"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 39 Date Sent: September 14, 1998 Subscribers: 774 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** ***PLEASE READ BEFORE PRINTING*** 1.) Highlight entire issue. 2.) Click copy. 3.) Paste issue into a word processor of your choosing. 4.) Now Print. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} +++++Individual Weaver's Words Pages+++++ Of course you can always find links to each individual page on Weaver's Words home page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/). Weaver's Words Home Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Weaver's Words Back Issues: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/2468.html Weaver's Words Classifieds: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/classifieds.html Weaver's Words Subscribers: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/subscribers.html Weaver's Words Basketry Links: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/basket.htm Weaver's Words Basketry Books: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/book.html Weaver's Recipe Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/recipes.html Weaver's Words Chat Room: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/chitchat.html Weaver's Words Bulletin Board: ---http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/messageboard/mbs.cgi/mb83941 Weaver's Words RIT Dye Color Chart: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ritdye.html Weaver's Words Basketry Wallpaper Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/graphics/graphics.html Weaver's Words Basketry Clip Art Page 1: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/graphics/clipart.html Weaver's Words Basketry History: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/history.html Weaver's Words Basketry Dictionary: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/dictionary.htm Weaver's Words Guestbook: ---http://www.lpage.com/wgb/wgbsign.dbm?owner=Basketry Weaver's Words Favorite Links & Stuff: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/cool.htm Weaver's Words Free Postcard Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/postcard.html Weaver's Words Bulletin Free Banner Service: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/banner.html {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Hi Everyone, I have added a bunch of pictures that I have received from some of you. Here they are: Ms. Sandra Kervin's basket she wove for Ms. Elaine Birdstrup: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/kervin.html Ms. Karen Awong's basket she wove for Ms. Sandra Kervin: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/awong.html Ms. Pam Feix's basket she wove for Ms. Kathryn Gomm: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/feix.html Ms. Chrys Lunsford's Birch Bark Split Strip Woven Baskets: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/lunsford1.html http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/lunsford2.html Ms. Chrys Lunsford's Birch Bark Unsplit Strips Rustic Collection: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/lunsford3.html Ms. Chrys Lunsford's Birch Bark Split Strips Incense/Match Stick Hanging Baskets http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/lunsford4.html Even though it's not necessary, I would like to thank the following people for their nice donations: Ms. Myra Stutler Ms. Judith Clark Ms. Karen Mitchell Ms. Pam Feix We have started off with a nice collection of recipes, so keep them coming. The address for the recipe page is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/recipes.html When you receive each issue of Weaver's Words, disregard the time stamp on the e-mail. My computer's clock is VERY screwy. It never keeps the correct time. So there is nothing wrong on your end. Go by the date on the top of each issue. Take Care, David davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: misc Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 01:25:02 EDT From: Arlo1225@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi all! Dave - you are truly a special person. Thank you. Hannah - you too are special and your grandmother is very lucky to have you to care for her. I've taken care of my aunt through many illnesses and operations and at times it was very difficult (my children were quite young at the time) and exhausting, but somehow you find the strength to get through the tough times. Try to find a little time for yourself each day - even if that only means an extra 5 minutes in the shower - it really helps. Also, try not to lose your sense of humor, it helps combat the stress. Another hint, I carry a large bag with me whenever we go to the doctors' offices - I have magazines, a novel, pen and paper, and usually a basket book with me. It makes time in the waiting room pass much more quickly - it also helps in the OR waiting room - that and lots of change for coffee and snacks.......Good luck to you both..... Lois - glad you're feeling better - now comes the hard part......taking it easy until you're fully recovered! :-) Have read lots of messages about waxed linen pouches - where can I get patterns???? PAS strikes again! Also, someone mentioned weaving with metals? Any info on that would also be appreciated. Thanks to all in advance. Until next time! Lesley - in upstate NY where fall is definitely in the air but the leaves are still on the trees! