"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 67 Date Sent: December 17, 1998 Subscribers: 880 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Bare Walls" Basket Pictures/Prints If you are looking for basket pictures/prints, check out "Bare Walls" through Weaver's Words site. I will get a 15% commission from Bare Walls for every picture/print ordered. The address to check out the pictures is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I thought you would all enjoy this poem. Politically Correct Santa "Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck... How to live in a world that's politically correct? His workers no longer could answer to 'Elves', "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves. And labor conditions at the North Pole were alleged by the union to stifle the soul. Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety, Released to the wilds by the Humane Society. And equal employment had made it quite clear, that Santa had better not just use reindeer. So Dancer and Donner, Comet, and Cupid, were replaced with four pigs, And you know that looked stupid. The runners had been removed from his sleigh; The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A. And people had started to call for the cops, When they heard sled noises on their rooftops. Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened. His fur trimmed red suit was called 'unenlightened'. And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows, Rudolph was suing over unauthorized use of his nose. And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation, demanding millions in overdue compensation. So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife, Who suddenly said she'd had enough of this life, Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz, Demanding from now, her title was Ms. And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion That making a choice could cause so much commotion. Nothing of leather, nothing of fur, which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her. Nothing that might be construed to pollute. Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot. Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise. Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys. Nothing that claimed to be gender specific. Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific. No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth. Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth. And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden, were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden. For they raised the hackles of those psychological Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological. No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt; Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt. Dolls were said to be sexist and should be passe; and Nintendo would rot your entire brain away. So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed; He just could not figure out what to do next. He tried to be merry, tried to be gay. But you've got to be careful with that word today. His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground; nothing fully acceptable was to be found. Something special was needed, a gift that he might Give to all without angering the left or the right. A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision, Each group of people, every religion; every ethnicity, every hue, Everyone, everywhere...even you. So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth... "May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth." Take Care & Happy Holidays, David davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: apology Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 23:07:07 -0500 From: "Kathleen M. Calvert" To: davidc@iei.net David and fellow Weavers, Just want to apologize for my recent update landing here as a posting. I was mortified when I saw it as I do not appreciate when others use WW to advertise, so I specifically try not to do so myself. I typed my update and my husband took over with sending it out BCC, and ah ha---David you were on my mailing list--again I apologize! While I'm here, I want you all to know, that although I have not had much time to write in over the past few months, I still read and enjoy all you have to say. I've learned so much from so many of you expert weavers. I think of so many of you often and share in your joys and your sorrows. So, I wish everyone a Happy, Safe and peaceful holiday season....and my New Years resolution is to write in to WW more often...and I promise no more of my updates will land here as a posting (how embarrassing!!) And thanks David for all your patience with computer dumbos like me! Kathi Calvert KMC Baskets & Folkart Tinton Falls, NJ (it's getting too cold here---time to throw the scrap reed in the fireplace and get under an afghan) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Light house pattern/MI convention Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 23:37:32 From: Eileen To: davidc@iei.net Diane Langston of Di's Heavenly Treasures has taught her lighthouse at convention for several yrs. I assume that she's has a pattern after teaching it for so long. She's listed in the MI and NC directory and can be reached at 919-478-3804 in NC. As far as the Michigan convention goes, it'll be at the Grand Traverse in Traverse City, MI and that's the best place to fly into. Eileen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 23:58:08 -0500 From: "Russell & Leslie Johnson" To: Hi David & Fellow weavers, Just popping in for a minute to wish you all a wonderful Christmas holiday. It is hectic here but I am going to enjoy a few days for myself before Christmas and I hope you are all able to do the same. Marty Holihans story about the true meaning of Christmas was so touching that I had to go get a tissue. Thanks for that Marty. David: It is so great that you do this for us weavers, I hope you and your family have a very happy holiday! Happy Holidays from Leslie in Michigan where the December weather has been amazing! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 23:14:42 -0700 From: "The Britton's" To: Hi to everyone out there, I live in Fort Huachuca (we are military) Arizona and have been a "lurker" for quite some time now. I have enjoyed reading and using the tips listed by all of you in WW. I just started basket classes in my home this past September with the intention of doing one a month to see how it went in addition to my tole painting that I do for Coomersdown in Mesa. I had to make the decision this month to stop my booth at Coomers ending with December after I do my personalized stocking ornaments (a big hit) because my intentions of one class a month came and ended with September. After having just one class, the word got out and everyone was so thrilled and had such a good time that I have had three classes in November and now December and am working on the January ones. The response was a little unexpected but very welcomed! The classes are so much fun and offer a nice "social" time for us women to get together. Not that the men aren't enjoying it to, I am also selling packets to my students and have one in particular that has taught her husband to make baskets and he loves it because he says it is so relaxing. I had a daughter the same month that I started my basket classes who has heart problems and it looks like she may need open heart surgery sometime shortly after the new year. Boy am I scared about that, her body is just so tiny. One of the hardest things about it is to look at her and know what lies ahead because she looks and acts like any other baby her age. It makes it hard to understand all of the things that go on inside our bodies that we just take for granted. To Lois... I especially enjoy reading your entries, our last duty station was at Schofield Barracks Hawaii. We were there for three years and enjoyed every minute of it! Have you tried the craft fairs that they have on Hickam Air Force Base? While we were there in Hawaii I did quite a few of the fairs all over the island and the Hickam seemed to always be a highlight for both myself and my husband who enjoys running the booth with me. Also, if you haven't purchased a saw yet, I have a Delta Scroll saw that I have had for almost three years now that has been wonderful. I had been using it strictly for tole painting projects until now. Instead of using the ceramic buckles on the baskets my students have been using wood pieces that I cut out on my saw, drill two holes and paint. It is nice because I can customize and cut out whatever kind of item that they want. Since all of you usually add some kind of tip when you write in, let me offer one that I read while looking around on Country Seat's web page. It refers to the dying of baskets a brown color after finishing them. It said to add a bottle of the brown of your choice (acrylic paint) to a bottle of water and mix well then spray onto basket and let dry. Always finishing with something to protect your basket over time. Making sure that the paint doesn't clump up and come through the sprayer because you would then have spots. I have tried this several times and it seems to work very well and is very inexpensive. Well, sorry to have taken up so much time, but after reading for so long, I felt it was time that I introduced myself to everyone out there. Have a great holiday season and I hope you can all meet your dead lines with some sanity left. Remember that January is just around the corner and things will be back to normal again. If there is such a thing. Allison :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Snowmen complete! Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 09:54:51 -0500 From: jbenner@juno.com To: davidc@iei.net HI All, Thanks to all of you with good wishes, advice or sympathy (g). The snowmen are complete and decorated. Ready to be photographed and wrapped. They look pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Border was a simple as everyone said once I got in my head what it was. And yes, I do learn most things better by watching. Also thanks to Donna for the lovely Christmas card! I found I do indeed have animation and sound. Was quite a nice surprise. Thanks to Chris for the adorable house mouse card too. I've printed them both out. What a wonderful bunch of people you all are. Happiest of Holidays to you all and especially to David for providing such a warm place to gather. Judy Benner jbenner@juno.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Light house pattern Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:24:27 -0500 From: martyhln@juno.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi David and World Basketmakers, Finally I can respond to the person who wanted the Lighthouse Pattern. The first pattern I ever saw for a lighthouse was one written by Toni Rynicke (of the Deerfield Pedlers) address...5217 Fawsett...Howell, MI 48843... Phone 517-548-5064... Sorry I couldn't find your name, also this is very late after the fact, information I just hope you can still use it. I don't know of a supplier that might stock this pattern. But I am sure Toni would be glad to send it to you for the price of a pattern plus postage. Good luck. Warmest Regards...Marty Holihan...Flint, MI...dholihan@gfn.org (or)...martyhln@juno.