"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 80 Date Sent: February 06, 1999 Subscribers: 931 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Bare Walls" Basket Pictures/Prints If you are looking for basket pictures/prints, check out "Bare Walls" through Weaver's Words site. I will get a 15% commission from Bare Walls for every picture/print ordered. The address to check out the pictures is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I have added a poll to Weaver's Words web page. Be sure to stop by and take the poll. It's located toward the bottom of Weaver's Words home page. . Here's the address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ I have revamped the basket picture page. There are lots of great basket pictures. Be sure to check it out and check back often. There's new pictures added frequently. If you have a picture('s) that you would like added, just send it to me via e-mail or the U.S. mail. I can scan photos for you. Here's the address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html Take Care, David davidc@iei.net P.S. 328 days until the next millennium. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 23:59:01 -0500 (EST) From: Shedlady@webtv.net To: davidc@iei.net (David Collins) David - this is my 1st time writing to Weaves Words and want to tell you how much I enjoy reading about all the other weavers. For Gretchen "Painting on Strips" - I've been painting for a lot longer than weaving and paint on 99% of my baskets. Hints- stain your baskets before painting, after painting use one coat of a brush on water base varnish to seal the paint and it makes any blending you do stand out better. I like Ceramcoat varnish by Delta and it comes in satin or gloss I've tried painting on the wide strip before weaving but it never came out right so I prefer to wait until after it's done. Hope this helps some. I love painted baskets and wood bottom baskets!! Connie Hughes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 00:56:10 EST From: HEvanssr@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net CC: HEvanssr@aol.com Announcement: I have a veneer mill and power shear for sale at a very reasonable cost. If anyone is interested I have a very limited time to remove the machines from the building in which they are housed. You may call me at 828\698-2468 or email at HEvanssr@aol.com. Harold Evans %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 02:36:07 EST From: JLS1117@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Sandy - I'm sorry to hear about your family's loss. My deepest sympathies and prayers are with you & Nicole. My feelings about abortion are the same as yours. No one will ever know why God does things the way H e does but somehow there is always a reason. God bless you & Nicole & the rest of your family. Judi Shaw in Calif. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 09:08:43 +0000 From: wanda crist To: David Collins Does anyone know if Tracy Jenkins "Kettle Corn" basket and Kay Harradines' "Flower Basket" are sold as patterns and if so where? I saw the baskets while looking through WW basket pictures. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: woodburning Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 09:00:16 -0500 From: cyousey@northnet.org To: david c David, A couple of your messages from your readers have mentioned using woodburning. I picked up the tool a short time ago and would like tips on using it. Thanks, Connie Still cold in Upstate New York %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re:Possums and more Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 10:03:30 -0500 From: "Angie Longenecker" To: "David" Ann in Tassie - you'd better explain to everyone (or I guess I will) what Possums are like in Australia! You know what the Possums here look like - ugly rat like creatures. The Possums in Oz are the cutest creatures you could imagine! I have some great pictures from a park in Melbourne when I first saw them. I'll scan one and see if David will post it for everyone to see. They are fuzzy, soft animals with the biggest eyes! We went to an Indian restaurant for dinner and the family I was staying with said "we'll take the extra bread and go feed the Possums in the park" Yuck, I thought until I saw them. They came down out of the trees (or sometimes hung on the sides of the trees) to take the bread. They would take it right from our hands and some even let me touch them. I fell in love with wombats and wallabies and was thrilled when I saw an echidna in the wild, but the possums were def. my favorite. I know they can be a problem over there, but they're too adorable! I've been over twice, in Dec and Jan-Feb. so I'm feeling a little homesick this time of year for my friends over there. Gretchen - When I stain baskets with natural walnuts, I stain the basket before I paint it and oil the basket as a last step. I have gone back later and stained painted baskets at a much later date and didn't have a problem. The stain was cold at the time. I don't know how an oil-based stain