"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 11 Date Sent: June 05, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1050 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, There has been several pictures sent to me to add to Weaver's Words Picture Page. Be sure to check 'em out. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html HOT TIP: SHARE OF STOCK A company called TRADE HALL (Very Similar To EBAY) is giving away FREE shares of stock, this is how Yahoo got its start, and now its listed on NASDAQ. Just go to (http://www.tradehall.com) and check it out. Just enter your basic information and my reference number "10139761". You will receive one FREE share of stock and a referral number of your own (while supplies last). For every person you get to sign up you get an additional 1/2 share of stock. Nothing to Lose. Take Care, David P.S. The Hicks WILL beat the Knicks. GO PACERS!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 07 Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:57:15 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 07 Anna Lizotte - Your trip to Darwin sounds fascinating. I can hardly wait to hear about it! I'll be thinking of you. JoAnn Kelly Catsos - What classes did you take at Stowe? I got the brochure and drooled over several of them, but couldn't get there this year. It did look like a great time. Linda Boyle-Gibson - I hope a lot of people sign up for the oak basket classes in your area. Betty and Michelle are really good teachers. Their classes (I've taken about 6 so far) are always a lot of fun and the resulting baskets are both beautiful and strong. They also sell baskets that they have made, plus hand carved handles. Their brochure is headed Gibson-Curry baskets. I've often wondered if you and Betty are related somehow? Dolores - Thanks for your Stowe report. Love all that detail! My source for sisal twine and rope is Tractor Supply Company. Susan - Your Stowe experience sounds like a fine one, but which baskets did you weave? I've seen a King Arthur Flower catalog, but hadn't really thought about where the factory is or that they might have a store there. Everyone within range of Kansas City - I had a phone call recently from Paula Harrison who keeps track of the classes at the MO Convention. She says there are still quite a few vacancies that people can sign up for on Friday (June 4th). Even if you aren't signed up, think about dropping in on Saturday to shop at the venders. It's almost time! Bert Comstock Excited about convention in Kansas City! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 08 Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:58:42 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 08 Kay Janke - I doubt if your friend will find ash or sweet grass baskets in Arizona. Ash is a northeastern tree. The native sweet grass is a northern species, and the alien sweetgrass is found on the East Coast. When she gets to Arizona, she could talk to shop owners or visit a reservation and ask about basketmakers. It might be worth her while to do a web search before she goes. A local Chamber of Commerce near her destination might have information. Tribal offices and state agencies could also be helpful. She might also try the yellow pages. Cheryl VanDeVeer - Thanks for posting the information about the Native American basket event it Reno. Is that an annual affair? Is it always at the same location? Dollie Koch (and others who are coming to Missouri this week) - I'm going to try to have some red ribbon @WW tags for those who want them. I'm also making up some little notes with 'How to subscribe to Weavers' Words' for people to pick up. Wanda Baker - welcome to Weavers' Words. There have been several swaps since our first one last August. They come around fairly often. The coordinator will give you the particulars. Pam Feix is going to coordinate the next one and I'll be doing the one after that. We usually have a month to sign up (unless the maximum number is reached sooner than that). Then you have a month to get your basket made and sent out from the time the names are distributed. The usual limit is $10 for materials. But there's no limit on size, and nothing that says you must spend $10 on the materials. It's very difficult to estimate cost when the weaver uses natural materials they collect - as some of us do. The person you send a basket to is not the same person who will send you a basket. Watch for instructions in WW. Bert Comstock, Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 09 Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 23:00:00 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 09 Lois - Yes, 'The Phantom Menace' was loads of fun. We went on a movie binge this weekend. Saw that on Sunday, 'Notting Hill' on Saturday and "A Midsummer Night's Dream' today (Monday). I may have to see that one again to get another look at the bicycle baskets! By the way, to any of my fellow Xena & Hercules fans - have you noticed how many baskets