"Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 101 Date Sent: March 21, 1999 Web Page: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Subscribers: 980 David Collins 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-5747 davidc@iei.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Do You Like Weavers Words? Click Below To "Recommend-It" To A Friend! http://recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=210339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Web Cards" - Create Full-Color Postcards For Your Web Page. http://www.printing.com/affiliate.asp?site=davidc For every free sample of "Web Cards" that you request from the above link, I will receive a $1 commission. It cost you NOTHING. Once you receive your free sample, you can purchase personalized "Web Cards" for your web page and/or business if you like. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Bare Walls" Basket Pictures/Prints If you are looking for basket pictures/prints, check out "Bare Walls" through Weaver's Words site. I will get a 15% commission from Bare Walls for every picture/print ordered. The address to check out the pictures is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/prints.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Everyone, I would like to give a plug to Kathey Ervin's "Pine Needle With Feather Stitched Raffia On Sea Shell" basket. I ordered one from her for my mom's birthday on April 1st. If you want to see it's picture, go to: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/yourpics/ervin5.html The picture doesn't do it justice. It much larger and deeper than the picture shows. I couldn't wait, so I already gave it to her. By the way, on April 1st, my mom will be 39 AGAIN!!! Don't forget to wear your red ribbons at IBA convention. Also there's been a bunch of basket pictures added since last issue. Be sure to check them out. The address is: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/pictures.html Take Care, David %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:52:22 -0800 From: karen awong To: David Collins References: 1 Boy I did not realize how much time was being taken up by my daughters wedding. It is so good to sit here and take my time about reading WW. I was looking at the beautiful wedding pictures from Susi Nuss. I commend you. I was supposed to weave the flower basket for my granddaughter to use in the wedding and did not know how to do it. We ended up buying an import. But I felt bad as it would have meant more to have made it. But in the end the basket we used was all wrapped in ribbon and covered with flowers so that made me feel better. I have a question for all of you who have been so good about sharing your experiences and advise. I write the newsletter for our basket guild and I have been using some of the advise that has been posted on the ww. and putting it into a column in the newsletter. Everytime I see information that I could use I copy it to a file I have started for basket tips. But I have not copied the names of the people who give it. I hope that I am not offending anyone by using this information. I do mention that I get it off of the WW. But as I said no names have been credited. Does this bother anyone? I have a dog. Her name is Zoebird, hence, my e-mail address. She is a Britiny and 4 years old. She has boundless energy and has pulled my knees all out of wack from trying to walk her. I don't know where she gets this energy from perhaps it is the Gaviota she ate while I was gardening or it was the telephone battery she charged herself with when we were not home. But it was no laughing matter when she ate the bottom to the wedding cake. Well it was the left over of the cake but none the less it was huge. This was the first time in 4 years when I actually saw her turn down her dinner. (She'd eaten the cake in the AM) She looked at her dinner and cried. She did not want anyone to touch it so she guarded it and whined. I finely picked it up and did not feed her till the next eve. She was so fat she looked pregnant. Wow I can't believe I wrote this whole thing. And yes, it is now freezing here in Hawaii, I am cold here in the living room with socks long sleeve shirt and jeans. And I mean cold. Karen Awong %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 99 Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:57:31 -0600 From: Roberta R Comstock To: davidc@iei.net "Weavers Words" Vol. 2 Iss. 99 Tony Stubblefield - How did your Nantucket classes go? How many students per class? Pam on the panhandle (FL) - Whew! I hope when we finally meet you won't be too disappointed in what I'm like in person. :=) I must admit that a number of my close personal friends seem to think of me as the matriarch of our little group, too. (A couple of them call me when they get into a panic mode and ask for reality checks.) Tammy - For a while some of us tried to separate our basket- related remarks from personal comments, but I found it tedious to have to go back and sort what I had written, so have kind of let that drift away. With practice, you can develop your skill at skimming lightly through to non-basket paragraphs and slowing down for the meatier basket-related ones. Even among the basketry posts, you will probably find that some are closer to your area of interest than others. Dee - Thanks for posting John McGuire's email address. I've never met him, but admire his work & books. Anna in Tassie - Love the sound of your hooded dog basket. I'll have to try some such thing for some of my cat friends. Bert Comstock, Independence, MO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: (no subject) Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 22:22:24 EST From: Arlo1225@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, Bert - thanks for the info about the techniques in metal - think it's in my local bookstore. Delores - thanks for the basket info - will be in touch soon. Patti Hawkins twill babies - any place on the web to see pictures of these? There's been lots of talk about them and I'd love to see some pictures. Joanne - don't forget to check your mailbox! Another swap! Yes, I'm ready! Basket pictures on WW - all are so wonderful! So much talent out there! Re: personal info on WW - I agree that this is primarily a basket site, but when people have been corresponding for such a long time, it's only natural to include some personal info and chats. WW members have become friends. I don't think this is the forum for long, detailed talks on personal issues (illnesses, etc.), there are forums for that and also direct e-mail between members, but when mentioning personal issues on WW we're talking to friends and may just be looking for a shoulder to lean on. Also, many WW members share common issues and may be able to help a fellow weaver. We wouldn't be in a position to help if we didn't share some personal info. I have accessed many sites and chat lines on specific illnesses and while they are informative, usually the only thing we have in common in the chats is the illness. Sometimes that gets depressing! Also, by sharing stories like the recent "cat tales" we're learning more about each other, getting more connected - that's what friendship is all about! Sorry, I'm not expressing myself very well, hope you all understand what I mean. I think this is a great site and hope someday I'll be able to meet some of you at a convention or class somewhere! Wish there were more conventions in the East! One last note - re: all that keep apologizing for the length of their correspondence - don't on my account! I, for one, love reading everything on WW! Thanks Dave! You make this all possible! Happy Weaving! Lesley %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Junk Shop Basket Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:00:59 -1000 From: Joanne Howard To: "Collins, David" Hi all, I think I have gained about 200 pounds since last I wrote in. Thank you to Kathi Calvert for the Ring Dings, Devil Dogs and wise chips you sent. We(meaning me, my daughter and husband) had the devils dogs and chips gone in less than a week. We just finished the last ring ding today. What a treat. Also special thanks to Gail Caron. What a hoot this has been. Gail sent me the biggest bags of wise potato chips I have ever seen in my life. Gail, you have started a world war at my house with the surprise box of Tasty Kakes. They are to die for and the three of us have been haggling over them. We opened one of the wise chips bags today and chomped on them while watching the U Conn vs. Gonzaga game today. What great chips and basketball. Lesley Dykeman has also sent a goodie box but it has yet to be received. I have to thank you all so much. This has been so much fun. I can't wait for Lesley's box to arrive!!!! Basket talk. I recently went to an oriental furniture store near my house to shop around. I am sure what I found was an import but nonetheless a very unique basket. It is very tall and round, with a woven lid. It is woven on the outside with what looks like 11/64 ff and the inside and lid is all twill about 3/8 ff. The lady at the shop said most people use them for laundry baskets. I wish I could better describe this thing. It is really neat. And it was only $30. I was stunned for a basket of that size and a double wall to boot. Another basket find came about at the little gift store I do volunteer work at. This guy brought in his mother's baskets, just woven from sea grass. She uses dyed as well as natural. She braids the rims and instead of snipping off the ends, she unravels the ends and hangs shells and beads on them. Since he is a maker of wooden tiles and wholesales to us, our buyers bought a few to see if they would sell. They were well received since they were inexpensive (under $20.) and very different. I would be curious to find out how long it takes to weave something like that. I would imagine that it would be difficult to keep your spokes from flapping around since they are all strictly seagrass. Anyone out there weave seagrass baskets?? It would be great to hear about them. John McGuire- you don't know me but I worship you from afar. The great Nantucket basket maker with incredible talent. I hope you are recovering from your accident. I can only hope that we will be treated to more books and baskets from you in the future. Lois and I were just talking about a month ago about how incredible it would be just to make it to one of your classes. You're in all of our thoughts. Lois- you may not give up painting class and leave me alone with Wendy!!! Class would not be the same without you. Considering there are only two of us, do you