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: WW Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:40:06 -0400 From: "Sandra" To: "David Collins" Greeting to everyone, Bert: My basket swap person was Karen Awong from Hawaii. Sounds like we have several people from there. I will send in pictures of the basket that I sent and the basket that I received soon. Not sure at this point if I can do this one. I enjoyed the last one. I too feel that we should all be able to weave whatever we feel like. No restrictions! Open minds and hearts. Just sent in my recipe to our Recipe Web page. It's for Pumpkin Fudge. Great time of year to be making it. It is a recipe that either you like it or really hate it. There is no in between with this one. It's very healthy for you, it has real pumpkin in it. HaHa! I collect cookbooks too. I enjoy the "community" ones better because those recipes are everyone's favorites. Elephant Ear's do sound like what we call Doughboys here in New England. I have been very busy canning. My shelves are getting full of many different colors. I tried canning Peach Pie Filling and it was a hit. I even sent a jar to Kathi via UPS! Who says we can't send a pie via UPS! Diana: Sorry too that we weren't able to make connections while you were here. Maybe next time. Norma: Thanks for telling us more about David. David sounds to be such an amazing person. Also, David thanks for all the hard work that you do for all of us. We wouldn't be a Basket family without you. Sandra Kervin Maine- where it's Apple picking time! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Recipe Page Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:40:48 -0400 From: Linda Kotarba To: Weavers Words Hi David, I just sent a contribution to the recipe page and then visited the site. You have done a super job putting it together. The way the recipes are displayed makes them look like they are individual recipe cards... how cleaver! I also like how you added email to everyone's name... that will be very convenient should we have a question. And to top it all off... a link to their Web site! You thought of everything. I know where I'll go now when I don't know what to make for dinner! Thanks a bunch, Linda Kotarba {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 38 Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 11:05:56 -0400 From: Susan Tripp To: "'David Collins'" Anna: I don't in any way want to discourage you from participating in the swap, I just want to share my experience this week - maybe someone here can offer some advice: I just wove a small basket for a friend in Australia. I tucked a few other "little" goodies inside and packed up the box to ship off. The box weighed no more than 5 pounds and was relatively small. UPS told me there were two ways to ship using UPS to Australia - expedite and something else - but one was $85 and the other was $80. The contents of the box were only $30! The post office told me I could ship it ground for $10 - but will take months to arrive with no guarantee. I inquired about Air service and was told that would be $35 and would "take a little less time, no guarantee, probably several weeks to a month." I chose Air, but unfortunately will have to be limiting my shipments to my friend. If you or anyone else knows of a better way, please let me know! I did specify it was a "gift" and listed the contents so the recipient wouldn't have to pay duties/taxes. Pam and Anna: what makes me not like the orange color on those L baskets is not necessarily the color itself. It is the fact that I dislike these baskets, they all look alike in that there is no style or individual personality in these baskets, they are all the same color, they are all woven alike and with the same material, they all look alike in form, just the shape has changed. It is truly a combination of these characteristics that makes me say they have a "putrid" orange color. I for one would love to have you and Anna as a swap buddy. Your basket color sounds truly beautiful and finished with your own personality. Anna: I would absolutely love to have a natural basket from someone. I only commented on the swap for natural weavers because maybe that's something they would find enjoyable to share with each other. I love natural baskets. I don't weave them myself because of lack of time and knowledge. The fact that I don't weave with naturals would make someone else's natural basket all that more special! Billie: How on earth do you keep walnut stain for that long? I make up a batch, and two days later it is moldy - very moldy. I refrigerate it and it keeps for a week, no longer. If I freeze it until the next use, it seems to keep but is a pain to keep thawing and freezing?? I just have to share this tid bit: My mother just arrived in Florida (from NY) and stopped in several states along the way. She searched each stop for a real live basket weaver. She must have been successful, because she just phoned me to let me know I will be receiving an oversized box via UPS. Some of the baskets she hinted were made of natural materials from the states she bought them in. Oh the excitement. Overly excited in upstate NY, Susan {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 15:47:16 -0400 From: "joym" To: Hi All!