"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 118 Date Sent: March 16, 2000 Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ Subscribers: 1342 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 Fax: (520) 222-0391 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Earn $0.50/Hour By Surfing The Net From AllAdvantage.com: http://www.alladvantage.com/home.asp?refid=BOK567 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture('s) Added To Web Page Since The Last Issue Debbie Hudson-----3" Multi-Colored Basket, 10/3 Unwaxed Linen For The Warp (Spokes) & #3 Perle Cotton For The Weavers (Weft). Debbie Hudson-----5" Gray Basket, Uses Fine Hemp For The Warp And Handspun Wool For The Weft. Cathryn Peters-----Picture Of AOL Board Members At Winter Weave 2000 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 22:34:20 -0500 From: "Valerie S. Miller" To: "David Collins" Hi Everybody, Lynn Pawley and Joe Conroy - thanks for the mini lessons on attaching leather handles. I have always wondered how to do that and now I have two techniques to try. Pam Woodbury - you can buy online from tandyleather.com or the phone is 1/888/890-1611. They have a very nice catalog that you can request online. All Internet orders over $25 have free shipping until 4/30. There is also a download for a free pattern for a clutch purse that is very attractive. I recently purchased grained vinyl lacing, craftsman lace and waxed nylon thread. I like all three products and know they will be used on baskets for embellishing, rim lashing, weaving miniatures or for attaching gift tags. HI Lois - please let us know what you think of the leather you just ordered from Tandy. I'm curious what kind you purchased and how it works out as basket handles. Valerie Miller in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Pretty Park virus Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 23:56:24 -0600 From: "Peg Weston Brondyke" To: Several months ago I got the Pretty Park virus that Julie Hale mentioned. I clicked on it but was unable to open it, but it still sent itself to everyone in my address book. As soon as I realized that it was a virus, I e-mailed everyone and told them not to open the previous message, but it was too late for some people. I was able to fix it using the directions from the Internet before it could do too much damage. Peg in Iowa %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Theresa Ohno Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 22:21:06 -0800 From: "M. L. Ames" To: "Weavers Words" Ruthanne, thanks for sharing your Theresa Ohno story. I was privileged to get to know her when she moved to the Seattle area. For anyone who would like a memento honoring her, our guild (Northwest Basket Weavers Guild) is presently having a sale on tee-shirts that feature a basket woven by Theresa. One of our talented members makes a drawing of a selected basket and we print them along with our guild name. We are getting ready for Designer Tee-shirt number three or four (I forget) but still have some left with Theresa's basket on them, so get 'em while they're hot!! I think the price is $5 plus shipping. Kay Harradine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 114 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 00:49:25 -0800 From: "Lisha Kimball" To: "David Collins" Well it's midnight and I'm still trying to find time to get to bed!!! It's been a busy day with classes, grandchildren and a crazy husband!! But somehow I've manage to survive and soon pass into another day. I've had a lot of kids dropping by for classes that will be showing their baskets at the notorious Bob Jones College...!! In our classes everyone is doing something different and I love to turn them into my little guinea pigs because I learn so much from them!! Today I used a student to photograph just her hands as she woven different techniques of weaving. Then I compose a helper sheet to give to beginners that have a hard time doing certain jobs like starting your lashing and making the "X's" on the handles. It makes my classes easier too because I don't have to take so much time explaining how to do things. I just pass them the helper sheet and talk them though it across the table while I help someone else. If the student orders kits to take home and is nervous about doing the basket home. She has the helper sheet and feels good about it. When I took classes, way back when, it use to make me mad because the teacher packed so many girls into a class and you really never got the attention that you needed or knowledge to make a good basket. Such is life. This week we go to the town to request a grandmothers living quarters above my shop. Nothing like being so connected to your work, huh?? But I always go to bed thinking about baskets and waking up thinking about baskets. Heh, it keeps me out of trouble right?? The whole roof above our 45x 38" building is coming off in July and a new living area is going to be added to the shop. We're giving the house to our kids for a wedding present and life will go on. I'm really really excited to get the project started with NO extra bedrooms for kids that want to come back home!!! It's just the grandchildren NOW!! Well..off to bed...to dream of baskets, what else...?? Lisha Kimball The Basketmakers Shop Webster, NH 03303 Check out my sons site ...weavenet.com. We will be doing a story about Steven Zehe and Nate Taylor to be added to the site of "Visiting with a Basketmaker". Steven is working up his web site pages and both have given us permission to do a story on them. Steven is soooo cool...and his baskets are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. If you would like to be added to this site, let us know. All we need from you is some pictures and a little story about how you got started or what Ever. You can mail it to us @: Lisha Kimball 45 Mutton Rd Webster, NH 033303 I think its fun to read about how you all got started, even if you're a beginner we're all connected with the love of weaving. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 117 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 07:39:18 -0500 From: Pamela Woodbury To: David Collins References: 1 Hi Weavers, Lynda C thanks for telling what that brass screw was called. Now that I have some sources for leather it is nice to know what I need to order to attach them. Here is a good topic and I am glad it was brought up. Donna L already addressed it. I have been the chairperson of our guild forever so I always promote joining. I always tell people that ask shops they might be able to purchase reed in and I ask them if they belong to the AMB. When I originally joined my guild I would run into people in the area while I was doing a craft show and ask why they didn't belong to the guild. They always said I didn't know about it. Well as it turned out the person teaching them baskets belonged to the guild but didn't want people to know that there were many weavers in the area much better than her. My question is how many others have run into this type of a teacher who wanted to keep all her students to herself. I have to comment on a very famous teacher I took a class with at a convention that was very upset by my wanting to change my basket ever so slightly. The basket did not have a handle and as I knew for months what basket I was going to be making and thought it would be much nicer with a handle I brought a handle with me. I brought a beautiful hand carved oak handle to put into this basket. She was irritated from the get go that I wanted to put the handle in, but she agreed. As most of the other students thought the handle idea was better they ran and bought a handle, which further irritated her. I have never taken a class from her since and probably never will. Maybe she was having a bad day, I don't know but this experience left me with thinking she wasn't someone I ever wanted to deal with again. Thanks for the Tandy address Lois Pam %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers' Words on Peach Dye Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 07:44:52 -0500 From: ESTHER GRIGSBY Reply-To: sales@noresta.com Organization: The NorEsta Cane & Reed To: "COLLINS, DAVID" Peach Dye solutions: Rit Peach is a bit too orange if left in the dye bath too long. Decrease the amount of water, or increase the amount of dye, and then just dip the reed into the bath for just a few seconds, turning it over one time. Rinse almost immediately. Or, we carry another brand of Peach Dye called Georgia Peach which is a much more true peach color and no special precautions need to be taken with it. It is a Comcraft brand basketry dye. Our price is the same as for Rit: $1.75 each. I hope this is of some help to those of you who have been writing about this color. Happy Weaving from The NorEsta Cane & Reed http://www.noresta.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 117 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:07:44 EST From: Basketkse9@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net << http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ >> Roberta Comstock, Thanks Roberta for bringing this to my attention. I was surprised to see my message in Weavers Words and then realized I hadn't changed my destination yet. Well, I will contact Jennifer this morning. I am looking forward to being involved in my first basket swap and to those of you who are apprehensive; we were all new beginners at one time. A challenge will make you be the most creative and do your best. And yes, I agree, we are our own worse critics. I have been teaching basket making and chair caning for 15 years now and when my new students begin to be so hard on themselves, I remind them that baskets are hand made, never perfect, that is their beauty. Think original!!! Although we all try to achieve a certain point of perfection in our work, remember also that basket making should be fun and spontaneous at times. Try new things from the techniques that you have learned. I allow my students all the freedom they want, I feel the best that I can do for them as a teacher is give them a good understanding of good technique, the use of tools, and an understanding of materials available. I encourage that they put their own personality and use their personal creativity in each basket. I live in Western Mass., in Ashfield. I will be giving classes in my studio this summer at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. For anyone interested in contacting me, feel free to do so. My email is: basketkse9@ol.com Sincerely, Karen Sullivan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: New member question and basket pictures Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:13:33 -0500 From: "D Hudson" To: Hello, I am a new member living in Northern Indiana. The kinds of baskets I am making are twined in the style best explained in "Columbia River Basketry" by Mary Schlick. In the photo images, the small, multi-colored one uses 10/3 unwaxed linen for the warp (spokes) and #3 perle cotton for the weavers (weft). It's about 3 inches tall. The gray one, about 5" tall, uses fine hemp for the warp and handspun wool for the weft. The gray one still needs to have the warps bound off. I am interested in finding other makers of this style of basket or bag. I