see my point!! You are doing great. Remember, we aren't doing this because we plan to be gifted artists, we are doing this for the shear enjoyment of painting and having fun. PS....make sure you let me know before you quit, I'll die if I go to class and don't find you!!!! Kathey Ervin-where is Sequim? Judy Richmond- thanks for offering up your new book. I am waiting for it's arrival with great anticipation since I love wood base baskets. Can't wait to see it! Leigh in NC- I wish I would have known about sweet gum ball stain when I lived in SC? I had a gazillion trees in my yard and didn't know I had a gold mine. How do you make stain from them? I'm not sure about the luster part, but maybe some linseed oil might give it a little shine. As for twill patterns I have only done two twill baskets, both at Lois Keener's classes. I can't weave and talk while making them so that is a definite handicap for me. Have you tried Lyn Siler's patterns yet? You guys are scaring me about Stowe Vermont. I am anticipating a trip to Vermont hopefully this July. Actually I will be in a little town called Greensboro. I should be there for about 2 weeks so does anyone know of shows, or shops in Stowe (I know now not to give anyone an order) or St. Johnsbury area during the month of July? The last time I was there I wasn't weaving so I didn't have any interest in snooping out these places. I will also be visiting family in Orlando, Florida as well as the Tampa-St. Petersburg area. Anybody with any info as to shops, shows or anything to do with basket weaving will be greatly appreciated. I had the great pleasure of donating a basket class for four to a charity auction within the Submarine Community. My husband is in the Navy and the wives put on an annual event to raise money for a scholarship foundation which all graduating seniors of submariners may apply. I was flattered to be asked to donate this service. I have never really taught before. Let's say, I did teach a friend to do a 4x4 base forget me not basket and it took her 8 hours. Then she ran around singing I made a basket..I made a basket..... Please, guys tell me teaching is easier than that!!! I am looking forward to teaching the gals that paid good money for my service. I'm a little nervous, but I think it will be fun. I told Lois at the end of the class, I will pass out HER business cards as I don't plan on teaching in the future!! I'm a great student!!! I have rambled on enough. Can't wait for the next edition of "As the Weavers Turn"!!!! Aloha, Joanne %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:30:26 -0700 (MST) From: moore-bernier@webtv.net (john moore) To: davidc@iei.net (David Collins) Hi All It is just about time to leave AZ after a wonderful winter and head for home in Mi. Have been reading about all the conventions and have begun to feel really left out of all the fun. What type of baskets do all you weavers work on while traveling? We are RVers so have plenty of time to weave but really don't know what would work well in the truck. Am looking forward to Patte Hawkins' Twill Babies pattern. When will it be available? Has anyone worked with the fibers from the century plant? We would like to try it out along with the Devil's Claw. Sure would appreciate some input. Thanks Evie %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: WW Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:33:34 -0500 From: "Jayna Glemby" To: "David Collins" Tony S: OK, at the risk of sounding really, really stupid, I just have to let caution go to the wind and ask you to explain something. You need to know that I have never made a Nantucket basket and second I know very little about woodworking ...all I know is that a screwdriver is something you drink. So with that in mind.....back in issue 96 (March 13) you said, "I don't peen over my rim pins" then later you referred to a "mushroomed tip of pin." What in the world are you talking about? Please be so kind as to explain in very basic English (don't be afraid to insult me, talk to me like I'm 10!!!!)...someone also mentioned a ball peen hammer. I think they need to publish a tool book for dummies, like the computer book! I'd be first in line to buy it. Donna in PA, oh how I agree with you about people who write patterns and tell you look up a technique in a book. Infuriating!!! Maggie, thanks for telling us how you brought the antlers back from Europe. I like the idea of a second suitcase! Amy..no I never used Kool Aid or Easter Egg Dye, but I do remember conversations on this forum about each....probably about this time last year, and the consensus was that while they worked, both resulted in very pale colors. Re: declawing cats. I think if your cat is strictly indoors you almost have to do it. My Molly would get stuck in the carpet. Every time she walked her front paws would catch and pull it up. Now she can run and tear around the place to her heart's content. Well Bert, shall we call you Mama? I think Pam is right, you have such wisdom to share with all of us! And, Linda Boyle Gibson, how nice to have a posting from you again. To this day your Lobster Basket remains one of my favorites!!!!! Sometime back, someone posted information about a wallpaper 'store' on line that had lots of basket related borders. Thank You, Thank You! I'm doing over my kitchen and dining area...now that I'm back to work I'm ready to spend! Had been to local stores and was not too happy with what they had in the way of basket borders, but the Internet site was great and I just sent for several samples. Jayna in central MA where the crocus are up and the tulips are breaking through the ground! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Convention Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:59:03 -0800 From: "judy" To: "David Collins" Hi, Another Lurker has come out of hiding. How many WW members are going to NC Convention? Are we going to wear red ribbons also, Like Everyone that is going to the Indiana Convention? I hope so, I have been lurking for quite a while. But I have enjoyed each and every word that has been sent in. Even all the comments about keeping this news letter just for basket related news. We all have our own opinions about certain things. I have mine also, I may not like anyone else's, but I will standup for there right to have a different one. Leigh: How do you make your sweetgum ball stain? I thought there only purpose was to become a pain in the ( you know what ) when they fall. Hope you guys have the next basket swap soon, missed the other ones. Would like to join in this one. Judy Sanford,NC :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Tips and Tricks Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:12:24 -0600 From: Marty Zielke To: David Collins Hi to all, I was the one who originally posted the information about Retayne. I noticed that several of you have inquired about where to purchase it. If you cannot get it at your local quilt shop, the lady I get it from will be happy to send it to any and all weavers. You can email her for the amount, price and shipping costs. Her address, phone and email are: Karen Ehrhardt Quilt Corner 2037 S. Main St. Morton, IL 61550 309-263-7114 email: ehrhardt@dave-world.net To Tony Stubblefield: I am so glad you joined Weavers Words. You have so much to offer. Especially your advice on Nantucket's. I have always wanted to make one, and if you keep supplying us with all that great info, I probably will!!!!! Your posts are never to long, and look forward to them. I would love to take a class from you. Especially from a teacher who pre-shapes the staves!! I look forward to your instructions on your way-too-cool website. My heart goes out to John McGuire. I hope the good Lord will give him courage, comfort, and peace. I have several of his books, (well a couple), and he is an American treasure. Here's to a speedy recovery, John, and more beautiful baskets. Okay, Willow Weavers.... here's a couple of questions. I am dyeing :~) to weave with willow. I have never done so before, and can anyone recommend a couple really good books for willow weaving? And, I saw some posts on some willow gathering in the Amana colonies. Any info on that would be helpful. I have been weaving for several years, but still seem stuck on square reed baskets. I need to "branch" out! ( oh, two funnies in one paragraph!) Okay, I want to know who this Andres Lapins is. Oh those baskets on David's website! They are tooooooooo much. Makes me jealous. I cannot tell if this is a male of female name....so expose yourself. You and Tony must be related. You both make the most gorgeous baskets. (Must quit or Tony will get a 'swelled' head.) Okay, last but not least. There are so many great tips on this newsletter. I found a great way to say this stuff. I will be explicit for those of you who are computer challenged. I started a new document in my Lotus Word Pro, titled Weaver's Tips. When I see a Weavers Words on my mail, I minimize the mail, go to Word Pro, and pull up my Weaver's Tips page. I minimize that, and maximize Weaver's Words. Now my weaver's tips is at the bottom of the page. When a merrily wander through weaver's words and see something I want to save, I left click and hold the mouse, highlight what I want to save, let up on left click, right click and click copy. Now go down to the bottom of your screen, click on your Weaver's Tips document (mine just says wordpro) put your little arrow on the cursor, right click, then click paste. And you now have all that valuable info saved onto your Weaver's tips page. I know this was long, but I'm trying to be helpful to those who have puter trouble. I hope this was clear enough! Marty Z. in mild (oh yeah, spring is a comin') Illinois %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 96 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 08:57:12 -0000 From: "french" To: "David Collins" Hi Everyone! - Happy Spring!! It's been ages since I last posted, but now that I'm a working mom, my time on the computer is limited. I've just finished reading several WW and still have 4 to go! My, but we are a chatty group these days - :~) Carolyn Corbett- Welcome back! I expected to see you back on the list in December.... isn't moving fun?? :) Have you been able to find a guild in your new area? I remember you mentioning wanting to get together with fellow weavers once you were settled in. Dolores Von Rosen - You asked about how people remember names & items.... I, for one, just click on "reply" to my current issue of WW and then as I read, I respond to whatever issue, and then delete it and move on to the next one. That way I'm not re-reading WW a