are used in those shows? In many areas, they totally ignore authenticity, but I love the way they set up the market scenes with all those various kinds and sizes of baskets! I also have my own fantasy of harvesting basket materials from some of those landscapes - New Zealand, I think! Cass McDonald - I store my dye baths in plastic milk jugs in the basement. So far no problems. Esther Grigsby - Thanks for posting the "CALLING CARD BASKET" pattern. See you soon in Missouri! Nora in Colorado Mts. - Hope your first demo went well. Bert Comstock in Independence, MO, where the weather is lows around 60, highs in the mid 80s, partly cloudy this week with some chance of rain Friday. PS- Bob had a training session last week at the hotel we will be using for the MO convention. He said he sat outside to eat lunch so he could watch the geese and ducks on the pond. A great blue heron flew in while he was watching. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 10 Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 23:33:17 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 10 Carol in Montana - The organizer of a swap doesn't know when we email among ourselves. The polite thing to do is to notify the organizer directly via email when you send your basket and when you receive a basket. Sometimes, we just mention it on Weavers Words, though. Naomi Paquette - The originator of the WW swaps was Joy Moody. It was less than a year ago that she ran the first one. Joy Moody - Speak of the devil! Glad to see you here again. Is your dye plant woad (Isatis tinctoris) for a blue dye, or weld (Reseda luteola) for yellow? Woad is a vat dye. The first year leaves of the biannual plant are collected and then fermented/putrefied to extract the dye precursor. The vet has to be chemically treated to convert the insoluble blue dyestuff to its soluble 'white' form. Then the fiber or whatever is soaked in the bath. It turns blue after being taken out of the vat and exposed to the oxygen in the air. It's the same dye substance as indigo. After MO convention I'll try to remember to send you some good references. Weld is an ordinary hot water dye. Allison in SUNNY Arizona - I'm so glad your daughter's surgery went well! Thanks for letting us know. Well, gang, I just skimmed through this issue so it wouldn't be sitting here gathering dust while I'm at the MO convention for the next four days. (Starting with helping Deb Ross set up the hospitality room for the welcome reception Thursday night.) I'm really looking forward to this one (having missed last year's) & to meeting more WW folks! I'll be back next week. Bert Comstock, Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 10 Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:20:30 EDT From: Alice3410@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David. . . HURRY, PLEASE SIGN ME UP FOR THE BASKET SWAP. . . sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I was so excited, I'm so new, I'd never heard of it before and I'd love to participate!!!!!! Please, please, sign me up! Thank you so much, Ali %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 08:40:19 EDT From: CLAYART2@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello Weavers, Well, I made it through the basket demonstration without a hitch on Saturday and when I got home there was a beautiful surprise waiting for me......Thank you Dianna French in N.J.!!! What great colors! The "bowl" goes just perfect with my decor..Kristin M in Midland, MI, I don't know how you could stand not opening your basket immediately....I practically had it open by the time I got through my front door!!! Thank you Dianna.....what a great job! Bonnie F. in Illinois, be looking for a box this week. Hope you like it.... Nora from the Colo. Mts. where the air is crisp and thin giving me and excuse for my "senior moments"........ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap Basket Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:03:22 EDT From: JLS1117@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Friday - after spending the majority of the day out pulling weeds from a very overgrown area of the yard - the doorbell rang & there stood our mail person with a package for me. I knew in a moment it had to be my swap basket! I just want to tell Eileen Spilman --Thank you for the beautiful basket. She didn't give me a name for it & I haven't seen one quite like it so I hope I can do it justice. It stands about 8 1/2" tall (to the top of the square handle) - It's 10" long & about 8 1/4" wide. The stakes look like 1/2" flat reed. The foot & bottom are twined in round reed - I'd say probably #3 (don't have my gauge handy) - she continued twining up the sides for 14 rows then switched to weaving with 1/4" flat oval to the top of the basket. The rim is a beautiful braid with a large scalloped edging all done in round reed. Then I believe she took twisted seagrass (looks like maybe #1) & wove it in & out to cover the exposed spokes. It's all-natural - not stained. I love it. My husband's first words were "It's Beautiful! - I totally agree. Thank you so much, Eileen. I hope I was able to convey the beauty of your basket in words. I really appreciate the time & effort that goes into these baskets. Thank you so much Sue for doing the swap & David for giving us the means to communicate this way. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. Judi Shaw In not so sunny Del Mar, Ca. - Where the June Gloom has really set in - this time with rain too - More time to weave - Yeah - the weeds can wait. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap Basket Partner Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:09:16 EDT From: JLS1117@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net It's me again - just wanted to let Eileen know that I did try to personally e-mail her this AM but after I typed in the message to this board I checked my mail again & found out that the message came back as a fatal error. Sorry - you won't get my personal message before you read the one here but I love the basket & the wild rice will go great with the trout & catfish that my sons caught yesterday at the lake. Thank you again. Judi Shaw (JLS1117 @ aol.com) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Received Swap Basket Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 07:24:09 -0700 From: "Dédé Harris" To: "David Collins" Thank you David for all your hard work! We couldn't do it without you. I just wanted to thank my swap partner Linda Cutright, of W. Virginia. It is a square, reed basket with a D handle. There is a wide strip of ash(?) with "Washington" apple decals on it. Its about 11" square, 5 1/2" high, with the handle about 11" high. I would guess that it has a black walnut stain, with highlights of dark green and a wonderful vermilion/burgundy. It has a round reed rim (#2), that's the red color. I plan to use this one as my waxed linen project basket. Thank you Linda!!! Better run. Going off to Whidbey Island, to weave. Dédé in Seattle Where the rain has saved me from having to water the flower beds. But now the lawn is growing. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: The Legend of the Basket Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 15:17:21 -0400 From: mbzaj@infinet.com To: David Collins References: 1 Hi everyone, I saw a framed picture/saying called Legend of the Basket in the door prize room at IBA. Of course I didn't win it or I wouldn't be asking this! I loved the story on this framed piece. I did find the shop where the guild that donated it bought it. I went there (far from home) and they didn't carry any more. I would like a copy of the legend. I don't necessarily need it framed as I would like to read it at a basket presentation. If I have to buy it I would, but I can't find it. Does anyone have a copy of it you would be willing to share? (Maybe the one who won it?) :) I would appreciate it. Feel free to email me personally if you'd like. If I need to purchase it, could anyone tell me where. Thanks for your help. Brenda Johnson in Darke County Ohio. -- Mike, Brenda, Zach and Alex Johnson mbzaj@infinet.com Http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3455 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Festival with Basket Weaving Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 16:03:38 -0400 From: "Judy Mullins" To: Hello David and all fellow basketweavers, Hope it's not too late to get this on before Saturday June 5th. Just wanted to let people know that lives in the Cincinnati, Lexington, or Louisville area, or points between, that there will be a festival this weekend. It's at a friend's place, called Twigs and Sprigs near Corinth, KY. Her name is Joy Jump, and her number is 606-824-3978. Her place is an antique and collectibles shop. She is a very unique person, gives classes on decorating on a shoestring, herbal cooking classes etc. This festival will have two basket weavers doing demonstrations, my self, "Judy Mullins", and another basket weaving friend, Ginny Hamilton. There will also be a wool spinner, & quilter. As with most festivals, there will be food, and music. If you like the country primitives, like you see in so many magazines today, you will love Joy's place. If it's too late to get this on before June 5th, you can still contact Joy, and come visit her place at a later date. I sell my baskets there, and my "Antique Looking Signs". I have been meaning to make this announcement for a few weeks, and I have been a very busy person. My first grandson, was born to my daughter and her husband, on April 30th. He weighed 9lbs. 08oz. He is a beautiful baby, and I have been helping out some. My daughter gets very little sleep, because he hasn't learned night from day as of yet. Thanks for letting me brag about my new grandson. Hope everyone has a very nice summer. I'll say goodbye for now, in hot humid Kentucky, where it's in the mid 80's. Judy Mullins logcabin@fuse.