"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 82 Date Sent: February 12, 1999 Web Page: http://welcome.to/Weavers-Words Subscribers: 942 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Bare Walls" Basket Pictures/Prints If you are looking for basket pictures/prints, check out "Bare Walls" through Weaver's Words site. I will get a 15% commission from Bare Walls for every picture/print ordered. The address to check out the pictures is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, Sorry, the last Weaver's Words should have been Volume 2 Issue 81. I tried to clean up Weaver's Words web and I added a couple features. I moved the Basket Survey to it's own page. The address is http://www.iei.net/~davidc/survey.html. I'll be adding more questions to the survey soon. I also moved the Basket Prints page. The new address is http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html. I also added a Weaver's Words Forum. You can add messages, questions and/or tips to the forum. But be SURE to keep sending your postings to Weaver's Words first. Many subscribers don't have access to the Internet. They can only send and receive e-mail. The forum was added at the request of some subscribers. The address is http://forums.delphi.com/preview/main.asp?sigdir=weaverswords. Of course, all these links can be accessed from Weaver's Words web page. You can now access Weaver's Words through the following address: http://welcome.to/Weavers-Words The old address still works. The new address just looks nicer and is easier to remember. I have added a poll to Weaver's Words web page. Be sure to stop by and take the poll. It's located toward the bottom of Weaver's Words home page. . Here's the address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Take Care, David davidc@iei.net P.S. 325 days until the next millennium. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 80 Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:48:28 -0800 From: Sharle Osborne To: David Collins My husband and I went out to the West End of the Olympic Peninsula for a class last month. On Saturday afternoon we were welcomed by members of the Hoh tribe. Vi Riebes, a tribal elder, had brought a few baskets from her extensive collection and gave us permission to photograph them. Check the basket site below if you would like to see them. Sharle Osborne sharleo@orca.esd114.wednet.edu http://www.olympus.net/personal/skoehler/bskt.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: aloha! Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 22:25:27 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net I am supposed to be working on a fair this weekend, but my heart isn*t in it as this is way too early for a fair in Hawaii and it is outside and the weather has been pretty stinky, especially in the center of the island where this fair is located--and why am I doing it? I do this same fair every year, but they moved it forward this year--it is a wives club fair and someone different runs it every year so sometimes you get good publicity and a good date and sometimes (like this year) you don*t. What a coincidence, Darleena!! We were talking about you at painting class tonight (Joanne , Wendi B and myself) and we were wondering why we hadn*t heard from you. Painting class is a trip--a real stress reliever--tonight we listened to 4 Monkee (shades of the 60*s!) CD*s while we painted (we are doing a tall summer angel) and Joanne entertained everyone with her Bob Dylan imitation...my husband just called me into the kitchen to ask why I had painted one of the cabinets Sachet Pink--I swear I was painting with that today but am clueless how it got all over a cabinet. It seems it is either paint or reed all over this house. Wendi B. is the only one from Okinawa I*ve found so far. Andrea--good to hear from you again. Hope things are going okay with you and you will show up on WW more often. Marty H--another coincidence--we were talking about your seagrass basket at guild last night. The woman who won it a few months ago (we have a door prize--50 cents a chance--every month and the person who wins has to bring next month*s basket) said everyone who sees it wants to weave it. I*m preparing for my trip to New York--got the schedule from GSUSA and I*ll be in class from 9-12 1:30-5 7-9 all week--I think we have one evening off--so this is definitely a working trip and not a fun one. I still am rounding up sweaters and sweats and socks and, thanks Pam--a pair of gloves. My older child, Bridget and I are planning for a trip to Ireland in 2000 and we are debating a half tour or a rent a car and house and do our own thing with a good guide book--has anyone ever been? Hope everyone is doing fine. Lois Honolulu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: books & painting Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 09:46:32 -0500 From: "Angie Longenecker" To: "David" Hi all, Valerie in MI - You have a good collection of books to start. What kind of weaving are you interested in? There is a wonderful book "Twill Basketry" by LaPlantz for beginner to advanced twill lessons. This book has wonderful pictures to inspire you to more complicated twills. It's a beautiful book. If you are interested in round reed - you should check out "Wicker Basketry" and "Contemporary Wicker Basketry" by Hoppe. Both books are very informative with wonderful pictures and instructions. "Baskets from Nature's Bounty" is one of my favorite books! You can check out books on our on-line catalog - we have a description and picture of the front cover with each book ( http://www.countryseat.com/shophome.htm ) Let us know what type of weaving you are interested in and we can tell you what books are good for that style. Char - Are you recommending painting before using a water based stain or dye? I only use water based stains (usually natural walnuts), dry completely, paint with acrylics, dry completely and brush on mineral oil all on the finished basket. That order