"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 36 Date Sent: August 12, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1128 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues of the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, For the AOL users, who aren't receiving Weaver's Words through e-mail, try one of the great FREE e-mail accounts listed below & resubscribe with the new e-mail address. I hope this helps. http://www.hotmail.com/ http://www.mail.com/ http://netaddress.usa.net/ http://login.yahoo.com/ Here's a solution to the Y2K bug. It has been noted that most people may be affected by a simple problem in the Windows 95, 98 and NT Operating Systems when the year 2000 rolls around. To fix this problem in Windows you can follow these simple instructions and prevent this problem from occurring. We suggest you to distribute this to anyone who may be in need of this information. 1. Double click on "My Computer". 2. Double click on "Control Panel". 3. Double click on "Regional Settings" icon. 4. Click on the "Date" tab at the top of the page. 5. Where it says, "Short Date Sample", look and see if it shows a "two digit" year. Of course it does. That's the default setting for Windows 95, Windows 98 and NT. (This date RIGHT HERE is the date that feeds application software and WILL NOT rollover in the year 2000. It will rollover to 00.) 6. Click on the button across from "Short Date Style" and select the option that shows, MM/dd/yyyy. (Be sure your selection has four Y's showing, not two) 7. Then click on "Apply" and then click on "OK" at the bottom. Done. Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 35 Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 08:46:59 -0400 (EDT) From: viroberts@webtv.net (Vivian Roberts) To: davidc@iei.net (David Collins) Are there any basket weavers from the Nortwest GA area? I live in Trenton, GA. I have been weaving baskets off and on for many years but would like to become more skilled at the process. Thanks so much. Everyone have a great day. Enjoy the list so much. Vivian %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: waxed linen Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 09:04:35 -0400 From: "Ingram" To: Hi Everyone! Question on waxed linen: while strolling through David's wonderful pictures, I saw Fran Steidel's absolutely beautiful waxed linen egg baskets. How large are those baskets, Fran? Hard to tell from the picture. I have only used waxed linen twice, both times to attach a border to very tightly woven baskets. These egg baskets seem to be woven with them. Is any reed in those egg baskets other than the handle and spokes? Pardon my ignorance, please. Would love to know other uses in weaving for waxed linen (other than pine needle basketry). Thanks for any info! Leigh In Laurinburg, NC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words - Willow Teacher Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 08:41:29 -0500 From: "Kathryn Gomm" To: Greetings fellow WWers! Are you interested in learning how to weave with willow? Do you weave with willow and want to learn an Irish willow style? Have we got the class for you! Grainne Ui Mhaistiu, an Irish willow basket weaver will be in Milwaukee for Irish Fest (August 20-22) and has agreed to teach a willow basket class. The class is at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center from 9:00-4:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 24th and 25th. The basket is a barrel basket, focus will be on getting straight sides. Cost $85 for both days. Bring a lunch. Call Mary Roffers at 414-375-0068 for questions or email roffers@concentric.net Grainne is a wonderful weaver and has lots of patience! I've seen her work wonders with a group of non-weavers, and all of the baskets turned out pretty good. Join us if you can for this great treat. Kathryn Gomm Milwaukee, WI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: mini adirondack backpack Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 11:20:51 -0400 From: "Pam Hancock" To: If the person who sent the miniature Adirondack pack basket as a swap basket also has a commercial site where they sell baskets I would be interested in ordering one. But MY! the weaving skill that must have gone into that. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Fw: double wall baskets Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 12:18:53 -0400 From: "hpweist" To: In response to the question about round double-walled baskets I do have one option. I have done oval baskets where I take both sets of spokes (inside and outside) and twine them together as one base. Then I simply bend up the inside spokes and weave the inside basket and then use it as a mold while weaving the outside basket. Now when you do it this way the base is only one color (if your doing the basket in different colors like outside nat. and inside blue). I like to twine the base to match the outside of the basket. You may not personally like the look of this but I really like the end result. I have had several people admire these baskets and wonder how I do it, some even ask if I paint the inside. It's a great way to strike up conversation at shows. We just finished up with our county fair where we had