom at night. To Vicki Blomberg - collect cattails and day lilies any time after bloom and before frost. Lay them on a screen in a warm dry place to dry out of the sun if you want them to retain some color, or in the sun if you want them bleached. You can also take a long strong thread or slender string and a needle and stitch through the base of each leaf and hang them from the garage rafters to dry (and store until use, too). Thanks David for being our mailman and giving us all a place to learn from each other. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: naturals Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 13:42:59 -0500 From: "St. Peters Church" To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, I don't know it I've written in since the beginning of WW or not, I've been receiving them all along and I enjoy them, just don't have a lot of time to write back. Please include me in the list of people who would like to receive the "Naturals" communications. Thank you Debbie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 18:16:54 -0500 From: "Pamm Steffen" To: I would like to be included in the naturals communication please. Pamm Steffen 670A Willowick Ct Brookfield, WI 53045 steffenp@execpc.com Thanks you for all. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 42 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 17:46:25 -0700 From: "Pamela Zimmerman" To: "David Collins" For those of you who do not drink a lot of beverages in large plastic bottles, but need something to store your dye in, why don't you try asking a friend with small children to save their juice jugs? I go through about 4 or 5 jugs of apple juice, or V8 splash, or whatever, for my kids a week. It doesn't take long for them to accumulate. Also, there are some great gallon jugs with handles that Lucky Leaf apple juice comes in, and some of them are the very heavy plastic, which is labeled "5", and cannot be recycled. They are especially sturdy & slightly opaque, and some are squared, which makes them store snugly interlocked. I have really enjoyed using them, especially since I can't recycle them. Thanks for all your wishes during the storm - lots of limbs down & no damage! Pamela Zimmerman in wet NC http://www.homestead.com/lizardskinsnpineneedles/index.html Come to the Pine Needle Group: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/9114/index.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 09:14:38 -0400 From: SUSAN A REED-FANFONI To: davidc@iei.net References: 1 Hi, This is a quickie note to who had asked about Just Patterns magazine. Debbie Blair has sold the magazine to a very talented and artistic weaver, Sheri Van Duyn. The sale was recent and the web site with the email address should be linked to her now. I know that Sheri will continue to keep up the good work and quality on this magazine. I wish her the best of luck. We are now having a sunny day after a very wet weekend which we so desperately needed. Now to get out and mow the grass, ugh! Happy weaving, Susan Reed-Fanfoni In the Shenandoah Valley, VA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 23:15:51 EDT From: RMHASK111@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi, David Would you please add me to the list of weavers who would like to receive information on using "naturals"? Thanks for all the time you spend on Weavers Words. You provide a great source of information to all of us! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: antler baskets Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 09:14:26 -0400 From: "Ingram" To: When in my first basket class, one member repeatedly asked questions about antler baskets, brought in pictures, and eventually a bag of antlers. Being a city girl, I was disgusted. The instructor helped her through her first antler basket, and I was still pretty unimpressed. Just never been a big fan-to each is own-right?? Then an interesting thing happened... Nan Gorbics sent me the info I asked for in the last edition of WW about weaving with soup cans. She invited me to peruse their homepage. AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH BEAUTIFUL ANTLER BASKETS IN MY LIFE!!! If you guys haven't visited their site, please do so. They are the most stunning baskets I've seen, so unusual, wonderful colors, and the symmetry is what really got to me. My butt baskets usually have more cellulite on one side than the other, if you know what I mean, regardless of what I do. These antler baskets look more like architectural designs. I hope Nan and Steve don't mind if I include their address, cause it's well worth the time. www.homepage.oceana.net/~gorbics Enough rambling for now, I'm gonna go play with my soup can! Leigh In Laurinburg %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: stuff Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 19:53:58 -0400 From: Winnie Organization: @Home Network To: David Collins References: 1 David, 9/9/99 does not happen once every decade, it happens once every century, but so does every other date written in that format. Anette, I use the leftover bottles that pool shock comes in for storing my dyes. My swap basket goes into the mail this weekend. Winnie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Banana Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:11:14 +1000 From: Anna Lizotte To: "Collins, David" Hi Everyone. Lois--we used the banana "trunk" quite fresh and there was a lot of moisture in it. You can leave it standing up in a dry shady place for awhile to let some of the moisture drain out. Then peel off the outer layers, either all at once or as they dry off. The layers overlap sort of like a leek and if you lift up the edge you should be able to run your hand underneath and down the length between the layers. You can then lay the pieces flat to finish drying if you want wide sheets to work with or you can do as we did and strip it into narrower widths with an awl or big needle. Don't split it too finely though as it really shrinks. We dried ours up off the ground in full sun for 3-4 days and it was dry enough to work with without worrying about shrinkage. Store when thoroughly dried. To use just dunk in cold water for about a minute, drain well and wrap in a towel. Leave for a little while to mellow. Some pieces can be a bit thick so you can split the layers open and remove the pithy middle fibres if you like. The strips can be woven, plaited, twined and used to stitch coiled baskets. Large sheets can be folded and stitched or stitched onto a melon basket frame, etc. It is lovely and soft to work with and very strong. Have fun with it. Vicki--I collect the outside leaves of daylilies as they begin to dry off. Spread out in the shade to dry. When completely dry I just roll them loosely in newspaper and store in a dry place. I would never take all the leaves from one plant...just the outside ones as they start to turn yellow. Cattails I pick late summer/early fall just as the tips are starting to turn brown. I always try to cut clumps that don't have a seedhead as the leaves are easier to separate. I separate the leaves out, tie them into small bundles with rubber bands at the TIPS and then hang in a dry, dark place to dry. I then leave them hanging there until I need them. If it is dusty, I would hang an old sheet or some newspaper over the top sections after they are completely dry. Well, willow season has finished here...the leaves are just starting to pop out....hope I have collected enough. Just got the Verdet-Fierz book and am feeling very inspired!!! And your willow season is just starting...happy collecting all you willowers out there! Anna in Tassie where it feels wonderfully like spring today! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Naturals Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:50:14 -0700 From: Susan & Roger Godfrey To: davidc@iei.net Please include me in your list for information on Naturals. I have been enjoying WW for a while now. Hi everyone! Thanks, Sue Godfrey %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 43 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 08:32:22 EDT From: DeeGrin@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David, What a welcome sight. I have really missed you. Have gotten a lot of weaving done though. Tried reading off the web but just didn't work and was to lazy to try Yahoo. Hope to continue to receive it. Have missed all the news. I have been busy making a lot of Judy Richmond designs. They are so beautiful. Also have been making a lot of the cute peanut baskets from Suzanne Moore's N.C. Basketworks. Hope they weren't hurt by the hurricane. Good to be back in touch with the basket weaving world. Dee in Sunny Florida. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:07:49 -0500 From: "Bunga & Bunka" To: "David Collins" Hi all! I just returned from vacation and what a surprise I had waiting for me! Lisa Carstens sent me an absolutely gorgeous Beachcomber Basket that Bert Comstock taught her how to do! I am sitting here at the computer with my mouth hanging open in awe! I LOVE IT! Tucked inside was some toffee made in Hartland, WI! Geez, I love these swaps! I haven't had time to read the WW's that were posted while we were gone, but hope to catch up next week. My swap partner will be receiving a basket sometime soon! I wove it while on vacation in Northern Minnesota, now all I have to do is get it in the mail. Sandi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.