~ First, let me say that I apologize to David & his family for any unnecessary discomfort I caused by my cookie idea. Obviously, I was not "connecting" with any specifics of the situation. I echo the sentiments that several of us have expressed already about David's courage and exceptional drive to take on 700+ wacky weavers in the face of personal challenges. We are, though, so grateful that you have taken up our cause, David. Thank you for all you do for us! Barb Foster, or others, I have an extra copy of Baskets From Nature's Bounty by Elizabeth Jensen that is IN GERMAN. It has wonderful illustrations. If you might be interested in trading this for another basketry book of equal value ($27.95), e-mail me directly at joym@mint.net. Dee, who is pounding out that ash, there is a much faster way which requires splitting the log in 4's, cutting smaller "sticks" and pounding those. This method was explained by Richard Silliboy, MicMak basketmaker in a presentation at the University of Maine. I believe John McGuire's book on splint basketry also explains it. The quality of the splints is not compromised. Hannah, my thoughts go out to you as you care for your Grandmother. I too had a very close, special relationship with my (maternal) grandmother, and was privileged to care for her the 6 years prior to her passing (at the ripe 'ol age of 98). In some small way, it felt as if I was able to give back to her some of the many many joys she had given me as a child. Like Lois, Diana & others, I wouldn't want to make a basket specific to someone's request or stated preferences...sounds too much like "work" vs. creative exploration. I think the original idea behind most swaps is for them to be fun & a surprise to the recipient. With all levels of weavers among us, dictating what type of basket is to be woven could be difficult for some. Jane~ Yes, I will also send a low cal. recipe to be posted. However, one thing I've learned after finally finding my diet "answer" is that you should really be able to eat most anything, in moderation. I recommend the book Maximum Metabolism. Anna in Tassie~ Yes, glocosimne & chonroitant sulphate are recommended in the book The Arthritis Cure. The formula I mentioned in the last WW has made a tremendous difference in our lifestyle (previously dictated by pain & pain management). Lastly, Betty Kourounakis~Oh ha ha ha!! You want the cookies? Now now, it is only fair since I had the idea that you send them here! Joy Moody Sign of the Crow http://www.signofthecrow.com in Hampden, Maine where some wild beast~ deer or cow~ must have ran through my yard at night , as it is trashed! Wicker furniture broken and "eaten", tent wires tripped & tent collapsed, gas grill turned over!!! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 38 Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 18:39:54 -0700 From: "DeDe Harris" To: "David Collins" Thank you David for all your hard work. You are in my thoughts. Just read Billie's post about the tape fun. Have you tried tying the base on? I have used waxed linen, and sewing thread, both work OK, but the linen can leave a faint discoloration. With thread you only have to cut it off when you are done and the basket comes right off! Good luck Billie. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Thanks, I send my love and Prayers Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 21:41:38 -0400 From: martyhln@juno.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi David and World Basketmakers, Thanks to you David, also to your great mom, Norma remember me from IBA. It has been sometime since I wrote, to Weavers Words, I'm not so sure I remember how. Thanks to all of you who have written in whether it is personal or baskets it makes me happy to hear your opinions. What a diversified group this is. Your words and help for one another is so good. How boring this would be if it was only about BASKETS. This is almost like talking to friends and you would not stick to a single subject, now would you? If you were talking with a friend? No my friends and I try to solve the world's problems and our own, then go away feeling better with all the weight off our shoulders, or find that others do have problems also. This is such a nice thing that David does for all of us. I belong to 3 basket Guilds, not including the AMB, IBA, NCBA, MBA WBA. When we get together we discuss lots of subjects and we don't need to place a B or P before the things we say. I admit I do skim some things that doesn't interest me, but I read it all, even some that I don't agree with. But that is their opinions, and I respect that. I hope you are all well. Go do a Basket, Be Happy. I Love you David, my prayers are with both, you and Norma. Warmest Regards, Marty Holihan Flint, MI dholihan@gfn.org (or) martyhln@juno.com {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: recipe page Date: Sun, 13 Sep 98 22:06:07 Pacific Daylight Time From: ROBIN GRIFFIN To: davidc David The recipe page is wonderful. I will be sending my recipe soon. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Days Gone By News Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 20:17:40 -0700 From: cbaker@ime.net To: davidc@iei.net Just a note to let you know the following has been added or updated. For your convenience, we are now accepting Visa & Master Card. 5 new patterns have been added. (3 are mine, 2 are Susan Vogel's newest) We now carry natural reed, added a new color to the dyed reed & seagrass. Also all reed is listed on one page. Rit dye is now available in 4 popular colors by the ounce at an extremely low price. And, I have changed the FREE pattern to a new one. Check it all out at my catalog page: http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker/catalog.htm Home page: http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker/ Note: You are receiving this because you have signed my guestbook & I believe you to have interest in the online Days Gone By basketry site, If for any reason you would not want updates in the future, please email me & I will remove your entry from the guestbook. Chris Baker: cbaker@ime.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: IAB Convention Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 00:01:01 -0500 From: "HMS" To: I would like to receive information about the IAB convention in Indianapolis next March. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Pam's basket colors Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 08:46:11 -0400 From: Gretchen Hautzinger To: David Collins I personally have seen Pam's dyed reed basket color and it is definitely beautiful. I have seen them in person and the color is great. I made a basket like one I fell in love with that Pam had made and it just isn't as neat as Pam's is. So I may just have to go to the Pickett Fence and buy the basket. Truly beautiful. So don't let her not enter the basket swap just because she thinks the color isn't to everyone's liking. It is beautiful. So Pam, don't worry everyone will love you basket color. I just did a small show in Mariemont this weekend. A one day show. Took the husband and the dog. We all had a great time and a successful show. Really different things sold at this show. So it just shows that there is no rhyme or reason to what people buy. Gretchen "The Cat Basket" Where I now have 3 box top lids on the large weaving table so 3 out of 5 will watch and not help. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: need to be heard Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 08:59:38 EDT From: RcpJean199@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net CC: RcpJean199@aol.com Hi David and all, Most important is my need to tell David what an extraordinary job you have been doing with Weaver's Words. I have been a subscriber since near the beginning and have enjoyed every issue. You certainly have made our lives much more interesting by bringing us all together. The personal comments as well as the weaving comments make us a closer knit family and you are to be commended for not censoring any comments. I for one am proud to have you as the leader of our big family. Thanks again David. The Basket Swap was such great fun. I received a wonderful swing-handled basket from Elaine Bidstrup. Thank you Elaine, great job. I had it out in the shop for a while so all my basketweaving buddies could get to see it and now it is in the house, proudly displayed in the dining room. I for one will probably not participate in the next swap since we are going into my really busy time. I love to weave and love to swap, however, the business has to come first. I would probably be interested in one in January/February since it is a slow period and the August/September one was just perfect for me. Love to hear comments on this subject. I think it was Bonnie Fanning who said "too often it would lose it's thrill and become something you 'have' to do." I agree. I love the idea of the recipe. Although I am not a person who can make up great recipes, I have on in particular because it is quick to prepare, cooks for three hours, (giving you lots of time to weave) and you can smell it cooking so you feel like you are working toward supper, which you are. Does this make any sense at all? I am trying to hurry since I spent too much time on David's home pages and need to be somewhere soon. Happy Weaving, Jean Plympton, Massachusetts RcpJean199@aol.com {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: holiday basket swap Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 09:25:53 -0400 From: "Gail Caron" To: "David Collins" Hi everyone: Just a few notes about the upcoming swap. The sign-ups are coming in faster than I can compile them, so it looks as if a 100 person cut-off is inevitable. Because of this, I am instituting a few rules. First, so far five people have tried to sign up without providing a mailing address. It is too time-consuming to contact all of the people who do not follow the instructions given in the WW posting, so, if you do not provide all of the required information (name, email, snail mail address) you will not be included in the swap. Second, it appears that non-subscribers are signing up (or subscribers are signing up non-subscribing friends) - since the swap is for WW'ers, subscribers will be given preference. It is unlikely that any non-WWer's will be included, given the rate of sign-ups. As with the first swap, there is a $10 limit for supplies. The