"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 60 Date Sent: November 15, 1998 Subscribers: 860 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Hi Everyone, I have added some new pictures to Weavers Words picture page. Check 'em out. I would like to thank Diana Macomber for her generous donation. I also volunteered to do a web page for the Indiana Basketmakers Association (IBA). Check it out for all the 1999 convention information. The address is: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/8532/ Take Care, David davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: Swap basket Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:46:40 JST From: "Darleena Jones" To: davidc@iei.net Hey fellow weavers, I just wanted to tell everyone about the beautiful box of lovelies that Ruth Luscarain (sp?) sent me. The large Carolina snowflake came out of the box first... so pretty. Then two bars of homemade soap that smelled lovely and I can't wait to use them. And she made a gorgeous Star of David in natural with a wine colored rim and I love it all!! Thank you Ruth! Lois: My coffee table made it just fine and it looks great. I think I'll have this one around for a long time, if my boys don't try to claim it when they move on. I do hope that you're feeling better. I better sign off. I've been weaving for awhile and I can't seem to keep my eyes open. Darleena in dark Azores Portugal {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: patterns Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:19:13 +0000 From: Sandy Atkinson Organization: Atkinson's Country House To: David Collins Hi David and all Basket Weavers, In reply to Dee in Fla., we carry both the snowflake and the little reindeer patterns. Both are really cute and would look great for the tree or other decorating. The snowflake is $2.50 and the reindeer pattern is $3.50. We also have a lot of other miniature/ornament patterns, such as: snowman, balls, bells, Santa, angel, drum, boot, and stocking. Can't hardly believe it's almost Christmas time. Baking soda toothpaste sounds like it would work on a lot of things. Good suggestion! Happy Thanksgiving... Nicole Church for Atkinson's Country House Lennon, MI 48449 800-832-3071 {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Swap Basket Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 09:49:47 -0500 From: "Susan Slaven" To: davidc@iei.net Hello Fellow Weavers: I received my swap basket from Chris Baker in Maine this week. She made a lovely jelly basket with burgundy and hunter green in it. It had a raffia bow and a wooden gingerbread man on the front. Inside was a matching hunter green and cream cloth, with a jar of homemade pickles, and one of relish. She will be sending David a picture to post. I really enjoyed the basket swap. Thank you Gail for coordinating the swap. I am looking forward to the next one. Also, thank you David for all you do for us. You do a marvelous job with everything! Susan Slaven Muncie, IN sslaven@gw.bsu.edu {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: shaker shop in IL Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 06:54:45 -0800 From: "Amanda \"Mandy\" Popelka" To: "Weavers Words" Hello everyone, Dee in FL- You mentioned you finished baskets for a shaker shop in Illinois. Can you tell me where it is...I would love to go see your baskets and the shop. Dye on hands.....I have been working on making sleighs all week and my hands are red and won't come clean. I used comet cleanser and it did seem to help a little. I also got red on my shirt and sweats. I guess they will be my official weaving outfit now...LOL Chat- I would love to meet for the Wednesday and Sunday chats. Could someone please tell me where is the site. And as always, thanks David for your great work! Happy Weaving, Mandy Mandy's Hopechest mandy@hinckleynet.com Hinckley, Illinois {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 09:58:34 -0600 From: mlower@mail1.aeroinc.net Organization: Baskets by Mindy To: "Weaver's Words" Hi everyone, A day off from school, so lots of time for weaving today. I try not to look at the calendar and see how close Christmas is. Just came through 24 hours of 60 mph winds that felt like a mini-hurricane. Thank goodness we only had rain with it, not snow like some other places did. Dee - Where is the Shaker Shop located in Illinois that carries your baskets? I love Shaker things. I would like to visit it if it's not too far from me. Mindy Lower www.aeroinc.net/~users/nantucket {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: ALOHA! Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 10:09:46 -1000 From: The Keener Clan To: davidc@iei.net I*m recovering from a great craft fair (recovering meaning trying to do everything that was neglected while weaving--housework, Girl Scouts, laundry....) but had to send this message--this is really a small world. I know I*ve said that I signed up for a tole class and when I walked in, the instructor said "Are you Lois?" and I said (wondering if my reputation was preceding me)yes and she said she was Wendy Bonner--who had been a neighbor of Darleena (who used to live in Okinawa and is now in the Azores)!! This was so neat. And also in the class is Joanne Howard who said Weavers Words seemed to come alive after meeting someone who really knew a subscriber...... Wendy is one terrific teacher (and believe me, I need a lot of help!) with a