"Weavers Words" Vol. 3 Iss. 09 Date Sent: May 30, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1041 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Attention New Subscribers You can search Weaver's Words web page and back issues by going to Weaver's Words web page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/) and entering your search criteria into the PinPoint search box. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, There has been several pictures sent to me to add to Weaver's Words Picture Page. Be sure to check 'em out. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html HOT TIP: SHARE OF STOCK A company called TRADE HALL (very similar to EBAY) is giving away FREE shares of stock, this is how Yahoo got its start, and now its listed on NASDAQ. Just go to (http://www.tradehall.com) and check it out. Just enter your basic information and my reference number "10139761". You will receive one FREE share of stock and a referral number of your own (while supplies last). For every person you get to sign up you get an additional 1/2 share of stock. Nothing to Lose. Take Care, David P.S. The Hicks WILL beat the Knicks. GO PACERS!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: aloha Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:16:57 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net Aloha from sunny, breezy Honolulu (but there are clouds over the mountains), The name of the weaver who sells her baskets for huge amounts and was featured in a BH&G publication and now has a basket in COUNTRY LIVING is Linda Searcy. Her company is called The Basket Patch and it is in Canton, GA. However, the article says she no longer makes all the baskets and one daughter has taken most of the weaving responsibilities. And her baskets are expensive (for reed baskets) but as any weaver, I guess she gets for them what she can. Tony, I liked your last post a lot. Your views on "chatters" at class was most helpful and I, too, am guilty of letting people weave what they weave. If they are talking too much to listen to me (and I*ve repeated myself again and again), I let them weave without corrections. It is the same with the "I can do it myself" weavers who don*t want me telling them they are weaving too loose or too tight--I*ve had a few weavers who, after one class (with me or with anyone else) think they can do it all--and after being chastised for giving a little help, I steer clear. I had a woman in class who started weaving, in the middle of a basket, the opposite way (she is a "rightie" and started weaving like a "leftie") and when I asked her if she realized she was weaving in the opposite direction, she said "And does it bother YOU?"--after that, she could weave how ever she wanted...upside down, sideways...however. And I, too, enjoy the debates on WW...good point, Tony. Those muffin handles cam be ordered from Sarah*s Baskets or from Susan Reed-Fanfoni. As for putting polyurethane or a sealer on a basket, Robin Daugherty says this (in her old book--the one that has been updated, but I haven*t bought yet): "The best rule of thumb for finishes is "When in doubt, don*t". I find that varnishes and lacquers clog the pores of basket materials and prevent the natural subtle absorption and release of ambient moisture. They wear off unevenly, leaving their shininess beside a natural pantina." She uses mineral oil as a finish. Star Wars was great, both times... Lois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: swap basket Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 21:09:57 -0700 From: Kathi To: Davidc@iei.net Dear David, Today I received my swap basket from Leigh in North Carolina. It is a beautiful teacher's tote with my favorite colors for accents.....and Leigh just knew what colors to use! The weaving is gorgeous! This was my first swap and it has been a delightful experience. I thoroughly enjoyed making a basket for my buddy, and felt like a kid waiting for Christmas as I checked the mail each day hoping for my basket. Thank you to all who made it possible, from David, to Sue, to my recipient buddy, and my giving buddy. This has been fun! Kathi in the California desert where it feels like August already. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Storing Dye Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 23:43:19 -0500 (CDT) From: mdcamcd@ix.netcom.com To: davidc@iei.net Hello to all and a special smooch for David for keeping us all in touch with each other! I just read an article about dyes that says you should store prepared dye in glass only, that it will eat through plastic. I have just started storing dye and am putting it in (washed) plastic 2-liter soda bottles and storing it under the kitchen sink. I have both food color dyes and Comcraft dyes. Has anyone had any experience with this? I've also heard of freezing dye, but don't really have the room for it at this time. (My husband is still resisting having my weaving take over the house.) Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! I'm also interested in hearing how the basket swaps work! Thanks, Wanda, for asking!! I thought I was the only one who didn't know about them! Happy weaving from warm and sunny (but TOO dry) Maryland! Cass McDonald %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: swap basket Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:02:32 -0500 From: ROY LEA To: David Collins , "Mike Bajczyk" Hi everybody, I like the way Kris worded the message about sending the swap basket last issue, so I'll just do the same and let someone in North Carolina know to watch out for the "Big Brown Truck". I'm so behind in reading the WW issues that I've just ended up deleting many of them. :-( Hate to even imagine all the great tips I'm missing! Hope to get back in the swing of things after the move in June. Off to the in-laws tomorrow. Hope everybody enjoys their Memorial Day weekend. Safe trip to all who will be traveling. Diane in Kansas %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: FREE PATTERN FOR YOU Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 08:46:09 -0400 From: Esther Grigsby Organization: The NorEsta Cane & Reed To: davidc@iei.net Hello Basketmakers, We've got a little pattern for you today that is quick and easy. It's named the "CALLING CARD BASKET". Here it is: Dimensions: 2" W x 3 1/2" L Materials: 3/8" Flat Reed, 1/4" Flat Reed, #2 Round Reed. Preparation: From 3/8" Flat Reed, Cut 3 stakes @ 12" and 5 stakes @ 10". Mark centers on rough side. Soak with 1 piece of #2 Round Reed. Lay out the 3 12" stakes vertically. Weave the 5 10" stakes horizontally through vertical stakes, lining up the centers, for a 2" x 3 1/2" rectangle base. Twine 2 rows with #2 Round Reed around edge of base. Upsett stakes. Weave sides: 2 rows 1/4"FF, then 1 row twining with #2RR dyed. 1 row 1/4" Flat, then 1 row twining with #2RR dyed. 2 rows 1/4" Flat, then 2 rows twining with #2RR, natural. Tuck stakes. Do the rim with a piece of 1/4"FF around inside top edge, over twining. Lay another piece of 1/4"FF around outside top edge. Lash rim with 1/4"FF or Medium Cane, about a 3 yard length. Happy Weaving! See you at the Missouri Basket Sampler in Kansas City, MO June 4-6. The NorEsta Cane & Reed 1-800-667-3782 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 09:11:15, -0500 From: BDKE97B@prodigy.com (MRS BILLIE A DORRIS) To: davidc@iei.net Lois, the only current issue of Country Living I can find is the gardening issue. The baskets shown in it are not among my favorites to say the least. However it is possible that the weaver doesn't get all the money because if she sells them to a store they are probably marked up at least 100%. Also it's amazing that people are willing to pay more for something from a store than from an individual. I really hate to see all these artificially aged baskets (and other items) out there as many of them are being passed off as old. Some people buy them thinking there getting a real antique at a cheap price. Something that hasn't been discussed here (if I remember right) that struck me the other day when everyone was talking about shipping their baskets to their buddies is shipping. After shopping on ebay and reading all the dealers comments I realize that most of them ship post office instead of ups. Since baskets don't weigh much they can go priority mail at a fairly low cost. Also the P.O is now supplying the boxes that makes it even easier. You'd be amazed what will fit under the 2lb limit for 3.20 plus .85 for insurance. I have always ups in the past but will think about it next time. Billie Ruth Suddath's new book is out and talk about some gorgeous baskets. They really inspired me. Many of them are by members of this group. I am astounded by the realm of some peoples imagination (envious is more like it) Better close as my husband has a four-day weekend and we have lots of projects to get done. Ugh! not that they don't need doing but!! Billie in sunny Va. Beach where the tourists season is now upon us. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Thank you Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 13:44:05 -0400 From: "Perry S. Brown" To: "davidc@iei.net" I would like to thank Kristin Monastyrski for the wonderful and beautiful necklace's she made me for the swap. She made a Twill Baby Necklace and a Porcupine Quill on Birch Bark necklace. I love them!!! Thank you so much. These swaps are so much fun. Can't wait until the next one! Happy Weaving, Natalie Brown Greenwood, SC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers' Words. Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 13:57:13 EDT From: ZOHE@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Greetings everyone. Just read the latest edition. How marvelous the Indigenous Basketweavers Gathering sounds, I hope that several WW people manage to attend. Will keep an eye on the website to see what is planned for next year. Billie Ruth Sudduth's book is gorgeous. We are happy to have six members of our High Country Basketmaker Guild featured in it. Basket weavers in Southern Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia and Tidewater come join our guild. For those farther away we have in home hospitality. Maybe these items from past newsletters have all been commented on, but here goes: IRIS LEAVES: Pick when starting to turn yellow, dry flat on newspapers in the shade. Spray and wrap in a damp towel before using. As they are not very strong it is best to twist them into cordage before weaving, or twist as you go. However, a Long Island gardener once gave me some very pretty pinky/mauve iris leaves which I wanted to display flat, so I wove them into an already constructed open-weave basket to support them and they retained their color for about two years. PAINTING REED: Yes, I paint baskets made from round reed (woven geese) and find it satisfactory. First I have dyed the background, then use acrylic paint thinned with water. It is hard getting down into grooves, so buy various types of brushes, pointed, square ended and one that comes in a stiff fan shape. BOILED HONEYSUCKLE: Karen, I have an egg basket I wove from boiled honeysuckle eighteen years ago and it is still strong and in good shape. If picking in the summer you need to gather last year's vines, which will be a different color from the new growth. The framework of my basket is greenbriar - very tough, you can just snap the thorns off this by pressing on them on the side with your thumb. I agree that classes go more slowly when people chat, which they do when they know each other, though they are more fun. It helps to take along a little bell to ring as a back-to-work reminder. Although WW should keep mainly to basketry topics, I have to confess I'm a pushover when it comes to animal stories. That was an incredible tale about Carol's orange tomcat chasing her car. And thanks to those kind people (if I neglected to email you), who gave advice on feeding my elderly cat. He is doing well now. Diana in Northern Virginia, where we are enjoying endless Spring. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 14:02:01 EDT From: CLAYART2@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone, Hope you are having as beautiful a spring day as I am.... Just some comments about sharing workshop experiences...I for one, am not and will not be able to ever attend any of those fantastic events and I look forward to living the experience through the weavers who can go, even if it's just to look and especially of those who get to participate....So, please don't stop sharing ....I do a lot of traveling this way!! Thanks to you!!! Dye tips have been invaluable information to me...I was wondering about many of those and most of my questions have been answered, especially the ones about never, never do that! One....lol.. Re: clashes in forum...duh Isn't that what this is about, exchange of ideas. One who may have or do something different, more efficient, or cheaper? With the majority of our readers being women, we all know what happens when you get more than two in a closed area at the same time...just deal with it, have your say and get on with it.......(life that is) Kathie A.....Your grandchild is in my prayers.....Doesn't matter who's god it is....need all the gods to get together and heal this baby.........and prayer does heal....! That's it,,,,off my soapbox.....Basket worthy stuff from my coloradomts is that my demonstration at the Craft Corral is tomorrow.....Another first for me....it's enough to drive me to drink( nothing stronger than cappuccino please).....Wish me luck.....I know it's not much but my butterflies don't know that! Got my second birchbark basket on the way to completion, started a round reed base, have willow base in progress, and small market basket almost done, the creel is still waiting for me to work on it, and last but not least I finally found "The Pineneedle, Raffia Coil Basketmaking" book by Jeanne MacFarland....This is the Best written and illustrated book for beginners I have ever seen......I sure recommend it to all who need guidance like I do! Everyone, Have a great Holiday weekend....... Nora in Colorado Mts. where the sun is shining and you can touch the sky...... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: question Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 14:08:45 -0400 From: Dolores Gatz Organization: Eastern Suffolk BOCES To: "'davidc@iei.net'" First, David, let me say your amazing. You got those pictures on the web page fast. I only sent them to you last yesterday afternoon. Wow!!!! You even spelt my name correct, most people get it wrong. My question is (I hope this doesn't start something): The patterns that you get in guild Newsletters or from convention that are free like the Suzanne Moore Patterns - is it wrong to copy them to give someone. I sent Lori Keener the duplicates that I had collected for one reason or another but there was a copy of would have liked to send her but wasn't sure whether it would be right to make her copies or not. If I had N.C Basketworks email I would had emailed them and asked them their thoughts on it. As a matter of fact I think I'll write them and place another. Had to be short, but have to run. Dolores Long Island, New York %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Happy Memorial Day Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 14:11:37 -0700 From: "Ames, Kay H" To: "'Weaver's Words'" Gosh I have been so busy that I am having a hard time catching up on WW issues that I missed while our computer was down. It has been fun to hear everyone's news. In the interest of wading through them I have not been responding. But I wanted to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day holiday. Hope you can relax and enjoy it, and maybe even do some weaving. I will be spending the time crunching to get kits ready for the Missouri convention. I will try to remember to wear a red ribbon, and I hope you will say hello if you see me. I am teaching two classes, taking classes in my spare time, and I will have a table at the marketplace. It will be nice to meet you face to face! I am really looking forward to the convention, but please, all you folks out there in MO, can you order up some not-too-blisteringly-hot weather for that weekend? I plan to take heed of the recommendation to get outside for some fresh air each day, and I don't want to wilt. Remember, we have had a pretty puny spring up here in the Pacific NW, and too much sun might just send me into shock. See you next weekend. Kay Harradine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Shipped Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 18:38:05 PDT From: "linda nelson" To: davidc@iei.net There is a basket leaving Oregon, headed for Lindenhurst, New York. I included a few extras things from Oregon, hope you enjoy. Linda %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: staining with walnut stain Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 05:10:28 -0700 From: edwinb@erols.com To: "\"Weavers Words\"" Hi everyone, With all the "talk" about staining with walnuts recently, I had to add my little bit; I got this idea from Carolyn of Suffolk last year. After staining your basket with walnut stain and it is dry, rub on a thin coat of cheap baby oil; this gets rid of the flat look of walnut stain. Its a 2 step process but worth it. To Gail Caron, The Deer Creek Basketry Guild newsletter is ready to mail out, and I know you joined; we cant find your mail address; could you please send it to me? I'm the new newsletter person; it was quite a learning process for me, but I did it! Its a beautiful day here in Md.; good day to weave, but that's after yard work and washing windows. Oh well!! Nancy B. in Glen Arm, Md. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 04:12:48 -0400 From: "Sandra" To: "David Collins" References: 1 Hello to Everyone, I received my swap basket yesterday. A very special Thank you to Vicki Schmidt and she did such a great job on it. My basket is a mini made with waxed linen I believe. Oh, so small to work on. I could never work on anything that small. That is why I will treasure it even more. I will be sending out my swap basket on Tuesday. I know that I'm a little late but the basket is done. I'm just a little behind. My weaving has been slowed down. Almost two weeks ago I was using my table saw and cut the tip of my finger off. I'm on the mend but will just take time to heal. I'm very lucky it was only the tip because it could of been worse. Just a little warning to slowdown in life. Thanks to Sue for doing this Basket Swap. And a Special Thanks to David for keeping us going. Sandra, Maine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: FREE Pattern/WW Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 10:16:58 -0400 From: "mkoch" To: We have added a new feature to our web site, a FREE Pattern. We will try to offer a new one every few months. Feel free to print it off and share it with a friend. Our web site address is; www.weaversstain.com For those of you that teach or have shops, you may copy this pattern and share it with your students or customers. I am not very good at writing patterns, so please bare with us. If you have any questions regarding the pattern instructions, please email us @ mkoch@iei.net Happy Weaving Dollie Koch The Weavery, The Weaver's Stain Family %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Swap baskets Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 13:07:41 EDT From: Diane L Ericson To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone I wanted to report that my swap basket is on its way. Someone in the NW part of the USA will get a package next week!! My swap basket came last week from Linda Wankel in Wisconsin. It is a large beautiful ribbed basket woven with reed, but with a very interesting handle. Linda called it palm frome. The basket was embellished with some wonderful beads and natural stuff! She also tucked in two pine sachets! Really cool. Thanks Linda! I'd also like to thank Sue B for organizing this swap. I know she spent lots of time and energy, and we appreciate it!! This IS a fun thing to do!! Diane Ericson Mpls Metro, where today it is summer! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Amana, Iowa info Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 12:52:48 -0500 From: Wilda J Wheeler To: davidc@iei.net Hi David, I have tried to get this info to Wanda, I saw her note on your web sight. I have tried twice to send her the info she was looking for, but it says fatal error and the message won't go through, so I am sending the info to her through you I hope this is okay and that she gets it. Go to Main Amana, their is a Broom & Basket Shop on main street, you can't miss it, their are also other neat shops and two nice eating places, the Ox Yoke and Ronnenburgs. Also go to West Amana, it is only about 5 miles away from Main Amana and their is also another Broom & Basket shop their, their are 2 buildings and one has a lot of hand woven baskets in it that were done in the Amanas. Also check out the HUGE rocking chair right there also! There is a Mrs. Schantz that weaves willow in Amana, but she usually does it only when there is a special celebration going on in the Amanas. As for the basket swap, it is just now over, but watch the WW because I think someone else might set one up and they will give the details to it then. I hope you get this info, Sincerely a basket weaver from Marion, Iowa. Jeanette Wheeler E-mail: basketsbyjeanette@juno.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 14:21:42 -0700 From: "Pam Feix" To: "David Collins" Hi all, Well, here are the ground rules for the basket swap. If you want to participate, please e-mail me your name, complete address and e-mail address. Now, I will take these names and addresses until June 30. On July1st, I will send everyone e-mails that will match them up with their swap buddy. It may take me a while to get them all done, but be patient, I will get to you, as long as you send me your name and such. If you think that you have already signed up for the swap, YOU HAVE NOT. I have received a lot of e-mails for about a month now asking me to sign you up, but I have not kept any names. You must e-mail me beginning now until June 30th. Now, here are the other rules: 1. All swap baskets must be in the mail no later than August 1, 1999. 2. If you sign up with me, and you haven't canceled prior to my matching names, then you will be obligated to make swap partner a basket. The only exceptions is due to a Natural Disaster, like a tornado, flood, etc. 3. I will be going on vacation in July, so after I have e-mailed you the name of your partner, you best keep hold of it, as I won't be here to re-send you this information. It is up to you to take care of whom you are matched with and their name and address. Print it out or copy and save it to Microsoft Word or something, but you are all able to keep track of who you have to make a basket for. (The only reason I am stressing this is because I know that some folks lost their buddies name in the last swap and had to be e-mailed the information again and sometimes even a third time). 