theme is fall/winter/seasonal holiday (i.e., no Easter baskets now). The matches will be picked at random - I am not going to try to match natural weavers vs. reed weavers for example. The deadline for signing up is Oct. 1, but it appears that the 100 person limit will be reached well before that. Your basket must be mailed by Nov. 1. I think that covers all of the glitches that have come up so far. All information concerning the swap has been posted on WW. Please do not expect me to provide the information via email on an individual basis- there just isn't enough time to do that. Gail Caron {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Drying baskets Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 09:00:28, -0500 From: BDKE97B@prodigy.com (MRS BILLIE A DORRIS) To: davidc@iei.net Have meant to send this a million times but never could remember. A quick and easy way to dry a basket is to use a fan. I just sit the basket on a cardboard box and let the fan blow on it for a while. This also seems to help eliminate some of the order from the stain. You should wait until any dripping of the stain has stopped or you will have splashes all over the place. Billie in Va. Beach. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: addendum to last message Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:57:28 -0400 From: "Gail Caron" To: "David Collins" Just a quick addition to the last message concerning the basket swap. When I receive your complete sign-up information, if I don't recognize your name, I check the WW subscribers list which I printed out on Sept. 14. If your name is not there, you are most likely not included in the swap. Since this was designed for the WW family, I feel that it is unfair to include non-subscribers at the expense of WW'ers. By using the 9-14 list, I am eliminating those who are going to try to subscribe just to take part in the swap. Gail Caron {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 37 Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:15:24 -0500 From: tblack@iquest.net To: David Collins Regarding stamping on baskets: another option to try is sponge painting on your baskets. In Michael's and assorted other craft outlets, you can find pre-cut sponges in lots of wonderful shapes. You just apply a thin layer of paint in a variety of colors and then press the sponge where you want the paint left. It looks really neat. You can get 3-4 presses out of each paint application. Each time you press the sponge on the surface you can unearth the next layer of paint. It may be a different color or simply a lighter shading of the original. This gives the whole scene a very natural look. I first tried this on my dining room wall, and painted an ivy chair rail around the room. It looks great and I have received many compliments on this. I've done regular stenciling and that's too much work by comparison. The sponging looks very free form. You can form your own design clusters and all of the detailing is free handed with a brush. After doing this on a wall I thought this would be so easy to do on a basket. It was! I've added simple flowers and berries to many baskets and it really adds a nice touch. I have always been very intimidated about painting anything, as I didn't think I was very good at it, but this makes it really easy. After doing several baskets and the dining room, I went on to paint a meadow scene on my daughter's bedroom wall. I think it's cool! I've gotten to the point where I tell myself I just have to try something, and if I decide it looks gross, I can either paint over it or overlay it with a piece of reed and no one is the wiser. Another recommendation for decorating baskets is to stamp/stencil/paint on an overlay piece that is already stained like your basket. This way if you mess up you can just start over on a new piece, plus it's easier to apply the design on a flat section of reed rather than trying to do it on the basket itself. Just some thoughts... Carolyn Black, in Greenwood, IN where it's been beautiful all week - low humidty and cooler weather. That's probably the only thing keeping me sane as convention planning is peaking... {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:32:34 -0700 From: "Ames, Kay H" To: "'Weaver's Words'" When I get WW, I start reading through and think to myself, "I must answer this or that," but then forget what I wanted to say, or have to read back again. So now I open a new outgoing message to WW and jot my thoughts as I am reading, switching from WW to my message as needed. Bonnie - what is TAS? (Tools?) I have MAS and BBAS myself. (Materials and Basketry Book Acquisition Syndrome). Carolyn Black - Is the IBA convention always the same weekend? Our guild retreat conflicts this year, but the weekend has recently changed and may again. I would like to be thinking ahead.... One of the older books I have on basketry has an interesting introduction, explaining how basketweaving can be instructive in the training or retraining of young people, whether juvenile delinquents or mentally disabled (perhaps not their terms.) I think this latter is where the derogative connotations about Basketweaving may have come from. But it entirely made sense to me as I read. Not only was the weaver creating something useful, but also learning