"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 55 Date Sent: October 27, 1998 Subscribers: 830 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Hi Everyone, PAGE UPDATES: 80 Basketry Links (Keep 'Em Comin'): http://www.iei.net/~davidc/basket.htm 11 Basketry Events On The Calendar (Keep 'Em Comin'): http://www.iei.net/~davidc/events.html 83 Recipes (Keep 'Em Comin'): http://www.iei.net/~davidc/recipes.html I stumbled upon a great resource to advertisement for your business and/or web page. Well at least I thought it was pretty nifty. It's called "I.D. IT! Plates". You can see an example on Weaver's Words web page or you can click on the link below. http://www.IDITPlates.com/adspecpartner/101025/ Take Care, David davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 54 Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 23:37:26 EST From: Arlo1225@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi Dave, Hope all is well with you. Maybe the letters have dropped off because of the time of year - way too much going on! As Gail mentioned I too was worried when I didn't receive the next volume of WW. I was very pleased to find the latest in my "mail box" today. The swap baskets that have been received sound wonderful - I can't wait to see them! Haven't sent mine out yet - but it will be in the mail by the end of the week! Even though this time of year is so very busy, I had such a good time with the last swap that I couldn't pass this one up. Thanks Gail for all your hard work. Need to go - forgot to fix my daughter's skirt - she needs it for school tomorrow and it's getting late. Take care all. Lesley {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:14:16 -0700 From: rae hunter Organization: sundogs and northern lights To: David Collins References: 1 Whoopee! After bragging about weavers words to the participants of my classes, last Sat. I finally heard from someone who is subscribing. Thanks Christine, you made my day. It gets a little lonesome here in Canada, we need more subscribers and basket artists on line. I am preparing for an Exhibition that opens Oct 30th . My husband is presenting Stone sculptures (Inuksiuk) Of course I am running the deadline. I have a lot of ww to catch up on come Nov. I have my swap basket done and can see that deadline also. This is called retirement? I appreciate your company when I can get on line. Cheers Rae {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: swap basket Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 06:47:23 -0600 From: "Apperson-Waite" To: "David Collins" Hi fellow weavers, Fall has finally arrived here in the south..... I want to thank once again, Leslie Johnson, for the beautiful basket she sent me. What a wonderful surprise it was. I too have a lot of trials and tribulations in my life, but the basket she made really cheered me up. It was so pretty, and has a place of honor in my living room. I have sent my swap basket out, and hope it has arrived .it was such fun making something for a fellow weaver, I do hope we can do another swap sometime soon. Bye for now from sunny, cool Tennessee. Susan Waite prinet@iswt.com {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Safely home from AMB conv. whew!! Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:36:13 -0500 From: "eskbaskets" To: "david collins" Dear David- I, too, was a little concerned about not hearing from you for several days. Glad to hear that everything is ok with you. I bet the reason for the drop-off in postings is due to the scramble to get ready for AMB conv., which was great, by the way. I did meet Deb Curtis, and had a great face-to-face chat w/Kay Janke. Now I'm ready to "decompress" (or 'decompose'; you decide...) and enjoy my little kids for a few days. I haven't rec'd my swap basket yet but am sure it arrive soon. I do have a lot to be thankful for - safe travel, NO BRONCHITIS for 2 weeks now, a great family, friends like you all, and last but not least, the 4 days of that WONDERFUL, ROBUST Starbucks coffee (with all the free refills you can hold) at the Amway Grand. I was in "brew heaven". Happy weaving to you from Betty Kourkounakis in NE Ohio, Where we anxiously await those cold, blustery days!! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: basket swap Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:20:19 -0600 From: PHIL LOGAN To: davidc@iei.net Hello David and Weavers, I know I'm about a week late with this David, Happy Birthday. Received my basket Saturday from my swap buddy, Patti Bagley of Georgia. Thanks again Pattie! It is a variation of Susan Reed-Fanfoni's pattern of Snowy. I can't believe the work that she put into it. The details. She crocheted a hat and scarf out of red and green. There was a small wreath with berries on one twig arm and she had made a small basket with red and green woven into it filled with greenery on the other twig arm. It's going to be a nice addition to my snowman collection. I'll have to keep an eye on my 16 year old daughter, though, she thought it was pretty nice, too. She loves baskets, too, but I'm still trying to get her to make a basket. I'll keep trying. As soon as I get our roll of film developed, I'll send in a picture of the basket Pattie made. I hope Pattie you got my e-mail ok. Well I have to go and get my basket finished up and try to get it