"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 41 Date Sent: September 01, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1147 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues of the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I have had a few people ask me questions about Weaver's Words Basket Bookstore. If you go to the Bookstore and click on any of the books listed, or simply use the search box at the top of the page, I will receive credit for all purchases. It isn't limited to just basketry books. Any books you type into the search box will be credited to my account. I would like to thank everybody who has purchased books through the bookstore. 15% doesn't sound like much, but it adds up and puts a little money in my pocket. The address to the Weaver's Words Bookstore is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html If anyone sends me a private email needing a response, I try my best to answer each one as fast as possible. If you send me an email requiring response and I don't answer within three days, its probably lost and you should send it again. If you send my pictures either through email or snail mail that you would like added to Weaver's Words web page the same applies. If you don't see them on the web page in more than three days, please let me know. Thanks, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Naturals Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 21:08:30 -0800 From: ellu@saltspring.com (Luc Gravelle) To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, Could I please be added to the list of people who wish to receive the "naturals" communications? Thanks. Elna Gravelle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Mary Stone Basket Workshop Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 10:19:40 -0500 From: "Barbara Byrne" To: "David C (Weavers Words)" Hi to everyone, It's been a busy, busy time for me - I started a new job teaching community college students this semester (haven't been in the classroom for a lot of years!) and have been working very hard on the cradle for our first grandchild - it's coming along slowly but looking very good. So I haven't had much time to contribute to the list, but I always read the newsletter as soon as it comes. Thanks to all of you who are so willing to share information and to David for coordinating. There is still room in the Eastern Cherokee basket workshop that I am hosting on October 2. Cherokee weaver Mary Stone will be teaching a twill "arrow" basket. I'll be taking signups for another three weeks (or until the class reaches maximum), so if you're interested in more information, please email me privately and I'll send more info. Barb Byrne in Vienna, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Art's Ghostly Goodie Basket Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 16:20:52 -0400 From: "hpweist" To: "David Collins" Lisa-- I have made the basket you mentioned and I did not have any luck finding the pumpkins either. So instead I made them out of clay. It is in any craft section or store and is very easy to work with. I rolled a piece of orange into a ball, took a toothpick and made the lines around it, and then I used the toothpick to make the hole through the pumpkin (for the reed to run through). Then take a small piece of green for the stem. The baking directions are on the package of clay. They really are not too heavy which is what I was afraid of at first. Hope this helps. Angie in OH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Retayne Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 18:30:58 EDT From: Frbasketsc@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net HI! I am new at this I have only been a member for a short time. Let me get to the point. What is retayne and where do you get it? By the way you all sound like a lot of fun! I find I can't wait to get the next WW in my E-mail. I am from MI, I have been weaving for 6 yrs and love it so much started my own business "friendship baskets." I call it that because I have made so many new friends since I started weaving. Thank you for your time. Carolyn, From the Great Lakes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Slotted bases Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 21:08:35 -0500 From: "Anthony Robbins" To: Hi Ya'll, Thanks to all who responded to my questions about cutting the slot in the slotted bases. I am now the proud owner of a 1/16" 3 wing slot cutter! My husband says I may get a belt sander for MY birthday. Cindy in Dixie, where it is still hot and dry, dry, dry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 40 Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 01:45:06 -0600 From: "Rae Hunter" To: "David Collins" To add to Donna's great comments about beginner weavers, have faith and confidence in your gifts. Take a look at a beginner weaver site at Christine's web page and see what a real beginner has accomplished. http://www.agt.net/public/aharrold/Hbasket.htm I may not be reading the WW for awhile, I am caught in a tornado of life demands and I am not sure when it will set down. Susan Godfrey, re Convention watch the mail. Weave away, Cheers Rae rachael@telusplanet.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: I'm back!! Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 11:00:28 +1000 From: Anna Lizotte To: "Collins, David" Well, I can't even remember the last time I posted to WW!!! But I have just caught up on the past issues...what a marathon! Lois--those "brown things" on the philodendron are just wonderful for weaving and coiling with and are much prized by us Tasmanians as the philodendrons don't grow very big down here so we have to get what we can from the warmer areas of Australia! Our philodendron sheaths are only about 6 inches long maximum! They are a lovely red brown color and will soften up like a soft leather when you dampen them. They will make a nice accent color next to your iris leaves or any other long strappy leaves you choose to coil/weave with. Tony gave great instructions about adding secondary ribs...my hint to my students is to add a rib when the weaving gets to the point where the ribs are no more than two fingers apart....or sooner if they want a neater, smoother look to the basket. Lorraine Wieskamp--Hi! You won't remember me but I did a Nantucket class with you here in Tasmania at the Forth Primary School. Great to "see" you on WW! Well, I have been home from Gathering99 for a week and it has taken me that long to come back to earth. What a great 6 days we had!!! Especially us southerners as we got to work with various palm and banana fibres that just aren't available to us down here. The first day there saw us unrolling banana trunk layers and stripping them and laying them out anywhere and everywhere to dry!!! After about 4 days they were dry enough to use and they work up so nicely...very soft but so strong! We also did a lot with palm sheaths and inflorescence, dracaena draco leaves, philodendron sheaths, etc...it was wonderful! During the week there was ongoing work on the beach installation which was a big wall of upright bamboo stakes with whatever you wanted woven into it to hold it all together. It was dotted with rings which were left open as "portholes" and on the Public Open Day, the wall was rolled up and carried down to the beach and "installed" along with various fibre banners people had made which were mounted on bamboo poles and set-up up and down the beach. It looked great with busy people everywhere and members of the public learning to weave "fish" right there on the beach. There were 58 people from all over Australia plus our 4 Americans and what a variety of baskets were brought for show and tell and for the exhibition in a nearby Gallery...such an inspiration! The 4Americans--Eileen LaPorte, Jean Cadmus May, Sandy Whalen, and Jackie Abrams had an absolute blast and we just loved having them there!!!!! It was great to meet some WWers, too! We also met up with another Australian WWer, Sue Taylor (a lurker...c'mon Sue, join in!) and I think Eileen may be planning to send in a photo of us 4 WWers. I did swaps with the 4 ladies as well as with two other basket makers and ended up with some real treasures as well as wonderful memories! And a bonus was that Eileen brought me a large bodkin and cleave from Bonnie Gale that my dad had ordered and had sent to her in time for her to pack them and be my "delivery-person"! Willow is abundant here in Tassie so I am the envy of all my fellow basket makers as these two items are not available in Australia! Well, better not take up any more room...glad to be back in the swing of things and catching up with all the postings...Anna in Tassie where spring is on the way! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 09:10:54 -0400 From: John Dorris To: "Weavers Words" Well gang it's been awhile since I last wrote-hope everyone has managed without my sage advice. Many career military people have what they call "how great I am-I love me" wall/room in their house. It is where they display all the various awards they have gotten. I think it's time for basket people to do the same, using WW as the wall. After all who could appreciate it more. Of course I'll start it. I'm very proud to announce that I took Best of Show at the Portsmouth (Va.) A Faire for the Arts. I'm sure they're a lot of "ticked off" (notice I used the nice word not my norm) artists out there today. The thought that a basket weaver could win an award in an art show is unthinkable. It really was a great surprise although one does always hope for recognition. Not only that but the Museum now has one of my baskets in their permanent display. They chose (on my recommendation) a tapestry style Nantucket woven over a glass bowl. Some of you may have seen it at this year's NC convention in the exhibit room. Actually with the size of the check ($1,750) that went with the award they could have had several pieces. So don't give up folks. All those hours are sometimes appreciated. One of the coolest parts is that I made money without depleting my inventory and having to work like crazy for the next show. I am really pleased not only for myself but for all those non-wall art folks that are always accorded second class status by people without a clue. We lucked out with the weather for the show although it was hotter than blue blazes. Dennis waited until this morn to pay us a visit. At this point we just have heavy rain and gusty winds. Hopefully that's all we'll get. For those of you whom do Nantucket styles check out your local Target store if you have one near. They have some wonderful straight sided, heavy glass bowls and vases. I am weaving a vase on one. It is 3" across and 14" high. I glued the base to the bottom of the vase and wove as normal. Will just put a rim at the top of the vase ala the ice buckets. I did find that I needed to glue the spokes in as the base is the same size as the bottom of the vase and they just wouldn't stay in with such a sharp upturn. Then I put several rubber bands on including one right at the base and let it sit overnight. Had no problem after that. Will close for now as I have a dentist appt. today. The crown they put on last week is held in place by polygrip today so must get something more permanent. Billie in southeastern Va. Beach. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 09:32:39 -0400 From: John Dorris To: "Weavers Words" Just an after thought. At the show this weekend they had a kids pick award. There was a booth set up where kids could make a ribbon. Blue paper and lots of glitter. Then they gave it to the artists whose stuff they liked the best. I got three which I proudly displayed. Then the committee had some kind of small gift for whoever got the most blue ribbons. Some other artist came around and told me that I may have won best of show but that he had more kids picks than I did. Of course I felt I had an advantage as my baskets are touchable and not hands off as most of the things are. I usually offer to let the kids weave on what ever I am working on if they want to. They were really proud when they returned to give you the ribbon. I had never seen this done before but thought it a super idea. It involves them a bit more and hopefully gives them an early appreciation of art. Billie (again) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Modified Gretchen Border Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 11:21:50 EDT From: RSTAU7251@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, I need to know the formula for figuring out the length of the reed for a modified Gretchen border. I have done several baskets with this rim. It is beautiful. I have always used a pattern that tells you how long the round reed needs to be. I would like to use it for other baskets, but don't know how to figure out the length. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. Kris Stauffer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: retayne Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 12:32:45 -0700 From: "Jan Putra" To: David: I'm in need of information about retayne. I've gotten tantalizing bits of information about retayne to set the color when dying reed. Where do I get it? I've looked locally and on a couple of spots on the Internet but been unable to find it. Help!! I'm about to dye a bunch of reed to make Christmas baskets and would love to have it. Thanks. Jan Putra at janicep@execpc.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 40 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 16:24:11 -0500 From: Dianne Gleixner To: "'David Collins'" Hi everyone! Funny thing happened to me the other day. My husband called me into his basement workshop, which doubles as my storage room for basket making supplies. He notices a big blue puddle on the floor. It turns out that the plastic milk jug that I had been storing dye in developed a leak. I know there was a bit of discussion about this very subject not too long ago, and I thought since not too many people seemed to have problems with milk jugs, that I'd be pretty safe. Well, I now have each milk jug sitting inside a bucket until I can find a good alternative. I know other people mentioned plastic laundry detergent bottles, but it may be a while until I can save a few of them. Just wanted to let those of you out there with dye in milk jugs that, yes, it can happen to you! Also, THANK YOU to all of you who have e-mailed me with info on preparing antlers for weaving. I am always amazed at the amount of knowledge out there! A special thanks to those of you that mentioned the smell when sawing - wow! I used a small saw my husband had laying around. Now I'm forward to the smell when I drill the holes. That facemask will sure come in handy. Angie, I ordered 3 of Jill's patterns. I wanted to try the Hen Basket first, but someone else suggested that I start with a wall pouch. Any suggestions? I'd love to come visit you again next year, and attend Jill's class, but I'm afraid that the cost is out of my range. She taught a few classes for our guild, but I just couldn't do it. My husband doesn't support my love of baskets as much as I'd like him to! (Sorry Jill if you are reading this, I know you need to cover your costs and get something for your time. Your classes seem to be in great demand, just not for me, unfortunately. I've heard only good things about them.) I recently finished my first Nantucket Purse basket! (Yippee!!) A friend at work bought a regular Nantucket basket from me last year, and really, really wanted a purse. At that time, I told her that I'd never done an oval Nantucket, much less one with a lid. She kept bugging me, so about a month ago I agreed to take on the challenge. Well, I think it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. I took many pictures, and will send one in for David to post. Don't be too critical. Lisa, did you check JoAnn Fabrics for small pumpkins. I remember seeing some recently, but I really didn't pay attention to see if they were on piks or anything else. Is there a JoAnn Fabrics out by you? Well, till next time. Dianne - in sunny and in the mid 70's SE Wisconsin. (Hope all of you in the east survive the hurricane!