a great time. My son did great with his hogs. He got a 2nd, two 4ths, and a 6th place. There were about 530 hogs there this year so we were really happy (this is his first year, too). I had a couple of baskets entered and both got 1st in their division and one got best of show of all the household arts. This was my first year entering anything, too so I was very happy about that. I entered a small double-walled basket and one called American Indian by Sherian Cody. The last is the one that got best of show. I don't mean to toot my own horn but I was quite excited and wanted to share it with you all. Angie R. in OH where the temps have been great and they are calling for desperately needed rain this evening %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Mules in Montana Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 12:41:00 AKDT From: "Jill Choate" To: davidc@iei.net Greetings from Montana!! We finally made back to the Rockies and are spending time with our other four-legged critters. The mules and our company are headed out for the Bob Marshall Wilderness for some serious packing, swimming and fishing. Before we head out I wanted to say thanks to all the great people we had the opportunity to meet along the way on this summer's tour. From Michigan to Minnesota and all parts between we were given the red carpet treatment and we sure did appreciate the hospitality. Looking forward to next years tour to begin in June and continue through July. If you haven't let me know that you want to be apart of it drop me a note and we'll get it lined out again. I'm online in Montana until mid September when we head back to the "Great Land" to run dogs. Hope to have some great mule stories to share with you when I get back!!! Thanks again. Jill Choate Talkeetna, Ak Via Polson, MT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: of new rooms and new beginnings Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 14:12:13 EDT From: DebGring@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello David and fellow weavers. First off let me say thanks to those who wrote and recommended places to eat in the Outer Banks (doesn't that kinda sound like you are about to say the Outer Limits??) hehe. We are camping in or near Rodanthe, do know we plan to go to the Lost Colony (interested in historical type things) see Pea Island Preserve, go to Kitty Hawk, and Cape Hateras, and want to take the ferry to Ocracoke is. And of course.....beachtime! On the way home my husband and I are planning a stop at Appomatix. We have never been there and would like to see it. (History again) A good thing happened this last weekend, our one and only child (20) moved out into his own apartment. A better thing happened after I cleaned the room, I moved all of my weaving supplies into there, in fact just got done organizing and putting away. It looks great, hate to mess it up, but will be cutting soon. (Should be cleaning the kitchen, but who wants to do that?) Then in a few weeks when DH and I have a weekend, and are back from our vacation, we are going to move my computer desk (massive) and computer down there too. I can weave, compute, weave....you get the picture! The desk move, requires door frame removal or desk taken apart, hence the weekend timeframe! I could not go to the Village Weavers guild this last weekend as I was working, so did not get to meet Amy, am I correct in thinking you are in BG? I will be there next month and hope to meet you then. Had an interesting morning today taking our dog and 2 cats to the vets. Actually it could have been a lot worse, had the cats in an older (dare I say it) L picnic basket, and the dog wishing he was bigger so he could hang out the window, (He is a mini Daushound.) We all survived the trip although the cats had a bit of panic look in their eyes. Someone last time asked about 6mm macramé' cord. I have used it in chairs, but see no reason not to use it in baskets. I don't coil, so wouldn't answer that part of the question, but really see no reason why it couldn't work. Seems like there was another question I was going to address, but age catches up with us all and it hit me just now! Sorry, my answer probably wouldn't have helped any one any ways! Aunt Patti, glad you had such a good time with your nephew and really got to know this one! Best wishes on your grand opening! That would make sense to lease out some of your space when you are not using it for other artisans, more people drawn in, more business, right? Angie, congratulations on the wedding hope you have a nice time on your honeymoon. Donna, you survived! Everyone take care and hope the droughted areas get some rain, we are down in rain too, but not as bad as the East Coast sounds. Debbie Gring in NW Ohio, where we did have some rain yesterday and now the heat is coming back somewhat. 10days and counting for vacation! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: aloha Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 08:21:52 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net Aloha from hot Honolulu (but at least the nights are cool), The 3-day Craft Expo is over and it was a neat experience. I sold a lot of baskets (mostly to mainland vendors) and swapped two baskets for two of Jodi Barrows*s "square in a square" quilt books. We also amazed a lot of people who couldn*t believe we were actually sitting there weaving baskets. We have been asked to come back--and we*ve already turned the paperwork in to do it again next year. I especially enjoyed spending the time with Karen Awong. She is so much fun. Speaking of--a woman approached us about doing a November craft fair on the Big Island and Karen and I are thinking about it seriously. It would mean packing baskets in suitcases (minimal clothes!), but I think we are up for the adventure. Funny thing at our guild meeting Monday...someone "took" things-they took handouts I*d given people about using scraps in baskets, they took 7 pages and the order form out of a catalog someone was sharing, and they took a pattern from Karen Awong. We were weaving, meeting, chatting, getting up and down to buy from our woodman--and a member of our guild took these things. It sounds like a minor thing, I know, but knowing we have a guild member who snooped through personal belongings and took papers that didn*t belong to them it upsetting. I know Willowes sells a Lazy Susan base, so perhaps she can help the weaver who is looking for parts. Wouldn*t hurt to ask. Vicki-I*m happy your husband survived his heart problems and is doing fine. However, don*t condemn the posting of deadbeats who didn*t send their swap basket. I participated in the first one and I was the only person who didn*t get a basket. The person who got my name lied about sending it--but that person also got a basket from someone and kept it...and I will tell you, I haven*t participated since. I think those who sign up and don*t honor the swap and who have a lame excuse or lie about it should have their names posted. Dolores--I have your basket all boxed up--am having trouble e-mailing you--and forgot your address--please e-mail me ASAP....and it will be on the way... Aloha, Lois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Nov. 13 Fall Workshop in Greenville, S.C. Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 12:10:32 -0700 From: "Dolores" To: "David Collins" Just to let everyone know that the Upper South Carolina Basketmaker's Guild will hold a November 13 workshop in Greenville, open to basketmakers of all levels. I will be glad to send anyone a brochure (will need your address and e-mail), and if anyone is interested in teaching, the deadline is Sept. 3, which is coming up! Again, I can e-mail you the information. Dolores in S. C. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Not again Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 15:45:33 -0400 From: "Gail Caron" To: "David Collins" Hi David and fellow weavers: I have not been posting much to WW lately, but I have to respond to a post in the latest issue which addressed Pam Feix's intentions to post the names of those who do not fulfill their swap obligations. We have been through this before, and making excuses for people who are too irresponsible or inconsiderate to either make a basket for their partner or notify the swap coordinator of extenuating circumstances causing an extended delay is nonsense. Anyone who is going to send a basket late merely has to notify the coordinator and the message will be passed along to the swap buddy. This happened to several people in the swap which I coordinated, and, as long as you have the common courtesy to notify the coordinator, there is no problem (unless, of course, you later fail to send a basket). Unless you are no longer part of this world, there is NO ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE for not taking five minutes at some time during the five to six weeks between signing up and the deadline to notify your swap buddy or the coordinator of the delay. And not sending a basket at all is indefensible. Not one of the deadbeats in earlier swaps had a legitimate reason for failing to meet their responsibilities. Even in the event of "a death in the family, a car accident, illness", etc. It is just plain rude and inconsiderate not to send notification of a delay. Do you just not show up for work in those instances? Do you just not pay your bills? I don't think so. Everyone is accountable for their own actions - its as simple as that. You sign up for the swap, you are obligated to send a basket - you accept that obligation when you sign up. No one is forced to join the swap. Enough said. Gail Caron in southern NJ where we have had no rain for six weeks - unbelievable %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: pussy willow Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:56:11 EDT From: D2crispin@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net To Amy in Ohio - I have woven with pussy willow, and it seems to be fine. (Mine is French Pink Pussy Willow). Some of the fuzzies come off when you weave with it, but the rest will stay on if the basket is just for show, not a "work" basket. HOWEVER, willow is normally harvested in the winter, when it is dormant. Right now, it would probably not be flexible. Donna in Eugene, OR. