"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 121 Date Sent: May 01, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 1025 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 119 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:43:12 -0000 From: "Jeff & Diana French" To: "David Collins" References: 1 Hi Everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Spring. It was a gorgeous day here - 70's! Ah, the smell of fresh mowed grass and singing birds..... I've missed about 4 WW's as I was having server problems. But now all is well and I again have a new e-mail address. Lets hope I keep this one for awhile. Now to go back to WW and read up on what I missed.... Well, it's not my nature to brag, but here goes..... :) I entered a few baskets in Mary Carty's Basket Exhibit and I actually took two ribbons! A first place and a second place. I was really quite pleased as the competition was tough. I also have a question... when it isn't the season for collecting black walnut hulls for staining, where do people find them? I was hoping that maybe someone sells them??? Is this a dumb question? I am out of stain and was hoping that someone might have an answer for me as I hate to use Minwax. Thanks! Another WW just arrived in my box, but I'll have to save that for tomorrow as I'm ready to hit the sack. Happy weaving to all! Diana French From sunny (well it was earlier today) Southern New Jersey %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 119 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 21:27:38 -0700 From: "Deb Curtis, Tisket Tasket Basket" To: David Collins Lois I think the basket you are referring to is the Grandmother basket. The pattern was written by Mitzi Washington and may still be available from some of the suppliers. I've never woven one but have a friend that has. They're not that hard she says. >>>>>A student brought a basket to class this week and it was the most awesome ribbed basket I have seen. She wanted to know if there was a pattern available as she would like to make one (and believe me, trying to figure out how to make a second one from the first one would drive us nuts..). So we are looking for help. This basket is not an egg or melon or potato basket. It is made from 2 16" hoops--one being the handle and the base and the other being the rim. They are Gods-eyed together. Then a half of another 16" hoop is placed at the rim, opposite the handle and it is Gods-eyed at the base of the basket (using the 16" hoop/handle) and a 3 point God*s eye is used where it connects to the rim. The basket is woven in 1/4" (the colors on her basket are gray, navy, cranberry, and green--really nice combo) and the ribs are #6. There are 4 sections of ribbing and weaving (from "handle hoop" to that half hoop is one section--from half hoop to the other side of handle hoop is another and so on). From what I remember, it is almost cats headed on the bottom. The handle is braided. <<<<<< To who ever is starting the willow list, please add my name to your list if you do it. I weave with all naturals, i.e. barks, long leaves, handmade cordage, etc. I incorporate willow into my baskets and weave about 3 - 5 a year for variety. So I'm always interested in "hearing" more about any natural material. David you are continuing the fantastic job and I truly appreciate your not censoring this list. Your work is a gift from the heart, THANK YOU. Deb Curtis in truly springtime Oregon - sun every few days and light until 8 PM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Swap Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:25:53 -0700 From: "Mike Bajczyk" To: Crystal: I have forwarded your basket swap partner name to you again. Let me know if you don't receive it. Roberta: I believe Pam Feix is also on the list to coordinate a future swap. You may want to check with her. Cindy: Your swap partner was emailed to you on April 20th. I have forwarded it to you again today. If you don't receive it let me know. Sue Bajczyk Hibbing, MN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: RE: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 120 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:58:07 -0400 From: "Susi" To: "David Collins" For those of you interested in seeing some of JoAnne Russo's work it can be seen on these web sites. http://www.paradise-city.com/exhibitors/MM21883M.html http://artfulgift.com/catc/russo.htm http://www.libertynet.org/pmacraft/lg97jar.html I encourage you to buy a copy of the current issue of Spindle Shuttle and Dyepot so that you can have a copy for your own library. If you can not find it in a local bookstore it can be purchased through Handweavers Guild of America's Hypertexture online store. http://weavespindye.org/html/hgassd.htm Woven Wooden Wishes, Susi Nuss Basketry at The Mining Co. http://basketry.miningco.com mailto:basketry.guide@miningco.