"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 11 Compiled By: David Collins Snail Mail: 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Owned By: Weavers Everywhere Date Sent: June 18, 1998 Subscribers: 632 "Weavers Words": http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** ***PLEASE READ BEFORE PRINTING*** 1.) Highlight entire issue. 2.) Click copy. 3.) Paste issue into a word processor of your choosing. 4.) Now Print. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Hi Everyone, The "Clear" stained basket found on Weaver's Stain Website is: Space-dyed Cat-Head/Braided Border By Lyn Siler (1993) 214 SE 78th Street Oak Island, N.C. 28465-4319 My mom made this basket during one of the IBA Conventions. Take Care, David Davidc@iei.net {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} +++++Individual Weaver's Words Pages+++++ Of course you can always find links to each individual page on Weaver's Words home page (http://www.iei.net/~davidc/). Weaver's Words Home Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Weaver's Words Basketry Links: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/basket.htm Weaver's Words Favorite Links & Stuff: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/cool.htm Weaver's Words Free Postcard Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/postcard.html Weaver's Words Chat Room: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/chitchat.html Weaver's Words Classifieds: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/classifieds.html Weaver's Words Guestbook: ---http://www.lpage.com/wgb/wgbsign.dbm?owner=Basketry Weaver's Words Basketry Wallpaper Page: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/graphics/graphics.html Weaver's Words Basketry Clip Art Page 1: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/graphics/clipart.html http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/messageboard/mbs.cgi/mb83941 Weaver's Words Bulletin Board: ---http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/messageboard/mbs.cgi/mb83941 Weaver's Words Bulletin Free Banner Service: ---http://www.iei.net/~davidc/banner.html {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 10 Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 00:28:22 -0400 From: "Susan Tripp" To: "David Collins" Hi David and Weavers Myra: Congrats on your new position. We are in the same line of work. I am the personal assistant to the CEO at our company - but we are closing in two weeks. Maybe I'll have some good news about finding a new job soon after that! Are those hours considered full time? E-mail me if you'd like to talk about the job. Diane French: I have adobe photodeluxe. Can you e-mail me and fill me in on how to do the picture to sketch thing? I didn't see anything like that. I found great basket borders at my local wallpaper store - they had about six completely different kinds each having 2-4 different colors of the same type. Just a note: If anyone likes to see a book (or at least the cover) before buying it, check out http://arnies.com/book_catalog.htm. Make sure you click on the page number after the book list comes up. It shows you a picture of every basket book they sell. I really liked that and it helped eliminate some books I was thinking of ordering - and add some others. David: WW slipped your mind? Imagine that.... Susan from wet, cool, summer's-never-gonna-get-here New York! {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: Christmas patterns Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 11:34:03 +0500 From: Freebairn To: David Collins It's a terrible thing to have to think about in June, but I'm putting together my fall/winter teaching schedule, and I am looking for Christmas ornament basket patterns. I have the reindeer, stocking, and bell. I was wondering if anyone knows of any more. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Janet Freebairn. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 10:10:45 EDT From: BSKTCHERYL@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David: Let me also add my congratulations for reaching the 600 mark. I hope you are still having fun. Sharle Osborne: You asked for advice about bleaching the black spots off pine needles. I've made a number of pine needle baskets and find the variations of color only add to the appearance. I would leave them as they are. If have found the same thing with the tules that I've cut into strips and used as weavers. They often have black spots on them but it just makes the basket more interesting. What materials are you going to be gathering this summer? How do you know where to gather and how to gather? Talking about the speed of basketry production. It takes me one or two months for finish one basket--working on it an hour or two here and there. Wouldn't want to think about how many hours actually go into one basket. Cheryl VanDeVeer Santa Cruz, CA {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 10 Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 