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 38 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 18:35:31 -0000 From: "Jeff & Diana French" To: "David Collins" References: 1 Hi All - I've recently returned home from a restful (yet chilly) vacation in Maine. Of course, I came home to several WW as well as the name of my swap buddy - How exciting! Now I have to find the perfect basket to create for my buddy - :) Tina Hill - You mentioned looking for a fishing creel with a wooden lid. I picked up a great pattern by Lisa Nortz at "Basket Patterns.Com" - http://basketpatterns.com Her directions are easy to follow and the creel went together quickly (I've made 2) - All you need is someone to cut you a lid. (Unless you are more skilled with a saw than I am) :~) Good luck! Well I'm off to read the rest of my WW along with all that other e-mail. Happy weaving to all. Diana French from southern New Jersey %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Retayne Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:26:37 -0400 From: "Bernadine Dosch" To: David, can someone tell me what is Retayne and where can it be purchased? Bernie bdosch@freeway.net Thank you %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW/Free Pattern Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:45:39 -0400 From: "mkoch" To: Hi everyone, David has added the new free pattern to our website. Happy weaving. The next free pattern will be an ornament size Xmas drum. Happy Weaving, Dollie The Weaver's Stain Family www.weaversstain.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Interview for Guild Newsletters Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:46:57 EDT From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, I am writing a quarterly column for 22 basket guilds about basketry on the Internet, and would like to do a piece on you in the upcoming quarterly. Could you please send me information about how you got started with this Weaver's Words web site, a little information about what you hope to accomplish with the web site, a bit of personal background and your relationship with the Indiana Guild? So far in this series, I have covered Weavenet.com, Baskets, Etc., and Basketry Information. You are next, and then Susi Nuss on About.com. When I began writing my column, I decided to cover all the general informational web sites that are on the Internet, then do a bit about getting around on the Net and then maybe feature individual basketry shops, weavers, teachers and so forth. Even though I have a hectic schedule with the wicker restoration, basketweaving, teaching and other projects, I decided that basketweavers don't always have time to surf the Net. So if I can be of help in locating spots of interest, I would like to pass it on to everyone, and writing for the guild newsletters seemed like the best way to broadcast the news. Any information on yourself and the web site you can send to me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks David, ~~The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters/MN~~ About.com/Wicker Woman Profile %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: vacation and questions Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:00:37 EDT From: DebGring@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello David and Fellow Weavers, We are back from our vacation in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and had a good time. We stayed in Rodanthe in a small campground. The major drawback for me was the heat, we do not have air in our pop up camper and at night for the last 3 nights we were there it did not go below 80 and was uncomfortable sleeping let me tell you! We opted to leave on Saturday very early in the morning (6am) as we wanted to be away from there before the hurricane Dennis forced evacuations. We then traveled to Appomatix Va. and from there to Charlottesville to see Monicello and eat at Michey's Tavern, then on Monday am came home., a long days travel back to NW Ohio, but we were glad to be home again. Now a question, while at the beach, We picked up quite a few shells/fragments, with my parents and husband picking them up too, we have quite a few! I was thinking of drilling small holes into them and adding the shells to baskets as embellishments. Has anyone had experience with this and could give me a few pointers? I have a dremmel tool with drill that I was planning on using, my mother suggested putting tape over the area I was going to drill, I suspect to prevent damage to the shell. Then, how do you all attach them? I was planning on using either waxed linen or using #1 round to twine them in. I don't have much experience with adding in things to my baskets and any suggestions would be appreciated. My room (that my son vacated) is all fixed up for weaving now, just need to get the massive computer desk and 'puter down there to make it complete. That will be in another week or so I suspect as hubby goes back to work tomorrow and I work this weekend. Plus I believe the door has to be removed to get this behemoth in the room too.....ugh, sounds like a big job doesn't it? To all those who sent dining suggestions in the Outer Banks, we ate at: The Tail of the Whale in Manteo the night we saw "The Lost Colony", we also went to Sam and Omies in Nags Head, to The Boathouse in Rodanthe and Getaways in Waves. We didn't do much cooking! Seems like we went someplace else too, but can't remember it right now. My hubby and dad did go see the lifesaving station in Rodanthe and the demo they have there. They found it very interesting. I don't tolerate heat very well anymore and stayed at the camper in the shade that day when I wasn't at the beach....burning! Lois K. I think I am going to try that Grandmothers