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Hi all, Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 13:42:51 -0700 From: "Pam Feix" To: "David Collins" Hi there, this is the rules for the swap. I posted them before, but am posting them again. Thanks. Pam :) Well, here are the ground rules for the basket swap. If you want to participate, please e-mail me your name, complete address and e-mail address. Now, I will take these names and addresses until June 30. On July 1st, I will send everyone e-mails that will match them up with their swap buddy. It may take me a while to get them all done, but be patient, I will get to you, as long as you send me your name and such. If you think that you have already signed up for the swap, YOU HAVE NOT. I have received a lot of e-mails for about a month now asking me to sign you up, but I have not kept any names. You must e-mail me beginning now until June 30th. Now, here are the other rules: 1. All swap baskets must be in the mail no later than August 1, 1999. 2. If you sign up with me, and you haven't cancelled prior to my matching names, then you will be obligated to make that swap partner a basket. The only exceptions is due to a Natural Disaster, like a tornado, flood, etc. 3. I will be going on vacation in July, so after I have e-mailed you the name of your partner, you best keep a hold of it, as I won't be here to re-send you this information. It is up to you to take care of who you are matched with and their name and address. Print it out or copy and save it to Microsoft Word or something, but you are all able to keep track of who you have to make a basket for. (The only reason I am stressing this is because I know that some folks lost their buddie's name in the last swap and had to be e-mailed the information again and sometimes even a third time). 4. I will post on WW that I have e-mailed to everyone their buddy, if for some reason you did not receive my e-mail by the time that I post this in WW, then you need to e-mail me immediately. That way no one will be overlooked. 5. There are no guidelines to what type of basket that you need to make or how much it is worth or anything like that. You choose the basket that you want to weave and then surprise your buddy with that basket. I have noticed on some of the WW postings that some of you send along other little goodies in the basket, it is not required but a very nice gesture. You are only obligating yourself to making a basket, keeping track of who you have been given to make a basket for, mailing the basket by August 1st. 6. If you are in the swap, and have not received your basket by August 5th, please e-mail me and let me know so that I can follow up on who you were matched with. I will be home by then and will be happy to make sure that everyone is following through with their commitments. 7. If you have committed yourself to another swap, and did not fulfill your obligation, you will not be permitted to participate in this swap. I have been passed down the names of those who did not fulfill their obligations and will check these names as they come in. 8. I have been asked to remind everyone that this swap is for "weaving" the basket yourself, not buying your baskets or sending imports or otherwise, you are supposed to be the weaver of the basket that you send to your buddy. 9. Weave, have fun, weave, have fun, weave, have fun. I do not mean to make this sound harsh, I am just trying to make sure that everyone who wants to participate gets to, and that no one loses any information and that this swap goes very well. I want everyone to have fun weaving their baskets and then receiving a basket. 10. You must be a WW member to participate in the swap. If I opened it up to everyone who knows someone, then I might run into a problem. I don't want that to happen. I was also asked if we could have a basket swap of just naturals. Now, in this particular swap, I don't think it would be fair, as not everyone uses naturals. I do know that reed is a natural material, but what I am talking about is like the willow, and cedar, and stuff like that which is gathered and prepared by you. If someone would like to coordinate a separate basket swap for folks who just weave naturals, then you might want to find out how many would be interested in this sort of swap and then set a naturals swap up for those of you who would like this sort of thing. I love baskets, but I weave with reed or cane and therefore, cannot participate in the naturals swap. I do appreciate any baskets that I receive as I am a nut when it comes to baskets, of any shape, size, or material. Now, go weave, have fun, and I will post this message again in another issue as well, just in case someone misses this information. Pam Feix, in southwest OH, where it is hot today, but sunny and I would rather have hot, than snow. PS: I also wanted to let you know, that my basket will be made and sent out prior to my leaving for vacation, or while I am on vacation. I will not forget you, my basket