11:04:41 -0400 From: "Baskets Of Joy" To: "David Collins" Hi! There seems to be a lot of discussion about Walnut Stain lately. I have a easy method for using the walnut hull powder and have been very successful with it on my baskets and my customers are very impressed at the easy directions I include in each package. I sell it by 1# bags (very liberal I might add) for 4.75. I recommend that you use an automatic drip coffee maker and put the filter in the basket and fill it with walnut powder as you would coffee and add water as you would if you were making coffee. Only difference is you will be able dump the stain in a container and add more water to the same baskets full of powder you may get about 4-5 pots full out of a filter full of powder. Very economical. Repeat for as much as you need. We at Baskets of Joy make a large Rubbermaid container full since it keeps fine and doesn't require heating to use in the future. Hope my directions were good enough. If you have more just email me at basketsofjoy@clinic.net Thanks for your time, Maurine Joy {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 16:20:46 -0000 From: "Jeff & Diana French" To: "David Collins" Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoying some nice summer-like weather to weave in. We had our tornado scares here and then a blast of cool weather, but it's now beginning to look and feel like summer again. Betty Kourkounakis: Thanks for the great info on how you dye your reed. Very informative! I didn't realize my question regarding how to dye reed would bring back so many responses. Now I can't wait to pick up some more dye and try my hand at it again - this time I will definitely boil my water. Alice Edwards: I'm definitely going with the hotter water next time when I dye reed again - thanks. Yes, I have my computer full of goodies... but, I still have to weave in my kitchen :) Maybe someday I'll get a basket workshop - still dreaming on that one like you. Lois: Thanks for the info on the lash savers. Sounds like a great gadget. Something I'm thinking of trying. Who thinks up this stuff???? Joy Moody: A basket swap... what a great idea. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun! Back to dyes... has anyone ever used a cold water dye? I was wondering if it was preferred over hot/boiling water dyes. Are the colors the same? - less vibrant? Just curious. Well, I'm off to attach the roof of my birdhouse. Need to get that done as I'm heading home to Maine for vacation and the birdhouse is a gift for my dad for Father's Day (he loves birds and birdhouses). I think he'll be pleasantly surprised :) Happy weaving! And to borrow from Amy from Ohio "Baskets forever, Housework whenever!!" (I love it) Diana French from southern New Jersey {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: re: pink dye Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 13:35:39 -0400 From: "eskbaskets" To: For Jane Wilson- I have gotten a very nice shade of pale pink by using just a tiny bit of RIT mauve. Good luck. Betty K. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Lasher for small basket Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:01:50 EDT From: FosterBA@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net (david collins) When I was in Stowe the Japanese instructor had a lasher made from an umbrella stave. This is a third size. This works real well for the smaller baskets and when you are lashing with small reed or cane. You can use a wire cutter to loosen it from the umbrella and I used a hammer to flatten the end. For all who didn't get to go to Stowe this year start saving for next year. It is an experience I am glad I had and can't wait till next year. Merry and Grady made it hard to leave. There was much to learn day and night from the basket people who attended. The Japanese students also made for a new experience. And 2 nights of Ben & Jerry's sampling was had to pass up. There are nice surprises each day. If you go pack for many weather possibilities, warm, hot and muggy. And if you have the time take a side trip to the Vermont Teddy Bear factory, the tour guide alone is worth the time. There was a question on the last list about a pattern for the basket on Weaver's stain site on the "clear sample". I also have been looking to no avail so I asked the owner to respond on this list if she would. Hoping for an answer also. Barb Foster, Green Bay, WI {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Ashville, N.C.. area Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 15:57:31 -0700 From: edwinb@erols.com To: "\"Weavers Words\"" Hi everyone, Just found out that I will be going to Ashville, N.C. for a few days next month. Hope I will be able to go to N.C. Basketworks at Vass. I'll have 1 or 2 days while everyone else plays golf. Are there any other basket shops in that area? Or craft museums? I have enjoyed the discussion about dying reed. I have had complaints about colors fading on baskets that are a year or two old. Mostly, I tell people even a blouse that is put in the sun will fade. But I do feel bad that someone is unhappy with a basket that I made. Now I use Rit Navy instead of the Blue Denim; loved the blue denim color, but faded to purple! At last, we have a beautiful Day (great for staining outside and hanging the drying baskets in the trees!) Nancy in Glen Arm, Md. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Suffolk, Va. Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:35:49 -0400 From: Lewis & Carolyn Megginson To: davidc@iei.net Hi fellow weavers, The Balloon Festival has a lot of potential. We had people come down from NY. When they got here they found inflated rates at motels because of festival. I believe if the date was a week or two later they could do away with a lot of weather problems. They seem to have a lot of publicity. Suffolk is in Va. We are a large sprawling area but my part is within minutes of the NC Line. MY weather will be what they are calling for in NC. We use to be Holland, Va. Made the big time by having a sheriff sit on the porch and tell the State Trooper down the road what cars were speeding. I think AAA refereed to us as a Speed Trap. Probably more than you wanted to know but will just give you an idea why they group means so much to me. We are rural. Already sold one of my baskets at the Farmers Market. Had a pleasant fair in NC this weekend. Have to get busy will talk again soon. Carolyn of Suffolk {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: general Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:58:27 -0500 From: monast@iquest.net To: davidc@iei.net Just a note before the rain starts. Was visiting a yarn/fabric type weavers shop and noticed she had balls of very neat, nubby and interesting natural yarns. I was hard pressed to choose just one. To help me decide she showed me small sample balls of each, lambswool, angora, alpaca, etc. Lucky for me she agreed to sell me her samples. Just the thing to weave a row or two in an antler or small natural basket. To Jessica Buehlmann: as to what to do for a long day of demonstration. Our Guild participated in a 5-weekend demo/sale at a pumpkin patch this past fall. While weaving on an egg basket and explaining to a group of young girl scouts, my friend started letting the girls weave a row or two. Between groups she could adjust when the basket needed it. But as you said, the girls were quite handy. We will prepare several egg baskets this year and have even better "participation" Much better than "lecturing" on how to weave. Lastly, my best country blue is by Comcraft called Stonewash blue. It holds it's color VERY well and doesn't green out in the homemade walnut stain. TTFN- Kristin from Indiana, but not for long. Hello Michigan. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 22:13:07 -0400 From: "Joy Moody" To: Hi Everyone, David, what a lot of work you have done to put basket backgrounds & gifs in one, easy place for the Weaver's Words family. We appreciate all your efforts on our behalf! This month's Country Victorian magazine contains an article on old baskets, and one called Wild about Wicker. The first article includes Care & Cleaning tips, specialty shops in which to find baskets, & basket prices which range from $15-$190, Pima & Papago $350-$400. The categories of baskets is not extensive. It does not include Nantucket or Shaker styles. Country Home magazine has great basket decorating examples, as well as an article which shows examples of about 45 baskets, ranging in price from $13-$465 for a 27"x12" Harvest. Thanks to all those who shared their experiences with Rit. I would think that although the colorfastness is reported as good, dyes formulated specifically for plant fiber vs. animal fiber (fabric) or synthetic fiber would be even more colorfast, over time. As a Clinical Counselor, I am currently researching the newly reported Pattern Acquisition Syndrome in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual IVa. I will let you know what "the experts" say about proper diagnosis. If I am correct there are also other diagnoses, which often appear as a cluster, & have far reaching effects on certain individuals. My husband & I went to an auction today. There were two ash splint pack baskets that each had one or two breaks. They went cheap cheap for $20 a piece. I purchased a 15" vase shaped basket that I assume to be something like palm. It is not a leaf material, rather more like fairly thick splints of wood, with a definite grain on one side like reed. The color is warm brown (I think it is natural, undyed). At the top, all the uprights are pointed & gently bent to the outside, making a round rim. There were only 2 other baskets, a market & a two-pie. Not a great auction for baskets, but I was glad to add the "vase" to the studio collection. I like to be surrounded by the inspiration of many styles & materials Kay: A word of warning about the use of Bay Leaf as an insect deterrent. Bay Leaves are poisonous