in the mail today. I know my basket buddy ---- is anxiously waiting for her basket. That's the problem with having to many beautiful patterns to pick from. Happy Weaving, Gloria Logan from Lincoln, Illinois where it's been beautiful weather for raking leaves, but there still a lot of them on the tree {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: Home from convention Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 09:30:07 PST From: "Kay Janke" To: davidc@iei.net Hello everyone: Well convention has come & gone, but the memories will be forever. I think that we all (for the most part) had a great time. It was a very busy time for me as I had 3 classes & 2 volunteer jobs. So I had very limited free time, but did manage to check out the pattern room, the exhibit room-on the last night - and the vendors. Vendors in number were down this year because of various circumstances. I was told that the participants were down also, it was evident in the vendors. As far as the number of convention attendees, it is so hard to tell as there are a number of other groups around also. Still when you get 33 vendors under one roof, that is a lot to 'shop' at. Some have specials on reed and other things so you can pick up a buy if it is something you need. Whatever you were looking for, someone probably had it there. On Friday there were 51 teachers set up in the Marketplace. That is where they sell their specialty items or patterns, or supplies and baskets. The line is always long to get in there, it was held only from 9:30 - 11:00 PM. Some of these things are only available from the teacher. I helped at registration on Thursday evening. Went to the lobby on Thurs, not many came. But I did meet the sinus & bronchitis queen, HI, BETTY K. Pam Woodbury came past. Betty and I had a nice visit. I feel like I am in a haze today, as I thought someone else came, but? Also some of Bettys friends were there. My classes were some that I usually don't sign up for, as I am not a round reed weaver, so I signed up for them to see if I would learn something different or a better way to do things. I had the Spiral Bowl w/lace lid with Jean Cadmus May. That was a challenge as the reed goes up the side in a spiral. It is beautiful though and it will be even more beautiful when I get it finished. My Saturday class was with Pat Leavitte. We did the Wee Wishes basket on a wishbone. Some of the bones were little, and others were giant size from a tom turkey I think. The class should have been longer, there is no way you can do that in 4 hours. We had our choice of waxed linen, fine cane or very fine round reed or a combination. Some of them are small enough for a necklace, others on the larger bone will be to big to use as a necklace. It is a great creation. Gives a person all sorts of ideas!! Sunday was the Space Dyed Rib basket with Mark Katz. He is a very jovial guy & kept us moving along. I didn't see a finished basket there either. Most opted to go and finish at home as all the hard work we had done and now finishing will be a piece of cake. There were seminars on gathering bark by Cass Schorsch; White Oak Basket making by Luke & Willow Block; Rib Basketry by Mary Hettmansperger,; Cedar by Deb Curtis; Knife selection & care by Floyd & Melissa Anderson; Willow by Bonnie Gale and Cherokee Basketry by Mary Brandenburg. I guess if a person were to attend everything they would have to spread this convention out a couple more days! Public Day on Saturday was well attended. I was at the information booth Sat. morn for 2 1/2 hours. There was almost no voice left after explaining where they were to go. For those who are not familiar with the hotel, it is very confusing...To go to the pattern room, it was on the lobby floor. The exhibit room was below in the atrium. Some of the classes were on the conference level (3rd floor) and other various places, mostly they were in the Grand Center on the main level. The vendors were in the Grand Center on the lower level. Registration & information were on the 2nd floor concourse level. When I would tell the visitors the areas, they would say- Can you repeat that?. For instance to get to the Grand Hall you took the concourse from the 2nd level to the double doors, go down the stairway or the elevator and walk the hall area there, turn to your right, go to the escalator, take it downstairs to the vendor area. And that is just the directions for the vendors. I do have to say that I think the hotel could be more accommodating on the ability to 'group' the convention areas closer to each other. As it was this year it was spread out all over in different areas of the hotel & on at least 4 different levels. I saw lots of beautiful baskets going from classes & it makes you want to make most of them. I think that is why so many supplies are bought there as the patterns, the bases, & handles are mostly available. I saw someone carrying sweatshirts that said "So Many Baskets, So Little Time". The program with Diane Stanton was very interesting. She has such unique ideas & brought slides to show some of her work also. Such talent! She made the raffle basket for this year. I think they made a mistake-I didn't win it. In reference to the use of so many areas, I thought I would tell you about our & many others experience (not the first time). There are wedding receptions held