would be. Try it on a scrap of reed first. Any water based stains should be OK on acrylic paints. Re spam messages - we all have gotten them repeatedly! Sometimes the same ones over and over again. Trying to stay warm in PA, Angie The Country Seat http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket exchange Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 09:27:01 -0600 From: "K. Baumann" To: "davidc@iei.net" I have been enjoying your news for nearly a year now. I have heard talk about the basket exchange but would love to have participated if only I knew more about it. What types of baskets are made. How do you join and when is the next one going to take place? I have been weaving for several years on and off but I took my first class in 1996. I always threatened to do if for sanity sake but finally went through with the idea. As for the sanity I don't think weaving is therapeutic but I love it anyway. I just love baskets in general though. I am always looking for a new one to buy or make. I hope to continue enjoying all of your news for a long time and maybe next time I can be a part of the basket exchange. Thanks to all K %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 09:51:45 -0600 From: ROY LEA To: David Collins Hi All, I just love it when I check my e-mail and find a copy of Weaver's Words! Dede and Kay, many thanks for e-mailing with the info regarding the gathering basket with the cane. I've already sent off for the pattern from Kay and am looking forward to receiving it. Had a friend visiting over the weekend, a basket buddy who spends more time piecing beautiful quilts, and I showed her the photo on the site. She may be interested in the basket for her father-in-law. He uses a cane to get about, and he also gardens. Sounds like the perfect candidate for the basket, don't you think? While my friend was visiting, she made one of Susan Reed-Fanfoni's Country Wastebaskets, and I made a needlework basket. (I'd had an attack of the lazies and ordered a kit for the needlework basket since I felt like it was a good deal considering that it was on sale, and I'd have to buy the pattern and the handle anyway.) Both baskets turned out great. I like the needlework basket because I just happen to love almost any variation of a spoolie that I see. I quilt, too, and I sell many spoolie baskets and quilt totes to quilters, so I'm always in the market for spoolie patterns. There's a book out there somewhere that I still need to order that has spoolie patterns. (Note to self, eh?) Myra - my friend is going to get a ribbon to weave over the ash strip on the wastebasket instead of using fabric and fusible webbing. She must have read your mind. (LOL) I goofed one time putting a ribbon on a basket, and I didn't wait for the stain to be completely dry. Oops. Other than that, I like using ribbons, too. I use a ribbon that looks like a tape measure sometimes; that one is a hoot. Re Spam - We all get it, and we can all delete it. It's just like the regular snail mail junk mail - into the circular file, unless it can go into the fireplace to burn. My DH and I have a joke of a contest with the mail; we see who gets the most "Pre-approved credit card applications" every day. If we sent all of those back, we'd need a bushel basket to carry all the cards. We joke about sending them all in, getting cash advances on all of them, and skipping the country. (ROTFLOL) We do rip them in half before we throw them out, though, because one of my sisters had a friend who didn't, and some wretch retrieved the application from the trash and sent it in with an address change. What a mess to straighten out when the stuff started hitting the fan and the card was in her friend's name. :-0 Anyway, spam isn't worth getting an ulcer about. I will admit that I've been angry before when I try to send remove instructions to some address that has sent me some rotten spam - they never go through to anybody, and I get the "undeliverable mail" message - but I've never been one to stay angry. Not worth having to remember all the details! I'd rather be weaving or piecing quilt blocks, etc. Enough from me regarding that subject; I'd rather talk about weaving. Like an old German guard used to say when we lived in Germany, "Better you smile." Donna L. at Country Seat - I'll e-mail you and get the info on the AZ guilds. Thanks for helping me find contacts out there. I've made the Independence Keeping basket and the needlework basket and the flag kit basket that I got in January. Need to order a handle for Aunt Lily's Mending basket. Devoured all those basket magazines I ordered. Need to subscribe to some now. :-) My little boy uses the Independence Keeping basket to hold the things he needs to take back to school. It is on the bench in the hall. The little flag basket is on the basket tree full of peppermint candies, and the needlework basket is in charge of the Jacob's Ladder blocks I got from the Ft. Leavenworth Piecemakers block exchange. I bought some extra yardage of the common fabric for borders, and I need to set the blocks