"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 115 Date Sent: March 11, 2000 Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/ Subscribers: 1335 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (317) 899-5747 Fax: (520) 222-0391 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Basket Bookstore Stop by "Weavers Words Basketry Bookstore" for a great selection of basketry literature & save up to 40%. Over 40 titles to choose from. The address is: http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/book.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Earn $0.50/Hour By Surfing The Net From AllAdvantage.com: http://www.alladvantage.com/home.asp?refid=BOK567 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://members.xoom.com/dgcollins/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention AOL Subscribers For some reason some AOL subscribers haven't been receiving Weaver's Words through email. If you are one of these subscribers, or know one of someone who has not been receiving Weaver's Words, you can get all of the issues on the Weaver's Words web page. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture('s) Added To Web Page Since The Last Issue Lynn McCutheon-----Basket She Wove For Basket Swap %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Looking for someone Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 20:37:14 CST From: "Crystal Drenner" To: davidc@iei.net I would like to have correspondence with BETSY GREENER of HOBART, INDIANA. I noticed you were a new weaver and I have been weaving a while, and do not live far from you. Thanks Crystal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Jill Choate's web page!! Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:05:52 EST From: "K A" To: davidc@iei.net Jill Choate: I just had to write and say what a COMPLETE PLEASURE is was to go to your web-site!! Everything you do seems to be top shelf!! Your site was so interesting and organized. I love the fact that you do home schooling for your daughter and she is so very cute too. Thanks again for sharing so much of your knowledge and experiences with all of us. Your antler baskets are just exquisite. Pat yourself on the back girl. Kathie Anderson, Michigan. Where today March 8th it was 78 degrees and this Sat it's suppose to drop to 34!! That's Michigan for you!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 23:20:58 -0500 From: " " To: davidc@iei.net I would like to thank everyone for visiting my website and all your words of encouragement. My doctor once told me, during a particularly stressful time in my life, that basket weaving was a way of weaving peoples lives together. It is so very true, not only in weaving together your own life, but also meeting others who share your love of weaving and the intertwining of their lives in your own. Jackie In Very Changeable Michigan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: weaver stain Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 18:24:10 -1000 From: Joanne Howard To: "Collins, David" Hi All, Just wanted to let you all know, that I just used the new Weaver Stain color Maple on my Back Pack. It is such a beautiful color. It is darker than Oak and lighter than Walnut with a hint of a reddish brown tinge to it. My backpack looks awesome. My husband Steve agrees. He said it was his favorite color yet!! A great endorsement from a New England guy!! Thanks Dolly Koch for the new color. Hoping White Wash comes next!!! Hoping you all have a great weekend, Aloha, Joanne %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Indiana Convention Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 08:56:00 -0500 From: "Susan Slaven" To: Hi: I was wondering if we will again be wearing red ribbons at Indiana Convention to designate WW's? Susan Slaven Muncie, IN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Missouri Convention Brochure Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 12:43:31 -0600 From: "Barbara Byrne" To: "David C (Weavers Words)" Hi all, I've just returned home from vacation to find my Missouri Convention booklet in the mail. What a beautiful job!!! Congratulations to Tony S and the convention coordinators for an outstanding brochure! After having put together my own mini-brochure for the basket seminars at Gasconade Nature Retreat, I have first-hand knowledge of just how much time and effort goes into developing such a piece. This was well worth waiting for and because of the beautiful pictures it will have a permanent place among my basket books. Thanks so much for all your effort. Barb Byrne in Vienna, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Seminars Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 13:02:08 -0600 From: "Barbara Byrne" To: "David C (Weavers Words)" Hi WW group, Just wanted to let you know that there are still spaces available for the three basket seminars being held this spring at the Gasconade Nature Retreat. The seminars are: A