have been fascinated by twining for many years, but it wasn't until last fall when I "met" a weaver of these baskets by email that I began to learn how to make them. With each one I learn more, but there are many techniques that I would love to watch other hands perform. Debbie NOTE FROM DAVID: The pictures mentioned above are on the web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 07:24:02 -0800 From: "Sherm" To: Hello again from East Troy Basketry... as time flies by me..with one of the hardest things I'll ever have to do ahead of me. I thought I'd let people know the status of the shop. Although a few people have looked at buying it, there has been nothing yet, I will remain open until the end of May. I am excited to let you know we will be keeping ETB alive while I'm in Canada, we are developing a website on which we will offer all our specialty items and patterns, with the help of a wonderful friend and student "Deb" she will run the mail order here in the states. For those of you who have expressed continued concern, my health is back and I'm running on full steam. Special thanks to "Dolly" the one and only who introduced me to my new friend "Pro"(sorry guys, inside joke) My plan is to be back in the states teaching conventions within 2 years and finally transforming back to the artist I am instead of the shopkeeper I've had to become. Lloyd and I will be married on June 30th in Kitchner Ontario and I can't wait its just getting there that's the hard part!!!! To my customers. Watch for a blowout everything must go sale towards the end of May. I am already clearing things out.. I have over 2500 personal patterns in my library that I have been sorting out and putting in the shop. Don't wait till the end of May for a visit!! Love to all and have fun at the upcoming conventions!! someday.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: congrats Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 11:53:13 -0500 From: "Angie Wagner" To: "David" Hi all, We wanted to send congratulations out to Nicki Shaban and all the other weavers (some I know are here also - Deb Curtis, Billie Ruth Sudduth, Joanne Wood Peters, Doris Messick) who had their patterns and/or pictures published in the Gallery of the new book. "Making the New Basket". It's a very interesting book with many unusual baskets using unusual materials. The general weaving instructions are very good also. Check out Nicki's fun patterns - "Basket of Champions Necklace" and "Mini Coiled Bolo Tie". Congratulations everyone! Angie in PA The Country Seat http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 116 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 13:22:55 -0500 From: "Pam Hancock" To: "David Collins" Re: Nancy of Glen Arm, Md. Please tell me or weavers words how to find this basket pattern or Stoney Lane Basketry web site if they have one. I did a search but came up empty. It sounds like one I did in a class but we did not receive a copy of the pattern (or we did I have lost it) and now I try to copy the sample basket I have but always come up short of actually duplicating it. Recently I did the Large Spring Door Basket from Stoney Lane Basketry of Exeter, RI - directions by Joe and Kate Conroy. It's really nice; the flowers on the front are the best: easy and pretty. Now I want to do another shape and do the same flowers. Thanks, Pam Hancock Bangor PA 18013 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 117 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 15:23:58 EST From: SKCHASTAIN@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Thanks for all the encouraging words about the basket swap. Yes I am joining now. When I am rich and famous someone will have a piece of my earlier work. I won't forget to sign it. Thanks again to all those who responded both personally and through WW. Sharon a weaver in Virginia %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: gold stars Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 15:36:19 -0500 From: "eskbaskets(Elizabeth S. Kourkounakis)" To: "David Collins" Hello everyone! Betty Kourkounakis calling from Dover, Ohio. Does anybody know where I can get gold star beads or buttons (metal or whatever material, as long as it's shiny) that are about 1/4" wide? I have spent a couple hours on the net searching all the bead & button sources, to no avail. Thanx! Betty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basketmaking on computer Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 14:38:14 -0700 From: "Katherine G. Thomas" To: davidc@iei.net Dear Basketmaker, We have just released a CD-ROM, Introduction to Coiling, that teaches coiling step-by-step. Easy-to-follow photos and text illustrate this basketmaking technique. You can see more about the CD on the Internet at www.xbasket.com. The CD-ROM is invaluable for the beginner and a great reference for the experienced coiler. Windows 95 or better suggested. Topics include: · Materials and tools. · Basics including starting, ending, shaping, adding to foundation and wrapping thread. · Stitches. · Design elements like beading, knotting, twining, switchback. · Examples from fiber artist/teacher Marilyn Moore. Send the following information with a check or money order payable to XBasket to: XBasket, P.O. Box 510501, Salt Lake City, UT 84151. Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Email: Phone: Quantity @ $29.95 each. Merchandise price: $______________ Shipping and handling: + 3.95 Total price: $ Thank you for your time. Kathy Thomas kt@xbasket.