seems to work well. Afternoons are nice, but the mornings are cold in PA! Angie The Country Seat http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Just Weaving Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 08:21:27 -1000 From: Joanne Howard To: "Collins, David" Hi All, the weather is a little cool but I am sure nothing compared to the mainland. I wish you all could come and weave on the beach. As I have said before, Lois will be glad to pick you up in her jeep!! Darleena: Funny I should read your post to Lois this morning. Lois and I are in the same painting class taught by Wendy Bonner. I think you know her from Okinawa. I was going through some old basket list stuff just yesterday and found a post from you answering one of my many thousands of questions. I asked Wendy just last night if anyone had heard from you lately!! Is that an ESP thing? ha, Ha!! Anyhow I just thought I would let you know you were talked about at painting class last night. Well off to twill class. This basket should be fun. I have been looking forward to it for awhile. Aloha, Joanne in almost sunny Honolulu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Info on history of basket use and basketmaking Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:51:37 -0500 From: Jackie Zehring To: davidc@iei.net I have a chance to give some presentations/demonstrations on the history of baskets in America, and the beginnings of basketmaking when our country was settled. Does anyone have any good info they would share with me, or some suggestions of sources? Thanks very much. Jackie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: web site Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:31:34 -0800 From: Kathi Klopfenstein To: davidc@iei.net Hello David, My name is Kathi. I have been weaving pine needle baskets for about 3 years. I have not tried other basketry techniques....yet, but my mind is not closed! I heard about your site from Judy Shaw and Patty Savinski. We belong to the same guild. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:59:51 -0800 From: smoot Organization: aGeriott To: David Collins Hello from Eagle River, Alaska where our temp is holding out at -26 below for about 3 weeks now. The best part....I'm getting used to it and not minding anymore!! Gives me more reason to stay inside and weave, weave, weave. I'm been reading this site for about 1 year now and have picked up many valuable tips and resources...keep up the great work! I too would be interested in the next basket swap - but question my own abilities after reading other weavers accomplishments. I've just recently started giving classes to co-workers on basic baskets after they have pestered me for about 3 years now since I carry everything to work in baskets! I enjoy working w/color and have recently started exploring more natural types of supplies such as birch and leaves and willow. Is there a mailing list to get on for flyers or brochures of these great conventions I always read about? We've not one basket shop in Alaska other than Jill Choate in Talkeetna which is just a short 40min flight from our local strip and of course while her work is wonderful...supplies are limited. It's hard to order patterns when you can't get a good visual on what you're ordering. I would also like help in locating a weaver by the name of Carol Sandhammer, possibly in Texas area. I took my first weaving class from her and would like to reconnect to share and thank her for turning me basketry. I've just started finished my first Nantucket basket and realize basketry is just an unlimited field to pursue. Well like I said....if a basket swap is in the near future...I'll be watching my Weavers Words newsletter! Until next time.....Stoking the fire in Eagle River! Marge Smoot! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 01:16:37 EST From: JLS1117@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net I just received my swap basket!! I'll do my best to describe it. Hope I get it right. It's about 11 3/4" square: The bottom reminds me of the shaker cheese basket weave. It's done in 1/2" flat natural reed & 1/4" periwinkle blue. There is either 0 or 00 round reed all around the edge. The sides are 4" high & woven with 1/2" flat & 1/4" flat oval natural reed. The top rim looks like 1/2" flat reed on the inside with 1/2" flat oval on the outside. Sandwiched between them is twisted seagrass. It's laced with what I think is fine cane. All in the natural color. Then on 2 sides there are the most beautiful ceramic handles --- they are white with brown specks & small blue flowers. The handles are each 3 1/2" long. Valerie Miller in Michigan it's beautiful!!! After spending the day teaching an adult class this am & a children's class this afternoon it was a real treat to come home & find this big box waiting for me. Your basket really did make my day!!!! Thank you so much - it will really look great in my home. That shade of blue is perfect. Judi Shaw in Del Mar, Ca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:00:32 -0500 From: "Chris Baker" To: David Collins Hello everybody, Many of you know I make many other things besides baskets & do craft shows. I'm trying something new. I know we all like to see new things. I started a new page with my other hand crafted items. Some are on sale, some are already at very reasonable prices. There are a couple of items that are one of a kind. All items listed are products that are already made. In order to keep these prices so low, I will not be taking orders to replace what sells. All items will be sold on a 1st come, 1st serve basis. That also means they will be shipped as soon as I receive payment. One of the things I have a reputation for in the shows, is that I don't mass produce a lot of my unique items that require a lot of time to make. I make a few of each item, & like to design new things constantly. I do have one basket listed. Some of you do buy a basket from time to time, so I listed it in case this is one you just don't want to tackle. I usually don't put baskets on the site that are not my patterns, or I'm not selling patterns for. You can go directly to the new page: http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker/Crafts.htm Or, you can click on the link from the online catalog. http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker/catalog.htm Hope you all like the new items & would love to hear what you think. Think Spring! Chris Baker Days Gone By http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker PS. If you would like to know what's on special, this month, sign up to be on my mailing list! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:57:22 -0500 From: "Jayna Glemby" To: "David Collins" Wow, WW is coming fast lately, especially after the slow down over the holidays! It's just what I need during the February blahs. To Kathi Calvert: Re: Wheat Weaving...if you don't have any luck on the net, try your local library. Also, look into Swedish Crafts. One year our garden club had a speaker on Swedish Wheat weaving and she had recommended several books (I wasn't into basket weaving then) and said local libraries should carry them. To: Kati Pittman: Re: getting a pattern published. I suggest you get in touch with Jana Tafelski at basketpatterns. com (jtafelski@basketpatterns.com) and ask herthe terms for authors. She is very helpful. And to all who inquired about my wreath pattern. I have decided it is just too simple to even consider offering for sale. A friend who tested my instructions agrees with me. Plus, I'm not very good with the camera.....for evidence, see the photo of the wreath on David's basket picture section. Therefore, anyone who wants the information may send me an email and I'll give you the pattern. (If I get 900 plus emails, I'll just post it on WW!) To: Andrea Okeefe: Welcome back to weaving. My condolences on the death of your beloved husband. It is true how motivating and comforting a hobby can be and I hope you find being back in class and with other like minded friends a comfort. It was so enjoyable to look at some of the sites mentioned in the last few WW. To Karen: I really enjoyed your site on Kudzu baskets. Especially liked the photo of the vines going crazy and taking over everything. As they say, a photo is worth a thousand words. Some time ago, we had quite a discussion on WW about the vine, but I truly had no idea what it looked like or how it could actually cover EVERYTHING...your photo was an eye opener. I have never worked with naturals but like the idea that they often take a form of their own. Your baskets are one of a kind and you should be very proud. Bob Kleppick: I enjoyed your site, the variety of baskets you and your partner make and the excellent quality of the weaving. Also, liked the photos and the settings. I think many people have secret desires to make a living doing the things we truly love to do, so best of luck with your site! PS, the drawing on your opening page was neat! Tony Stubblefield: your baskets, both the ones you've made and those you've purchased are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Basket weaving is certainly a universal craft and it was interesting to see the different styles. Pam Feix: your site is worth bookmarking, thanks! To someone in Ohio: be on the watch for a valentine swap basket! I sent it UPS yesterday! This is my 2nd. swap and it so much fun. I especially like it this time of year...thank you to whoever brought up the subject of a swap in the first place, and many thanks to Jan our current coordinator!!! My condolences to Gail Caron on the death of your father-in-law. I hope you and your family are surrounded with wonderful memories at this time. Also, to Sandy and Nicole. I am so sorry for your loss. Your note led me to tears and prayers for you. Sometimes it is so hard to understand why things happen and I wish I had some magic words to comfort you. We are fortunate on Weavers Words, that our family of faceless friends can reach out to one another and share through prayers, support and words of kindness. Much love! from Jayna in central Massachusetts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: FW: Virus Alert Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:15:39 -0500 From: "Chris Baker" To: David Collins To: Kathleen Calvert HELLO EVERYONE, I will try to make this short and sweet as I have the flu, and believe me this one is the pits. Stay away from it if you can........ I had hoped to send you all this update on February 1st, but we have been hit with a run of bad luck here.......My Mom has been hospitalized for knee surgery which has not gone well, a family death and now this flu running through here........Is it Spring yet???? Any way--here's some February news: PLEASE NOTE---NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: kmcbaskets@worldnet.att.net This is effective now and my old server will be disconnected this week, so please change my address in your address book--thanks! FEBRUARY REED OF THE MONTH: 5/8" flat...........$4.95 per coil......no minimum order required NEW CATALOG UPDATE Thanks to my recent purchase of an Office Pro Jet from HP, it will be speeding along despite all of the set backs I mentioned above. This is one great machine, and I highly recommend it. It is an all in one machine that is a b&w and color copier, scanner, fax, and printer--love it!!!!!!! WEBSITE UPDATE I am really having fun with this, and I will be opening my web store with at least weaving materials available for online ordering, along with informational pages up and running within 2 weeks. I will send a quick email update announcing web site opening, so watch your email. I will have a page of guild info, so if anyone has guild or workshop information they would like posted, just send me an email, and I'll see that it gets in. Finally, thanks and apologies to all have visited the "under construction" area---I know how disappointing it is to go to a site and find "under construction". I see there are about 1,000 visitors in the past month, WOW! I hope you will all be pleasantly surprised when you see the new "look" I am publishing on opening day-------I am keeping it a surprise until ready to publish and open : ) : ) Take care, stay healthy, and keep weaving!! With Baskets of Blessings, Kathi Calvert KMC Baskets & Folkart 732-389-0832 kmcbaskets@worldnet.att.net http://www.kmcbaskets.com (watch your email for opening day announcement) PS. Happy Valentines Day to All! