"Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 7 Compiled By David Collins Owned By Weavers Everywhere Date Sent: May 18, 1997 Subscribers: 148 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hi Friends, We have had a great response to list. Please feel free to mention "Weavers Words" in any newsletters, guilds or clubs that you participate in. Any and all weavers may join. The more the merrier. For all of the new subscribers: Simply send in an introduction with any of your experiences or questions. Happy Weaving, David Collins davidc@iei.net @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Smoked Reed Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 21:20:59 -0400 From: "Gail L. Johnson" To: davidc@iei.net To Grace Davis: Glad you got to see the Autumn Harvest basket and liked it. Smoked reed is really great, it also looks really nice just worked in with natural reed for contrast. Also when you are using a number of colors, it eliminates having to dye one of them. You can get it in most sizes. I had never heard of it until someone told me about it, and I now keep it in stock in as many sizes as possible. To Cheri Branca: Just saying hi, haven't talked to you in a while. I guess we are all so busy with our basketmaking that it doesn't leave much time for anything else. It seems I never get caught up on my orders, and now trying to keep baskets in the shop where I joined the co-op keeps me hopping as well. I hardly have any baskets at home now, can't seem to get caught up after the holidays. Gail Johnson @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 6 Date: Fri, 16 May 97 22:59:45 EST From: Devon_Branca@mlsonline.com (Devon Branca) Organization: MLS Online To: davidc@iei.net (David Collins) CC: davidc@iei.net Hi all, I just realized that I have never truly introduced myself. There is a bit of a blurb about me over at Baskets, Etc. but I shouldn't be so reticent I guess. I live in Victor, New York, in the country outside of Rochester, home of the "Little Yellow Box" (Kodak- where my husband is a mechanical engineer) Both of us have always lived in this area. We live in the woods in a house we built 20 years ago and enjoy all the lakes, hills and countryside that most people don't think of when they think New York. I've been weaving since 1994, trying to squeeze in baskets into my schedule of volunteering and being a seamstress. My favorite baskets are (flat reed) market styles, as well as classic Shaker baskets. I've done lots of different styles, though, and never like to make the same thing twice. I've been doing a lot of baskets lately that have wooden bases that my BIL makes. Great fun to create something new. Last year I did alot of baskets that had theorem paintings on ash strips, so as to incorporate my latest hobby. My most used colors are navy, hunter green and deep red. They seem to be very popular colors in my area. Favorite stain (minwax) is a combination of special walnut and red oak. Once in awhile I like to stain a basket light-- I use Ipswich Pine with a tad of walnut. I've found that if I really want a dark stained basket with colors that stand out, I weave temporary weavers, stain the basket, and then replace the weavers with dyed ones. Works great if I want a specific color. You just have to learn how to weave in a small space, in a "snaking S" manner. (also, "overweaving" works in small areas.) To Grace Davis about the Swirling Star Basket...I did that basket a few years ago and am trying to remember how I wove it :o) Seems like I did it all from the inside, especially since it would be difficult to continue the pattern on the outside (reversing the twill pattern in your head, so to speak). It is a wonderful basket. An artist now has it in her collection. For the gals who were looking for a Step Basket Pattern....I had mine on Baskets, Etc. for a month or so...if you would like it please let me know. Maybe we could trade. (Lois Keener tested it for me) I'm off to England soon and hope to see some of the wonderful willow baskets they make over there. Happy weaving to you all, Cheri Branca ***MLS Online-An Internet BBS. (www.mlsonline.com) Focus: Family, Business & Education. Voice Support: 716-454-5577 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Waxed Linen Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 09:36:57 -0700 From: "M. Nerdahl" To: Norma--This waxed linen you spoke about sounds really interesting, I would love to try it, perhaps you would be able to share your addresses on the two women who have patterns. I'm sure like Joy Moody there are more of us that are unfamiliar with this and might like to have a go at it. Grace--Thanks for the suggestion on the laundry basket, I think I would prefer to try it with the doubled reed than struggle with the flat oval. I wish I could find the time to do this basket, but have a few more orders ahead of it.. I read or heard somewhere that putting fabric softener in your reed water makes it easier on your hands. Has anyone tried this? I didn't know what it would do to the reed, if it would coat it or if it would be absorbed into the reed, and if so would it affect the way it stained. Anyone have any info???? Well, finally I have a storage system for my reed. Mother's Day brought me some very large hooks as a gift. These are hooks used to store a bicycle on, and my husband hung them in a closet (almost ceiling height). They are great as 3-4 hanks of reed hang on them, and because they have such a hook on the end the hanks won't fall off!!! I guess letting him trip over the reed in the bedroom really worked!!! Twig--Girlfriend, you are a lucky duck getting to Stowe!! Hope you brought back some good stories!!! Well, off to baseball...happy weaving Marie Nerdahl Epsom NH @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Weavers Words Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 12:26:59 -0400 From: "Kim Renich" To: Lois, I have just recently heard about your event concerning the birdhouse. I could not and would not have paid the woman a dime. The same thing has happened to me at shows, both ways. I have never asked for a dime and nobody has ever asked me to pay. That woman was obviously out to bleed every penny she could from people. There are measures SHE could have taken ahead of time. Tents with sides provide a LOT of protection. (Wish I had one) I hope you took the birdhouse home so that she does not try to sell it at her next show. She could have also written that birdhouse off on her taxes. (Hope you do) Unless of course, she was operating without a tax ID. Your incident reminds of all the tornadoes and hurricanes we get. If the tree in my yard fell over and crushed my neighbor's roof, do I pay? Certainly not. The insurance company pays, and if you aren't insured, too bad. There's no difference with a craft show. I always cringe if I get a booth next to people with pottery. They always build UP and I hate it. There is always wind with outdoor shows, and you have to expect things like this to happen. That woman was wrong to ask for a penny. Kim @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Subscribe for Weaver's Words Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 13:20:05 -0500 From: Andris Lapins To: davidc@iei.net Hello from Latvia! Got your address from Bobbie and Ronald Harrison. I'm interested to subscribe for your digest. I'm basketmaker from Latvia and make baskets for already 17 years. About 10 years ago I got the title "Applied Art Master Of Latvia". Basketmaking is my hobby and unfortunately I don't have time enough for it. I use only white or buff peeled willow and all the material I gather from nature myself. Every year I teach new basketmakers here in Riga at our guild named "TINE". "TINE" in Latvian means chest or box made of wood or willow. Last year I had a chance to be at Michigan's convention and plan for another trip to United States at 1999. At the convention I used cane first time and the baskets came out pretty nice. This is different from willow but there are lot of similarities too. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Andris @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.