4. I will post on WW that I have e-mailed to everyone their buddy, if for some reason you did not receive my e-mail by the time that I post this in WW, then you need to e-mail me immediately. That way no one will be overlooked. 5. There are no guidelines to what type of basket that you need to make or how much it is worth or anything like that. You choose the basket that you want to weave and then surprise your buddy with that basket. I have noticed on some of the WW postings that some of you send along other little goodies in the basket, it is not required but a very nice gesture. You are only obligating yourself to making a basket, keeping track of whom you have been given to make a basket for, mailing the basket by August 1st. 6. If you are in the swap, and have not received your basket by August 5th, please e-mail me and let me know so that I can follow up on who you were matched with. I will be home by then and will be happy to make sure that everyone is following through with their commitments. 7. If you have committed yourself to another swap, and did not fulfill your obligation, you will not be permitted to participate in this swap. I have been passed down the names of those who did not fulfill their obligations and will check these names as they come in. 8. I have been asked to remind everyone that this swap is for "weaving" the basket yourself, not buying your baskets or sending imports or otherwise, you are supposed to be the weaver of the basket that you send to your buddy. 9. You must be a WW member to participate in the swap. If I opened it up to everyone who knows someone, then I might run into a problem. I don't want that to happen. 10. Weave, have fun, weave, have fun, weave, have fun. I do not mean to make this sound harsh, I am just trying to make sure that everyone who wants to participate gets to, and that no one loses any information and that this swap goes very well. I want everyone to have fun weaving their baskets and then receiving a basket. I was also asked if we could have a basket swap of just naturals. Now, in this particular swap, I don't think it would be fair, as not everyone uses naturals. I do know that reed is a natural material, but what I am talking about is like the willow, and cedar, and stuff like that which is gathered and prepared by you. If someone would like to coordinate a separate basket swap for folks who just weave naturals, then you might want to find out how many would be interested in this sort of swap and then set a naturals swap up for those of you who would like this sort of thing. I love baskets, but I weave with reed or cane and therefore, cannot participate in the naturals swap. I do appreciate any baskets that I receive as I am a nut when it comes to baskets, of any shape, size, or material. Now, go weave, have fun, and I will post this message again in another issue as well, just in case someone misses this information. Pam Feix, in southwest OH, where it is hot today, but sunny and I would rather have hot, than snow. PS I also wanted to let you know, that my basket will be made and sent out prior to my leaving for vacation, or while I am on vacation. I will not forget you, my basket buddy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: GOT MY SWAP BASKET Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 22:56:02 -0500 From: Gary Dunham To: davidc@iei.net Hi! Today I received a package today from Carolyn Black in Indiana. It is a simply gorgeous variation of a Spiral Tote. I have always loved the look of the round reed baskets in Flo Hoppe's book and this basket uses many of her techniques. It is so gorgeous! Carolyn Black - I simply love the basket you sent me! I have seen baskets made in round reed and just don't have the guts to tackle them. It is so gorgeous! The colors match my living room perfectly! I keep going back in there, picking it up and looking at it. I would have emailed you directly, but I lost your email address. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gorgeous basket! Cindy in Northern Illinois Where a spent this beautiful day shopping at East Troy Basketry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 3 I. 08 Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 21:22:30 -0400 From: "Kati" To: "David Collins" Hello all- I have five more days with my wonderful students at school and I don't know who is more eager to get away - me or them! We have a very short summer this year - 6 and 1/2 weeks and I have told my kids to enjoy every minute of it because they will be looking at my ugly face again before they know it. For those of you who don't know, I teach emotionally disturbed children so I usually have the same group for several years. Went fishing today with my family - they threw worms in the water and I made baskets. I really enjoyed myself! They complained because they didn't catch too many fish. I have sent my basket to my partner and e-mailed her. I sure hope she is pleased with it. I have received an email that mine is on the way. I can hardly wait! I really like this!!! I may try another basket swap this summer. I have noticed that others have sent other items within the basket. I didn't do that and I apologize. I'll be ready next time. I am looking forward to my summer to make baskets and make baskets and make baskets. See ya' Kati in NC where it is pushing 95 degrees today!! I'll be sweating before long! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.