buddy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Basket Swap Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 13:43:48 -0700 From: "Kathey Ervin" To: "David Collins" Hello fellow weavers! As everyone has been sharing about their basket swap baskets I thought I should not only share what a beautifully done potato basket I received but the surprise in finding that out of the hat the person whose name I got to send a basket also got may name! And to top it off we received our baskets on the same day! I got my package, oohed and aahed, thought the name was very familiar and figured out it was who I had just sent a package to. I came in to e-mail her and already had a message from her. Anyway I thought maybe the coordinator had arranged the whole swap like this - on a trade basis - so I was very careful not to tell my friend Sharle, who was also doing the swap, so as not to spoil the surprise. Anyway thank you again Carol MacNeil for the great basket! She told me she had taken a series of rib style basket classes which I think is such a good idea. I'm working on finding some reasonable airline tickets to fly from here in WA State to Gattlinburg for the HGA Conference in October. Kind of a scary situation - one place already quoted to me $600.00! But I am sure looking forward to my first big conference in basketry and look forward to maybe meeting some of you in person. This is long......by for now Kathey Ervin kater@tenforward.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 14:43:52 -0700 From: "Pam Feix" To: "David Collins" Hi again, I just wanted to answer a couple of questions that were posted. Carol: The organizer doesn't know that you and your swap buddy have e-mailed one another. What we do ask is this, keep it a secret (because the one you are weaving for isn't the one you will be getting a basket from) this makes it more of a surprise. Second, if you don't receive a basket by at least 5 mail days after the deadline, please e-mail the coordinator so that they can follow up with the buddy that was assigned to you. Molly: The Tandy Leather Company has a web site at: http://www.tandyleather.com and they have a toll free number as well, it is: 1-800-555-3130. I just happened to find them online a couple of weeks ago, that is how I have the information. They sent me their catalogs. Hope this helps out. Now, Joy Moody hosted the first WW basket swap and then Gail Caron did it. I believe that Sue Bajczyk is the one who did the third one which makes this the 4th swap for WW members. Someone asked and I just wanted to let them know. Well, we have over 60 weavers right now. I have not put a limit on it, but if I get more than I can feel I can handle, I will post in WW. I hope that sounds fair. I will try to give everyone an opportunity, but if it gets too much, I will let you all know. Happy Weaving to All. Pam Feix in Southwest OH where it is a very nice day. :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 18:27:09, -0500 From: BDKE97B@prodigy.com (MRS BILLIE A DORRIS) To: davidc@iei.net Pamela, I can't believe you said that you "just coil pine needles". As far as I'm concerned just and coil don't belong together. To me the techniques used in coiling the needles are far more difficult than those used in plaited baskets. I have tried it with pine needles twice-thinking I would like it better the second time -no way and the first time I had the marvelous Donna Carlson for a teacher. No matter how wonderful she is was it just isn't there for me. Tammy, this afternoon as I was looking through the catalogs to see who I'm going to order some handles from I thought about your comment on hairs and baskets. I think one of the biggest players with that problem is the quality of the reed to begin with. Buy the best you can find. Yes it may cost a little bit (maybe a lot) more but in the long run you will be much happier with the finished product. Remember the old saying about you get what you pay for. If the reed is hairy to begin with the weaving only makes it worse. I have been known to pull the strips through a piece of sandpaper before I even start. Also one of the things I have discovered with taking my baskets to shows is that the more they rub up against others the "hairier" they get. The friction makes them stand out. So it might be worth lightly wrapping each basket before you "throw" it in the plastic bag for transport. Even if you don't sell treating them gently is the key. All of this talk on storing of dye in plastic bottles triggered a memory-not of dye but cornmeal. Being married to a true southerner cornbread without sugar (if it has sugar it is cake) is a staple in my house. When we were living in New Jersey good meal was hard to find so whenever we went south we stocked up. I kept the extra bags in the freezer of an old fridge that was in the basement. One day I went down to get a bag and discovered that somehow the fridge had become unplugged-don't know how long it had been that way but folks you've never seen nothing like it. There were