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 66 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:56:53 -0800 From: karen awong To: David Collins References: 1 Hi Everyone, I will be going on vacation to Los Angeles and San Francisco in Early February. Does anyone know of some basket stores that I might want to visit. Especially in San Francisco? Now that I have finished that basket order I am back to weaving what ever I want and you know what? I love it again. I'm enjoying the cold that has finely hit the islands and weaving is so much nicer in this type of weather. My dog loves it to but boy she gets so dirty in this rain as she sneaks out to look under the fence and lays in puddles. Got to go and look for her, she has been very quiet. Karen Awong, where I have not caught the scent of one pine tree this year. (Ours is fake just like Lois's) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 18:00:29 -0800 From: hannah To: "'davidc@iei.net'" Hi there to one and all, I have received a few e-mails that there have been some problems with our website, so I have gone in and updated once more. I don't have the shopping cart online yet, but will have to get to it after the holidays as things are really hectic, but please know that it is coming very very soon!!! Please make sure you check it out and if you have any problems with it, please let me know. I don't know if you don't tell me. I test it and have friends and family test it, but if someone is having a problem that none of us are having, I need to know so I can try to alleviate the problem. Thanks again for all of your responses. Bert: I must have missed it, but I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I don't know how you feel, but have lost loved ones, so I can imagine. I am truly sorry and will keep you both in my prayers. Pam Bass: I almost flipped when I saw your name. My maiden name is Cass, Pam Cass, so it was nice to see something so closely related to it. I must have also missed the Christmas Card, could you tell me where I can find it? I don't know how, but I did. Thanks a lot. Thank you to all of you who have written in to tell us that the e-mail viruses are all a hoax. I do not know that much about computers, (still learning), and would not have known this if you had not told us all. Thanks again. Well, I wanted to keep this short and sweet, so I will sign off for now. Good night and God Bless!! Pam Feix in Southwest OH :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 66 Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 10:43:17 -0500 From: "Donna" To: "David Collins" Hi everyone - Happy Holidays to one and all. I sent the Christmas card, but it came to me from a friend with a "pass along to everyone" message. Thought it was nice enough to do so and am glad you enjoyed it. Pam - Re: MI Convention, you'll want to fly into Traverse City airport. Northwest flies from Detroit to Traverse City 2 or 3 times a day. From sunny and cold (finally) PA where it finally feels like winter. Donna http://www.countryseat.com (On line catalog now has about 1/3 of the items in place - color photos of all the Christmas ornament patterns- it's not to late to try a few) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:08:37 -0800 From: Vicki Schmidt To: David Collins Happy Holidays to all! It has been a while for me but when in need I write. I am searching for some patterns for my children's 4-H projects for this summer. We usually start our baskets during Christmas break or Spring break so I thought I better start looking. We have new rules this year for each division and I am hoping this will make the basket making more fair. I spent about 4 hours on line the other night looking for patterns to no avail. I actually got tired of looking. Our telephone company is only connecting at 19200 at it takes forever to down load info. So I thought I would ask for help. We need pattern ideas for the following. Melon basket of any size but plain weave and the harder one: a patio basket Indian mending basket, Katy two pocket. Any ideas for patterns and where I can get them. Thanks ahead of time. Vicki %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Instant tea stain Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:21:30 +0000 From: burnsey2@juno.com (Laurie Burns) To: davidc@iei.net Hi to all! Hope all your holiday preparations are going well. I'm still weaving and probably will be until Christmas Eve. A friend brought over a copy of Workbench Magazine. It usually features articles on wood working, but this issue showed how to make a basket. While reading the article, it mentioned that this man used instant tea as a stain. Has anyone heard of that and what ratio of instant mix to water would you use? It sounds like a great alternative to the minwax mix, which is what I use now and less smelly! If anyone has any ideas, let me know, because I still have baskets to stain! Laurie in finally cold central New York! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: bottoms for Noah's art & light house pattern Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:34:12 -0600 From: Evonne Smith To: davidc@iei.net For the ladies who are looking for a wooden bottom for Noah's art or light house pattern, you can locate these from Jim & Diane Langston, 5496 Davis Lane, Spring Hope, N.C. 27882, or phone 252-487-3804. These are their creations. Hope everone has a very Merry Christmas. Evonne %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: basket stuff Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:46:03 -0500 From: sandyq@juno.com (Sandy L Quackenbush) To: davidc@iei.net Hi, Merry Christmas from Georgia where the rain is stopping and the sun is soon to be back. I tried the little ornament that was just posted for the mini market. It turned out really cute and was easy to make. The directions you gave worked out great. Thanks for the pattern. Someone a few issues ago was asking for a pattern for a light house. There is one that I know of. You can get it from Di's Heavenly Treasures. The pattern is $3.50, all the wooden parts plus the lantern are $30.00, or you can get a kit for $65.00. These prices are as of the last list I received from them. The lighthouse is really cool. The number to reach them is: Di's Heavenly Treasures 5496 Davis Lane, Spring Hope, North Carolina 27882 and the phone is 919-478-3804. I hope this helps the person who was looking for it. Have a blessed Christmas. Sandy Quackenbush %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Merry Christmas Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:30:25 -0500 From: "Patricia A. Moritz" To: Davidc@iei.net David, Thank you for all you do for each of us! You are one terrific guy! I want to wish you and all the weavers words family a wonderful, happy, holy and healthy Christmas season! Here is it Dec. 15th and it was about 60 degrees in St. Louis today - crazy weather!! Pam