in the hotel. But some like the concourse-this is a hallway area-. It leads directly to the elevators that those who are staying in the older part of the hotel use to get to their room. The 2nd floor concourse on the east end seems to be a favorite spot for these receptions. It is sort of an L shape and the long part of the L is the spot they use. It has a smaller hall to the right of this area. On Friday & again on Saturday eve, they set up a bar area & roped off the long section, put up a sign-private party- and expect the guests (us) to take another route. Someone later told me that they had walked thru the one area, against the wall, to get to the little hallway so they could reach the elevator. To take another route, you have to go back downstairs (walk) and then take the elevator from there. It is a beautiful area when you look down from the 2nd floor-it has large trees, a couple huge chandeliers, lots of bouquets of fresh flowers & plenty of seating on a large round couch & misc. other chairs & areas. But couldn't they just use a room? The teachers were great & most helpful. I know what it is like getting ready for a class and to do 12 kits so that time can be saved is a time consuming job. Judy Briscoes class was on the other side of the curtain on Friday where I was working. At noon she gave a demonstration on how to set up (figure out how to use) and drill the antlers. I drilled a hole in an antler. It smells almost as if you are in the dentist's chair. That was nice of her to do. Said hello to many teachers that I have had classes with & others too. Some had a red ribbon on, others didn't but recognized ours. On Saturday I met Leslie Johnson & her sister. It was nice to meet yet another WW person. I know that they found lots of things to buy & thought the baskets they saw on exhibit were wonderful. My head is still in a haze, getting over something I got at the hotel, either that or I am allergic to baskets. I know that this is long, but I wanted you to hear something about convention. Will answer questions if there are any. Happy Weaving. Kay Janke In Michigan, where it is supposed to get 70 today. The weather was just beautiful all weekend. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Basketry Object Names Date: Mon, 26 Oct 98 11:11:56 -0800 From: Laura Sampson To: "David Collins" Mr. Collins, I am seeking any information concerning assigning object names to basketry. I am especially interested in assigning object names according to the basket's form rather than function. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide such as recommended books, contact names, or other resources. Also, would it be possible to post this question in your newsletter? I noticed that you have quite a large list of subscribers and I would love to have my concern/question reach all of them. Of course, if this is possible, make sure to note that they should reply to my email address. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Laura Sampson lsamp@worldnet.att.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 15:34:48 -0500 From: "Russell & Leslie Johnson" To: Hi David & Fellow weavers Maybe the reason for less postings David is the AMB doing or everyone doing fall craft shows?? I am sure it will pick up soon, be patient! I went to AMB public day, my first visit, and I loved it. I bought lots of new patterns, of course, as I am addicted to patterns! I was most impressed with the exhibit room, such artistry in there. I was amazed at all the outstanding baskets and vessels, all of them truly award winning. Of course, Linda B's Basket Casket in the corner gave me the creeps! I wonder how many people had used it before Linda got it ? I spent a bundle in the vendor area and left for home, broke & happy :-) I bet those of you who attend for classes really have a lot of fun. Kay Janke: It was so nice meeting you and thank you again for all the info you had sent to me, I do hope we get a chance to meet again. Beverly Seegert: I loved the issue of Black Creek Country News, you are not only an excellent weaver but a great writer/author as well ! I am glad I subscribed and will be looking forward to future issues. I will see you at Sand Creek..have a good show! My swap buddy should receive her basket today or tomorrow, I am patiently waiting for mine to arrive, hint, hint... I love the anticipation! Need to get back to weaving myself, two weeks left before my next show! From Leslie in Michigan...the weather is beautiful today, sunny & almost 70! Wish it could last all winter. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Newport News Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 15:29:48 -0800 From: edwinb@erols.com To: "\"Weavers Words\"" Hello everyone, Double lashing: What is the correct way for the X's in double lashing? Not that I will manage to do it correctly! Should the X's be on the top of the rim or on the front of the rim? When I put the lasher into the slot, should I have it into the left part of the slot or the far right of the opening? Seems like I will get a bigger X with the lasher as far to the right as possible. Oprah: I emailed Oprah today; this is silly BUT I did it; Her guest today, author of "In the Meantime" said "It isn't like basketweaving 101" as in relating to something stupid; maybe I can educate one person. The guest seemed like an intelligent person, I couldn't believe that came out of her mouth; but then we have all heard it. Anyone on the WW list going to the convention in Newport News, Va.