"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 79 Date Sent: February 04, 1999 Subscribers: 923 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Bare Walls" Basket Pictures/Prints If you are looking for basket pictures/prints, check out "Bare Walls" through Weaver's Words site. I will get a 15% commission from Bare Walls for every picture/print ordered. The address to check out the pictures is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I have added a poll to Weaver's Words web page. Be sure to stop by and take the poll. It's located toward the bottom of Weaver's Words home page. . Here's the address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ I have revamped the basket picture page. There are lots of great basket pictures. Be sure to check it out and check back often. There's new pictures added frequently. If you have a picture('s) that you would like added, just send it to me via e-mail or the U.S. mail. I can scan photos for you. Here's the address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html Take Care, David davidc@iei.net P.S. 331 days until the next millennium. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 78 Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:30:43 -0500 From: "Donna Longenecker" To: "David Collins" David and all weavers - Re: unsolicited e-mail from overseas factory - probably most all of us has received this advertisement. This is not the first one I've received and I know for a fact that they did NOT receive your address from David. There are many ways of retrieving e-mail addresses so please do not assume that someone has sold or given out yours without your permission. Before we had e-mail, we were receiving from these same places through the mail (in fact, we still are). I know exactly where they are getting them from and there is nothing you or I can do about it but ignore, delete, or tear it up. Diane in KS moving to AZ - please e-mail us at ctryseat@fast.net regarding guilds in AZ. Off the top of my head (at home) I can think of Sun City Weavers. I think there's another - we can put you in touch with some contacts there. (Davis' are back in FL - don't know if there still reading this as we haven't seen postings from them in an awfully long time.) My husband truly surprised me with a computer at home for Christmas. He even arranged to have it connected to the office so I can work at home (must miss me for all the long hours I've been putting in getting the catalog on-line) What a pleasure to really READ instead of just scanning a lot of things due to lack of time. Well, time to get back to other things. From PA where it's just typically winter - cold and windy - nothing exciting, thank goodness. Enjoy the super bowl tomorrow. Donna L. http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Change of addresses Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 06:25:15 -0600 From: "rharrison" To: "David Collins" This is to let everyone know that we have "moved". We had to change ISP's and wanted to let you all know our new addresses. Willow Dreams Farm http://www.creative-net.net/~rharrison English Basket Willow http://www.creative-net.net/~rharrison/english.html Email: rharrison@creative-net.net Thanks David for all your work. And- we get spam all the time. Never thought about blaming its receipt on anyone - but ourselves. We leave "cookies" all over the web. Enjoy- Willow Dreams Farm Ron and Bobbie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Purse LIds Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 11:43:13 -0500 From: "Bill Haslebacher" To: Hi Weavers, I have been reading Weavers Word for about a year now and am thrilled with the wealth of information there is to be had. I have been weaving for 3 years. Recently I wove an Emily's Purse, a pattern by Gail Hutchinson, and instead of putting the woven lid on it I would like to put a wooden lid. My husband is willing to attempt the cutout of the lid but I am uncertain how to attach the lid to the purse. Any suggestions? Also is anyone aware of other purse patterns out there with wooden lids, I have searched the various web pages but have not come across but a few. Thank a bunch from Susan here in WV where we're having unseasonable beautiful weather. Susan Haslebacher Morgantown, WV wfhasle@westco.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:04:56 -0500 From: "Kathleen M. Calvert" To: davidc@iei.net Hi A correction on the wallpaper site that has basket borders. The correct address is: http://www.wallpaperstore.com Sorry if any of you were eager to check it out and got disappointed. Take care. Kathi Calvert KMC Baskets & Folkart kmcbaskets@worldnet.att.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: aloha! Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 14:38:45 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net Aloha from still wet and windy Hawaii. I think this is Hawaiian winter.. David, the place who e-mailed you and other weavers (and can*t remember that odd name) has sent me unsolicited e-mails for a few years now--probably before Weavers Words began. I just delete them and ingnore them, but somehow (and who knows how) our e-mail address is the hands of a porn dealer who fills our e-mail with a lot of really, really offensive stuff. Now that drives me nuts. And David, not one person on WW would care if you made money from WW--we would love you even if you became as rich as Bill Gates. I am going to New York in March for Girl Scout business (have to buy things I normally don*t--pantyhose, close toes shoes, and a sweater or two--) and I am going to Briarcliff Manor...all I know is it is just north of NYC. I haven*t left Hawaii in almost 6 years, so I*m preparing for a little culture shock... Thos Muffin Basket handles are available from Sarah*s Baskets and Susan Reed-Fanfoni. They are the only 2 places I know who carries them. Susan has a great wastebasket pattern (it uses those white plastic bags from the supermarket) that takes 2 of those handles. Patti who is going to the Redneck Riveria--I lived there for 5 years (outside of Ft. Walton Beach) and the only place I know of is Linda Scoggins*s place in the Niceville/Valpariso area. Richard came back from Korea on Friday and when he saw my primitive Americana signs, he said, "well, maybe you could weave less and paint more!"--Let*s just see how they sell first. He*s watching the super bowl and I*m weaving.....and do need to get back to that. Hope everyone is just fine.. Lois in Honolulu %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 78 Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 19:22:15 -0800 From: hannah To: "'David Collins'" Hi there David and all of you fine Weavers, I am finding myself killing some time while the super bowl is on. My son is at a party and my husband is in watching it on the tube, and if it isn't a team I care for, I really don't care to watch it. I could be weaving, but am not in the mood. Kathi Calvert: A tiger loose in your area?!! I sure hope it didn't get anyone before they got it!!!! You are right, there is always something going on!!!! Elaine Bidstrup: I am very glad to hear that you husband survived that awful sounding accident. You have truly been blessed and someone was definitely watching over your husband that day. Keep him healthy and happy weaving to you!!! (Maybe you could teach him how to lash and he could lash some of your baskets for you so he won't go so crazy over the next 5 weeks!!!!! Marsha Ackerman: Thank you so much for the phone scam information. There is always one kind of a scam going on. I made sure to tell my teenager about it, you know how vulnerable they can be!!! Anyway, thanks a great big load. I haven't been writing much, but it is because things have been so hectic around here. I do read all of my WW and really appreciate them, at least I still feel connected to you all!!! Thanks again, David, you are truly a miracle to us all. Well, just wanted to say hello, so Hello!!! Now I will be saying good bye, for now, that is!!! Happy Weaving to you all, Pam Feix in Southwest OH, where it has been in the low to mid 40's lately, but freezing rain is in the forecast again.:( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: ww Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:39:41 +0000 From: Sandy Atkinson Organization: Atkinson's Country House To: David Collins Dear WW Friends, This is hard for me to write, but so many wrote and gave ideas for help and blessing for our daughter Nicole and the baby she was carrying. Last Thursday she went back into the hospital with bleeding and lost the baby. The doctor was so good to her, even crying with her. He said it just was not to be. When I got to the hospital we had a good cry and talked. She was comforted by the fact that the baby is with the Lord, safe and happy I am sure. Nicole, said "Momma, I cannot believe that women actually want this to happen. That was my baby and cannot imagine not wanting it." That is my plea for unborn babies. They are alive in the womb and they are human beings. We are so against abortion. If a woman does not want the baby, there are literally thousands who will take it. We have no right to take a life, even while it is waiting to be born. Enough said. I am not sorry about the stand we take, but to those who would criticize me for voicing my feelings, we are still in mourning for our lost baby. Be kind. God Bless, Sandy Atkinson Atkinson's Country House Home of: Country Basket Weaving with Sandy Atkinson As seen on Public Television nationwide Complete line of basketry supplies Lennon, Michigan 48449 810-621-4947 website: http://www.sandyatkinson.