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 120 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:30:31 -0400 From: "Donna" To: "David Collins" Kathryn - Thank you for the web site information. I hope other readers checked out also. I was aware that the Rosen group was going to require "Made in USA" but I didn't realize the push was so wide spread. I think we should all be proud of our work, and this is one way to end the question "did you make that?" Donna in cool, sunny PA http://www.countryseat.com Check out our new online searchable catalog with shopping cart ctryseat@fast.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Staining/Weavers Words Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:22:52 -0400 From: "mkoch" To: Gail Caron: Yes. Our tip sheet should help you. Be sure to hold your oak can approx. 8 to 10 inches from your basket. Keep your basket or can moving and don't over spray the same area. Once you read our tip sheet, if you have any questions, just email us. Good Luck. Chas: If the stain you are using is an oil base, try NOT using the linseed oil. Just cut it with a non-odor mineral spirits. The mineral spirits will help on that odor you dislike. If you would like, email us and we will try and help you to perfect your formula. It would be our pleasure. Marty H.: Thanks for the great feedback. We were hoping you would be pleased. See you in Michigan, if not sooner. Susan T in NY: Send us your mailing address, we would like to UPS you something. Lois Keener: Send us your mailing address, we would like to UPS you something. Pam Woodbury: We are sending you something. If your address has changed please let us know. Happy Weaving, Dollie Koch The Weavery, The Weaver's Stain Family %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Staining/Weaver's Words Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:26:13 -0400 From: "mkoch" To: Chas: You might try Marty H's formula with boiled linseed oil too. It sounds pretty interesting. Marty: Have you ever tried it with tung oil? Dollie Koch The Weaver's Stain Family %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Basket Shops Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:23:28 -1000 From: Joanne Howard To: "Collins, David" Aloha, It is sunny today!!! Yea!!!!! I did manage a nice sunburn this weekend while I was in Waikiki on a little vacation. I should know better!!! I need a stronger sun block I guess. It feels like summer already. Anyone have the names of shops in the Stowe Vermont area? I will be in Greensboro in July and will be travelling around. I'll also be in St. Johnsbury. I just thought it might be helpful to have some names of places to hunt down while I am on vacation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have to get motivated to weave. I have five baskets for gifts that need to be done by May 13th and I haven't started yet. My daughters prom is this Saturday and I haven't finished her dress yet either!!! Yikes!! From Sunny and warm (lets keep the rain clouds away) Honolulu, Joanne %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 120 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 21:18:13 -0000 From: "Jeff & Diana French" To: "David Collins" References: 1 Hi Weavers! Cas Wucher - I thought the directions you gave for lashing a rim was great! I found it very easy to understand and think that maybe the next time I lash, I will try going from the inside out. I currently go from the outside in and sometimes have a difficult time hiding the ends of my lashers. Thanks! Gail - I was trying to figure out what basket Lois was talking about when I read your post mentioning the "grandmother basket". I think you are right -Lois's description makes sense as I have seen Mary's basket too. Her's is huge! By the way, missed you at the Basket Exhibit this year - thought maybe this year would be our chance to meet - maybe next year? :) Well, I've decided what to weave for my swap partner.... now to sit down and begin. I sometimes find starting hard, but once those spokes are cut, I'm raring to go - :~) Happy Weaving! Diana French From Southern New Jersey where Spring has sprung - I love it! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: lefties Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 18:48:46 -0500 From: gary selvey To: davidc@iei.net Lefty Denise - I am also a left-handed weaver. The first time I wove a Gretchen border I did it right handed in case I needed help. I weave a lot of braided borders right handed. I know you should just be able to switch the words from right to left but a lot of the time I'm looking at diagrams and just can't seem to picture the weavers the opposite way. When I sign up for classes at convention I usually call the instructor to make sure that there won't be any problems for me. It puts me more at ease to know ahead of time in case I would have to weave right-handed. Haven't had any problems so far. Joy and Gail - Thank you for saying what needed to be said again. Last Saturday our guild had Marla Helton in to teach her Dyed Gourd with Tapestry Weave. She was great and everyone's gourd was so different. I'm basically a reed weaver but thoroughly enjoyed weaving on a gourd and I love the way it turned out. It definitely didn't matter that I was left handed since you just let your creative juices flow. Diana in Indiana where it is raining again. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 118 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:10:25 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 118 Jane Ritter - Please post the title and publisher information of Grace Kabel's book(s). Winnie - When I learned the Gretchen border, we put the bent round reed around the spokes so that the long ends were inside the basket and sticking out the top opening. we started working on the inside and the border gradually rolled over the top edge to the outside and down to cover the tucking point. Your description of the method looks good to me. Lisa Carstens and Allison - There have been a number of discussions of staining in the past. Have you searched for 'stain' in the back issues on the web site? Karen Awong - Good luck with your arboretum classes. They should be really interesting. Bert Comstock Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 119 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:14:09 -0500 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 119 Susan in NY - It would not be legal for one of us to post an image scanned from a copyrighted publication of any kind, unless we had specific permission to do so from the copyright holder. To Everyone who is disappointed about not getting signed up for the May 99 WW Basket swap: I have not yet coordinated a swap, but I think 100 participants is a reasonable cut-off number. The limit is generally left up to the coordinator. I believe it was announced at the beginning. As our number of subscribers grows there will be more people wanting to do the swaps, and if someone really wants to participate they will have to sign up early in the month. (I am another person who didn't get signed up for this one. It's no big deal, there'll be another one soon & I'll be sure to sign up soon after the announcement.) Each coordinator has an already-busy life to live and is doing us a favor by being a coordinator. They know how much time and energy they can donate for our benefit. Let's not complain about how they choose to do it. If they say 100 is all they can handle and you want a bigger swap, why haven't you volunteered to do it? I have volunteered to do a swap in another couple of months, (July, unless it's someone else's turn - I'm not trying to butt in to the waiting list - ). My email system only allows me to send to about 20 addresses at once (as I learned when I sent holiday greetings to family and close friends a while back), so I won't be able to get a single huge list sent in one easy step. I will probably also set the limit at 100. More would not be practical for me to handle. I'm not trying to be critical of anyone personally here, just pointing out that it isn't wise to look a gift horse in the mouth. THANKS AGAIN to our past and current swap coordinators! Anyone who's really eager for another swap before July canparticipate in the one at the MO convention in early June! Seethe program book for details. Dollie Koch - Thanks for the good tips about using Weaver's Stain and other products. Your are very helpful! Chrys - I would say your birch baskets are originals. They may resemble someone else's baskets, but then there are very few unique baskets. If you aren't using patterns, they certainly aren't somebody else's baskets! Mary Hooper - Your maple pieces sound interesting, but I'm drawing a blank right now in terms of good ideas for using them. Are they thin enough to weave into the side of a basket as an area for painted designs? Maybe they could be made into painted signs such as are displayed with a person's name and title on their work desk or cubicle divider. Denise - I have taught some craft skills to a lefty by having them watch me in a mirror. The reversed image is easy for them to follow as it appears that I am working left-handed. You have to have a big mirror for this to be comfortable. Other than that, You could probably work a Gretchen border to the left instead of to the right. There's no reason why it wouldn't work. Bert Comstock, chilly and rainy in Independence, MO. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: ClasSearch Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 22:48:07 -0400 From: "Linda J. Braun" To: There is a new web site called ClasSearch at http://www.classearch.com that is requesting listings for all types of classes. They would welcome some basketry classes. Linda B. Baskets, Etc. http://www.bright.net/~basketc/ Linda J. Braun 636 Keen Avenue Ashland, OH 44805 Phone 419/281-1210 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Gretchen Border - for lefties....thanks! Date: Tue, 27 Apr 99 23:19:26 -0600 From: rounds@ionet.net To: "David Collins" Thanks to all who offered their suggestions for weaving the Gretchen border as a left-handed person. You were so kind to respond with some ideas for me. (I do purposely learn new crafts right-handed so I won't have to switch my instructions forever...I figure if it's new to me and 'feels' strange anyway I can start learning right-handed. It has worked in cross-stitching, crochet-ing, sewing, and now weaving...but the Gretchen border 'feels' so strange to me to hold the reed so firmly in my left hand...my right arm is stronger and I just may have to try it left handed on the basket I'm prepared to finish this week. I'll let you all know how it goes! I am curious about the new Weaver's Stain in drift wood...would anyone be willing to send me some sample pieces of plain and dyed reed sprayed with it so I can see what it looks like? I made a huge basket in class last night that I will leave unstained until I get to see this new color. I am trying to prepare this basket for over my refrigerator to hide all the things I have stacked upon it now. I want it to work into my white cabinets and blue and white tile....I don't want to have a gray basket but a light one with blue dyed strips every other plain reed. Has anyone every asked the makers of Weaver's Stain for a sample? Denise Tulsa, OK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Testing Tip/Weaver's Words Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:40:45 -0400 From: "mkoch" To: Hi everyone, I want to share a few tips with you. I have received some calls from weavers that had tried a different staining product and it had ruined their baskets. They asked if they sprayed Weaver's Stain over the basket, if it would help. The answer is "No, probably not". We all want to try new things (me too). We recommend that you use some of those scrap pieces of reed and weave yourself a flat mat. Approx. 12" x 15". Your mat should resemble a "Place mat". Just tuck some of the end pieces around the mat. It doesn't need to be perfect or fancy. You will throw it away when you are done. You now have a test mat. We recommend this for trying ALL new products, whether its Weaver's Stain, Minwax, or your own formula.... You can't get a true picture of what your basket is going to look like if you try it on just a strip of reed. And you don't want to risk a basket, that's why we suggest a mat. When you are trying out a new shade of Weaver's Stain, use this "mat" too. You can practice control, shading....etc... For those of you that have tried something different and are disappointed in the end result.....stop, don't throw that basket away. Try painting, then distressing the basket. If the product you used has a lacquer or polyurethane finish you may want to take a medium grade sandpaper and run over the basket with it. To dull the coating, so the paint will adhere to it better. Then pick a dark shade of paint you like (hunter, wine, navy....) and put a heavy coat on your basket. Let it dry. I'd let it sit for a couple of days. Then take a fine grade of sandpaper and distress it. When you get the look you like, stop. You may even take a contrasting lighter color and splatter the basket with it when you are done. To splatter, dip your brush (lightly) and pull the bristles back and flick it towards the basket. Practice the splatter effect on newspaper before you do it to your basket, so you can get the hang of it. If you don't think you would like this look. Put a potted plant in the basket and put it on the porch. Let mother nature distress the basket for you. This will take a while...:) Good luck, Dollie The Weavery, The Weaver's Stain Family %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: catch up Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:04:11 -0400 From: Dolores Gatz Organization: Eastern Suffolk BOCES To: "'David Collins'" I've been slowly reading the past WW's. I always seem to be behind on these things. I'll catch up and then something happens and bamm I'm way behind again. For one thing I had typed this apology to Jean for the mix up with people thinking she was the one I was complaining about. It wasn't her. Anyway, While reading the past WW's I haven't seen it. It must have gone to that 'Internet never never land'. I know I sent it. * Linda, Jean, and (Hi) Eileen, (I sat next to you in a few classes at Stowe. The most recent was the Japanese ladies summer purse class.) You're exactly right. It most definitely was not Jean Cadmus May. There has been another in Texas that was being written about. I had bought with me to Stowe that year some computer tapes and other stuff we were throwing out. I thought maybe someone would come up with a use for them. She had taken then. She said they would do for something she was working on. I was happy someone could use them. She just was a disappoint to forget about me after that. I too, don't want the wrong person blamed. I apologize to Jean or anyone that had thought I was talking about her. It was something that was bothering me and I just had to speak out. But I do not intend for the wrong