"Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 85 Compiled By: David Collins Snail Mail: 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Owned By: Weavers Everywhere Date Sent: January 25, 1998 Subscribers: 404 Back Issues: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/ Basket Biddin' Auction: http://members.tripod.com/~Basket_Biddin/ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** ***PLEASE READ BEFORE PRINTING*** 1.) Highlight entire issue. 2.) Click cut or copy. 3.) Paste issue into a word processor of your choosing. 4.) Now Print. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hi Everyone, Just a quick note. I would like to welcome our 400th subscriber, Ms. Christine L. Bowie. Since Issue #1 our family has grown from 71 subscribers to it's current total of 404 subscribers. I have moved the Weaver's Words webpage to http://www.iei.net/~davidc/. We went from 3MB to 20MB of storage space. So if you have something that you want everyone to see, just send it as an attachment with your posting. I'll add it to the webpage. Please update your bookmarks & links to Weaver's Words. Hope you like the webpage. I've tried to make it spiffier. Go to my favorite's page and look at my Top Ten Heroes. Click on the first one. GOTCHA MOM!!! Take Care, David davidc@iei.net @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Miscellany Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 20:32:01 -0500 From: "Ann H. Ridgeway" Organization: AnnCrafted To: davidc@iei.net If the rain we had today were snow, we'd be tied with the northeasterners. We had a leak through the kitchen ceiling. I put a bucket under it and went back to weaving. For Sandi Howard: My husband, Larry, is the Ridgeway. He doesn't know yet about the connection with your farm house but said to tell you he is working on it. The Ridgeways seem to have been in this area and migrated to Kansas and beyond. Lovetsville was where I had my first glider ridge and got to do loops and other aerobatics. GREAT FUN! Re the maker of oak baskets around Waterford, I wonder if the man you remember might have been one of the Cook family. Known for their oak baskets, the Cooks were mostly around Luray. Lucy died a number of years ago, but there is a Bill who may still be around. I have one of his baskets but have no idea how young/old he is. Who among us is planning to visit Lichtenfels this September? Should we charter a plane? That's about it from rainy, rainy, disgustingly rainy, Alexandria, VA. Ann @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: "Weavers Words" V. 1 I. 84 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 22:05:02 -0500 From: jmereau@bbs.tsf.com To: davidc@iei.net Has everyone survived the Ice Storm of 1998?? After being without power, water and rationing food, we survived and are better for it, it gives comfort to know that we did survive and confidence in knowing how many in the community reached out to friends and neighbors. Now back to business, Easter really is not that far away and it would be great to be ahead of the game, not like Christmas when I was weaving right up to the last minute, every year I vow that I am not going to let that happen again, well maybe I can start for Easter and get a little ahead. Would anyone know of a really good source for basket graphics that could be used in printing my own basket tags for pricing and basket history. I have requested that Print Shop do some country style graphics (not the cutesy graphics that they always seem to have) but something similar to the style of baskets that us weavers are always working on. If anyone out there can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Sue @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 22:10:25 -0500 From: "Joy Moody" To: Hello weavers everywhere! I certainly hope we are not in a round of basketmaker's disasters! Sue, your poor nose! Mandy, thankfully you are OK.......reminded me of a time when I had just done my nails & then went to light a candle....my nails went up in flames.......not funny! While we're on the subject of fire, for those of us who've never thought about it, chenille is very very flammable. The last 2 years I've seen alot of chenille sweaters, pillows & throws. My "other" event was with a chenille bathrobe. Suffice it to say, don't buy one, especially if you smoke or tend to cook in your bathrobe! Pancakes will never be the same. Fran, that basketry exhibit must have been wonderful to see. What was the time period covered, & do you know how many tribes were represented? Can you tell us which baskets impressed you the most & why? I have just finished my first three round reed baskets, only to have my husband comment that round reed baskets look more like the cheap imports. Does anyone find that flat reed baskets sell better than round reed baskets? Maybe when I get to sophisticated designs this problem will go away? He meant no harm, but this comment, when processed, felt a lot like the artist's "inner critic" which