second time when I'm ready to write - I do it all in one step. Did I explain that properly? And thanks for your advise on double-wall baskets. I've been itching to try one - sounds easier than it looks. Now to find a pattern.... On first baskets.... mine was a square market on a D handle and I still have it. It's not exactly square & the sides come in as I tended to weave too tight in the beginning, (I still do sometimes) but I cherish it none the less. Happy Weaving to all Diana French from Southern NJ where the daffodils are popping up - :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: skimming Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 03:43:23 -0600 From: Linda Hollenbeck To: David Collins I agree with Tammy. It would be helpful if fellow weavers would put their personal news in a separate paragraph from their basket information. It would be a great help to those of us who skim the letters for helpful information. Spring in Wisconsin. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Easter eggs Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:47:45 +1100 From: Anna Lizotte To: "Collins, David" Hi everyone Carol in Montana--I have used onionskins to dye Easter eggs. You put a 10" square of old cloth or a piece of nylon stocking on the table and put about six layers of onion skins (brown or purple) on it. You can now put on some small leaves, like ferns etc. Then put an egg on that and put more skins on top. Wrap the cloth around firmly and fasten with a number of rubber bands to keep it in place and to press the skins against the egg. Put in a pot of water and keep at boiling point for about 20-30 min. Remove from water and leave to cool. Uncover egg and when dry rub with a little cooking oil to shine it up. Kathey Ervin--The info from Anette Meier about her basket tags is in issue 95, towards the end. Karen Awong--just go to ebay.com Well, we had a great day at the hop farm yesterday. It was too hot to wear long pants so my legs are all scratched up from the vines! And I kept sneezing all the way home from the pollen from the hop flowers. I took a basket for the little display we always set up and ended up with a bonus--some tourists stopped by and one lady asked if she could buy it! I got my dog basket about half-done. I had to take my eldest son to play basketball an hour and a half away and when I got home it was pouring so I hope to finish the basket tomorrow. It is too big to work on in the living room! Hope you are all having a great spring. Much as I love spring, I wouldn't trade places with you right now because down here it is cattail gathering time and the willows are starting to drop their leaves! Anna in rainy today/sunny tomorrow Tassie. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 08:23:07 EST From: DeeGrin@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net David, CONGRATULATIONS!! #100 OF THE SECOND ISSUE. WHAT A GREAT JOB!1 DEE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: best wishes and blackberries Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:08:57 -0500 From: Karen Horner To: David Collins Well, guys, I am having trouble getting my messages through, but will try one more time. To all you basketweavers going to conventions! Boo! Hiss! I am so jealous that I could spit tacks. Just kidding, sorta. I am so excited for you all. Next year I will go to at least one of them. I've already told my family and they think they will come with me and just stay in the room or sightsee. Yeah, right!!!!! Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, have a wonderful time and be sure to come back and write very long posts telling all us deprived people what went on. I would love to hear all about blackberry baskets. My last house was practically surrounded by them. Tasted great, but to make baskets out of them, wow!!!! Please let me know what you may know about it. Be safe, and be happy! Karen in Georgia %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Hello Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:55:56 -0500 From: Gretchen Hautzinger Organization: UniDial Internet Services To: David Collins Well it's been awhile since I have posted. Lots and lots going on. First we bought a lot to build on someday, 8 acres and 2 ponds. Our dream of being able to throw a fishing pole in off the back porch will become a reality. As you all know I run a zoo, 5 cats of various ages and sizes who all help me weave and a 2 year of Black Lab, Maggie, who has the run of the house, lives, car and whatever else she finds to get into or help with. We make sure to put her out to potty right before we go to bed and she makes it through the night and if we forget at 4:30 am we get a lick on the nose like please, please I have to go. Better to remember to let her out first. I have been making baskets but not to the quota, I had expected. There are so many new ones that I want to do, I can't get them all done. Taught and individual class this week. A man with a very limited schedule. He takes care of his invalid father, and escorts his mother to various quilt shops and craft shows. (She does a few with her quilted items) He wanted to make a larger basket for his mom, so I just set up a time that was convenient for him and made a basket right along with him. We had a great time and I now have a new friend. He