"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 63 Date Sent: November 30, 1998 Subscribers: 874 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, First, I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Secondly, where has everyone been the past couple of weeks? I haven't been receiving many postings lately. It's been a few days since I sent the last issue and this issue is still pretty short. I would like to thank everyone who has purchased books through "Weaver's Words Bookstore". I have received my first quarterly check from Amazon.com. Affiliate programs like these are wonderful. Everyone can purchase items that they would have bought anyway and I get a few dead presidents in my pocket. I have found a couple more affiliate programs that I believe may interest some of you. I only accept programs that are somewhat related to the art basketry. For Example, the above mentioned "Web Cards" look pretty sharp and you can request a free sample by accessing the above link. When I started "Weaver's Words" I had no intentions on making any money and that still is my intention. Many of you have sent donations and I am very grateful for them, but with these affiliate programs you will get something to show for your money. I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel guilty accepting donations for something I enjoy doing for all of you. I have added some new pictures to Weavers Words picture page. Check 'em out. To see all the great pictures go to: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html Susi Nuss has added a "Christmas Ornament Pattern Packet" to Weaver's Words classifieds page. To check the packet out go to: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/classifieds.html Keep all those basket pictures and recipes coming. Take Care, David davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: intro basket Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:17:52 -0500 From: Emberg Organization: BACHEMBERG BASKETS To: davidc@iei.net Roberta- The intro basket I do with very young (and very old) weavers is done on a drilled wooden base, #4 spokes, 1/4" flat reed, tapered at both ends. The edge requires about 5" of stake, rewet (the kids love that), then tucked down into the weaving of the second stake over. It forms a scallop edge, sometimes called a 'lace' edge. Ruth, in sunny, chilly Apollo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Here's the New Stuff... Date: 25 Nov 1998 17:56:50 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.corecom.net/~choatepp Happy Thanksgiving! At last the photos of the new baskets are up on the site. They are kind of in the middle and at the end of the photo section. All of the baskets are created using more than one antler, which was a new experiment of mine that turned out pretty good. You can view them at: www.corecom.net/~choatepp. The winter conditions are still holding out on us in Talkeetna. It spits enough snow so that my daughter Jennah (age 8) and I have begun running the dogs. It takes nerves of steel to keep that sled upright and dodge rocks at 90 miles an hour. So far I have bit the dust twice and Jennah lost her sled once. This is a good thing...... More groups have joined the Summer Tour in 99. There contact information has been incorporated into the website with the exception of St. Louis, MO who just recently joined up. They have asked for the 17th-18th of July. You can contact Tina Dye for more information at dyetm0@Maritz.com or by phone at 314-752-2405. If your group is interested in becoming a part of the tour there are still some slots left depending on where your located in the Midwest. Please let me know of your interest and we'll see what we can work out. One final note, it's been brought to my attention that some individuals are receiving duplicates of this message. If you happen to be one of them please let me know and I'll do my best to make sure that it is corrected. The best of the holiday season to you all. Warmly, Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK choatepp@corecom.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 62 Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 17:53:54 EST From: froggestow@juno.com (Roberta R Comstock) To: davidc@iei.net References: 1 "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 62 (This post is all personal stuff, in case anybody wants to skip over it.) Barbara in Louisville - Glad you found the WW website OK. (Although I would have sent you the info privately if I hadn't seen your second post.) When I saw your email address, the first thing that crossed my mind was the Zoo Bar in Lincoln, NE. It's a great little jazz/blues bar. Used to go there with my brother when I was in town. But I see now by your signature with location that you appear to be in a different state entirely. Welcome to Weavers Words. Well, weavers, the weather here in Independence is being most un- Novemberish! I was out running errands today in my shirtsleeves. I could tell there's a major holiday in the works when I got to the supermarket - I've never seen that parking lot so full! Luckily, I was only in need of a few last minute things & was able to check out through the express lane. I'm so spoiled by Bob's mom's insistence on cooking T-day dinner and turning down all offers of help. But If I go around the corner to her house early tomorrow, she'll probably let me make the gravy. It's been a strange month. We lost a good friend last week. She died after a grueling week and a half in the hospital following a stroke (and several more while in ICU). She was 45 and severely diabetic. The silver lining in all this was that Ellen's husband Joe's best friend and college roommate is married to my soul sister/Spinning guru and I got to play host when they drove out from Ohio for the wake and a couple extra days of visiting. I also learned from visiting with Joe's mother and aunt, that Ellen's health had been much worse than I knew for some time and that her dad died at 43 under similar circumstances. She lived her life with enthusiasm, said very little about her poor health, and did many more ambitious and wonderful things than most folks would have tried at all, let alone in such circumstances. I am thankful to have been among her friends. On a brighter note, my sister and niece who haven't been to my house in 9 years, came for a visit Monday - a major detour on their trip from Colorado to Oklahoma for T-day. We had a fine time. And my local best friend, Laura, will join me for some basket weaving on Friday after Thanksgiving. We're going to work