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Winter Weave 2000 in Mentor, OH Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:16:29 EST From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David and All, I had a wonderful time teaching my antler basket classes at Winter Weave 2000 in Mentor, OH last month. Got to see and visit with lots of AOL basket board member attendees, and visit with teachers too. The facility is beautiful and the Wildwood Basketry Guild did a marvelous job of coordinating everything. Everyone was so kind and friendly! Teacher Susan Coyle and hubby Bob were there, happy to report she is doing really, really well after her extended stay in the hospital a few months ago. Except for the false alarm fire drill at our motel at 1:30 a.m., all went well. Linda Jarvis has some photos of the fire trucks on her PhotoPoint album for you to check out. I don't have my pictures up on PhotoPoint yet, but you can check out some of the other gals albums from the AOL board to see how much fun we all had. If you ever get the chance to attend, it's a really nice environment; small cozy sized workshop and you'll meet lots of good, friendly people. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=30429 Brenda Traffis' PhotoPoint Album http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=14650&a=54136 Deb Gring's PhotoPoint Album http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=310981&Auth=false Linda Jarvis' The Wicker Woman Cathryn Peters/Zumbro Falls, Minnesota~ Wicker restoration specialist, basketmaker, teacher, author. Visit my website http://www.wickerwoman.com/ http://wickerwoman.listbot.com/ Subscribe to my free newsletter on wicker repair, seat weaving and basketry! Email: wickrwoma-@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: 2nd Annual Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO Basket Seminar Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:20:07 EST From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David and All, Yesterday I received a few copies of the 2nd Annual Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri brochures and are they ever great--and in plenty of time to sign up for the May 19, 20 & 21, 2000 seminar this year. If you don't have your copy yet, email Donnie Ellison at DELLISON@silverdollarcity.com Or call him at 417-338-8232. Teachers are Marlys & Jeff Sowers, Marilyn Wald, Susan Eckles, Cathryn Peters, Mike & Char Narkawicz, Ann Coleman, Janice Featherstone, Wanda Graham, Bob & Pat Perry, Sue Stanton, Sandy McCormick, Bonnie Schreckengast, Marcia Hornig, Joanne Peters, Julie Kleinrath, Al Kenngott, Pat Moritz, Tracy Welch, Jo & Alice Dudenhoeffer, Sue Chatfield, Marty Bartlett, and Wanda Graham. This year the seminar will be held in the Best Western Motel, because the new Festival Building is not yet completed on the Silver Dollar City grounds. Please consider making this a family vacation to remember, and basket seminar, too. The Wicker Woman Cathryn Peters/Zumbro Falls, Minnesota~ Wicker restoration specialist, basketmaker, teacher, author. Visit my website http://www.wickerwoman.com/ http://wickerwoman.listbot.com/ Subscribe to my free newsletter on wicker repair, seat weaving and basketry! Email: Wickrwoman@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Guild information Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:23:23 -0800 From: "Theressa Hamm" To: Hey everyone, Thanks so much for all the information regarding the North Carolina Basket Weavers Association. I was able to find the information and print out the registration form for the guild. I need to locate some classes or weavers up in Rochester NY. I have a student who has taken 2 classes and has caught the bug but she is fleeing Florida's wonderfully warm summer next week and needs to find someone to help her. She does not have a computer so I am researching this for her. I really want her to continue basket weaving. Thanks so much T. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 115 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:45:59 EST From: NitaCprn@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Ruthann...it was such a pleasure meeting you and look forward to other chance meetings. Very interested in hearing more about your trips to the Hopi reservations, I'm sure others would be interested also. As Ruthann mentioned, last week was the Michigan Herb Associates Annual Conference at MSU. One of the speakers was Joy Larkcom from England. (as a footnote, she is considered the mother of salad gardening) In her garden she had a beautiful willow fence woven. The weaver wove a beautiful arbor with a seat into the fence as well as baskets on the fence to hold plants. It caught both Ruthann and my attention right away. After the lecture, I bought all three of her books and in Creative Vegetable Gardening she gives instructions for weaving a living willow fence and a wonderful woven arch for over a pathway. My garden is in desperate need of some vertical interest, and I would like to know how to get my hands on 8-12' long willow. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And I would love to hear about others experiences of weaving garden structures from willow or other natural materials. Glad you like the newsletter, Ruthann. I put it out every month for the group. My program on Wine, Cheese and Herbs was a great hit! Too bad you couldn't have joined us we had a wonderful watercress, melon, mint and feta salad and pears stuffed with cheese and herbs...not to mention, wine and herbs...great fun. Sorry for running on about herbs to all those non-herbies. Nita Campbell, East Lansing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any reason you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.