is coming over next week to make another basket with a couple of other people. Should be fun. I love teaching. but am not organized enough to take that big step and offer organized classes, but that is a goal of mine here for the near future. Well if any of you remember I said we had great Christmas news Well the next stage has evolved and I guess it is now time to spill the beans. We are going to adopt 1 and hopefully 2 (if the rules change April 1) children from China, yes China. We have asked for under 6 months and under 18 months so they would be in separate grades and have their own identity. But we will take and love any child they pick for us, and lets just say up front we have lots and lots of love to share. I am so excited and so is my husband. I am a firm believer all things happen for a reason and dreams really do come true. Our paper work in China now so I feel a little better about sharing this. Our current time to go is anywhere between late August and early November. They will give us about a 6-week notice. I do have some friends that will take over my craft shows if I have to be gone during that time. That is why I was trying to weave a quota. Right now we can't buy anything or prepare to much, because we don't really know who we are getting. But I will keep you posted. Wish us luck. Gretchen Hautzinger Where the cats are busy sunning themselves in a big sunbeam %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 11:02:53 -0500 From: "Donna Longenecker" To: "David Collins" Hi - Everyone going to IN & NC really enjoy yourselves - first timers, it will be great to hear what you have to say about your experiences. I was to both several times and when they were both brand new - first years and they have "come a long way baby" since then. Will miss being there, but one of these days, I WILL RETURN. There will probably be a slight lull in WW's with so many people being away. Leigh - You may want to try twill patterns by Patti Hawkins. She specializes in them and has authored many patterns from simple through complex. They are pictured in our on-line catalog and the weaving skill level is indicated whenever it is indicated on the pattern. I personally love twills and have done many of hers without any problems. Karen-just type in http://www.ebay.com and use the "search" feature for whatever you might like to see. You'll be amazed at the variety of items up for sale. Rae-that is how I reply, I begin my message at the top of the page, but then as I've read and replied to the posts, I delete down the page. When I get to the end of an issue, all that is left on the page is my message and I just send it off. The original WW's is still in your "in box". Gotta go and get ready for the PA Guild coming to the shop soon for their "field trip" and class. I'm quite a bit rusty at teaching so wish me well. Quite chilly here in PA and hoping the rain holds off till they leave. Donna L. ctryseat@fast.net http://www.countryseat.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Issue 100!! Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 16:58:13 +0000 From: wanda crist To: davidc@iei.net To David & all Weavers Word - Congrats on 100 Issues!! That's a lot of knowledge being shared. Crystal- Concerning your allergies, two things. Kathy Tessler has an allergy to reed, I know that she takes special precautions and she is still able to teach. Perhaps you could contact her, if you E-mail me I can give you her phone #. Also the Doctor I work for is severely allergic to latex, again if you're interested please let me know. There are several options out there, but also many medical things to look out for. I would be glad to help you. And to the many who were gracious enough to help with an address if I had only included what I was looking for, it was Retayne. Two thanks, one for your diligence and two for forgiving my error!! A local sewing center is trying to order it for me. THANKS!! Basket Swap - Any time is good, but I do agree that before June 1st because of school, vacations etc. I am ready!! And to all who haven't been able to join us, it was the best act of kindness for someone else and myself also!! Congrats to those teaching at Silver Dollar City- I recognized many of those names from Weavers Words. Any idea if registration is out yet for this event?? Weavingly- Lori %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: no jokes this time Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 12:02:28 EST From: AuntPattie@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net Dear David & fellow weavers. I've been putting off writing this because I don't want to start up the whole Longaberger thing again but on March 17th, Dave Longaberger, the founder of the Longaberger Co., died after an almost 2 year battle with renal cancer. He really was a remarkable man who overcame a lot of "handicaps" growing up. If any of you are interested in the particulars you can go to WWW.Longaberger.com and read more. On a lighter note, I am soooooo looking forward to NCBA. I don't dare let my husband or daughter know how excited I am to get out of here for a few days (kiss, kiss, kiss, yes I'll miss you two so much it's almost not worth going) -- NO MORE DISHES, NO MORE BROOMS, NO MORE CLEANING UP THE ROOMS. I'm not a great poet but I'm sure you all know what I