on holiday gifts (what else?). Back to the rest of the email now. Hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving and remembered to count your blessings! Bert Comstock Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Full address & basket swap Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 12:36:57 +0000 From: wanda crist To: david collins David - Your work is to be applauded - excellent job!! Full address is LoriR wmc34@one-eleven.net I would like to participate in next swap. Who do we notify and how?? Thanks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Lichtenfiels link - Korbmarkt Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 10:23:45 -0500 From: "Mary Hooper" To: CC: Lynn Pawley: Thanks for the URL Now...where is this place and how do we get to it??? Did you find that info anywhere on the site? I have copied the written material for a German born friend to translate and maybe she can give me a clue.... D'ya want to go there next year? If so, drop me a note. Anyone else interested? We could put together a tour?????? Will have to make and sell a lot of baskets for that one, but I'd love to do it. We're having our annual Christmas studio tour the first weekend in December and I will be sharing space with a weaver and a painter, as my studio is virtually inaccessible here on our mountainside. We are near the Penland School of Crafts and there are nearly a hundred craftspeople and artists and ten shops and galleries on the self guided tour. It's late but if anyone in the vicinity of Western North Carolina is interested visit the Toe River Arts Council site (which I've not had time for myself!!!) at http:/www/main.nc.us/TRAC or call 828.682.7215 for a map and info. Basketmakers Billie Ruth Suddeth, Pat Thibodeaux, and I, Mary Hooper, will be showing/selling. Y'all come. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 62 Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 08:45:50 -0800 From: karen awong To: David Collins References: 1 Hi Folks, yes it is windy and cooler here in Hawaii, now I can wear a long sleeve tee shirt without feeling the furnace affect. Bert, you asked what type of pattern I used for the Wine basket. It is a double wine with the woven center. It is from Lyn Silers book of baskets. I still have some to go yet as I am waiting on more handles to arrive. I tell you I will never do a 15 basket order in 3 weeks again. Not this one anyway. I made the mistake of letting people choose colors. I hadn't meant to but things got out of hand. So for that small order I ended up doing 4 different color combinations for 15 baskets. A lot of dyeing for such a small order. As I am a beginner I am learning a lot of what not to do. The one main thing that is now stamped into my brain, I will never charge the small amount that I did even if it is for a friend. My time has been downgraded to .50 cents an hour. Is this a wrong way to feel? Karen Awong, with bent and crooked fingers in Hawaii %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 62 Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 12:57:24 EST From: DeeGrin@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David, I want to take the time today to send special Thanksgiving Day wishes to you and Norma. I have so many things to be thankful for as I hope everyone does, but want to let YOU, David know especially how thankful I am we have you that gives so much of yourself to bring 873 people together that enjoy your Weaver's Words. You have made a significant impact on my life and just wanted you to know !!! A special Thanksgiving Wish to all our fellow weavers and even though some are experiencing losses and illnesses I hope you can think back over your memories that will bring you joy . I am going outside to relax and weave while waiting for the Turkey. It is a beautiful day out and even though my family is not with us this year, my loving thoughts are with them. Dee %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Happy Thanksgiving David, Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:26:12 -0500 From: Judy Mullins Organization: Mullins Log Cabin To: davidc@iei.net David, Is was so nice of you to send Thanksgiving greetings. I hope that you and your family had a very nice day. I'm sure that everyone is very sleepy by now from all that tryptophan from the turkeys. It's not even 8:30, and I'm ready to fall asleep. I'm very thankful this year to just be alive. Happy Holidays to everyone. Judy Mullins logcabin@fuse.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:56:26 -0600 From: Jim Buettell Organization: Cedar Falls, IA To: David Collins References: 1 Thanks David. You gave me a good chuckle and I sent one on to my sister. Have been wanting to write and thank everyone for their prayers. I'm feeling much better and was amazed at the love and care sent to me by my fellow weavers. It means a lot. By the way, I am Joann and not Jim. I am surviving the four grandchildren and can see the sun shine again. Thanks again and Happy Holidays to you all. Joann %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basketry in general Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 12:08:55 -0600 From: ROY LEA To: davidc@iei.net Hi, David, This is the first message I've sent other than subscribing to Weaver's Words; guess I'll lose my lurker status now. LOL I must say that I like all the info available through this avenue; right now my favorites are the pictures of the beautiful baskets everybody makes and then the recipes, being as we are in the holiday zone right now. You do a great job, David, and thanks for the funny Turkey Day postcard. I wanted to note that I recently saw some baskets marked Basketville as someone else mentioned not long ago. The prices were low, and the candle baskets I looked at seemed sort of okay initially, but then I noticed that the handles would be a problem. They didn't have any devices to prevent them from pulling out! They were what we'd normally term "notched" handles, only problem was they were without notches! Good grief. I may be relatively new to basket weaving, but at least I know how to employ functional handles. With all the permutations available, there really isn't much sense in making a basket with a handle that lame. So, if using those for inexpensive gift baskets, the purchasers would be well advised to buy a bottle of glue along with the baskets. They're going to have to anchor those handles somehow. :-) Diane %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: kids' project, etc Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 