- Jan 15,16,17? this will be my first convention and I am so excited. To David, Weavers Words has meant so much to me and you have made it all possible. Thank you . Thank you so much Nancy in Glen Arm; slightly colder here in Md. I am not ready for winter!! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 19:42:07 -0500 From: "joym" To: Hello all You Happy Weavers~ I just returned from a glorious week of R&R. I can see by the calendar that it's almost November 1st. Holy Cow! It will be Ho Ho Ho time before we know it. It's good to see that folks are receiving their baskets & are excited & happy. Can't wait to see the pictures! Someone asked a while back about who submits the picture - the person who receives the basket or the one who made it - I don't think it matters much. Whatever gets a picture posted, I guess! I have a new idea for David to consider: Seems amazing, but many of us have been sharing "tales of basketry" for several years now. Not only through this list, but ones previous to it. Personally, not being one who gets to all those marvelous conventions to meet people, I'd like to see some of your faces posted on the Weaver's Words site. So many people have mentioned how we get a sense of each other's personalities over time. Wouldn't it be nice to see the faces that go with them (optional, of course)? Holiday orders are coming in. I hope everyone orders early & no one late. The closer it gets to Christmas, the more I like to claim some time for my own family. Joy Sign of the Crow http://www.signofthecrow.com P.S. Just a reminder: There is a Bulletin Board on my site to post any news, notices etc. Feel free to take advantage of it! I will also reserve times for any art related topic/chat, upon request. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Belated Happy, Happy Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 19:50:34 -0500 From: MYLOIS Organization: Prodigy Internet To: David Collins Hi David: A very belated birthday wish to you. Hi to everybody: We have been enjoying some gorgeous fall weather here in Michigan's Thumb for about two weeks now. Going for long walks with my golden retriever in the woods and fields. Seeing deer and pheasants now that the combines have cleared the fields of corn and soy beans. Got my first shipment of baskets (4) off to my new gift store in Texas. The shop will be opening November 7. Took two baskets up to the other gift shop in Lexington, Michigan on Saturday. Lexington is a seasonal town so things will be slowing down up there until Spring. Saw a really cute "Philippine" woven basket at the fruit stand on Saturday for Halloween. It was round and done in seagrass with one row of 1" reed in the middle that had pumpkins on it. I must say it was cute but the weaving a little shabby. Will try making it from memory. Happy weaving. Myra Stutler mylois@prodigy.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Swap Basket Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 22:25:42 -0500 From: "Patricia A. Moritz" To: davidc@iei.net Judy Miles: Thank you very much for the beautiful Arrows tray basket. I have wanted to make myself one for several years and never got around to it. I love the colors and it is truly beautiful. You did a wonderful job and have no reason to feel intimidated. If it is all right with you, I will take a picture and send it to David for the web site. Your basket has a place of honor on my living room coffee table. My husband really likes it too! I'm glad you enjoyed your class with Flo Hoppe. She is a terrific lady and instructor! Jill Choate: Please send me some dates as to when you will be in the Midwest - St. Louis area in 1999. I have no doubts that we will be able to fill at least one and maybe two classes if the timing is right. Will you be teaching at the Mo. Convention in Kansas City in June? From Pat Moritz in warmer than normal St. Louis. (Actually, I'm ready for cool, autumn weather!) {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 09:54:35 -0800 From: "Ames, Kay H" To: "'Weaver's Words'" Judy Miles - what basket did you make with Flo Hoppe? I find it hard to choose when she comes to town, but it is always a great class, and I have learned so much from her and from her two books. In class I have made the divided rectangular basket (forget its name), and the English railwayman's lunch basket (had to make that one - English born, you know). From her books I have made many variations of round baskets, some lidded, and one very large urn shaped basket with braid weave and randing with double weavers - at one point I figure I was working with 160 bits of reed, including the spokes. I'd like to send a picture of that one to WW if I can get it scanned. Debbie Gring - Happy Anniversary and have a great trip! Susan Tripp - What a shame you felt squeezed out of the community bazaar. If the table of complainers attends it to raise money for a worthy cause, perhaps you could deflate them and rise above their pettiness by offering to donate a small basket that they can raffle off, as your contribution to their community cause. This would be mighty generous of you of course, but perhaps the good will gesture