mean. Four days of weaving baskets -- WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!I will have a red curly ribbon on my name tag -- please say 'hi'. Pattie Bagley %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:52:46 -0800 From: Sharle Osborne To: David Collins I have a red dogwood question for you. I cut a bunch of shoots March 6th. I have heard it needs to be used fresh but am wondering how long it can still be considered fresh. Obviously when it gets too dry, I'll know it, but I wanted to give some away and want to make sure it would still be usable for a while. It has been fairly warm (50) here but also wet, if that would effect it. I have been collecting rainwater in a plastic garbage can because my well water has so much iron and minerals. I have a galvanized stockfeeder, has anyone used galvanized buckets for soaking water? Any reaction to materials? To the reader asking about ebay. Go to www.ebay.com but I'm not sure I'm doing you a favor, many find this site quite addictive. From the main listings page you can choose categories. I like Collectibles then Native Americana then type basket into the search field. There are always at least a couple hundred baskets. You can also search just for baskets on a more general basis and you will get any item that has the word basket in it's description. Though I do bid on items, I usually am bidding $30 on a basket that ends up going for $400 so it is not a costly habit for me. Yesterday was warm and sunny. What a great pick me up. I have visions of baskets dancing in my head, but a briefcase of report cards hanging over it also. Sharle Osborne sharleo@orca.esd114.wednet.edu http://www.olympus.net/personal/skoehler/bskt.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: old acquaintances and white oak Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 12:17:49 -0600 From: "tthompson" To: Hi Lois- It's called Saturday in the Park (you were close). I remember we came across each other in a basket chat room somewhere sometime ago. If you still want to consider purchasing a basket, check out our website via Weavers Words basket links or http://thompsonbaskets.aic-fl.com for pictures and prices of a few designs. I don't know what year you were in Valpariso, but if it was way back in the 80s, prepare yourself for the increase. When you make a living doing this they do get expensive, but other basketweavers understand as a rule. Thanks for your kind words about Tom. Don't know if you hung around long enough for him to get into a storytelling mode, but if you did, then I must tell you he hasn't changed a bit. Ask Patti Hawkins. She knows us, too. Tony- Basically, yes, drawn splint - pulled splint, but there is some difference in construction technique I think. I've only seen a few. By the way, did you by any chance go to college in Alabama? I thought I knew a Tony Subblefield in college. Been wondering if it was you. So much weaving to do, so little time as spring and summer shows are about to be here. Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, maybe Tennessee, we're getting ready. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: willow growing Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:34:12 -0500 From: "Mary Hooper" To: Bert--If you put down plastic and cover it with mulch to keep the weeds away, as Bonnie Gale recommends in her newsletter, then no one should mistake the willow for something to mow. My "willow walk" site is chosen and I look forward to getting my cuttings in the ground. Since we're in the mountains we can plant a little later than the folks down in the hot country, so as soon as NCBA is over I'll be putting my cuttings in the ground. I'll be wearing a red ribbon with @. Mary Hooper, from NC, who looks forward to putting faces to WW net-names and who hopes the cloudy skies drop some rain soon as I transplanted roses yesterday. "Give me a star," she said, "and make it a big one." mjhooper@mitchell.main.nc.us %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 2 I. 100 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 16:00:54 -0800 From: "Pamela Zimmerman" To: "David Collins" Crystal - I, too have allergies to lots of stuff, but I missed your original question. If you want to talk about working pine needles, email me at zbakerz@coastalnet.com Pamela Zimmerman Ingram - I am interested in learning to make that stain from the sweetgum balls...got lots of gumballs, and NOTHING to do with them toss them on the compost pile. Anything would be better than nothing. Any other ideas of what to do with them would be welcomed. I want to participate in the swap, but don't know where to sign up. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Defending myself! Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:34:17 -0600 From: jean c may To: davidc@iei.net Hi David and all, I feel I need to take a moment to defend myself. On March 17, Dolores Gatz wrote about an unfortunate experience she'd had with a TX basketmaker. Dolores, you and I know it's not me but what about the other 700+ on WW? After reading your message you had ME convinced that it was ME! Also, I did get word back from others that my name came to mind immediately. I want to clear up any confusion NOW.... I don't do Mitzuki and have never been lucky enough to attend Stowe's Basketry Festival (maybe someday). I too think I know who you're talking about, and I'm sorry this happened to you. I think the only thing we might have in common is that we live in TX. Believe it or not, there are not a lot of basketmakers in this state. Or well, maybe they're here and this state is just so big, we don't know where each other is? Anyway, I hope you get your problem resolved to your satisfaction. Please let us know on WW when you do? I also want to thank Linda Boyle Gibson and Eileen LaPorte for speaking up immediately in my defense. I really appreciate it. Several years ago, at a very low time in my life, Betty Curry and I decided that basketmakers are the best friends one could ever ask for. I had said how my basketmaker friends had help carry me through the tough times after my husband died suddenly. Betty's Roger had just passed away. Betty said "if you don't have a basketmaker friend, you'd better be a gettin' one!" Can't you just hear Betty say that? I will never change my mind either. I'm still slogging through the preparation and packing for NCBA. This is the year that there are a lot of us wishing we could be in two places at once, both Indianapolis and Charlotte. It's always a great time to get together, especially since most of us are workshop junkies anyway! I remember those old days in IN when we got together in Ft. Wayne (renamed Ft. Weave for the occasion) then we "graduated" to the 4-H Leadership campgrounds in Lafayette. Such fun.....and lots of funny stories. Boy, talk about coming a long way! That'll have to wait for another WW. If I don't see you in NC, I'll see some of you in MO in June? Safe travels to all..... Jean Cadmus May - League City TX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Please subscribe me! Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 16:44:57 -0800 From: "Denise Beck" To: Hi, I recently tried posting to the basket-L list asking why I hadn't received any posts from that source and was told by no less than four people that I should be subscribing to YOUR list, so here I am, knockin' at the door, ringin' the bell -- do me a favour, open the door and let me in! (with thanks to Paul McCartney and Wings). I am a member of the Salt Spring Island Basketry Guild, here on the paradisiacal west coast of British Columbia (you know all those TV ads for Alaska cruises? Looks like that.) My e-mail address is denise@saltspring.com My signature is a result of all my dealings on gardening newsgroups, but does include my full name. I'm feeling rather proud, just finished a full-sized shoulder bag of plaited red cedar bark twined with swamp grass harvested last fall from the lake mud on my property, with a white birch bark accent peeled from logs stolen from my old house in White Rock, B.C. (the new owners had cut down three of the five huge mature birches and thrown the logs by a dumpster, so I felt entitled...) It's very spiffy. Only took a day and a half, not full time. I think I might just weave a lid for it and do a long shoulder strap, now. I'll close it with a whittled deer bone latch. Man, I LOVE basketry! Denise McCann Beck Coastal British Columbia USDA zone 7 Sunset Zone 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Weavers Words V.21.100 Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:24:39 -0800 From: "Larry T. Boitnott" Organization: Larry T. Boitnott To: davidc@iei.net Hi Everyone, It is back to cold weather here in Weidman, Michigan with sunny skies until today. I'm glad for the reprieve as I have not finished cutting all my willow. Hope to finish in the next day or two. Cathryn P. I'd rather weave with cultured willow any day! The feel is so much smoother. I just checked out your pics on the other site. Nice! Bert C. The more sun the better for your willow bed. Sandy Whalen's husband, Don, always tells us an 1" of water per week. I just moved a flower bed last fall to plant a new willow patch this spring - when the ground thaws. My husband prepares the ground and the rest of the project is up to me. I love it! We only live on a corner lot. I love flowers, but willow gets priority. Rae H. I said hi to Judy Dominic for you. A big smile came over her face. And I'm with you, a novice at this machine. I'm much more comfortable in the willow. Delores, I missed your post about getting burned by another basketmaker. I'm sorry. However, I do know Jean Cadmus May and only have good things to say. What a sweet lady! Marilyn, Loved you comments about Midwest Basketry Focus. Crystal, how about trying willow? I'd share anything I know about willow. E-mail me personally if you'd like. Well, my willow basket class at Spring Event was cancelled as not enough signed up. But I can take comfort in knowing that my basket was included in classes offered. There are still some openings in some of the classes. Should be a great day in Clare, Michigan. I just met one of the guild members (from the Traverse Area Basketry Guild that is sponsoring the gathering) as she has a bead shop in Mt. Pleasant. It was such a surprise. He name is Sue. I had a good time there! On the up side, and thanks to Kristin M., I will be teaching a willow class in Midland the middle of next month. I am soooooooooo excited! Can't wait to share the willow experience!! All for now. Sue Ann %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.