to both humans & animals (you know how we are always told to fish them out of the stew before serving it, so nobody accidentally chews on one?). If you are a cat or dog owner & are tucking them in your baskets, please do place them where your pets can't get at them! Deb: The first time I tried ash it was veneer cut, not split, and I hated it. It splinters when you try to do curls & was a real pain, in my experience. I would not purchase it again. Jane: Basket Tree basketry dyes put out a "mauve" that is a soft pinky color, and can be "quick dipped" for an even lighter effect. Good luck on whatever project you have in mind. That's it for now folks! Signing off from Maine, where we are having tons of rain & more due over the next several days. Joy Moody Sign of the Crow, www.signofthecrow.com Hampden, Maine {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: misc Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 00:41:17 EDT From: Arlo1225@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Karen and Alice - Thanks, I found the baleen pictures - you were right, quite hard to see the details. Does anyone have any information about these baskets? Just curious. Have noticed many writing about basket wallpaper, etc. I have found 2 sites that have basket stencil patterns that could be ordered: Dressler Stencils and Designer Stencils. Both nice sites. Susan - I lived in Ithaca for a year while husband was in school (Cornell) - Beautiful area! Love that part of the state - I went to school at Geneseo and traveled through out the area frequently. Also, spent vacations on Keuka Lake. Haven't been there in a few years.......Weather this side of the state is still terrible! Rain, rain, rain! Supposed to be this way all week....good time to decide/start the wedding basket. Always wait 'til the very last minute......Oh well, keeps life exciting! Does anyone know of basket guilds in the northeastern NY area? How about basket conventions within traveling distance? We seem to be in a lean area when it comes to basket associations....... Must run, looking forward to the next WW. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: pictures and veneer splints Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:08:05 -0400 From: "Angie" To: "David - Weavers Words" Hi all, I just wanted to let everyone know of 2 pictures up on our site. Both are found on our About Us page http://www.countryseat.com/aboutus.htm We have a picture of all our employees at the top of the page and about 1/2 way down is a picture taken at last year's PA Dutch Folk Festival. It features me sitting inside of a huge Nantucket basket my father made for my birthday as a surprise (he's in the picture also). He used an oak base (specially made) and made his own Styrofoam mold (using John McGuire's instructions on puzzle molds in the book "The Complete Nantucket Creel Purse Book"). The spokes were 1/4 FO (there are a lot of them!) and the weavers were cane. He put 2 swing handles on the rim and made a walnut lid that is hinged on both sides. Somehow everyone kept it a complete surprise! Deb Curtis - When weaving with hardwood veneer strips, I have found that very hot water works well for me. I leave it in a little longer than I would regular reed, to allow the water to soak all the way into the wood. Always let the basket dry before lashing on your rim, the wood will shrink and sometimes it shrinks a great deal! It's best not to have 90 degree bends with hardwoods - they will crack. Always bend the wood slowly and carefully. Let us know if you have more questions about the hardwoods. Is anyone else drowning from all of the rain? Angie The Country Seat, Inc. Kempton,PA http://www.countryseat.com {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Ups! Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 12:35:21 -0700 From: edwinb@erols.com To: "\"Weavers Words\"" Hi everyone, I messed up; N.C. Basket Works is not near Ashville; that was near some other golf trip under consideration; I only half listen when its golf! Anyway, still hoping for some basket shops near Ashville or around 81 South. To Lori Hopkins: Did you get any answers from your note about putting your birdhouse outside? I sold two baskets to a gal for her front door and they almost immediately mildewed. So bad! Your note was from last year so the bird house had a good test by now, if you put it outside! Nancy in Glen Arm, Md. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 10 Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 19:14:23 -0500 From: jenCB@webtv.net (Jennifer Miller) To: davidc@iei.net (David Collins) Dear Basket Friends, I'm a lurker and a first time writer, but I have to share the wonderful basket experiences I had at the Missouri Convention in St. Louis! It was like dying and going to basket heaven. I encourage those of you who have never attended a convention to make every effort to do so. 350 weavers attended and some 35 vendors. I went by myself but never felt alone or unwelcome. The classes were spectacular: gourd work, wood baskets, and every imaginable kind of reed work. I learned so much in the three days we were there. I'm a new weaver, but even so I came home with 3 of 4 baskets I can be proud of. We also had a basket exchange and it was very special to receive the gift of another's creation. I did treat myself to a Betty Curry basket and too many toys from the vendors. I'd love to branch out next year and maybe attend Indiana and Ohio, or maybe Michigan's convention. How would I find out about these? David, I thank you for the list, and I would also like the code to the back issues. Baskets of Blessings to all of you, Jennifer Miller St. Louis {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words, new additions Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 11:48:59 +0000 From: "Chris Baker" To: David Collins I wanted to let everyone know that I just added a new FREE pattern, 7 new basket patterns, 3 new photos, & just about all of the other basket pages have additions of other supplies you can purchase separately. Basically, the whole catalog has been redone. You can access the catalog from my homepage listed below or the go to the catalog page directly: http://w.3.ime.net/~cbaker/catalog.htm I have also published a 6 page catalog that has many supplies not listed on the web site yet. If you would like one sent via snail mail, please send a business size(no. 10) self address stamped(.32 cents) envelope to: Chris Baker Days Gone By 22 1/2 Newland Ave. Augusta, ME 04330-4113 Also, please note that through the month of August we will not be shipping orders except patterns only. Chris Baker Days Gone By Augusta, Maine http://w3.ime.net/~cbaker/ New baskets,many updates made June 15th & 16th! New FREE pattern~(make sure to hit reload or refresh) {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: veneer splints Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 16:21:58 -0400 From: jimmie kent To: davidc@iei.net No do not soak, just wet and wipe. You will notice they curl up very quickly. jimmie {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: space dyeing Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:48:59 -0400 From: Larry & Amy To: weaverswords Hello David & weavers- Wanted to thank everyone who had written how-to's about space dyeing reed. I tried it today, finally! :^) It was so fun and interesting. I did a true rainbow...used Egyptian red, navy blue & yellow. Where they met/overlapped, the colors mixed into purples, oranges & greens. I can't wait to weave it! I did up quite a bit- 1/4" ff & fo, some 1/2" & #2. Then, since I hate to waste (hubby calls it CHEAP), I did some solid yellow, solid blue & mixed blue & red and dyed some lavender. I had read that it helps to add vinegar & salt to the mixture, so I tried that this time. An idea-WW has so many (600+...amazing, David!!) weavers, I wonder if people would share 1 or 2 of their favorite hints/tips. Being pretty new to weaving (just since Sept 97), I'm really interested in all your experiences. The best tips I've gotten are: 1)Add a small amt of liquid fabric softener to soaking water. This has helped my poor dried out skin a lot! 2)Use "bead" type ponytail holders to hold reed rounds together for storage. Happy weaving to all! Baskets forever.... Housework whenever! Amy from Ohio {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: Weavers Words Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:50:04 -0400 From: "Linda J. Braun" To: To David and all the basketmakers. The Baskets, Etc. website has moved to http://www.bright.net/~basketc/ We hope you will visit and change your bookmarks. The site will still remain "at rest" while I learn all the new procedures for posting but I will be adding new postings as I master the processes on this new server. If any of you kind folks have links to Baskets, Etc. from your personal homepages, would you please change the URL there? Thank you. My new e-mail address is basketc@bright.net David, would you please change this on my WW subscription? Thanks. The original URL and e-mail address will still work for a while, but we are trying to get all the basketry stuff into the new account. We appreciate the contributions all of you have made to Baskets, Etc. and will be continuing to post new things in a timely fashion ... as soon as this old dog learns the newer techno-tricks. Sincerely, Linda Braun - Baskets, Etc. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: This is Security? Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 05:12:53 PDT From: "pam duffykope" To: davidc@iei.net Hi everyone Glad that some people responded to my first email to WW. Is there anyone out there that does not hate to lash baskets. I don't mind it. It make an ugly duckling turn into a swan. Besides, it means I am done! Billie A. Dorris: Where do your children live in Japan? My son and daughter-in-law live in Fukiaga, which is outside of Kagoshima. This is in southern Japan. My son is an English teacher's assistant in the JET program. They met at the University of Minnesota when she came here to get an education. My son's major is Japanese and he was assigned to be here conversation partner and for the rest of the story you can guess what happened. Anyway, he applied for that job which is in her very small hometown. I visited them this last March and what an experience. I am enclosing an article I wrote for our guild's newsletter. Thought you all might enjoy it. ---------------------------------------------------------- This is Security? Recently my daughter and a family friend and I went to Japan to visit my son and his wife. I could not go anywhere and not make a basket. So I took a small mold and some supplies. I put a pair of scissors and a jack-knife in my duffel bag. We arrived at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport and I put all my bags through the scanner. I expected my bags to "beep" because of the metal in the scissors and knife. I was surprised when the beeper did not go off - so were my traveling companions. In Osaka, Japan we had a connecting flight, to Kagoshima where my son and his wife live. The connecting flight is one hour. I confidently put my bags on the conveyor belt. Imagine my surprise when the beeper went off. Through the corner of my eye I could see a Japanese guard move toward me. The people working the scanner opened my bags and took out my scissors and knife. Meanwhile my traveling companions were off to the side pretending they did not know me. I felt like such a criminal. The Japanese put my bag back through the scanner and surprise - it went off again!. They opened my bag up again and knew right where to go. It seems I had brought along a very small awl, however, I had forgotten about it. I wrapped it up in something because it was so sharp. The Japanese tried to explain to me that I could not take it on board - it was too long (shaft was three inches). I told them to throw it away. I just want to get on with my trip and out of the embarrassing situation. They took my awl and wrapped it in several layers of tissues and put it in a bubble envelope. They then hand-carried it on the plane and returned it to me at the Kagoshima airport. I have to wonder why my basket tools did not trip the beeper in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport while embarking a 12 hour international flight, and yet, I was beeped twice in Japan for a one hour commuter flight. I mailed my basket tools home. Pam Duffy-Kope Newsletter Editor A 1/2 lb of #6 round reed in Japan is $15.00 . Enjoy. {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} Subject: "Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 10 Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 15:08:29 EDT From: Violinart1@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Some of you asked for details on light fast dyeing. We like to use procion dyes from Darhma Trading company. These are the instructions for dyeing wood, cane & rattan: For Wood chips or small pieces, cane, reed, and anything that can be submerged, 1.Uncoil, untie so the dye can reach all surfaces. Wash the reed if needed. There can't be any finish on the material to prevent the dye from seeping in. 2. Determine the amount of lukewarm water needed to completely cover the material and for the material to move around freely. Then for each gallon add one tablespoon of dye (pre-dissolved) and 1/2 cup plain salt. Stir to mix thoroughly. 3. Put the material into the dyebath and agitate frequently for 20 minutes. 4. Add 1/3 cup of Soda Ash for each gallon of water used. (Pre-dissolve in hot water and add slowly). 5. Leave in dyebath for up to 2 more hours or until the desired shade is reached. Remember that the color will be lighter when dry. 6. Rinse under cold running water to remove all excess dye and allow to dry. We like these dyes a lot, but still use the rit frequently also. The dyes can be found at the Dharma Trading company website at http://www.dharmatrading.com or by calling 800-542-5227. They do send you a free catalog. One of our good friends at the fair does tye-dyeing that doesn't fade and directed us to the dyes. I hope some of you find some use for them. We are having a great time weaving baskets for the fair. My little sister gets on weaving binges when she thinks she may be able to sell her creations. She is 13 and we let her keep the money from anything she sells. I'm currently working on candle caddies, double walled baskets, and button boxes. I think a swap would be a wonderful idea for weavers words! I hope everyone is staying plenty dry. The river near us is flooding, and so is our basement. Expecting more rain. Oh well, we just have to elevate our weaving supplies and my college things, it's not too terrible. Jessie Buehlmann (from very wet Des Moines) Basket Class http://members.aol.com/basketclas {*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*}{*}-{*} If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.