person to be blamed. Like I said, she knows who she is. She may not ever admit to it. But in her heart she knows whom she it. I too agree that 'what goes around, comes around'. After the N.C. convention Judy sent me this email. Forgot to tell you that your letter to David at Weavers? was published and apparently a lot of people wondered if it was Jean Cadmus May since she is always being quoted and writing in. I was bombarded when I got to Convention and assured them it was not and they all knew who it was but it shows you one has to be careful. I apologized to Jean and she was very sweet. Judy * Onto bigger and better things. I'm one of those people whom get out of weaving for awhile. Family and work issues put a damper on my weaver for the past three years. But this year I'm forcing weaving back into the schedule. It feels great. I'm going to do a large double wall toy basket tonight. I'm behind on this one. It's for a baby shower this weekend. I'm going to fill it with toys and diapers. When the baby comes I'll send then a nice big bond. I have four wax linen and bark baskets almost done. I'm waiting for another order of wax linen to arrive and I need some bark cut. I got a cutter from John McGuire and was going to cut up all my bark this weekend. Only, I started transplanting daylilies and African violets and forgot to soak up the bark. So, now I'll wait for this weekend. I've got a huge Antler Basket in the works too. I've got to get back to work on that too. I wanted to put it in the display section at Stowe. * The mention of blackberry baskets - will black raspberry vines work also. I will be inheriting a place that has about a third of and acre of black raspberry plants. With a couple of blackberry plants in the middle of the mess. I say mess because there are no rows. They were left to grow on their own and it's a mess to pick berries. They will be coming out and grass will be going in. * I have a 15-year-old miniature poodle whom is arthritic and is having trouble walking. I found a girl whom swims old dogs for the exercise. So we've been going there. She walking a lot better and seems to be getting stronger. But she doesn't look too happy when she's swimming. She seems to have the look of 'couldn't you come up with this brain storm when I was younger'. She's up to swimming 3 laps around the pool before a break. The water is 90 degrees. The girl keeps telling me that they do get to love it. I'm not too sure about that with mine. When I get my next puppy, I'm going to start it right away going for swimming. My first poodle loved the water because the kids always took him swimming with them when he was a pup. This one didn't have any kids around or access to a pool and so she's not that fond of water. * Well time to move on to my next job. Talk to you all later. For any of you in Littleton, CO - My thoughts and prays are with you. Dolores, Long Island, New York %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: ww / enough Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 21:17:39 -0500 From: "Patricia Steinmetz" To: David Collins Okay, Enough. Mary S. - Please do not tell me who to pray to. If the children of this country are being robbed of hearing "God's word", it is because their own parents have chosen to rob them. If you feel so strongly about this, why don't you lobby to have prayer reinstated in our schools? Gail C. - I am confused. First you say that Weavers Words is not the proper forum for religion and prayer related posting, but then you go on to voice your own religious beliefs. Even to the point of telling us that our prayers are not going to help. I am not an overly religious person, but I do pray. And my prayers are answered. And now I am going to go work on a basket and pray that Weavers Words can return to the wonderful basket forum that it once was. Pat, in Indy, where it is still raining. Or are those raindrops really God's tears? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: (no subject) Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 01:52:35 -0500 From: Marty Zielke To: David Collins Hi to all, I need some advice: I am going to judge some baskets for a small art festival in the next county. I told the gal who called me that I am by no means a master weaver. I believe that most of these baskets have been made by senior citizens. Now, I am assuming that 99% of these will be splint woven baskets made from reed. So, I have considered the following things to assess: Construction, neatness (trimming hairs, no ends showing that shouldn't be showing), complexity, originality (this might be a tough one, but I guess if I saw something really unique, or at least one I hadn't seen before I would give it brownie points). I REALLY would appreciate input from others on this. I'm probably getting a little nuts over this, but I would like to do a fairly professional job. I want to type up a sheet on which I can do some scoring, hopefully with a number system from 1-10, or 1-5, and make some written