probably 5 5lb bags of self rising corn meal mix. They had risen and exploded all over the inside of the freezer and the smell is something best left undescribed. It is not one of my fondest memories of Jersey (which I loved) but when the dye discussion started I remembered it well. How the brain atrophies- I was reading over what I had written to see if it actually made sense. When I came to the word "by" in the comments to Tammy I realized it wasn't the correct spelling for that meaning so I changed it to "bye" DUH!! on the second reread I realized that was wrong too so finally got it right with "buy" (I hope). Spelling use to be my strong point. Think the spell check has ruined us all. How about "use/used to" which is right? some words I type incorrectly out of laziness-nite/lite etc. I know better. The animals are hungry so better get a move on. Billie in Va. Beach where if we're lucky we may have rain tonite. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket hairs Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 22:31:37 -0400 From: Chris & Melissa Kile To: davidc@iei.net To Tammy from SE MI: I use a propane torch to singe off the basket hairs. I know that sounds a little crazy, but I wet the basket first, then turn the torch to the lowest possible flame, and use the end of the flame that is invisible, but still hot. Pointing the flame at an angle (not directly at the basket) will protect it from burning, too. After some practice, I can now singe baskets with no burning. Don't plan to do several baskets at once. Your arm will get VERY tired (and sore). This is the best way I've found for smooth baskets. I sand the handles. I'd like to hear other ideas, too. Melissa in SW VA where it is finally beautiful, sunny, and breezy. 6 more days of school!! They're driving me crazy! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: re: swap basket received ! Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 20:03:17 -0700 From: "chas" To: "weavers words" Hi All: I've received my SWAP BASKET **** :0) Thank you to Diane Ericson. I couldn't find your e-mail address. So I will thank you via this list. The basket it just exquisite. A small woodland market basket with lots of naturals incorporated into the design. The red osier dogwood is lovely as the rim filler, the birch & (I think) elm bark strips, and then the black ash. I don't think we have black ash around here. It is really beautiful. And then the beaded feather hanging on the side adds just the right touch. I would never have thought to add that. Thank you thank you thank you. I just love it! And the basket notes are really special, too. I just LOVE these swaps. They are sooooo much fun... Hope everyone else is enjoying theirs... .... :0) Ruth Lascurain Cinebar WA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: 4 pocket egg basket??? Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:35:43 -0600 From: "Faye Stukey" To: References: 1 Hello David and all his readers! I'm fairly new to basketry, but enjoy it tremendously! One basket that I've seen, but been unable to find a pattern for, is an egg basket with four pockets (instead of the usual two). If anybody out there has seen a similar basket, or knows where I could find a pattern for it, please let me know. I've signed up for the basket swap. I've been reading everybody's letters about the baskets they've been receiving, and it sounds like a wonderful way to exchange basketry talent and ideas. I can't wait to find out who I'll be swapping with! Thanks a lot! Faye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: My basket arrived today! Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:03:26 -0700 From: "Denise Beck" To: "David Collins" Hi, everyone, guess what? My basket swap basket arrived today from Cindy Dunham, stuffed with Chicago-area newspapers, too! I've sent a picture of it along with this message to David, who I'm sure will post it on the WW web site. It's a picnic items server and very nice, too. Thanks, Cindy! Denise McCann Beck Coastal British Columbia USDA zone 7 Sunset Zone 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 10 Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:32:32 -0700 From: "Anne Boquist" To: "David Collins" Thank you Debi Geosits for my lovely swap basket. How did you know a basket made for carrying a bottle of wine is the perfect one for me? Are there rumors out there about my love of sipping a good glass of cheap red? Things do spread quickly on the net. Anne is Sooke %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 06:28:37 PDT From: Donna Young To: davidc@iei.net Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and this is my first posting. I have been lurking for quite a while, but decided to come forward to say how much I enjoy reading this column and look forward to each one. I have learned so much from all of you and many of my questions have been answered by just reading each issue. I just participated in my first basket swap and wanted to let