together now. Can you guys tell that I'm relatively new and still expanding my stash of patterns? Duh! I just love this weaving thing! Sandy - In a more gentle tone, my thoughts are with you during this trying time. I had a miscarriage myself in July, and my lonely only who is six is still an only. Major bummer for all concerned. We personally don't have much luck in the child bearing realm. Had Ian's name picked out for seven years before he came on the scene. When I took him to Kindergarten Round-up and they asked if he had any siblings, he said, "No, but I'd like a sister." Do let us hope that time heals all wounds. My sincere condolences to your family. Guess I better go finish those paper pieced Scotty dog blocks. Need to have 27 by next Thursday for a Noah's Ark swap of animal blocks. Then I need to seriously make up my mind what I'm going to weave for the basket swap in case I need to order any other materials in for the basket. You all take care and happy weaving. Diane in Kansas where it is warm today, but the wind is blowing like crazy. Hope I don't have occasion to say, "Wile E., we're not in Kansas anymore." (Wile E. being the family Samoyed, Wile E. Coyote.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Fri, 05 Feb 99 08:28:51 PST From: pywoodbury@worldnet.att.net To: "David Collins" , davidc@iei.net References: 1, 2 Hi Weavers, Sandy and Nicole, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of the baby. I myself never lost a baby but my daughter did lose two, which was devastating, but after that went on to have 2 more very healthy babies. I hadn't wove in weeks except for antler baskets 'til last night at guild. We have been remodeling and had the entire house painted at one time. It took 9 days. I am very glad to have the painters gone, but now will have a carpenter come in. At least I'll be able to use my house, which when everything was covered with plastic I was unable to do anything. That is the reason I wove so many antler baskets, I had salvaged a tub of antler materials before everything was moved and covered so while they painted I wove. I must say I made some nice ones and made a huge egg basket shaped antler basket that I must say I am RIGHT proud of. Anyhow I have 2 shows in March and still need to put the entire house back together. After that the dreaded word taxes. My sales taxes are due on Feb. 28 so if I am in a foul mood in the next couple weeks it is because I am trying to bring all my books up to date. Anyhow by the end of the month I hope to be a weaver again. I'll tell you, you don't realize how dirty your house gets 'til you take absolutely everything off the walls. Just wanted to let everyone know what I did while cleaning all the dust on knickknacks as well as baskets. I was putting all the glass knickknacks in the dishwasher and I looked at all the incredibly dusty baskets that had come off shelves and thought why not. I put them in the dishwasher. I didn't let them go through the dry cycle for fear they would dry some strange shape, but they came out super clean and none the worse for the ordeal they just endured. I have been getting unsolicited e-mail since the beginning. At least I can hit delete, which is more than I can do to those irritating telephone solicitors. I also don't run to the computer in the middle of something important just to find somebody trying to sell me windows or whatever. I find the e-mail solicitation irritating, but not even close to the telephone. I have found out that our credit card companies sell our names, they don't include our credit card number, but I was very angry when I found this out. Susan, the address for a catalog I published for Bob Tellers a couple of weeks ago has a couple of wooden lid purse patterns. Pat Levitte is the designer and her brother Bob does the woodworking. They are both very attractive and simple to do. I also published Pat's address if you just want the pattern. If you cannot find it in the earlier issue juste-mail me and I'll give it to you again. Lois I would suggest that you at least borrow a winter coat if you don't want the big expense of purchasing one because in March you will most definitely need one in NY. Also don't forgot a pair of gloves. Just a small note on THE BASKET BASH in Marlette, MI in April. Registrations have been coming in and we are still looking forward to receiving many more. Any of you who would like 3 days of non-stop weaving, eating and basket sharing come on we'd love to have you. Pam %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: RSI yet again Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 11:36:58 -0500 From: jbenner@juno.com To: davidc@iei.net HI All, I know we've discussed carpal tunnel syndrome and similar injuries in the past but I have a new twist to it. I've been taking B6 vitamins and E and calcium and such off and on for a few months. Been wearing a brace at night for awhile now. The carpal tunnel is in my right wrist if that matters. Now I am finding the left wrist is also affected, and the tingling, numbness and general achy