great sense of humor and a lot of patience..... Hoping to meet more WW people at the IBA! Aloha, Lois {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Quality of weaving Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 17:33:58 -0600 From: Jacalyn Bedworth To: davidc@iei.net In my everyday life as a consultant to museums planning new exhibits, I recently read a review of a designer friend's latest project. In the review were comments about the nature of the artifacts displayed. They struck me as especially appropriate to recent WW discussion about quality, "mistakes," basket prices, and such. "These irregularities are not a weakness, they're a strength. They result in what I think of as a kind of "organic geometry." Like many of the dyes employed, which are rarely uniform and flat but instead create a range of sensuous tonalities within each shape, this organic geometry is different from what an automated machine would weave. The vitality and tender charm of human imperfection streams through these textiles." The exhibit, of Pueblo and Navajo textiles, is called "Common Threads." Organized by the Southwest Museum, it can be seen at LACMA West in Los Angeles through September 26, 1999. The review, by Christopher Knight, appeared in the Los Angeles Times, October 26, 1998. Jacki, in cold, blustery, although thankfully dry, St. Paul, Minnesota. Even without snow, its definitely winter! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Kentucky Guild Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 19:26:43 -0600 From: "Char Gambrel" To: Fellow weavers, Can anyone give me information about the Kentucky Guild and their basket convention? I am interested in joining the guild. Thanks {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 04:21:09 -0900 From: "Jill Choate" To: "David Collins" Hello from cold and snowless Talkeetna, Alaska! With all the rain we had this summer I was sure we would be covered up with by now but as soon as you think you've got Alaska figured out it fools you. An update on the new baskets. They have been photographed and are in slide version to be printed within the week and the uploaded on the website. I'm really excited about the new look and most of all working with multiple antlers. Wichita, Kansas has become the latest addition to the 1999 Summer Tour of Antler Basketry. If you are interested in attending you may contact Nancy Jacobs at Jacobsnl@aol.com . Nancy has selected July 10th and the classes will be held at CITYARTS. If your group is en route to Kansas from Michigan and you are interested in booking on the tour please do so and we'll see what we can work out. The very talented and lovely Linda Petree has used her scrimshaw talents once again and made me up a new batch of scrimmed antlers. Just in time for that original one of a kind creation for someone special that you wanted to weave. Prices for scrimshaw are $80.00 plus the antler itself. If you're interested let me know. I still have some salmon leather at $7.00 per leather left for those who dare to be different. I hope my next note tells of sled dog trails and tons of powder. Until then ...... happy trails!!! Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK choatepp@corecom.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: re: RETAYNE Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 19:36:00 -0800 From: "chas" To: Hello All: I haven't been contributing much lately, but have been READING! I was very interested in the info about the product "RETAYNE", which could be used to help stop bleeding of dyed reed. However, I cannot find it in my area.. Anyone know where I could purchase some..? Maybe mail order? I haven't received many WW lately, hope everyone is OK ** :0) Take care all and happy weaving. Ruth Lascurain Cinebar WA {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Baskets/Scrimshaw/Witchita, Kansas Date: 13 Nov 1998 04:00:42 -0000 From: "J. Choate Basketry List" To: List Member J. Choate Basketry List - http://www.corecom.net/~choatepp Hello from cold and snowless Talkeetna, Alaska! With all the rain we had this summer I was sure we would be covered up with snow by now but as soon as you think you've got Alaska figured out she'll switch on you. An update on the new baskets. They have been photographed and are in slide version to be printed within the week and then uploaded on the website. I'm really excited about the new look and most of all working with multiple antlers. Wichita, Kansas has become the latest addition to the 1999 Summer Tour of Antler Basketry. If you are interested in attending you may contact Nancy Jacobs at Jacobsnl@aol.com . Nancy has selected July 10th and the classes will be held at CITYARTS. If your group is en route to Kansas from Michigan and you are interested in booking a class on the tour please contact me and we'll see what we can work out. The very talented and lovely Linda Petree has used her scrimshaw talents once again and made me up a new batch of scrimmed antlers. Just in time for the holidays and that original, one of a kind, creation you've been wanting to weave up. Prices for scrimshaw are $80.00 plus the antler itself. I still have some salmon leather at $7.00 per leather left for those who dare to be different. I hope my next note to you tells of sled dog trails and tons of powder. Until then ...... happy trails!!! Jill Choate Talkeetna, AK choatepp@corecom.net www.corecom.net/~choatepp {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Basket Swap Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 07:47:43 -0500 (EST) From: Barb Mullally To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, My swap basket arrived on November 2 (sorry to be slow in telling you about it but I must have had the address wrong because my message bounced back twice). Anyway, my swap basket came from Elaine Bidstrup of St. Louis, MO and it's wonderful! She called it a German Chocolate Basket and it was done in a space dyed reed of the most beautiful subtle fall colors--mottled like sunlight on fallen leaves. And it has the most interesting bottom; it's not woven, it's lashed in a chevron pattern. It has a carved handle and a natural reed bow on the side. I'm sure my description doesn't do it justice but the last wonderful thing about my German Chocolate basket is that it arrived the same day as my wonderful new German exchange daughter! I love them both!!! Many, many thanks to Elaine and the organizers of this basket swap. Thank you also to David since he started it all! Bye now, the best of weaving to you all, Barb (in Michigan where we're all recovering from the 60mph winds of earlier this week) {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Project for 2nd grade! Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 06:10:20 PST From: "Kay Janke" To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone: I am wondering if anyone would have something they have done that can be used for 2nd graders at school. This is something that they can do in less then 20 minutes, and it needs to be made from reed. I have done this at Pioneer Days at school for a number of years & for the last couple, haven't helped as they feel they are imposing to expect the same ones to do it all the time. Wasn't planning on this year either, but someone has cancelled & I don't have much time to get ready. It is next Thursday already. What I have done before is like a Christmas Ornament, only 4 pcs. used, but it is pretty difficult for the little ones to do. The reed is dyed in red & green, but I am hoping that someone might have some little project that would be different. Please let me know by e-mail if you can help. Thanks a lot and happy weaving. Kay Janke in Michigan No snow yet, rain & cooler. Thank heaven that the winds we had on Tues. & Wed. have subsided. We were fortunate and have power, but thousands did not and are still out today. Hopefully they will be restored today. It was described as a hurricane on land! We feel very lucky that most of the damage was trees, some buildings and vehicles. But it could have been worse at 55 - 65 miles per hour. We are counting our blessings. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: (no subject) Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 12:10:15 -0500 From: Preston A Raymer Organization: The Raymers To: "davidc@iei.net" Molly- Thanks for the ideas on fixing baskets. I have a few of them around the house that hold all the "junk". The only time I sell my baskets is when someone asks for something specific and then I make sure that it is done right. I was really asking out of curiosity for those who sell a lot of baskets. I don't know anyone makes perfect baskets one hundred percent of the time. I was just wondering if people discount their baskets with imperfections or like you suggest , do something creative to change the basket? Let's hear some more ideas. Any disasters turned masterpiece stories out there? CLR {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: basket swap and other matters Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 15:43:30 -0500 From: "Gail Caron" Reply-To: <@jaguarsystems.com> To: "David Collins" Hi David and Weavers Worders: I have heard from at least one person who has not yet received a basket in the second swap. I have contacted her swap partner who has not yet responded. This does not make me happy. Are there any others out there who do not have their baskets yet? I have had a nonworking computer system for the last 36 days, but have been checking my email at the library. I had posted the request several times for anyone was not able to fulfill her swap obligation to contact me. I received a few notifications from participants with slight delays, but nothing from the person in question who has not yet sent a basket. After all of the unpleasantness resulting from the delinquents in the last swap I find it incredible that someone would do this. Jan: I don't think anyone would mind not having the next swap until after January. In fact, Feb. or March would probably be preferred by most. Mary Carty: I haven't managed to get to the shop for ages. Every time I plan to leave, something comes up. Now that my computer problems have been solved (I hope), maybe I will find the time to do some weaving. Sorry that I will not be able to attend Diana's class on the 21 - its my husbands birthday. I agreed to donate a basket to the local fire company's ladies auxiliary chinese auction. I am so far behind in everything, I must have been crazy to do that. Any ideas for an appropriate basket? My only feeling is that it should be kind of large so that I don't look cheap. Well, I am going back to trying to load all of my software onto my computer. I have already reformatted my hard drive six times. Gail Caron in southern NJ {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 