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:52:41 -0400 From: John Dorris To: "Weavers Words" Kathy, had to "chuckle" about your husbands method of organizing your booth and plans. Set up is when my husband and I have some of our biggest "discussions". I finally have gotten through to him that it is my booth and I know what works best. He often tells me that it is a good thing I don't work for him and I agree-I'd be on the unemployment line for sure. He is a great help and I appreciate it BUT! Also I didn't know that you were expected to have everything ready ahead of time with a plan. I thought part of doing a show was waiting 'til the last minute. Every time I swear never again but am always busy the night before doing things that were on my list but just had not gotten done. You are right about having a comfortable chair. I have a tall director's chair so I am at eye level with the customer at all times although I do stand up to talk to them most of the time. With the tall chair it isn't as obvious you are getting up for them so you don't scare them off. I also take a change of shoes. Find that really helps if you are on your feet all day. I take both checks and charges. For a long time I only took checks and cash but when I did a major show here with expensive Nantucket's I knew the time had come. It is interesting though that there is no pattern to how people pay. One show I will have nothing but charges and then the next only checks. Very little cash these days probably because folks don't carry that much with them. I have never had a problem with a check and that is just one of the chances of doing business. One thing for your notebook is to start a mailing list. Even with a cash sale ask them if they would like to be put on your list to be notified about when you'll be showing again. I used to have a card listing what other shows I would be doing but my husband pointed out (he was right for a change) that when you do offer a schedule. They realize that they will see you again and wait until then to buy-saving their money for those who aren't from the area. Also keeping a list is a method of allowing you to have the address of those who are charging as it is illegal in this state to ask them for their address on charges. Send out cards about 3 weeks before the show. I have found it does work. It only costs a small amount and it money well spent. Luckily most of the shows I do are really tight on the rules about no imports. They really do remove people for breaking the rules. They also state that the work must be original and not from any commercial pattern or mold. This is a problem for those of us with baskets but explain that many of my works are traditional pieces. So far I have had no problem I also explain if asked that I don't do the wood work myself as that is a specialty in itself. There was an interesting experience at the last show I did which is an Art Show and very highly juried with big money awards. Seems as if last years winner of best in show for a painting also had some pottery pieces. Some one (another artist) complained that it was obvious she didn't make all of those coffee mugs and bowls herself. She said that she was the designer and had "assistants" in her studio to help. Turns out she is in 300 galleries and stores and has a major studio. Well she and the committee disagreed and they told her that this year she couldn't bring the pottery. She decided not to take part in the show but instead show at a recent shop that carries her work. She was interviewed for the local paper to tell her side of the story and explain that she didn't know that she was breaking the rules. Which of course is hogwash. The committee stated that it was obvious that she had outgrown this type of show. It is nice to see a group stick to it's guns. Of course this show is known throughout the mid-atlantic for it's quality. Well enough for now. Our heat wave has finally broken with a thunderstorm which we sorely needed. You know the saying about coming in out of the rain?. As the storm began with heavy lightning and thunder I looked out and there was granddog Charlie lying by the pool!! Basset hounds were definitely on the low end when smarts were passed out. Billie in Va. Beach %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:16:06 -0700 From: "Pam Feix" To: "David Collins" Hi all, Well, I have now heard from everyone, that I know of, who did not receive a basket and the person who was to weave one for them. I want to clear up something. I understand that there are things that happen in life that make other things look unimportant, that, is a fact of life. We are all human and the day to day things that happen in our lives are truly unpredictable and sometimes, uncontrollable. I know and I understand these things. As a swap coordinator, it is my job to set the rules, take the names, match the names, and make sure that everyone follows through with their promise. When you send messages, and messages, and messages, and get no response, trying to find out what happened, you get the feeling that you are being ignored. I am not mean, nor is any of the other coordinators, but all we ask is that you let us know what is going on. There isn't a problem at all, once we know what is going on and we can let the party who is waiting know. That other person doesn't know that you have had a disaster or something and is feeling very badly. I said that I would