00:36:45 +1100 From: M & A Lizotte To: "Collins, David" Well, my baskets are on their way to Bert and Sharle. I am just so thrilled to have been able to do a swap with them! The last two days I have done absolutely nothing constructive except the washing! I am on strike for a few days just to recover from the go, go, go of having visitors for 4 weeks! We have even been having leftovers for supper! We celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time since we have lived in Australia. My husband's parents (ex-Americans, too), my dad and his wife and my family. We didn't have a turkey, though, as it is too expensive here. The cheapest one was about $3.50 a pound!! So instead we had a leg of lamb (cheap here) and a big chicken. Since lamb is so expensive over there, it was more of a treat for my dad to have it instead of the turkey, anyway. I even made a pumpkin pie! My kids love it. So, instead of turkey leftovers, we have been having lamb leftovers! Lamb curry tomorrow! Just an idea for Kay and her children's project....I didn't write earlier as I work in naturals and she wanted a project for reed but I suddenly thought that it could probably be adapted. Last year I did a small basket with my son's kindergarten class (4 years old here).The teacher had the kids practice over/under weaving with paper a few times before we started their baskets. I took a small bundle of stiff leaves and tied them together at one end with a long weaver. The child then wove a simple over/under back and forth across this bundle, keeping it flat and fanning them out as he/she went and then pulling it a bit tighter near the end, adding in weavers as they ran out. I then used what was left of the last weaver to tie the other end. Trim the leaves at each end to about 1" from the tie then curve them up to slightly overlap each other and tie both ends of the bundle together, finishing with a raffia bow. So, before you curve the ends up, you have a flat shape, pointed at both ends (kind of like the shape you would draw for an eye) with the ends of the "ribs" sticking out at each end. The finished basket is like a hoop that is wider at the bottom and with the bow at the top. This year with that class we are doing a similar thing but instead of tying the ends to each other, we will be leaving the shape flat and it will be a fish. The end of the bundle where we start will be the tail and the other end will be trimmed off near the finishing tie to be the mouth. We will glue on a fin and a shell for an eye and add a piece of raffia to the back to hang it with. I have also done a similar thing with girl scouts using cane for the ribs and ending up with a boat shaped basket. I don't see why these ideas couldn't be adapted for reed, especially the fish. Well, I am hoping to make it to the WW chat room this week if I remember......and if nothing else comes up. Happy weaving from Anna in Tassie where we had TONS of rain yesterday but a sunny, windy day today....real spring weather. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Bits and Pieces Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 14:30:12, -0500 From: BDKE97B@prodigy.com (MRS BILLIE A DORRIS) To: davidc@iei.net Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet but there's nothing wrong with that. The weather is most UNNOVEMBER LIKE. It's in the 70's today. I know Southeastern Va. doesn't have particularly bad winters but this is ridiculous. Although the time of year and early morning says sweatshirts and sweaters noon says shortsleeves. Two new tips that I just came upon. Finding new tips is a good thing because at least that means I'm weaving. First-when doing the follow on rim (the one Flo uses for a final row)on a miniature of waxed linen try to do the rim from the inside not the outside. Place the basket in front of you and work on the side away from your body. I know it seems weird and may take a bit getting used to but this way you can see where the spokes are coming from so it is easier to pick them up in the correct order and not miss any. Since the one I was working on had 64 spokes about 1/16th of an inch apart I was basically working blind when working from the outside in the normal way. I did work this part of border to the left and not the right continuing in the same direction. It was also easier to keep the tension even. Don't think I have explained this very well, but try to figure it out as it does work well. Second-if you know anyone who is trying to quit smoking and using that nicorettee gum ask them to save the empty plastic holders for you. It's sort of a very strong plastic square like a little dish less than an inch in size. They make ideal holders for the small amount of glue or paint that you need for touching up projects. I just happened on it one day when I was searching for a piece of something to put a bit of glue on. Because of the shape they don't turn over and the plastic is strong enough not to leak. Heaven knows you should get more than one use from them as they cost enough. Still am not smoking after 8 months in the year from Hell so guess I'll make it. Do need to quit the gum as well however. Well am working on a basket for a Christmas present for a dear friend so better get back to it. Billie in Va. Beach %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Martha Stewart Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 20:23:14 -0500 From: "joym" To: Hi Everyone! I have been out straight with orders & new account inquiries, and I fear I've been away from this list too long. For all those who are amazed by Martha, I've been meaning to send you this True Story From Maine: Seems Martha is now residing in a small coastal town here in Maine. One day she went into one of the town's shops & told the clerk that she had to use his phone. "I'm sorry" he said, "but our policy doesn't allow customers to use the phone. There's one right across the street though." Martha was insistent, "I MUST use the phone. My children are at home and I have to call NOW." "I'm sorry," said the clerk, "but our policy does not allow customers to use the phone. There's a booth across the street. You can see it from here." At this point Martha was quite upset. She turned to another customer who was standing and listening to the conversation, "I DON'T THINK HE KNOWS WHO I AM! I'm Martha Stewart and I have to use the phone!" The stranger smiled, "I don't think you know who I am either! I am David Rockefeller, and when I have to make a call I have to go across the street too!" :~) JOY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.