a series of skills unrelated to weaving, such as counting and measuring, attention to detail, following directions, completing a project, taking pride in one's work, building upon earlier skills, etc. Basketry was a functional craft taught not for fun but as Occupational Therapy in various types of schools and institutions. Regarding dandelions, you can eat the flowers fresh, and they have a faintly sweet flavor. Just be sure you don't get any of the bitter green stem or calyx behind the flower. Anna in Tasmania - be sure to ask your dad to order you a color chart ($2) if he gets the waxed linen from Royalwood. If you decide you like it, you will want to see all the luscious colors, and it has samples of the different plies. It retails for about $9 for a 50 gram spool of 4-ply (about 100 yards) , but you/he get a discount if you/he buys $50 or more! If you want to make necklaces, I would recommend the 4-ply, unless you really want to work small. The 7-ply will work up nicely into bigger soft-twined baskets, up to say 5x7 inches without too much weaving. And please send photos of your mural when it is done so we might all enjoy it. Kathy in Hawaii - How lucky you are to have Aunty Pua to learn from. I always enjoy the lore as much as the technical information, whenever I take a class. Billie in Va Beach - We have had many discussions here about the judging criteria and categories for entry in our local County Fair. The Spinning & Weaving department expanded itself to include baskets and doctored up their judging sheets which did not fit basketry very well. When I judged the baskets several years ago, it was very hard to apply their criteria. 10 points were awarded for "cleanliness of materials". And four separate items dealt with handles - what if the basket did not have handles? Also, there was no points awarded for creativity. Thus an egg basket from a kit could technically get no fewer points than a wild and wonderful wacky weed rib basket, all else equal. The categories for entry were not well delineated either, with much overlapping, plus the entrants and officials often would not place the baskets in the most appropriate category. Entry Classes for Materials were mixed with Techniques (e.g. "Woven" [vague], "Miniature", "Coiled" and "Pine Needle"). One year I had a hard time with two particular entries: a basket-shaped container fashioned from a coil of clothesline with all the rounds glued in place, and a basket shape that was crocheted. Our Western Washington State fair has better guidelines and criteria, and we are trying to get the county fair to follow suit. I think the professional category requires one to "teach basketry on a regular schedule" and/or make more than a certain ceiling of income from the activity. We also have a "for display only" option to further promote basketry by example. Although slow to change, our local fair is willing to accept inputs from the community, so try educating them in your area by constructive inputs. Have your guild do an educational display for the fair. Volunteer to be a judge, even!!!! I would be interested in exchanging entry categories and judging criteria with other folks across the country in hopes of improving ours and spreading the word. Please e-mail me separately. Lunchtime is over, so it's back to work. Kay Harradine {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:56:21 -0400 From: "Russell & Leslie Johnson" To: Hello David & Fellow Weavers, I am weaving day and night preparing for two upcoming shows, but I love taking the time to relax reading Weavers Words to see what the rest of you "basket cases" are doing. You do just a great service for us David and I really appreciate it. Carolyn Black: I had to chuckle when I read that most everyone you knew had an unfinished egg basket! I too have one, it is beautiful but unfinished and it is my one and only egg basket. It needs the center weaving, where you have to decrease or whatever you call it, and I am in a dilemma as to how to finish doing it, so it sits unfinished. I think weaving at a show is a nice asset to the booth, but by the time the show arrives, I am so burned out, the last thing I feel like doing is weaving. Pam Feix: I will keep you and your Grandma in my prayers, that is so wonderful that you are caring for her. Sue Ann Boitnott: When I started weaving, I too used latex stain. I was never very happy with it, but it was all I knew to use. When I look at those beginning baskets now, the stain has faded a lot & have very little color left on them which may be how latex stain "weathers" over the years... I now use Weavers stain or Minwax and the results are very different from the latex stained ones. I was wondering: Those of you who stamp on baskets. Do you use the pads that are paint? Maybe you "stampers" can share a little of the technique with me? I would appreciate it. Gail Caron: I love the idea of a "seasonal "swap and am trying to decide whether to sign up, better get with it huh? I am so swamped with weaving for the upcoming shows, but the last swap was so much fun. Is the criteria the same as the last swap? $10 of materials? I am one who would prefer not to state my color/style preference, I feel it gives the weaver more of an artistic license to weave what they like & surprise me. Well, better get back to weaving...from Leslie in Michigan where it is cloudy and humid today. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:56:38 -0700 From: hannah To: "'davidc@iei.net'" Hi there David and all of you wonderful weavers out there!!! David (P): I just want you to know that I know that I don't HAVE to send you anything, but I already sent you the $5 and I expect you to spend it on yourself for whatever you wish. I know that $5 isn't a lot, after all that you do, but my goodness, at least you will know that I appreciate you. I wish that I could do more. Your paper, your internet connection, your floppy discs, your CD's and your time all cost money and I just think that we should all show you our appreciation. Again, I know that we don't have to but I, for one, want to. I really admire you. :):) Lynn Pawley (P): The candy corn recipe sounds delicious, and fattening!!!! MMMMMM can't wait to try some. Thank you. Bert Comstock (B): Thanks for your support about my color. I have decided that I am going to participate. The color I have isn't the "L" color and I have alot of customers who love it. I really like it myself. Thanks for your support. Kathy Halter (B): Thanks for sharing the torching instructions. I have seen others do it, and I even tried it myself, ONCE, but without success as I scorched my basket. I never tried again, because I just hate to see my hard work and love go up in flames. I may try it again. By the way, where in OH are you from? I am in the southwest corner, near Richmond, IN. Anna in Tasmania: (P) I have Lupus, which is categorized as arthritis in the rheumatoid family, but it is also a connective tissue disease. Let me know how the glucosamine works for you, as I may have to try it as well. I hated being on prednisone, as I got the moon face and already having a very round face, it didn't make me very happy!!!! I am now off of it, and slowly but surely trying to lose the weight that I put on over the years of being on and off of the prednisone. I told my rheumatologist that I never want to go back on the stuff again. I hope that you are doing well. Carolyn of Suffolk (B): My color is kind of a reddish orange. The best way to describe the color is to look at the color of what we call a brown cow (which is actually a reddish color) and that is about the color of my baskets. It is a rich looking color on the basket reed. I might suggest that you take some of your scrap reed and try staining it in the mixture that you have mixed up and see how you like it after it has dried. You might find that you like it real well. Please make sure that you also try it on a scrap piece of wood, if you use wood bases or handles, because it doesn't stain up the same as the reed. Let me know how you like it. Gail Caron (B): I am not Teed off by any means!!! I only offered my suggestion, and or support of someone else's suggestion, just for thought. I am not hard to get along with and am willing to go with the flow. Thanks for the work you are doing, and I am more than happy to help out. To Everyone (B): I just want to know how everyone feels about this? I have never woven with natural materials, other than the cedar bark pouch that I made at convention in class last year, but I really like and appreciate baskets woven out of naturals. I wouldn't mind receiving a basket of natural materials, even though I would be sending one made of reed. Those who weave with naturals, would you not want a basket woven of reed? I think that basketweaving is very diverse and I appreciate it all, and I for one am willing to receive any basket that someone else is willing to make and send to me. Just want to know what others are thinking. Sorry if I wrote too much, it just seems there is so much to say. Pam Feix from southwest OH, where fall is in the air!!! Thanks for the prayers for me and my GRANDMA!!! :):) {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: New Pattern Catalog! Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:57:06 -0400 From: Esther Grigsby Organization: The NorEsta Cane & Reed To: davidc@iei.net Greetings, We have a new pattern catalog available with pictures and descriptions, lists of coordinate materials needed to complete the projects, etc. Over 100 baskets photographed! Best of all - it's FREE. Just send us an SASE and we'll mail you the catalog. Many of our patterns are NorEsta exclusives! Some never before published, some brought back from the good old days. We think you'll like this. The photographs are not large enough for anyone to copy the pattern from the picture, but they do give a good idea of what you might like to order. Many list general dimensions (not detailed dimensions). This is great advertising for our pattern authors and great for mail order pattern buyers. We are not charging anything for this service, it is FREE FREE FREE, no strings attached. All you have to do to get your copy is send us a self-addressed stamped envelope (business size #10) and we'll mail your catalog immediately! Also, if you would like to be on our regular mailing list for classes, etc, just let us know. Thanks and Happy Weaving from The NorEsta Cane & Reed 320-B Western Ave Allegan MI 49010 PH:1-800-NORESTA (667-3782) http://www.wsite.com/NORESTA {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.