everyone know about the beautiful tote that Crystal Drenner made for me. It is navy blue, with navy straps and a beautiful pottery sunflower on the front. I just love it and appreciate the time and effort that went into it! And, as a bonus, it was packed with some absolutely wonderful goodies! Thanks Crystal! You made my day. I had been eagerly awaiting my package and when my carpool pulled up in front of my house last night, I saw the box sitting next to the front door and I got so excited that my carpool buddies offered to give me a tranquilizer! The suspense is a killer! It was better than opening Christmas gifts. Just knowing that someone made this basket especially for me. This basket swapping -- it's a good thing! Bye for now. Going to stay indoors this weekend and cut reed for a class I'm teaching. It's supposed to be in the 90's. Donna, from southern Ohio It is expected to be 78 and cloudy today. However, the sun was just coming up on the commute to work and it was beautiful, with the herons wading in the wetlands at a golf course we pass each day. I really enjoyed this basket swap and I have already signed up for the next one. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW swap Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:30:56 -0500 From: "Jay Fullerton" To: Carol in Montana wrote... <> My swap basket went out last Saturday. Nothing like the last minute. I haven't heard yet if it has been received. Still waiting for the brown or white truck here. Kathy Fullerton Ft Polk, LA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 10 Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:12:52 EDT From: Sheila A Smith To: davidc@iei.net References: 1 Hi all, Sounds like everyone has enjoyed the swap. Thanks Sue for coordinating this one, I know some of us (ME) caused you more work. I lost all my email and had to have the info resent to me. I will definitely print out all future swap information when I receive it and put it where I can find it. I received a great bean pot from Judy Benner in PA, Thanks again Judy! Molly Gardner: Our local Tandy has also closed but here's their phone #for mail orders 1-888-890-1611. My Jerry stripper was purchased at Tandy and has no business address on the carton only " Jerry's Stripper Englewood CO, 80110". By the way, you should have seen the look on my husbands face when I asked for a Jerry Stripper for my birthday (his name is Jerry). Tammy: First try only using reed without many hairs on it. I usually pull the stakes through sandpaper before weaving or soaking them. Then after the basket is finished I trim all the little hairs with small scissors. This is time consuming but the finished product is worth the effort. I rarely singe the hairs off a basket, I haven't been happy with the result as it seems to leave small burnt ends. Joy: I know the dyers woad is on the Washington state list of noxious weeds that are illegal to sell here. Guess you should watch this one closely if you are growing it, it is a biennial so it will produce flowers and seeds the second year. By harvesting the seeds and sowing them where you want it grown you could control it. You just have to remember to gather the seeds. I'm not sure if other states besides Washington and California have any restrictions on it. Sheila from Snohomish WA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Storing Dye Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 20:38:46 -0500 From: "Kim" To: Hi Everyone, I used to save my dye in milk jugs with the disposable pie pans underneath. After awhile I found the jugs were just too flimsy. I now use the large heavy duty plastic jugs that Apple Juice and Tropicana Orange Juice come in. They are great and I've never had a leak. They also have that "handle gripper" to grab them with. I found they are the perfect size as well. Just right for a Dutch oven full of dye. Kim %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Splint Woven Basketry Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 08:33:09 EDT From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but Robin Taylor Daugherty has just come out with a reprint of her old book, "Splint Woven Basketry" that was published in 1986, I believe. Many of us have used the first book as a bible and are glad to see that it has been reprinted. The front and back covers are new, along with a center section gallery with color pictures of various basketmakers. Three of my antler baskets are on the first page of the gallery and there are others from Weaver's Words in there too, Brian Jenkins of Toms River, New Jersey for one. Other basketmakers featured are: Vicki Johnson of Reno, Nevada, Melinda West of Indianola, Washington, Deb Curtis of Corvallis, Oregon, Kathleen Conroy of Exeter, Rhode Island, Judy Greeen of Aloha, Oregon, Jimmie M. Kent of Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, JoAnn Kelly Catsos of Ashley Fallls, Massachusetts with five pictures, Cris Warren of Portland, Oregon and Molly Garner of Sun