hurt that go with it has proceeded up both arms at night. Last night was awful trying to go to sleep and stay asleep with the tossing and turning I did. It's now almost 11:30 am and the right wrist still feels "funny". Pain goes into my fingers at times too, esp. my thumb. My question is, I think part of this is poor circulation and is there anyone out there who can offer some sort of plan to cope with this? A sleeping position, a vitamin supplement, more ways to baby the wrists/arms? I had heard that f you take too much B vitamins it can affect your liver I think. I'm at my wits ends and can't weave or spin or knit or anything. Even typing these few lines is aggravating it. I did finish up a stairstep basket the other night and by the time I got finished lashing the rim, my hands were really sore. I'm thinking I may have to put the basketweaving away for awhile. Don't want to, but see no other option. The more I use my hands during the day, the worse the night is. Angie at Country Seat, Do you realize that Doris doesn't believe in the Schumbacher ghost? (G) I think you once told me your horse is spooked by that particular area. And you are right, there are a few good eating places around there. Hotel New Tripoli used to be good as was that buffet place out a bit. And Fogelsville isn't that far with all the Burger King, Wendys, and Long John Silvers you'd like. What the heck, Allentown has everything food wise and then some and we're less than 45 minutes away. Sandy Atkinson, I am very sorry to hear of the loss of the baby. Take care. Judy Benner (in sunny and cold Pa.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 79 Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 11:38:11 -0500 (EST) From: Judith Spates To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone! I accidentally disconnected myself from Weavers Word (don't ask me how!), but now I'm back. I've enjoyed reading all the back issues and now feel caught up! I want to thank everyone who have sent me handwritten notes or e-mails telling me how much you love my new wooden base pattern designs. Your kind words are truly an encouragement to me. Although the Boston area hasn't been hit hard with snowstorms this year, I want you all to know that I was in South Bend, IN when the BIG snowstorm hit in early January. I did enough shoveling during those couple days to last me a lifetime! I was never so happy to return to Boston!! Pam Feix, I know you know exactly what I'm talking about (hee, hee). Take care, Judy Richmond Spates "The Judy Richmond Collection" JSpates@hope.gordonc.edu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:08:53 -0500 From: "eskbaskets(Elizabeth S. Kourkounakis)" To: "david collins" Dearest Sandy and Nicole- Words cannot express my deepest sympathies regarding the loss of your dear little one. Be assured you are in my prayers for comfort and healing. Betty K. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: BRRRR!!! Date: 5 Feb 1999 20:28:00 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.corecom.net/~choatepp It's still -40 below and holding in interior Alaska. Not much to do but put another log on the fire and watch the ice fog roll in. The dogs and I are suffering from a severe case of cabin fever a malady only a good mush will fix. The good news is that it should break to a balmy zero degrees this weekend. Then we'll be out and about breaking trail once again. A new addition to the summer tour this week. Tisket A Tasket in Merrill, WI will host classes on July 27th - 28th. If you would like more information or to register you can contact them by email at: foxx@pcpros.net. Until then happy trails. Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK choatepp@corecom.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 19:31:06 -0500 From: MYLOIS Organization: Prodigy Internet To: davidc@iei.net For Sandy Atkinson: I am so very sorry for you and your family on the loss of the baby. May you find comfort in knowing I care. Myra Stutler mylois@prodigy.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Let me Introduce Myself Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 00:42:30 +0000 From: Tony Stubblefield or Dean Meredith To: David Collins References: 1 Hello Fellow Weavers, I have heard about WW for a while now from my students, but never checked it out before. I was hooked after reading one issue. Over the past week I have tried to read the last few months of back issue and boy are my eyes sore, but I have started to recognize names now and am beginning to feel like I know some of you. I am glad to meet all of you. Well, my name is Tony Stubblefield and I live in St. Louis. I have been weaving for going on close to 15 years now, it's hard to believe it has been that long. Even though I have been teaching classes since college I still like to take a class each year myself. It's amazing how much you can still learn. I usually go out to New Hampshire each summer for a week and weave. For 2 of the years I did an apprenticeship with Martha Wetherbee. I then skipped a year because I