Weekend with Judy Bradley April 14-16 Featuring a Pouch Necklace, an Egg Basket and a Cheese Basket A Weekend with Marla Helton April 28-30 Featuring Great Gourds, Gourd with Tapestry Weave, Pit-Fired Round Vase with Ridge Weave, and Gourd Necklace or Pin A Weekend with Mary Stone May 12-14 Featuring the traditional western Cherokee Double-Wall and, as a special treat, a miniature double-wall made with honeysuckle vine Note about Fall Seminars: I'm already receiving registrations for the fall seminars with Jodi Shebester, Patti Hawkins, Ann Rohlf, and Ruth Andre. So if any of you were waiting until the August deadline to register for these weekends, you might want to consider registering early to secure your spot. And again, if anyone who has not already received one would like a detailed brochure about the weekends, please email me your mailing address and I'll get one out to you right away. This is a very exciting endeavor for me and I would like to thank all of you for your kind support. I look forward to meeting many of you at the Missouri Convention, if not before at one of the weekends. Happy weaving! Barb Byrne in Vienna, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Leather Handles Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 19:57:04 +0000 From: Laurie Burns To: keenerfam@worldnet.att.net, davidc@iei.net Dear David and Lois, I had just planned on writing in to ask how to attach leather handles when Lois wrote in regarding the person who attached a leather handle using copper tacks. Lois, do you know what the size and type of the tacks were? I had ordered leather strapping from Royalwood LTD. and received the strapping, but couldn't attach them well enough to use them functionally. The people at Royalwood said to start the leather on the inside of the rim row and then make a "U" through the weaving and back up to the outside of the rim row. Apply the rim and lash. They felt that the lashing should hold the handle. I am pretty sure that is how I tried it the first time and I was able to pull out the handle. If anyone else has any methods they tried, I would appreciate the info. Also, Royalwood sells leather straps in brown or black that are 1/2" wide. Their number is 1-800-526-1630 and their web site is http://www.bright.net/~roylwood. Laurie in warm but getting colder by the minute upstate NY! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: basket pattern Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 19:16:36 -0600 From: "Peg Weston Brondyke" To: Maureen - I don't know if this is the basket you were referring to or not, but Sharon Wright has a book called "Heart Woven" (copyright 1990) that has a pattern for a ribbed heart-shaped basket. It uses a 4x6" D handle that goes from point to point and is wrapped. I don't know about the cantilevered part. I've been wanting to make it for years. Hope this helps. Peg in Iowa, where after beautiful, record-breaking spring weather, we're back to winter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Repost of WW Swap #8 info...... Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 20:30:03 -0500 From: "Jennifer Mulcare-Sullivan" To: "David Collins" Hi everyone! The sign ups for swap#8 are going very well......my mailbox is bursting @ the seams :) ! I have received several e-mails asking for date info so, I thought I'd repost the original message. :) Jennifer Hello Weavers Words Weavers! I'd like to start by thanking Dolores Gatz for a wonderful WW swap#7 and all of her helpful coordinator tips!!! :) Here are the rules and sign-up directions for the 8th WW Basket Swap! As in the past, this will be a swap in which you send a basket you have woven to one person and receive a basket woven by someone else. Weave a basket you would be pleased to receive. Please DO NOT contact the person you are weaving for until you hear from them that they have received your basket. This swap is for Weavers Words subscribers only. You may sign up for this swap one time only. Sign up will be open from now until Saturday, March 25th, 2000. (I am not placing a limit on the number of people who can sign up.) I will send you a message with the name and address of the recipient of your basket. Your personally woven basket must be sent to that person no later than Saturday, April 22nd, 2000(earlier is fine!). Anyone who has failed to follow through on participation in a previous WW swap WILL NOT be registered for this one unless they are able to provide written proof from the recipient of their basket that they did satisfactorily complete the earlier swap! To sign up for WW Swap #8, send an email message to me at ZestfulWeavings@hotmail.com containing the following information: Your Name Your Mailing Address Your Telephone Number Your Email Address Favorite colors, birthday, or any other info you would like to share w/your swap buddy! (Please try to keep the info in the above format......it will make it easier for me to process - thanks :) ) There has been