59 Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:56:35 EST From: froggestow@juno.com (Roberta R Comstock) To: davidc@iei.net References: 1 "Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 59 Lara Hengstebeck - About your cousin's weaving room: If the fireplace is a functional one, don't store reed too close to it. Are there any built-in shelves or closets? Is the window nice to look out of while you weave, or is it a drafty place you want to stay away from in the winter months? Will there be a work table? How big is it? How many chairs? It the blank wall a good place for hanging coils of reed? To add bookshelves? Is the ceiling high or low? Is the floor bare or carpeted? What is the traffic pattern like? I suggest moving the basic furnishings in and playing around with the actual arrangement to see what feels right to your cousin. Molly Gardner - Your tips collection idea sounds good to me, if David is up for it. They could be grouped by category such as: dyeing, reed storage, stains and finishes, willow, barks, wood splints, waxed linen, collecting natural materials, embellishments, teaching, craft shows, etc. Angie - Have you (or anyone else) tried peroxide for bleaching mold stains on reed? The thought just occurred to me. I'll go ahead and try it and let you all know if it works. Sandra, Maine - Don't apologize for expecting quality work in any basket you might think about buying (or selling). It's people who are fussy about quality who help encourage better baskets. If more buyers demanded quality, you might not see so many shoddy baskets out there! Bert Comstock Independence, MO - Sunny and 60 degrees this Friday the 13th! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 17:56:06 PST From: "Alice Edwards" To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everybody, I am embarrassed to realize how long it has been since I wrote. I have been enjoying the messages from all of you and you have all been in my thoughts and prayers, both your problems and your joys. I have been slowing gaining strength and energy since my surgery in late September. But, I had my 6-week checkup last week and finally seem to have a bit more energy. Competition from the squirrels for the black walnuts was intense, so maybe next year. David - Really enjoyed the 'Martha' items! Thank you for all you do for all of us!! Sharle Osborne - I'm curious about your reference to "American Indian Basketry Magazine" which you found in your local library. Is this a current publication that I could order? Do you have an address I could use? If it is, have you tried contacting the magazine about buying back issues. I know some magazines have back issues available for sale. Christine Harrold - about trying to pack the willow basket with 4 rod wale- I remember a teacher in a workshop I took showing some one how to pack twining on a round base, and explaining that you had to pack each row from the center to the edge in a spiral, just as you had woven it, so any adjustment could work its way out also. Hope that makes sense. Something of the same might work for you, I don't know? But, I think I did go over my basket and tighten it a bit at the time and it did work. You would just follow the weaving from the base up and use some kind of tool to pack(push) it tighter and you went around. I also seem to recall that a second iteration helped further, since there seems to be a limit to how much 'slack' will work out at one time. Please go ahead and bend our ears with willow talk any time. It helps those of us who are still 'wannabes' with advice for the future and gives us inspiration. Jayna - you've received good suggestions already, but I planned to suggest that you try a 'protective' hand cream/lotion. Handshield, Avon Silicon Glove or one of the 'wool wax' type sometimes offered in basket supply catalogs. Something with a shield type of action. This would work like rubbing in the soap, if your hands don't tolerate the dried soap. Also, I'll include a tip I may have mentioned before, I have found it helps reduce/prevent any bleeding (on me or the basket) to add some salt to the soaking water for the reed when I am weaving. And another hint, one of my teachers reminded a group of us the other day, it helps if you dip flat reed for weavers or stakes, briefly, then set it aside let it mellow a few minutes. This mellowing seems to reduce the need for soaking, which is really a plus with dyed reed. It would not work as well outside in the summer, I suspect, but it works well for me. Jacki - There is a carpet beater pattern with instructions for both mini and full sized ones in "The Complete Book of Baskets & Basketry" by Dorothy Wright. Also I have a pattern for a group of small 'ornament' baskets which includes a very simple 'mini' beater. There may be others as well. I would definitely suggest checking any basket books in your local library. I made the 'mini' version in Wright's book a bit more than a year ago, while I had the book checked out from our local library. (Before I bought the book last spring, I think from CountrySeat.) I had less experience then, but no real trouble following the directions. CLR - About small imperfections, I guess it would depend. I probably would either not sell the basket at all, or I would sell it for full price. There are a couple of reasons. First I seem to always find some tiny something about a basket that keeps it from