"Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 77 Compiled By: David Collins Snail Mail: 408 North Devon Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Owned By: Weavers Everywhere Date Sent: December 30, 1997 Subscribers: 376 Back Issues: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5998/ Basket Biddin' Auction: http://members.tripod.com/~Basket_Biddin/ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hi Everyone, ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** ***PLEASE READ BEFORE PRINTING*** 1.) Highlight entire issue. 2.) Click cut or copy. 3.) Paste issue into a word processor of your choosing. 4.) Now Print. Sorry for the inconvenience :-{. Thanks for all of Christmas cards :-}. Sorry for the delay in getting issue 77 out, but there were not many postings over the holiday weekend. I hope everyone had a STUPENDOUS Christmas with lots of gifts :-). Only 361 more days until Christmas. WOW!!! Take Care, David davidc@iei.net @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 1 I. 76 Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 13:16:37 EST From: LBADRA Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net I have really enjoyed the talk about the cough syrup!!! My sister is pregnant and so they can't give her anything too strong and this darn cough keeps hanging on!! I e mailed her this suggestion. Now I know that she isn't supposed to have the alcohol but I figure 2 tsp.!!!! She said she had one last night and it worked!!!! The last savers from LuReine and Anita are fantastic!!!! To Vicki Schmidt in Purdue country........ Where are you?? Are you a PU fan?? Are you going to San Antonio??? GO BOILERS!!!!!!!!!!! Merry, merry Christmas to you all....... What a great bunch of people you all are!! Lynn @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: stuff Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 18:57:34 +0900 From: "Vic & Darleena Jones" To: "David Collins" Dear Weaving Buddies, I hope that your holidays are going well. My family had a very nice Christmas and we're looking forward to an exciting new year ahead of us. Bert C: We should be leaving Okinawa in June (sooner than expected) and traveling across the upper US from Wash. to Mass. We'll stop to see a few friends along the way before spending the 4th of July in my hometown of Stoneham, Mass. Then the vehicle has to be put into port in New Jersey and we get on a plane to the Acores. It promises to be stressful and full of excitement. I'm getting ready to weave a huge basket to use as a coffee table. I'm a little hesitant to get started but I would like to get it done before the classes close in on me. I WILL start it in the morning! (she says firmly) That lash saver does sound interesting. It's frustrating for the new students to go through the class and have the final step start to hair up. I'll have to get a few of those for my tool basket. Great tip! Well, I'm off to finalize the pattern for that coffee table and cut the spokes. Happy Holidays to everyone from The Jones' on Okinawa @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: "Weaver's Words" Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 19:16:21 EST From: Qka42 Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net Hello to everyone! Hope everyone survived the holidays and all gift baskets were finished before dawn Christmas morning. Thanks to Joy (Sign of the Crow) for the info for KMC I have sent an e-mail off to them for a catalogue.What does KMC stand for? To all of you out there talking about sweet grass, what is it and what do you do with it?? Reading this list sure makes my sisters' and I realize how much we don't know and need and want to learn so please bear with me when I might seem to ask silly questions but that is the only way to learn. We have taken a break from weaving until the New Year hopefully we can get the workshop organized so we can start a New Year with a little sanitity. Does anyone know of an easy (and I mean easy) beginning twill pattern. I told you all we were babes! We can't seem to grasp the concept and would so much like to get the hang of it so we can do something new and challenging. I think if we could just grasp the general gist of the whole thing we could take off. Like I said we have so much to learn......Thanks to you all ahead of time. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!! Quin, Tracy and DeAnne (Qka42@AOL.com) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 19:26:26, -0500 From: BDKE97B@prodigy.com (MRS BILLIE A DORRIS) To: davidc@iei.net Well, Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Ours was quiet with only the three of us and the granddogs don't get to excited about Santa. My daughter got a wonderful gift for me. She searched through all of the old pictures of baskets I have made and took some new pictures as well. Then she picked out the best and had them made into a calendar. It is great and was really a surprise. She always puts so much thought into her gifts. A tip for the New Year. I finally have gotten around to weaving Kathy Halters pattern for the waxed linen pouch with all the beads on it. Glitter and something is the name. (I forget) Anyway it is a very flat pouch with a ton of spokes. I was having trouble maintaining the shape so I used a small post a note pad that was the correct size and wove the basket around it. You can use only as much of the pad as you need to give the correct thickness and even better it helps to keep all of those spokes separated. Also if the weaver are the same color as the spokes tie a knot in the end of the weavers so when they get short you can distinguish between them and the spokes-this is the voice of experience talking. Billie in cold Va. Beach @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Waterford Festival Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 14:53:27 EST From: Jvoconnor1 Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net Hi David and fellow basketweavers. Happy Holidays from the snowy Midwest. (HEY, I thought they said there was supposed to be no accumulation today!) I haven't posted in quite awhile, but really enjoy reading Weavers Words. Ann Ridgeway: Boy did you bring back a lot of good memories when you mentioned taking Vladimir to the Waterford Festival. My father was on the board when I was a little girl and I remember helping him pass out maps and tickets while standing in a field they were using for a parking lot. The Waterford Festival was the best historic re-creation of handcrafts/artwork in the Northern Virginia area. Is it still just as historical, Ann or is it too getting commercialized? I remember up by the old school house where they made homemade apple butter there was a man who wove oak baskets demonstrating there. Was he still there? Also, another interesting note. Ann, back in approximately 1967 or 1968 when my father and his cousin purchased the 100 year old farm we lived on in Lovettsville (near Waterford), the name of the family was "Ridgeway". I couldn't help but wonder if you were related. Small world isn't it? To the girls down around DeKalb...my husband and I are going to be moving down there by next summer. I know Amanda, you live in Oregon. Who else is down that way? Jack and Karen Rothmann: I didn't realize that a lake freezing over made a sound. Guess I've never lived that close to a lake. I was fortunate before Thanksgiving to take a class through Libertyville Continuing Ed program on a round apple basket with a wire handle. I did finish the basket, but it turned out a little lopsided. Can anyone out there give a beginner some hints about shaping a basket? (I have trouble visualizing what it is supposed to look like.) Well, I've got to get back to booooorrrrriiiiiinnnnngggg work. It is sssssooooo slow today that my phone has only rung 3 times...one wrong number, one message to take and my husband...and it is almost 2:00. Happy New Year everyone!! Sandi Howard Mundelein, IL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" V. 1 I. 76 Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 23:48:04 EST From: Mlf746 Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) To: davidc@iei.net Happy New to All Just Got back from a wonderful visit with our daughter in Saratoga Springs, NY. We love going there and had our first trip to NY City this time. Saw a play, walked all over and just enjoyed being there. Now we are home in our little village, 5 lbs. heavier and resolving to lose weight and exercise more! I noticed in NY there is a decorating tradition that I want to do for next year in Illinois. They are beautiful balls made out of all kinds of pine or fur, the greens are stuck into a Styrofoam ball and then ribbons are added to the top (to hang them) and to the bottom. Very pretty, some are manicured to be perfectly round and some are left more untrimmed. Some are lighted. They hang outside from porches. I love them! To Bert, Yes I work in a school. I am a Reading Aide. Helping first graders read. I work in our four first grades. I think if you know anyone or have anyone in a school you could probably work something out to show your baskets. Our bassinet project was recorded with pictures. We laughed when we saw them. The bassinet looks good but my sister-in-law and I look pretty pathetic. Weaving is hard. I hope to get to sign the bottom before it goes off to Texas to the new baby. Well I must close, I still have unpacked suitcases in the middle of the floor, but I had to check my e-mail first. I have my priorities you know! Mary Lynn in Winthrop Harbor, IL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.