some discussion about "fillers" in addition to the swap basket. My feelings on the matter are that the basket is the main focus of our swaps however, if you'd like to add something.....fine. If not, that's fine too! I was thinking about possible themes.............Spring & Gardening were the only things that came readily to mind. {The fact that my crocuses are blooming & I just bought tickets to the Boston Flower Show might have had a little influence there ;) } I hope everyone has a positive experience w/this swap! Please remember to contact both your swap buddy & me when you receive your basket. Happy Weaving!! ENJOY! Jennifer Mulcare-Sullivan Massachusetts WW Basket Swap #8 coordinator %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 113 Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 21:21:08 EST From: Derbyweave@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi David and weaving friends, I am searching for bookcases (reasonable but sturdy) in the shape of a boat or canoe/flat on bottom and pointed on top, 4 or 5 feet in height to use in area bookstores. We have use of a truck but can't venture too far and need them pretty fast. Any one out there know of a good source? Amish made ones were recommended to me but Northern Ohio and IN are pretty far from Louisville, KY but would consider if price was right and they were available quickly. I made a really neat basket boat from a pattern and base purchased at IN convention vendor SDS Basketry last year. (219 875 7072) Have ordered a couple more but need big free standing ones. Thanks and we have had beautiful warm record-breaking weather here for several days...surely it will come to an end soon. Cindy Johnson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 114 Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 09:42:14 EST From: DeeGrin@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear David and fellow weavers. I haven't written in years it seems. I had my 87-year-old Mother living with me the past few months and then last week she passed away from pneumonia. I am sad for the loss but thankful she did not suffer for a long period of time. My daughter and 14 month and 4 1/2 granddaughter have been here to keep me busy. What a joy grandchildren are. Anyway I am planning on attending the NCBA next Thursday and am so excited. I am taking the salt and pepper miniature basket from Joel Davis on Thursday night, the Russian Birch basket Friday a.m. and the quadrafoil by Joel Simpson on Friday afternoon, Saturday I have the miniature tulip sewing basket. So am taking all baskets smaller than an apple. If any of you are in these classes look for me so we can meet and perhaps sit together. \fran, I will stop by and get my red ribbon, looking forward to meeting fellow WW weavers. Dee Grinenko in Sunny Fl. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Michigan Convention's Blue Seagrass Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 10:37:40 -0500 From: gorbics To: David Collins References: 1 At the 1999 Association of Michigan Basketmakers' Convention I bought some beautiful blue (dyed) seagrass. If anyone knows who the seller was that I might get some more, I would appreciate the information. Some days I wish we had two newsletters, one for swap information and one for other but I am very grateful to have this one to ask my question about seagrass. Nan Gorbics of Oceana County MI Nan Gorbics nangorbics@oceana.net Homepage: http://www.homepage.oceana.net/~gorbics/ With links to the antler basket pictures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Easter Baskets Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 07:02:37 -1000 From: Joanne Howard To: "Collins, David" Aloha, I think it's beginning to look like spring. It is lighter in the morning driving my daughter to school at 6:20 am!! Rit Dye- I know we have discussed this many times. I have a question about Peach dye. I recently did Easter baskets for my niece's kids. I dyed my reed Rit dye, rose pink, evening blue (which came out turquoise) purple, mint green (just beautiful) and yellow. I dyed some reed peach and it immediately turned orange. I barely dipped some round reed into it dye bath and it took so fast. I left some thicker reed in for about one minute and it was bright orange. Has anyone used peach rit dye before, and how have you attained a true peach. Is there another dye out there that will give you a true peach color? The rest of the colors were just beautiful. Very vivid, depending on, how long I left it in the dye bath. Any input would be appreciated. I have to agree with Lois on the swaps. AND not just because she is my friend. I thought we used to wait a few months in between swaps. It built excitement!! Or...do we just want to have them all the time and just jump in when you can? Food for thought..... Have a great weekend....Joanne in sunny Honolulu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: leather handles Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 