Basket after I get the one done for a member of my son's band. I thought about it over vacation and think I can do it, I understand what Tony was saying after reading his comments, I think that you can do a 5th God's eye at that junction also, where the 1/2 hoop and the crossed other 2 hoops meet so that would be centered on the bottom and holding it all together there. I do understand the ribs and formation of them as I eyeball most of the ribs I do in ribbed baskets now anyways. We'll see what happens, and good luck with yours, we'll compare notes shall we? Tony thanks for your comments too, they were helpful as always. Donna C. in BC, I have not seen a set of guidelines for judging fair entries, I have entered the fair several times, but do not know the hows and wherefores of the judging, Guess that was a lot of help hmmm? Take care everyone! Debbie Gring in NW Ohio where it is cool and nice today. Fall is coming though! The Fulton County Fair starts this week! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New Baskets Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:18:49 EDT From: Frbasketsc@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net HI! Everybody, I just finished these baskets and wanted to share them. The small tea basket: I found the little wooden sing at a cute country store by my house thought it would look real nice on a basket for tea bags. Not bad hey! I also found one that says mints and another that says planting thyme. The wastepaper basket is for our bathroom I thought the added color was a nice touch. Hope everyone is getting ready for fall. Some of the leafs on our tree are turning yellow already. Well, got to go fix dinner, talk to you later. Friend in weaving, Carolyn Miller %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 40 Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:33:43 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 40 Nan Gorbics - Thanks for sharing your basket on a soup can pattern with us. Ann Harrow - Welcome back. Everybody - Here's a quick status report on the 6th WW basket swap. Sign-up time ended on the 25th of August. We have 116people involved in this swap - some new folks and some experienced ones. The assignments and rules notices were sent out on Sunday, August 29th. Several bounced, but I am resending those. However, if you signed up but haven't gotten the message by the time you see this in Weavers Words, please email me privately so I can get the information to you. Have fun! I believe all the messages have finally been delivered as of August 31st. Let me know if you didn't get yours. Next time I will try to post the list of people who have expressed an interest in coordinating a future swap. Off to get busy weaving, Bert Comstock in Independence, MO. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap Basket Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 06:23:56 -0700 From: "Dédé Harris" To: "David Collins" As always, thank you David for this forum. You are the best! Am a little delayed in sending a thank you to Allison Britton, for the wonderful swap basket she sent me. The little bean pot basket has a special place in my home. Just returned from Scottsdale, Arizona. Too hot for this northwestner, so spent much time inside, or in the pool. Maybe next time Pam. Dédé In cold Seattle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Soap Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 19:59:21 EDT From: NBrudelie@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net A while back Judy Mullins (logcabin@fuse.net) told us on WW that she is making soap and has it for sale if anyone is interested. I just wanted to tell everyone that I have ordered soap from her twice now. I just love it. She uses herbs from her farm. I especially like the ones with cinnamon and cloves. I just wanted to tell everyone that the soap is great. I plan to use it in gift baskets at the holidays . I'm also taking some with me to MN on vacation so my family there can try it. If you want a good soap (it feels wonderful) just email Judy!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: September is here Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:17:23 -0400 From: nancy brandt To: "davidc@iei.net" Hello everyone on WW, Doesn't anyone know the origin of the name " Jeramiah" basket? Also, I'd like to know why the Williamsburg basket is called that or rather, why is the handle called a Williamsburg? I heard that Billie Dorris won a wonderful prize. Billie: could you tell us about it? What kind of basket? Congratulations! My Mother is in a nursing home and it took me 5 years of visiting her there before I thought that the ladies might like to make a basket! My offer was eagerly accepted, but I began to get "cold feet". These ladies are in their late 80's and some 90. So, the plan evolved to do a demonstration and see how many could do a few rows. I took 15 baskets and talked about them. I also took a 10" Williamsburg that needed 6 rows to finish and the damp weavers. I passed this basket around; all did some weaving until it was finished; then one lady did all the cut and tucking!! They loved it. I was amazed. Next week they will all make small square baskets. And the month after that, they want to make elbow baskets for their doors. And I had such a good time. Here in Md., we are concerned about hurricane Dennis; I know our Va. and N.C. friends are getting the worst of it. Nancy Brandt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.