went to Australia, it was the trip of a life time. I brought back 3 baskets with me, they are on my web site, but I will tell you more about that in a minute. Last summer I took a class from Lisa Thayer were we made a 20" oval Nantucket (30 solid hours of work and worth every second). Now this summer I am going back out to take a class for JoAnn Catso to make a brown ash Shaker sewing basket with quadrafoil lid. I am very excited and am trying to figure out what shops I can stop at along my 24hr+ drive. I weave more baskets during these trips than I do the rest of the year. I get up and start weaving at 9 a.m. and don't stop until I drive back to the B&B at 10 p.m. By the end of the week my fingers are sore, but I have some beautiful baskets. I also bring back way to many supplies. Anyway, about my web site, I would like to invite everyone to look at my baskets galleries I have set up there. It's just that my friends all think I am crazy so I decided to set up a web site to share my baskets with people who would enjoy and appreciate them. I love to hear feedback about my work and try to reply to everyone's comments and questions. I have seen we have some weavers from "down under" and would love to hear any info you might have on the Aborigine and Maori baskets I have in my collection. The address is: http://www.tetranet.net/users/deanandtony/baskets.htm I hope you enjoy visiting and I am very happy to be a part of the WW. I look forward to the chance of getting to know you all better. Happy weaving, Tony Stubblefield of St. Louis, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 23:10:25 -0600 From: "Marilyn S. Hillsman" To: David, Thank you so much for Weaver's Words. I have really enjoyed browsing through your web site, and loved the history you have compiled. It is exciting to read all the messages from other weavers, like me! I teach my first basket class on March 27 at Powell Gardens. It is called Beginning Youth Basket designed to inspire young people ages 9-13 to fall in love with the basket weaving craft. If you (or anyone else) have any tips on information I should include, please email me @ hillsms@iland.net. God bless you! Marilyn Hillsman from Warrensburg, MO (60 miles from K.C., MO) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 78 Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 11:24:48 -0500 From: The Horners To: David Collins , davidc@iei.net Hi guys! I am working on fine - tuning my webpage, so will post that for you to see sometime this weekend. I make Kudzu baskets and would love your reactions. I just spent an hour looking at the pictures. Wow, they are tremendous. I have a few questions. To Kay Carradine: I loved the Haida Storage Basket. What kind of reed did you use to make that? And what is Haida? To Bob Keppick: I loved your Posey Pot. Pretty simple name for such an elegant basket. What kind of reed did you use to make it? Also, how do you collect the wisteria, and what time of year? I don't think I have ever seen thick wisteria vines, maybe I didn't look at the right place? To Pat Mortiz: the gourd you made is really neat? How did you do that? Sorry about all the questions, but I don't get access to the computer all that often. The men in this family don't share well, HAHA! Always standing behind me waiting for me to get off, GRRRH! Thanks for listening. Karen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 14:59:21 -0800 From: hannah To: "'davidc@iei.net'" Hi there to you all!!! I have a quick question. Where do I find the pattern for the pin that everyone keeps talking about? I would like to make one so I can wear it at the IBA convention coming up in March. Hey, all you WW members, are we going to wear pins, ribbons, or what?, to be able to identify with each other at the IBA? I would love to meet you in person. It makes it more personal, when you can put a face and a smile to what you are writing. Trust me, I am usually smiling when I write this, but would like to have an image of your smile too!!! We have been very busy getting the shopping cart on the web site done and we have it. I have many patterns by Caroline Prevost and Judy Richmond, and will be adding patterns by Natalie Brown very soon. We will be vending at the IBA as a room vendor. I would like for you to let me know who you are if you see me in the room. I will be in class on Thursday and Friday, but will be in the room on Saturday helping out my famous woodworker!!!! I must be off to weave. I am working on my raffle item for the convention. I must get it done so I can get it mailed to the raffle coordinator. Thanks to you all who have been ordering!!!! Pam Feix, in Southwest OH, where it is a sunny day and in the 50's!!! Feix Family Baskets & Crafts (http://www.feixbaskets-crafts.com) P.S. David, I get those mail solicitations all the time, and I know that you did not send them my e-mail address. I will tell you all that I wrote them back and told them that I was not interested in imported baskets, that I like to weave my own. I also told them that I know that they are proud of their