would forever give you a certain standing and inclusion that none would dare to question in the future. Or you could just say," to hell with it" and find a better bazaar! Christine Harrold - my what an adventurous nature you have! I have always been daunted by willow basketry despite several excellent classes. You just jump in and experiment away! Perhaps my trepidation comes from the memory of my first class with Werner Tertsche of Switzerland. He sent us to the huge pile of already sorted willows to find 32 identical stakes like the one he handed each of us as an example. After much meticulous selection, I brought back my little bundle for his inspection. "Too sick, too sick, too sin, this one ok, too sick, too sin..." he said as he rejected most of them for being too thick or too thin. I will have to get over it though, since I am about to plant out some basketry willow starts. Good luck with your projects and send in a photo of the great sounding box elder/willow basket when you've finished it. Can't wait to hear about the AMB convention and what a good time you all had (she said wistfully.) Does anyone know about the June Missouri convention ('99) - when will submitted baskets and confirmations/rejections be returned? I thought the information was to be sent by mid October, and now I am wondering if my package ever arrived there. Bert, I will have to study your waxed linen pouches more closely. Mine often begin at the beaded rim and finish at the "bottom" of the basket, usually in fringe or a tassel. Barbara Mullaly - Your sprouted willow basket tale reminds me that I have to keep an eye on a favorite pussy willow patch in the spring. I hear tell that if you gather it just before the buds burst, you can weave a basket, soak it, and have the basket break out all over with little pussies. In years past I have either missed the window of opportunity, or had the bush whacked off by some neighborhood neat-freak just before time. If you wait til the pussies are out, it is hard to weave without knocking them off - I tried that once. I will be sending out my swap basket sometime this week. It has a long way to go across the country. I won't begin to savor the anticipation of the arrival of my surprise package until I get mine mailed. Thanks a lot to Gail Caron for arranging this swap. I think you've done a great job. From Kay Harradine in Washington State, still unseasonably dry, but cooler now - brought in the bay leaf trees after a couple of mild frosts. Happy Halloween to everyone. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: swap basket Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 16:21:05 -0500 From: "Gail Caron" To: Hi everyone. Yesterday I mailed my swap basket to its intended recipient. With all of the boxes that I have collected, I couldn't find one to fit - for the first time in ages I actually had to go out and buy a mailing box. The basket is now on its way halfway across the country. As I was leaving for the post office, the UPS truck was pulling up to my house. What a coincidence - as I was leaving to mail my swap basket, my own swap basket was delivered. It is a beautiful Nantucket napkin basket from Nancy Skinner. I am thrilled - MY FIRST NANTUCKET!! Thank you Nancy - even my a-basket-is-a-basket husband was impressed. Keep those swap baskets coming. The deadline is approaching fast. Gail Caron in southern NJ where I and my animals are still adjusting to losing daylight savings time {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:17:46 -0800 From: boitnotl@sensible-net.com (Larry T. Boitnott) Organization: Larry T. Boitnott To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, I'm back from Michigan AMB Convention but my feet still aren't touching the ground - not even after cooking, dishes and laundry. After three days of willow who could complain? Not me. I met soooooo many new people and I could not believe all the willow people. bj (p) A year or so ago, I remember reading an article about people making their own caskets. I would love to make one out of willow. Of course, when I mentioned that to my family, then they KNEW that I had lost my senses. Christine H (B) Glad you came out of hiding! Does your teacher, Rae Hunter, teach willow? I have made willow baskets on wood bases. Mostly I am a traditional willow basket weaver. Usually, I harvest my patch, let the rods dry and then soak the willow to weave. There seems to be less shrinkage that way as opposed to weaving with fresh/green willow. I have been thinking about your problem and one way to secure the weaving would be tie a rope or heavy string over the top of the wall and down the side to the opposite side of the base and secure. This might have to be repeated in several areas. How are you going to weave the border? What is preventing the stakes from drying out so that when you weave the border the stakes will not crack or break? Usually, I finish a basket the same day or at least the next day. Any insight that you can provide might be a learning experience for all. If I can be of any assistance, feel free to e-mail me direct. Whenever I weave with a wood base or wood handle, I sand and seal the base first. I like Danish oil for my wood products. Peaceful weaving, Sue Ann B. The weather in Michigan is in the 50's today. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.