F: You had asked a couple issues back about sore hands and nails. I just use a lot of hand cream for my hands but for my nails there is a terrific product out called Revivanail by a company called European Touch Inc. It is a clear polish that can be put on over other polish or right on to your nails. It strengthens the nails and can be applied every day. I use it everyday for about a week, then take it all off and start over. Just don't get it on your cuticles if you can help it as it will dry them out. It takes about five weeks to start seeing or feeling the difference, but it really works. My nails were always splitting, cracking and breaking and were soft. Now they are very hard and I can weave without worry for the most part. I highly recommend it. It's not as cheap as polish but is well worth the price. Larry Boitnott: How long do you let your willow mellow and dry out before using it? I have harvested two huge bundles of wild willow from around a friend's pond and was going to wait about three months before using it. It has really great hues of reds now that it has gotten colder. I'm going to harvest some more this weekend and can hardly wait to put it to use. Also, do Ron and Bobbie Harrison of Willow Dream Farm have a website? Preston Raymer: I loved the Christmas Semper Fi message and am sending it along to a couple friends who are also Marines. We all tend to forget what a great job our service men and women do for our country in peacetime and wartime. Thank you! Kristin in Midland Mi: Your idea for the reed pin sounds great, but you might be overwhelmed! I will be in attendance and hope to get to meet you and other Weavers Words friends. I'm anxious to get back my class schedule. Well ladies and gents wish me luck! I submitted a random weave basket for a juried seminar to be held at Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO in May 1999. I should find out by Jan 1 if it was accepted or not. The seminar is being held during the Music Festival and they usually have approximately 35,000 people in attendance over the 3-day weekend. What a great chance for some terrific exposure to not only share basketry with other weavers and attendees, but also to teach a class. Has anyone out there done much in the way of metalworking? Bert I know you said you are playing around with it somewhat. Anyone else? I want to expand into metal media but haven't had much time to get into it as yet? Any particular tools needed? As mentioned earlier, wishing everyone a happy and holy holiday season. Mine will not be completed until the end of January when I am lucky enough to be able to attend the Papal Mass when Pope John Paul comes to St. Louis. A lifetime experience that I'm looking forward to with great anticipation! Pat Moritz in too warm St. Louis - it just doesn't seem like it's only a week till Christmas! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 17:27:46 PST From: "Alice Edwards" To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everybody, I have a question for anyone who has input. I have seen comments about carpal tunnel off and on and am aware of it since I work with computers. But, I seemed to have pain/discomfort in my thumb a couple times lately that is related to how, or how much, I use scissors or reed cutters. I suspect it is related to how I hold them. Has anyone else every heard of such a problem? I have enjoyed hearing from everyone, but can't complain about the scarcity, since I'm no better. Have been very busy at work, the paycheck job, and of course, basketweaving. Has anyone else tried the Susan Vogel's pattern, Holiday Pin basket. It is a tiny basket filled with greenery and tiny holiday stuff. When I made one wore it to work I suddenly had orders for a dozen or so more of them. So I spent the weekend and every evening so far this week making 15 more baskets to sell. Thank goodness they are so small. They were very popular. A related question, she specifies '11/64 FR'reed. What does 'FR' stand for? Does someone know? I looked at the picture, and it looked like flat oval weavers. I varied it a bit, but mainly used flat reed for stakes and flat oval for weavers. Lois - Glad to hear your tole painting class went well. Joe Conroy - Glad your wife got her antlers. You, and other rural residents who live in areas with a large deer population, should keep a lookout for antlers that have been shed. Deer shed there antlers every year and grow new ones, so there should be some shed antlers just laying around somewhere. I don't have any good tips for where to find them, but know that my husband and his Dad have both found them on his Dad's farmland in western Kansas. Joy - I also am less than thrilled at how early Christmas stuff shows up in the stores. Saw some just before Halloween. I think Thanksgiving gets less attention because it generates less spending, but think it deserves more credit and attention. Jill - enjoyed your latest dog "tail" and thinking of all that beautiful snow. We still haven't had a single flake and not much cold weather, although the weatherman is mentioning it for next week. Glad to hear you are 'coming to town'. Hope to see you next summer. Pam - you got some great advice about your hands and nails. I use a lotion called HandShield that I buy at the drugstore. Probably works like wool wax, which I have seen listed in basket supply catalogs. I try to remember to use it before I start weaving to put a 'shield' in place. I do try to remember to use either my bone awl or a weave-rite tool as much as possible. Carol - a suggestion for your list of historical baskets. You might try to include some shaker baskets and some Nantucket baskets. I would suggest trying to check out John McGuire's books from the library. Also you might try to find books about Native American basketry. Christine R. - Haven't had time to try it yet, but your instructions looked great to me, thanks for sharing your pattern with us. Remember you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Weaving Alice Edwards in the Kansas City Area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.