often keeps us from continuing whatever project is being worked on! Makes me wonder how many of us prefer flat reed & how many prefer round & what our range of experience in selling both has been. Comments anyone? About the link: If I'm not mistaken, there is a "caution" in the link menu, as well as a second caution & "leave now" option on the home page. Just shows you how fast kids can hit the enter button! Personally, I find it distasteful to have certain topics labeled as "dirty", which is a very subjective term. As a therapist, I've often seen people put things in categories & determine that some things can not be talked about or considered a part of life.......sex, death, money, even feelings. Funny thing about child behavior though, as soon as we label something as "off bounds", they tend to go toward it all the more. Signing off from mid Maine, where a SECOND ice storm is due tonight! Joy www.signofthecrow.com @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: For Weavers Words Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 23:39:29 -0500 (EST) From: Linda Braun To: David Collins Baskets, Etc. is searching for a working telephone number for Martha Cloudesley in Canada or any other contact person for the Kanagan Guild. Can anyone help? Linda - Baskets, Etc. Linda J. Braun e-mail: lbraun@ashland.edu Ashland University Phone: 419/289-5730 Ashland, OH 44805 FAX: 419/289-5949 Baskets, Etc. website -- http://www.ashland.edu/~lbraun/baskets.html @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Business card basket Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:25:29 EST From: Woodi16 Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net Hi Guys, I think I asked for a pattern earlier for a small business card holder (shaker). My teacher told me that she had made hers from a kit that she ordered from someone in New Hampshire. I believe the name was Martha Weatherby, but my teacher seemed to think that she currently lives in Florida. Does anyone know how I can locate her, or the kit? I would love to make one to hold my cards at a gallery where I am showing some of my baskets. Speaking of which, I will be holding a demonstration at the gallery in April, and it will be my first. I would welcome any suggestions that you experienced weavers have, as well as ideas for which type of basket to demo. Mandy, sorry to hear that you torched your kitchen. My teacher mentioned buring the threads, but I have always been afraid to do that just for the reason that you talked about. Do others burn the hairy threads off og their finished baskets too? Marci in rainy, yet snowy MA @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Messages to David, Melissa Borsting Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 09:52:29 EST From: DKallner Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net To David -- OK, Big Brother, I know Weaver's Words is an important part of my waking life but I don't remember inviting you into my dreams! Hey, man, I just overlooked that smug little post about your IU Hoosiers beating my alma mater. But last night I dreamed that my aunt in southern Indiana sent me a beautiful variegated red chenille yarn for Christmas, and when I got it made up into a hat and put it on to look at it in the mirror, the variegation appeared in the form of a large IU logo. What a nightmare! NOTHING like this has ever happened to me before. All I want to know is this: Are you putting some subliminal messages in Weavers Words? Because when I think back to the Packers/Colts game earlier in the season, I do sort of remember thinking, "Well, good for the Colts, they ought to win this one." Anyway, if this continues and the men in white coats come to take me away, will you forward copies of Weavers Words to the asylum for me? To Melissa -- Your picnic basket sounds like a great gift. I wouldn't worry about using willow for the handle. When you start poking around antique stores, you'll find willow baskets that are still strong and beautiful after many years of service. Willow would probably be a better choice than dogwood for longevity, though. Dogwood is so attractive, but over time I think it is more likely to have bits of that beautiful bark flake off. My only advice would be to consider using a small nail to secure your twisted handle somewhere where the nail will be covered up by the weaving. Especially when you're working with fresh willow, which has a lot of life and "spring" to it, this can help keep your handle from slipping and changing the shape/size as you weave. I usually pre-drill where I'm going to start the nail, and I don't have problems with the material splitting. Don't worry about "cheating" because you used a nail -- nailing and pegging are very traditional techniques. Have a great time making this special gift. I'm sure the recipients will treasure it. Donna Kallner Purdue Grad, Packer Fan Writing from Wisconsin, where everything except the deli counters are closed down until after the Super Bowl. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Hello from Hidden Creek Farm! Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 14:46:59 -0500 From: Ernest C and Julie C Kleinlein To: David Collins References: 1 Dear David and friends, Hello there! I am a good reader, but not a very good responder to WW. Have been very busy from before the holidays, and finally things are starting to calm down. Nancy: Still here in Greeneville, and will get over to see you one day, let me know when you have a day off from school, and we will get together. Joy: I had made a note to ask you if you had anymore info about Thermal wraps, for carpel tunnel! If you don't that's okay, It has taken me almost 2 months, just to ask you! Also is anyone out there going to the NCBA in March? I can't wait, got my baskets all picked out, and paid for and my bags packed!!!! I had a great time at the one in Asheville NC last November. It was my first time to go and It was really lots of fun. All Basket makers are fun to be with and are almost always happy! I wonder why? Well I need to run company for dinner and I am running behind as always. I just want to say Thanks to all of you who write in to WW, it is great fun meeting all of you and I really have learned something(Not just in making baskets either), you don't have to physically see or talk to someone to form a friendships! Thanks! Hope the spelling and English is correct, because I DON'T HAVE TIME TO CHECK IT! bye bye Julie @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Greetings from Arcanum, Ohio Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 20:50:21 -0500 From: mbzaj@infinet.com To: David Collins References: 1 Dear David, and Weavers everywhere..., I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Brenda Johnson. I joined your group earlier this month. It has taken me a while to "catch on". I guess this is my official "HI". :) I live in Darke County Ohio on a farm. I have been married 17 yrs.and have 2 boys. I started basket weaving in 1983 and have remained active with it ever since. I am in my 4th year of teaching winter basket classes (fits in with farming). It has filled a void of mixing with other adults since I "retired" from a 10 yr. career in hairdressing to stay home with my boys and be able to help my husband in the field too. I have been amused about your talk about teaching classes. I just finished my longest class ever today. I didn't leave until 8 hrs. after it started. It was a blanket basket, quite huge. I'm ready to put my feet up tonight. It was an amazingly calm class though, just big. I have 2 friends that help me teach. It's nice to be able to have bigger classes and take care of more people that way since I'm only willing to give up so many evenings and Saturdays. Although I'm not a member of IBA, I have gone as a visitor for a few years. I'm very much looking forward to meeting some of you at the convention. (David, you too! I also have a friend for you although I won't propose for her until I have given you the formal interview. ;) ) I want to thank you all for the information you share and look forward to many more months of sharing with you. David, thank you for giving of your time and efforts for our benefit! I'll share with you an idea I'm trying this year. I'm having a "couples class". As most of my students are women, I thought I'd try this to inspire the men. They have many talents to bring to this. And let's face it, I thought it would just be fun. It will be next Sat. night. I'm doing it as a pizza party/date night. They will be weaving companion baskets. (The pizza is a concession for the couple of guys that are being dragged there.) There will be around 22 people there. I will try to let you all know how it goes later. I've attached a picture of my favorite 8 and 11 year old on our vacation stop at Royalwood this summer. Happy Weaving, Brenda Johnson ("splintered" in the chat room) From Darke County Ohio (South of Greenville, home of Annie Oakley) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hi Everyone, To view Mrs. Johnson's attached picture go to the following address: http://www.iei.net/~davidc/basketshop.jpg In the future if anyone else wants to share a picture this is how we will do it. Just attach your picture to your email. Take Care, David davidc@iei.net @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 01:23:44 -0500 From: David Collins Organization: Weaver's Words To: davidc@iei.net Just a note to personally thank Darlene Hyry for the book she sent for the raffle for "Indy Weave '98". The book is, "Fibers and Forms, Native American Baskets from the West". It is a neat book and will make a great raffle item. Thanks so much. If anyone else would like to make a donation for the raffle, just mail your donation to me, Norma Collins, 408 N. Devon Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219-5334. Any and all donations will greatly be appreciated. Thank you, Norma Collins @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.