list the names of the so called "deadbeat swap partners" if I didn't hear from them. Well, I heard from them, therefore, they are not deadbeat swap partners. They contacted me and I was able to let the person who is waiting and watching the mail, know what is going on. It is not fair to the other person, no how minor it seems to you. It truly does cause hurt feelings, and when I am getting e-mails from those who did not get a basket (as I should), then I have to try to find out what happened. When no one responds, then I have to come up with a way to try to motivate them to respond. It is not, nor was not, meant to be nasty and mean, it was merely my only recourse for trying to solve this problem. I had more than a few who were late, so I had to do something. I want to thank each of you for responding to me, and I am thrilled to know that all has been worked out for everyone. I am glad that you participated in my swap and hope that you will continue to participate in future swaps. I know one thing, no matter what you do in life, you cannot please everyone. I did my best, and so far, it appears that everyone will come out with a basket!!!! Please, in future swaps, including the one that Bert is running right now, if you cannot get your basket out in time, please send a message. If you don't get a chance to, have someone do it for you. It only takes a few minutes to send a short e-mail message. Please, also acknowledge any basket that you receive, so that the other person knows that it arrived safely. It also saves many, many e-mails on the coordinators part. I hope that this explanation lets you all know why I said and did what I did. I think it is only fair to ask anyone who signs up to give a simple, quick explanation. That is all I ever wanted. Again, thank you so very much to each and every one of you for participating in the swap. I hope you enjoyed weaving for your partner and hope you are all happy with what you received. The idea of starting swaps was truly wonderful and am thankful that I could be a part of it. I was only trying to make everyone a winner!!! I also want to thank the previous swap coordinators, Joy Moody, Gail Caron, Sue Bajczyk, and the current coordinator, Bert Comstock, for coordinating these swaps. Happy Weaving to all and to all a good night!!! Pam Feix in southwest OH :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: aloha, part two Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 13:40:57 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net Aloha! Or maybe this letter will show lack of aloha.... I need an opinion or two......4 years ago, a woman took a class from me. She did a large tulip basket--the one by Sheri Van Duyn. A short time later, her daughter and my youngest became friends and I found this woman to be the type who would try to take advantage of others by using her hubby*s military rank, her children's friendships... and so on....and she asked me to stain her basket. I did. Later, some of her tulips were destroyed (either by her cat or her out of control little boy), so she asked me to repair the basket. I did--which meant I had to restain it. She brought along 2 other baskets for me to stain--and this she expected for free. Well, she didn*t come back for the baskets. About a year later, she and her family were leaving the islands and she called and made arrangements to stop by and get them--and she never showed. She called after that and asked me to mail them to her--she said she would send me her address after she was settled. I told her she would pay postage in advance and she didn*t like that but agreed. (But never gave me a cent) I never heard from her again. Eventually, I gave the baskets away--I mean, it has been a few years. Today, a friend of hers walked into the place where I teach and wanted my phone #. She told the staff person that I owed her some baskets. It was my understanding she was sort of rude about it. I didn*t understand who she was or what she was talking about, but when I checked my voicemail, she left a message mentioning the basket owners name......(no, the staff didn*t giver her my #..she must have found it in the phone book) and I haven*t called her back yet. But--does anyone think I owe anyone anything??? I mean, she had the chance to pick them up--twice--and didn*t. She made another trip back here and never called. She never sent her address...... what a mess. Help, Lois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap Deadlines!! Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 20:04:33 -0500 From: "Kathie" To: "David Collins" Hi All, To VICKI: WELL SAID about the "Swap deadlines"!! One never knows what can happen. If you do have to mail out late for some unforeseen reason, at least have the common courtesy to notify the Swap Coordinator. HAPPY WEAVING TO ALL!! Kathie A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: deadbeat weavers Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 21:39:13 EST From: "Patricia Steinmetz" To: davidc@iei.net Hi All, I really enjoyed the basket swap. It was the first for me, but will not be the last. I received a beautiful arrow weave tray that I will always cherish. Thank you Laurie Burnes. I would like to comment on something that appeared in the last Weavers Words. I assume that it was written by someone named Vicki. At least that was the name on the email address. In my opinion, there is never an acceptable excuse for not fulfilling an obligation. You always have several options if you find yourself in a position were it is going to be difficult to follow through on a promise. You can, in the case of a basket swap, notify the coordinator and ask to be released from the swap. You can forward the basket that you received in the swap on to the person that you were suppose to make a basket for. Or you can contact your swap person, explain the problem, and promise to get the basket to them at a later date. But total silence is never acceptable. It really galls me when someone tries to make excuses for other people's lack of common courtesy. Pam Faux - you did a great job with the swap. I, for one, am for you publishing the names of the deadbeats. If they cannot at least contact you with some kind of an apology, they deserve to be classified as deadbeats and should not be allowed to participate in the next swap. I will now climb down from my soapbox and wait for all the negative comments that I know will be sent my way. Happy weaving, Pat, - in Indy where I know it is going to get hot, and I don't mean the weather. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket classes Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 23:51:34 -0400 From: Joe Conroy To: davidc@iei.net Hi folks, I don't often write in to this forum but I do enjoy reading the postings. There is so much talent out there and always so much to learn. I especially enjoy the tips on various techniques, different ways of dying and staining reed, etc. One of our basketry students will soon be moving from Rhode Island to New Jersey. Is anyone aware of basketry classes that are offered in the vicinity of Wall, New Jersey? Our student has been taking classes in both Nantucket and reed baskets. Any information will be most appreciated. I have participated in the last three baskets swaps and everyone has been exciting. In the last swap I received a very nice basket from Diane McHose. She described it as an envelope basket; her use of color was very interesting. One side of the basket was natural flat reed and the other half was dyed rose. The basket was twined with pearlized cotton, which blended in very nicely. It is definitely a basket that has many uses. There was also a second basket - a "weed" basket that was made out of round reed. A real cutie! Diane filled it with dried flowers and also sent along some flower seeds! Many thanks, Diane! Keep those fingers weaving! Kate Conroy Stony Lane Basketry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 35 Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:03:57 -0400 From: "Jane A. Wilson" To: "David Collins" References: 1 David, Thank you so much for the Y2K date setting tip. I had gotten an update to Windows 95 thinking it fixed the Y2K date problem. It would have driven me crazy when Jan 1 rolls around and my date may have been screwed up. I am going to send the tip to friends who need some TA fast. You are wonderful. To Aunt Patty: I wish I could attend your grand opening on the 15th. My brother lives in Marietta and that would be perfect, but we have commitments for the weekend and will not make it. Your shop will be on my list of places to go on our next trip to visit my brother. Good luck. Jane in sweltering SC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: 6th WW Swap Sign-Up Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:37:46 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net Hello Weavers Words Weavers! Here, at last, are the rules and sign-up directions for the 6th WW basket Swap! This will be a swap in which you send a basket you have woven to one person and receive a basket woven by someone else. Weave a basket you would be pleased to receive. DO NOT contact the person you are weaving for until you hear from them that they have received your basket. This swap is for Weavers Words subscribers only. You may sign up for this swap one time only. Sign up will be open from now until August 25, 1999. This is a shorter than usual sign-up period, but I am not placing a limit on the number of people who can signup. I will send you a message with the name and address of the recipient of your basket. Your personally woven basket must be sent to that person no later than September 30, 1999 (earlier is fine!). Anyone who has failed to follow through on participation in a previous WW swap will not be registered for this one unless they are able to provide written proof from the recipient of their basket that they did satisfactorily complete the earlier swap. To sign up for WW Swap #6, send an email message to me at my NEW email address containing the following information: Your Name Your Mailing Address Your Telephone Number Your Email Address. Optional information you may include if you wish: Your favorite color; Which other WW Swaps you have done; Who wove swap basket(s) for you; Who got the basket(s) you wove; and Are you interested in being the coordinator of a future WW Swap? Happy Weaving! Bert Comstock herthab@worldnet.att.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.