comments. Please write soon.....I have to do this in about 2 weeks! Marty Z. in so so weather Illinois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 120 Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:10:13 -0700 From: "Pamela Zimmerman" To: "David Collins" Naomi - maybe you could just send in the address of the publisher, so we could get our own subscriptions to Shuttle Spindle & Dye pot. It sounds wonderful! Pamela Zimmerman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: basket questions Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 20:20:35 -0400 From: Jeff J Braunscheidel To: davidc@iei.net Hi again! Boy oh boy have there been a lot of WW coming through! When my kids check the e-mail and it goes slow they holler "David did it again!!" :^)) First question: In another e-mail newsletter I get they mentioned a "Bluegrass Area Basket makers Seminar" that is to be held June 17-19. If anyone knows anything about this would you please e-mail me. We are to be in TN the 21st to the 25th and maybe I could get my family to go a few days earlier if it's not to far from where we are going. Weaver's Stain - I love it but I never get 12 medium baskets from a can. I was surprised to read in the last newsletter that you can. I think I am doing everything right (no running, not to dark, no excess smell, etc.). I do agree that it is a costly way to go, but it is easy and convenient for winter staining in MI. Pattern-Sometime back I asked if anyone knew how to get hold of Terri Olli's Crayon Carry All. Someone (sorry, I've forgot who) sent me her name and address. (Thanks) I wrote her over a month ago and have not gotten an answer back. I sent her a check to cover the cost of the pattern and mailing and as far as I know my check hasn't been cashed. Before I go looking farther for her, I wanted to make sure she was still weaving. A couple months back I called a lady who did some reupholstering for my mom several years ago. I got her husband who told me she had passed away. Boy was I embarrassed!! I really don't want that to happen again. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: using stanley shaver Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:29:22 -0500 From: Dave Balleweg To: davidc@iei.net Hi all, I haven't written in a long time. I have gotten very far behind in reading Weaver's Words. So, this may have already been given. In response to Judy Benner's question about using a Stanley Shaver. I met someone at the Missouri convention a few years ago who used a mouse pad as a portable shaving mat. I commandeered an old one when I got home and it really works well. It definitely saves the dining room table from harm! Marcia Balleweg, Wellston, OK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Shuttle, Spindle, and Dyepot magazine Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 06:55:34 -0400 From: Rebecca Ladew To: davidc@iei.net Hi, I'm new at this, but could you tell me how I can get hold of a back issue of "Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot" magazine which has Joanne Russo's baskets on the front and an article about her? Thx. ~~ Rebecca Ladew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 10:49:13 PDT From: "CLAUDIA HOPKINS" To: davidc@iei.net Hi, I'm writing to anyone who can tell me how many people are on the list to coordinate basket swaps? And could someone that already was a basket coordinator E-Mail me and tell me what exactly a coordinator does as I am thinking of getting on the list but before I do I want to make sure I can do it before I commit myself. I thank you for any input you can give me. Claudia from R.I. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: Basket swap Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 14:15:01 -0600 From: "Rae Hunter" To: "David Collins" I of course have no complaints about limiting the swap to 100 because I got in early to be one of the 100. Sue is doing a great job and knows her limits. On the other hand when you do the swap your idea sound like it would work good for you. You seem to have it organized in your mind and there is always a new way. Let me know when you start and I will make sure I am in early again. This is becoming my favorite activity and anticipation. Re: " There is no such thing as a dumb question" When I taught at university my reply to "This may be a dumb question but..." was, " The only dumb question is the one you don't ask". Because I work in naturals I do very little dying but I am a book fanatic. I grew up in small towns that didn't have a library and as an adult they intimidate me, crazy but true. I also like snakes and have a fear of moths. In my library I found a book that might interest somebody else. CRAFT OF THE DYER color from Plants and Lichens by Karen LeighCasselmanDover Publications Inc. ISBN 0-486-27606-6 (pbk) You could be brave and check it out at the library. Off to the garden and to then start my swap basket. Cheers Rae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.