Valley, Nevada. The instruction in the book is absolutely wonderful and the addition of the color gallery pictures makes this new book a must for everyone's library. I know that The Caning Shop and Gratiot Lake Basketry carry it and probably lots of other suppliers by now. Price is $17.95 and was published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. Congrats Robin on the great book! The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters/MN Seat Weaving Album http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=16796&a=70537 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Silver Dollar City Seminar Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 10:35:34 EDT From: Wickrwoman@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Well, it is so nice to be home after traveling about 3,000 miles on my trip to Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri for the seminar on May 21, 22 & 23! First, I went to Oklahoma City to pick up my Mom, then we went to SDC for the seminar and then back to OKC. After returning from SDC, I met with about 10 people from the Oklahoma guild at Wellston and gave a slide presentation on my deer antler baskets and the wicker restoration, complete with antler drilling demo. Marcia Belleweg was great at pulling together so many guild members at such late notice. Bernie Kopel, it was so nice seeing you again, will see you next weekend at your sister's workshop, Weavin' in Winona. Glad to meet everyone else too. Then on the way back to Minnesota, I stopped in Tulsa and had lunch with two others from the Oklahoma guild, Denise Round and Charlotte Gregg. I forced by photo album on them and they treated me to lunch--what a good deal for me! Stayed overnight in Kansas City, Missouri with my old roommate and then left early in the morning. Timing was perfect for me to arrive in Des Moines just in time for another wonderful lunch, this time with the Iowa guild bunch, Norma and Jessie Buehlmann from "Basket Class," Monica Pugh and Carole Kempes. I gave them a little presentation and instruction on how to drill the antlers to make baskets and they purchased some of my new antler basket patterns and other stuff. All in all, it was a profitable trip and I was able to meet so many wonderful people. It is always so nice to put a face with the screen names. I had never met any of these people before, just communicated via the Internet. What a marvelous invention--ties us all together globally. The SDC basket seminar was a great experience, and Donnie Ellison and his helper, Glenda Workman and all the guild member volunteers were so pleasant to work with! Since this was a first time experience for this seminar, there were mistakes, but all in all, it was quite pleasant. Next year hopefully, they will have the kinks out and will not schedule it so close to the Missouri convention. Mom and I were able to go on the Showboat Branson Belle for dinner and a show, what a delight. We could hardly waddle out of there after the big prime rib meal! Bonnie Lampert, I have a picture of you and hubby kissing at our dinner table, should I use it as blackmail? Will send it to you first, then you decide if I should post it to Weaver's Words or PhotoPoint, OK? I met a lot of the teachers that until now, had only spoken with via the Internet or had read about them or had their patterns. How cool! I am in the process of posting all the pictures to my PhotoPoint Album but will send David a few to post here too. Not sure if I will get all the names on the captions correct, am working on that now. After catching my breath, it's off to Winona on the 11, 12 & 13th. I will be teaching another antler wall sculpture and cane footstool and then on Sunday, will take a class from Dianne Stanton, can't wait to meet her! ~~The Wicker Woman/Cathryn Peters/MN~~ Basket Friends Photo Album http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=16796&a=80069 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket swap! Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 16:43:02 -0000 From: "Jeff & Diana French" To: "David Collins" Hi Everyone! Just had to write in and let everyone know that I received my basket from my swap buddy - Kathy in Hawaii! She made me an adorable sewing basket with spools of thread woven into the sides - it's so cute. Being a quilter as well as a basket maker, she couldn't have chosen a more perfect basket for me. Thanks Kathy!! And, as an added bonus, she tucked in a cute little pineapple magnet and a bag of Kona coffee! Mmmmmm! This swap was a lot of fun.... I'm ready for the next one! Guess I better get my e-mail in to Pam.:) A question on walnut hulls..... How many hulls does a person use to a gallon of water when cooking up a batch? I don't think I've ever heard how much someone uses. It's a beautiful day here in Southern New Jersey, so I'm off to the backyard to splash around with my son in his little pool. :) Happy weaving to all - Diana French %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.