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 15:51:07 PST From: "Alice Edwards" To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everybody, Welcome to new members and those who have written for the first time. A HUGE thank you to David who makes it possible for all of us to visit. Glad you got your second check. You deserve something for all the work you do and help you provide. Have been enjoying reading all the advice about painting on baskets. SOMEDAY, soon, I will get the time and nerve to try learning how. I do remember reading a tip/suggestion to do the actual painting on a overlay if you didn't want to have to paint on the actual basket. I have resolved to at least try using stencils soon. About the Holiday Pin Basket - this is a Susan Vogel pattern. I found it in a pattern list from Gratiot, but it is also available from the basketpatterns.com website. I enjoyed making it and it was very popular when people knew I made the basket. So many people with close scrapes, bad news or problems. I'll repeat myself from a few months back. Since we so often don't know until later about these issues I have decided to just lift you and yours all up in prayer on a regular basis when you are in my thoughts. God, who knows your problems better than I do and even if I don't will know your needs without my specifying them. So, remember God and I both care about you when the difficult times are with you. I hope the knowledge that people care will provide a healing balm for all. Susan - There is a pattern for a purse with wooden lid that I saw on the Baskets of Joy' website. They sell both the pattern and the lid. You might go check it out, David has a link to their site on the basket links page. I keep thinking about maybe making it, but haven't actually decided to do so yet. Also you might check your local library for basket books with ideas for attaching lids. I don't remember which ones, but know I have seen some older books with various ideas for attaching a lid. One method I remember vaguely was to use leather lacing. Pam Feix - Good idea, warning your teenager about the phone scam, I need to warn my adult kids too, I guess. I had read warnings about people calling in to workplaces and trying this, so knew about it. But, hadn't realized it could be a problem at home. Good to hear from you and know you are with us in spirit. I can identify with that feeling. After my surgery last fall there were weeks when I couldn't find the energy to write, but really enjoyed reading each issue. Diane in Kansas - Nice visiting with you at guild meeting! Always fun to have a face to go with the names. I never bother to send remove instructions to senders of spam. Since I have hotmail, I can just do a 'block sender' and it automatically deletes any mail from that sender in the future. Does cut down on it, though I still get an occasional message. Angie - Enjoyed your 'possum' pictures. Your comments and questions for Karen about the Kudzu baskets were thought provoking. Seems they would apply to all kinds of baskets. Bless you for sharing them with all of us. It helps to see them in print and be able to refer back to them. There must be lots of us who occasionally wonder and want feedback. I can remember taking several baskets I made at home to class with me and asking a teacher to comment on them after class one time. Especially when you are fairly new at weaving, it can be hard to find that type of input if you don't have a close friend or family member who is also involved in weaving. Happy Weaving Alice Edwards in the Chilly Kansas City Area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Hello Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:47:06 -0800 From: "moonweaver" To: davidc@iei.net Salutations, fellow weavers. Haven't written in awhile. Haven't even had a chance to read back issues lately - boy am I behind. To those who have had loses - my heart and prayers are with you. Loss of any family member is a terrible thing. Amy- sorry to hear about your accident. Glad no one was seriously injured. Question - recently I was contacted off my web site by a marketing firm in KY. They want a wholesale order of birch bark baskets for some type of Shakespearean festival that takes place in Oh. Anyone know about this festival please contact me. Or if you have ideas about wholesale. I sell from my shop but have never wholesaled as yet. Thought this would be a good opportunity, however, to get my work as well as name out there. Is this the wrong thing to think? Well let me know fellow weavers. Best go for now. There's still about a foot of snow on the ground. So weaving keeps me sane. God Bless, Chrys %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:01:52 -0800 From: hannah To: "'davidc@iei.net'" Hi again, all of you good and wonderful basket making folks, Just a real quick note to Marsha Ackerman: I will wear a red ribbon for identification of a WW member, as I think it does sound the easiest to do. Also, please let me know it is you when you come into the room, and also, I will try very hard not to sell out before you get there. We are working on our inventory to bring, but who ever knows how much will get you through?!! Well, until next time, take care and happy weaving!!! Pam Feix in southwest OH where 2 days ago it was sunny and 74 and today it is 24 and there is an inch of snow on the ground. http://www.feixbaskets-crafts.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.