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: I'm back Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 02:22:56 +1100 From: Anna Lizotte To: "Collins, David" Well, I am back from my camping trip and it was just great. We camped on the beach in a National Park and had great weather except for one afternoon/night of rain. Lots of wildlife, possums, wallabies, echidnas, etc and we went swimming, hiking, fishing, shell collecting, sand sculpting, and so on. My husband unfortunately could only stay for the first 3 days as he had to get back to work, and my eldest son went back with him as he had a summer camp on but the other 3 and I stayed on for another week and had a great time with friends on the next campsite. My friend is a new basketweaver and we did a number of small baskets while there, embellished with shells and seaweed of course. We even toted bag a couple of bags full of kelp from one of our hikes and played with that. I am really looking forward to experimenting with it a bit more. It is like working with leather. Has anyone out there tried using it in basketry? Otherwise I mostly worked with the New Zealand flax that I took with me, just doing little experimental things... and spent a fair bit of time collecting shells with holes in them to use for embellishments on later baskets. I also collected quite a lot of pieces of broken scallop shells that look just like fins that I thought would make good fins on the little fish that I weave. What a relaxing time......but now we are back home, catching up on laundry and tomorrow I have to go and spend about $450 on school fees and books for the kids as they all start school on the 11th. My littlest one is off to kindergarten 3 days a week.....I can't believe it! And then the week after that my next basketmaking class starts and somewhere in between I have to gather some materials and do them up into $2 bundles to sell to my students!!!!! Just finished catching up on the last 5 W Words! Wow! I think I have square eyes! Must get off to bed.....its after 2 am. It's great to be back in touch. Anna in Tassie where the weather is still great and all visitors are welcome! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 18:56:37 PST From: "Alice Edwards" To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everybody, Let me start with a welcome to all the new members and those who have written for the first time. And a special HUGE thank you to David who makes it all possible. Betty Kourkounakis - I enjoy the winter and feel best then, too. I have been working at creating some order in my basket supplies over the weekend. My in-laws were supposed to come so I packed up all the stuff strung over the bed in the spare room and moved it to the family room. When a storm caused them to cancel the trip I started organizing it and taking some of it back. Besides, I can't find something I'm sure I have and so I'll go home pretty soon and keep organizing. So far I HAVE found a lot of handles and wood bases that I bought and then never made up last year. So I guess that will be my project for the next couple of months, to make up some of those baskets I planned and never got started. Dee - enjoyed hearing about your trip to 'snow covered' Chicago. Sounds great, I love to stay home in the snow, but am almost afraid to wish for it due to some of the problems it can cause. I won't be at the conventions, but was interested in hearing you had made the holiday pin and sold it. It was sure popular for me and I don't really try to sell. Just wore it to work, etc. for a few days and had all the orders I wanted, or more! Lois - I would agree with Jayna that common sayings can't be copyrighted. Did they maybe mean the specific design the slogan was pictured with? Jayna - I'm looking forward to the pattern for the wreath. Sounds like a great idea. Billie in Va. Beach - Glad you got the classes you wanted. I am getting excited about the Missouri convention this June. This will be the first convention I get to attend, although I did go to visitors day at the '97 Missouri convention. Someday I'm going to get to go to the other conventions as well. I was talking to my niece and mentioned wanting to travel to Michigan, North Carolina and Indiana. She looked a little puzzled until I said to basket conventions. Apparently she has a different list of places she wants to visit. Angie - and someday I'm going to come visit Country Seat. It sounds wonderful. Kathi Calvert - glad the catalog is going well. Hope the classes went well. I suspect the large enrollment is a compliment to your teaching. Elaine Bidstrup - So glad your husband is doing so well, but I'm sure it has been a very hectic time. Remember you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Weaving Alice Edwards in the Kansas City Area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Painting on strips Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 09:22:55 -0500 From: Gretchen Hautzinger To: David Collins I know this is a dumb question, but I have to ask anyway. I am also taking painting classes to be able to paint my tie on's and to also paint on my ash or maple strips. Do I stain the basket first? then paint? Paint and then stain? How about painting the strip before I make the basket? My painting teacher suggested I ask before we try all the options. She is really a good painting instructor. I finished a snowman hanger. The snowman has mittens. a birdhouse and a hat. Turned out really cute. Thank you Gretchen Where the 5 cats are finally all taking a nap not in my weaving or computer area. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Woodburning Tool Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 09:49:07 -0600 From: "Mitchell, Karen M." To: "'davidc@iei.net'" The woodburing tool I got for Christmas came from a mail order company by the name of Leichtung. Their number is 1-800-321-6840. It was about $30-35. Give them a call and ask them for a free catalog. I just wanted to share my experience from St. Louis on the visit by the Pope. It was the most inspiring religious experience I have ever had. There were 103,000 people at the Mass at the Trans World Dome on Wednesday, 20,000 youths at the Kiel Center. The energy of the crowd was magnificent and the Pope just glowed with excitement. I was so happy that I was able to attend. It is something I will remember and treasure forever. I've been busy weaving - getting ready for a spring show and a few classes that I'm teaching through the local community college. And I'm having so much fun with my new woodburing tool on my baskets.....it's as much fun as stenciling...you just don't have to wait for the paint to dry - ha!! Happy Weaving to everyone from St. Louis Karen Mitchell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 16:45:34 -0500 From: MYLOIS Organization: Prodigy Internet To: davidc@iei.net Hi All: Have been weaving some baskets and instead of using dyed reed I have been using ribbon the size of the reed I am using instead. I put the ribbon over the reed an weave it in. They have so many pretty and fun ribbons at the craft stores and really make decorating a basket easy. Myra Stutler mylois@prodigy.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Xinhe Comany Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 16:36:57 -0500 From: MYLOIS Organization: Prodigy Internet To: davidc@iei.net Hi David: Just want you to know I received a message on my e-mail, too, from that Xinhe Company. Also want you to know it never crossed my mind that they got my address from you. Cheez -- if we can't trust you, David, who can we trust. I simply never answered and haven't heard from them since. It is like unwanted TV - turn the knob to off. Myra Stutler mylois@prodigy.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Shops in NW Fl Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 16:49:02 -0600 From: "Butch and Wendy" To: For Pattie Bagley... There is a basket shop in Lyn Haven which is just outside Panama City. The name is Down the Lane and is on Florida Ave. (I think) They have odd hours so you might want to call when you get here. I do not have a Panama City Phone book and I have lost her business card. There is also a lovely shop in Niceville, (About an hour or so away) called Woven In Time. It is owned by Linda Scoggins. The address is 1117 John Sims Pkwy Phone 850 729-7762. We would love for you to stop by and see us. (I work there too) If you would like any other info, email me directly. Have a safe trip. From Wendy in Niceville Fl where we already have our AC on...can you believe it? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 78 Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 18:01:29 -0500 From: "Carty's" Organization: Pinelands Folk Music Center To: David Collins References: 1 Hi, just wanted to let everyone that emailed me about the basket exhibit know that I am sorry I have not returned there notes. I lost my Uncle on Sun. night and he left us with a 90 year old Aunt. She is a real pistol. She lives alone and wants to stay that way. He had been sick since Christmas Eve. He had Parkinson's and was in the last stages of the disease. She would not let go of him. The hospital was very nice and let her stay with him all night Sun. All the nurses in the hospital were crying. I hope to be back on track by Sat. so maybe I can get some weaving done. My aunt and uncle had no children only us. Well gotta go get some much needed sleep before tomorrow and all the relatives come out of the woodwork. (Cousins wanting to know what is going to happen with the aunt) Cousins you didn't even know you had. On the good note I seen 20 robins in my yard today maybe spring will come early here in NJ. I am teaching again at Kentucky Music Week in Bardstown Kentucky this summer the week of July 21th. The cost of the week of classes is $150.oo we usually make about 4-6 baskets in the class. I am going to do a workshop on the antler basket again. Gotta run type at you all later. IN PEACE njweaver2 Mary Carty http://pinelandsfolk.com baskets & dulcimers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.