09:07:10 -0800 From: "Theressa Hamm" To: Good Morning, I would like to respond to the question on leather handles. I use them here and there on my smaller to mid sized baskets. I insert them between the rim row and spoke secure the rims with clothespins and then lash up to the handle. I use brass #4 1/2" screws if you do not want them seen dill an appropriate sized hole centered on the outside of the rim insert the screw and then continue rimming putting an X over the handle which hides the head of the screw. D0 each one separately just before you rap over it that way the rim fits properly. Now if you do not mind the brass screws showing rim the basket with the handles in place and then insert the screws in from the inside of the basket. I am really enjoying WW and look forward to future issues. Thanks T. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Headwaters Basketmakers Workshop Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 13:04:49 EST From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David and All, I can't remember if I have already posted this information to the newsletter or not, so please excuse me if it's a repeat. It is listed on the events calendar here on the site, but it never hurts to remind people about an event, we don't always look at the calendars! Headwaters Basketmakers Workshop, April 14, 15, 16, 2000, in Bemidji Minnesota will be held at the Concordia Language Villages, in the Lac Du Bois, French Village this year, instead of at a motel. This small workshop is very personal and it's a terrific time to get to know all the teachers and many students. Teachers are Marilyn Wald, Marlene Meyer, Cathryn Peters, Janet Olney, and Diane Ericson. Random drawing of all registrations on March 13. For further information and brochure, contact Monie Martin, RR 2 Box 8, Bagley, MN 56621 call her at 1-218-694-6522. Email contact is Eve Sumsky epbensum@mail.paulbunyan.net Hope to see you all there! The Wicker Woman Cathryn Peters/Zumbro Falls, Minnesota Wicker restoration specialist, basketmaker, teacher, author. Visit my website http://www.wickerwoman.com/ http://wickerwoman.listbot.com/ Subscribe to my free newsletter on wicker repair, seat weaving and basketry! Email: Wickrwoman@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Updating my webpage Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 13:16:04 EST From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David and All, I have been working on my website again, tweaking the pages some more and have added a few polls on wicker furniture, basketry and seat weaving. Check it out soon, vote for your favorite! Since I don't sell anything from my website as yet, this is a strictly informational site at this point. Come take a look, no pressure to buy a thing, although I do plug my teaching and the newsletter column I write for the basketry guilds. Well, why not? I bought the domain rights, after all. Hahaha! I have also changed the questions and answers on my FAQ page, maybe you can pick up some tidbit of information you didn't already know. Check back often, I change the page every couple of weeks or so. My "Great Links" page is just chuck full of basketry, wicker, antique, and craft websites for you to check out. "Events/Calendar" has a listing of all the classes I will be teaching and when. There is even a listing on the Northeast Basketmakers Biennial Exhibit March 30-April 26, 2000, that I will be participating in as an exhibiting member. Just in case you don't read my signature line below, my website is http://www.wickerwoman.com Until next time... The Wicker Woman Cathryn Peters/Zumbro Falls, Minnesota Wicker restoration specialist, basketmaker, teacher, author. Visit my website http://www.wickerwoman.com/ http://wickerwoman.listbot.com/ Subscribe to my free newsletter on wicker repair, seat weaving and basketry! Email: Wickrwoman@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW 117 Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 21:47:38 -0500 From: Ruthanne Morningstar To: davidc@iei.net I checked out the Summer Meadow Basketry site and it was very nice. Ordered their catalog and already received it. Lois - I agree with you on the Swaps. Maybe if there was some time in between these Swaps, there'd be more participation. With over 1300 subscribers, only 10% are participating. Marty - Thanks for your answer to my question - Artist versus craftsperson. Which, brought up another question. To those who teach - Does it ever bother any of you when a student changes their basket? I don't mean makes radical changes that really upset the teaching session. But, those who want to make an individual design and personalize their basket. Do you encourage it? Personally, I find it refreshing when someone wants to change, add on, be creative. But, again, only if they don't demand tons of attention that takes time away from the other students. I encourage them to move on. Last year was my first time to attend the Indiana Convention. It was very well done. I'm looking forward to this year's event. And, hope to see many of you there! Attended the Michigan Herb Society's Conference this week and met Lanita Campbell from WW's. Baskets and gardening just go together. Loved your newsletter Lanita. Ruthanne Morningstar in Dryden, Michigan where it's finally winter again! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: thanks! Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:55:54 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net Aloha from sunny Honolulu, This is just to thank everyone who responded with the information about the leather strips to be used for basket handles. Betty Swanson was the first to send the site for Tandy*s and I found the leather strips in sizes from 1/2" to 2" super reasonably priced and ordered several sizes for Joanne and myself yesterday. Again, thanks for the info and thank you, David for all you do for us. Marty H--it is on the way! Aloha, Lois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Class with Tressa Sularz Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 15:18:07 -0600 From: "those Kraayevelds" To: "Weavers Words" COMING on MAY 4, 2000 ... to Beloit WI We are a Rock County Wisconsin basket guild and we are planning something that some of you may be interested in........ ...a class with Tressa Sularz! We will be weaving Tressa's brand new design "COUNTER-SIDED BASKET". Designed for Michigan's April 2000 Convention, we will be one of the first guild's in the country to have this class. (This class is not being offered at the Lake Country Basket Fest 2000, which takes place May 5-7, 2000.) The basket is very unique. Tressa describes it this way................... Things are not always what they seem . . . This basket has a basic square grid woven base and compact woven sides in a balance weave. As the basket begins to have shoulders, the weave becomes diagonal and opens up leaving space between the spokes and the weavers. At this time new corners are formed on the sides. A neck is created with plain weave and the rim is double wrapped, creating a nice finish. This will be a 4 1/2 hour class held in Beloit the evening of May 4th (the day before Lake County Basket Fest 2000) We are about 1 hour from Pewaukee WI, 1 1/2 hours from O'Hara Airport in Chicago IL, 1 1/4 hours from Milwaukee WI, 1 hour from Madison WI) The cost is $45 per person. If you are interested email me with your snail mail address and I will get a registration form right out to you. We only have a few spaces left so don't delay!! Annetta Kraayeveld oakwood@jvlnet.com Want what you have and you will always have what you want. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: The River..... Date: 12 Mar 2000 00:48:07 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.corecom.net/~choatepp The Susitna river is the major drainage from the Talkeetna range of mountains that flows to Cook Inlet. A major source for fishing and recreation in the summer in the winter it is a super highway connecting remote villages to the road system. The sloughs and channels braid around small islands and coves with a thousand trails that branch out from the main stream. I've been hesitant to jump on the road of ice with my dog team. Maybe it's because I watched the movie "Iron Will" to many times and thought the river might be calling my name. Open water and ice bridges bring to mind baptisms that I would rather forego. One of my team dogs Nosy has a tendency to look back at the driver, not focusing at the job at hand. It's a bad habit that slows the momentum of the team down and can eventually turn them around. Nosey however, taught me a grand lesson, "it's hard to go forward when you are constantly looking back". I considered this as I pulled the snub line and we barreled down the trail towards the river. Now I understand why rivers are Alaska's winter autobahn. Crisp morning temperatures make for a fast, clear trail with no obstacles. An occasional moose stood to attention on the perimeter of the river saluting our passage. Severe clear revealed the Talkeetna range in all its glory with Mt. McKinley reigning supreme in the foreground. Crisp and fast faded to sun drenched and slow in the afternoon bringing our run to an end. Were there any "hair raisers" for the river rookie? You bet, open water flowing and ice bridges made a few more gray hairs sprout in my head but it was worth it. Now we're ready to go see "Alaska"! If you would like to experience a slice of Alaska and learn some new basketry skills next March is your chance. The Alaska Bush Basketry Retreat brochure is ready and waiting to be mailed out. If you would like some more information give me a hoot and I'll get it out to you. Over the river and through the woods...... Jill Choate Talkeetna, Alaska %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any reason you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.