being perfect. Second, about a year ago a friend here at work asked me to make her a basket like one of mine I was using to hold tea-bags. While we were talking I noticed several 'hairs' on the reed, snipped them off, and said something about being careful so hers wouldn't have any 'hairs'. She immediately said, "Oh no, that's what makes it handmade and special, the fact that it's not 'perfect'". So, I thought about it some, I have had several people who see my baskets here comment on how well made they are, and these are people who go to craft shows and see other work. So I just do my very best and try not to worry too much. Kay Harradine - Thanks for the info on how to save bark, now if I get a chance maybe I'll remember how! Will other types of bark work also? When they cut down the old redbud tree in our front yard, would it's bark work? Is there some test I should make? Dee in Fla - Gratiot lake has a reindeer pattern and a 'Swirl Flake Ornament among others. David has a link to the website at: http://www.weavenet.com/gratiot.html. E-mail address is glbasketry@worldnet.ATT.NET. Address is: Gratiot Lake Basketry Carole Kaeding Star Route #1, 16 Mohawk, MI 49950 Phone: (906) 337-5116 Fax: (906) 337-4260 The snowflake might have been from the 'Carolina Snowflakes' book/pattern by Sudduth or the Swedish Star by Donna at CountrySeat, http://www.countryseat.com, which stocks both of them. They are similar, eight sided flake/stars, but as I recall use different materials. They are also on David's link page and their address and phone are: 1013 Old Philly Pike, Kempton, Pennsylvania 19529-9321, Phone: 610-756-6124, Fax: 610-756-0088, e-mail is ctryseat@fast.net, according to their website. I have called both of them with orders in the past and been very satisfied with their service. Susan Bowers Darabond - Thanks for sending David the picture of St. Julian. I didn't know there was a patron saint of basketweavers, but I'm sure I could use one occasionally. I loved the saga of your son's wedding. The "Handi-capper basket" sounds like a great idea, but I haven't found any place I order from that lists it. Do you have a name and address of the author? I would like to make it for my Dad who uses a walker/wheelchair depending on how the day is going. He starts and ends the day in the wheelchair but uses a walker during the day on good days. (P) Kay Janke, Marty Holihan, and others - May I add my thanks for all the information about the convention. For those of us who can't go it is nice to get a glimpse of the riches. Ruthanne Morningstar - Glad the dogs survived the kennel, looking forward to hearing about the Hopi Basketry teaching. Anna (from down under) - Glad you could do a swap too. Thanks for telling us about the new book. Darleena Jones - I want to add my thank you also for the 'Veterans Day Thought'. I enjoyed it and posted it outside my cubicle for the month. Bless you for sharing it with all of us. Alice Edwards in the strangely balmy Kansas City area. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Swap Note Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 16:23:04 -0500 From: "joym" To: Gail~ I am unable to reach your server to answer that question. Doesn't sound familiar! I hope everyone is enjoying their swap baskets & if anyone has not received theirs, post a note. Anxious to see more photographs. My film should be back by Monday and I'll send one of the wonderful willow basket that Kathryn Gomm sent me! JOY Sign of the Crow http://www.signofthecrow.com {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 23:51:55 -0800 From: boitnotl@sensible-net.com (Larry T. Boitnott) Organization: Larry T. Boitnott To: davidc@iei.net Hi to all, I got behind on answering WW's with grandchildren visiting, son coming home and then a sore throat and cold. Diana Macomber - I am not an expert, but I think that branching is common to red osier. I have not tried to weave with it because what grows in my area is so short and heavy. Although, I suppose it could be split and would then be easier to work. What do you think? Darleena - Thanks for sharing the poem. It was wonderful and very thought provoking. Ruthanne Morningstar - I would love to hear details of your trip and learn more about your weaving experiences with the Indians. Patti Hawkins - Nice of you to share the info on Land of Lincoln Basketweavers. David C. - The IBA 1999 Convention web page is wonderful. I am not an IBA member (yet) and so being able to see all of the beautiful baskets was great. Thanks for the hours and hours of work that you do for all of us. Hi Linda C and Kristin R!!! Bobbi and Ron looking forward to seeing you on Friday! Weather? Directions? Gotta go from Sue Ann in the heart of Michigan where it was a windy 50* today! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 10:12:37 -0500 From: "Dennis Byrne" To: Hi everyone, David, you are doing a great job on WW. Thanks for all of your hard work that you do for us. I really appreciate it! My aunt is wanting the address and phone number for North Carolina Basket Works if anyone can email it to me. Thanks! I need to make a lighthouse for a wedding present for someone who loves lighthouses. Does anyone know of a pattern? I have seen a picture of one made out of round reed somewhere. I also would like to know if it is very hard to make. Thanks. Stephanie sbyrne@triplet.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.