work and their country, but they must also understand my pride in my own work and the works of others in my own country!! GO U.S.A.!!!! One last thing, my best friend and I were on our way to a sorority meeting when she asked me if I had any pictures of small baskets priced under $20. I told her, of course I do!!! Anyway, she said that at her work, they have a secret pal week and that her friend had written down that she would like a Longaberger Basket. Well, my friend said, I cannot afford to give her one of those so I will give her the second best thing, one of Pam's baskets. I set her straight, of course!! hahahahaha!! I told her that all of us who weave feel very proud that our baskets are hand made, shaped, designed, and not mass produced. I also told her that I feel like the basket that I make with all my heart and soul, could never come in second place to a Longaberger basket. Mind you, I am not saying that Longaberger baskets are not nice, I just wanted her to know how I feel about our own, hand-woven, home made, baskets!!! See you all very soon. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Joyce Venti's address Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 16:34:02 EST From: FosterBA@aol.com To: david collins Does anyone know the present address for Joyce Venti? I am looking for her pattern for "Winter Wonderland". It is a music box pattern. I know Gratiot Lake has sold out. I have her two books but the address listed in the books are not current. I would make a trade if someone has it and is willing to trade. Thanks Barb Foster from spring awakening Wisconsin. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: swap basket Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 18:44:16 EST From: JLS1117@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net To those that live NORTH of Alabama BUT South of Indiana be on the look out for your US Mail person -- DO NOT BE FOOLED by the QVC box - NO it is NOT Diamonque -- it's your SWAP BASKET!!! Yes it was sent out today. Hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I had making it. Boy this is exciting! Can't wait to hear from you. It's almost like Christmas again -- I can't wait to get my very first swap basket & make a new friend. Judi I (as of now soggy) Del Mar.Ca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 78 Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:01:54 -0500 From: The Horners To: David Collins , davidc@iei.net Hi all! I finally have my web page up and running. It's not perfect yet, but it is in good enough condition to ask you all to give me some free advice. I need to know what you think of my baskets. Here's the address: http://members.xoom.com/kudzuweaver As I mentioned a while back, I make baskets from Kudzu, a southern vine. My family has had very lukewarm responses so I am unsure whether to continue with Kudzu or just find some other medium to use. I want to be able to give these baskets as gifts and also maybe to sell some. I really enjoy the Kudzu, although as a wild vine, it is difficult to collect and organize and offers other obstacles to weaving. The resulting baskets are very rustic and not for every one, but, maybe I'm not alone in appreciating them. So, I am asking that anyone inclined to help a novice, check out my web page and let me know what you think of the baskets. I want the truth now, I really need some input from the good folks on this list. Thanks in advance. Karen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW V.21.79 Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 22:46:38 -0800 From: boitnotl@sensible-net.com (Larry T. Boitnott) Organization: Larry T. Boitnott To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone, Weather was great here today for a February, Michigan day: sunshine and almost 40 degrees! We helped 3 4-Her's finish their baskets and have 3 more started and 5 more to start. My weaving room is small and besides it is nice to give kids more individual attention even if it does take longer. I am counting the days until Feb. 19th when my friend Mary and I leave to weave at Willow Weekend in the Amana Colonies. Then the next weekend we are going to Mentor, Ohio to weave at Winter Weave '99 that the Wildwood Basket Guild puts on. From there we are going down to visit our friends Ron and Bobbie at Willow Dreams Farm. And last, we are going to Midwest Focus on 12th of March in Harrison, Ohio. And most of our classes are WILLOW!!!! I can hardly believe we are so lucky. Susan Haslebacher - Pat Levitte has a pattern for a purse with a wooden lid. I think her brother makes and sells her lids. I think Eileen gave her address a few issues ago. Sandy and Nicole - Sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing and my prayers are with you and your families. We all have a right to share our opinions and what better time take a stand. Karen Mitchell - Thanks for the 800 # for the mail order catalog. Always good to locate another source. All for now. Peace filled days, Sue Ann %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.