"Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 13 Compiled By David Collins Owned By Weavers Everywhere Date Sent: May 31, 1997 Subscribers: 167 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: AMB Convention Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 14:09:51 -0400 From: "The Rigterinks" To: Hi everyone! I'm hoping someone can put my mind at ease. I'm positive that I read that the AMB convention packet would be mailed out the first week of May...and here it it the last week of May and I have not received my packet yet! I'm really hoping that I was misinformed or that the committee is behind schedule. If anyone has definite information I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks so much! Keep Weaving Diane Rigterink @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: boy scouts Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 11:06:49 +0900 From: "SMS Vic & Darleena Jones, Okinawa, Japan" To: David Collins Here's a giggle, I'm a leader in our local Boy Scout Troop and I was instructing on the Basketry Merit Badge. We had about a dozen boys involved in this project, between the ages of 11 - 17. One boy was having a little trouble trying to get the second row in, and I heard him mumble "this is a girl thing, I don't want to do this anyway!" I laughed and told him that there are alot of talented male weavers in the world. I then asked him since he thought that it was a girl thing, did he think it was too hard for him to finish. He finished the project first. The male ego of the 13 year old! It's a beautiful day in Okinawa. A good day to dip some baskets. Darleena, Okinawa Japan @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 04:13:04 -0500 From: rsquared@easynet.co.uk (R.Gillott) To: davidc@iei.net Hello David, It has been interesting to read the contributions from other members on the list. I attended the two Market the Art conventions in Green Bay and Secaucus a few years ago which I enjoyed a lot so I can imagine what people are talking about. Our get togethers and classes in England are quite different but also most enjoyable. I hope that Pat (was it?) who was looking for information on knotting has found what she needs to know. I did a few workshops with Shuna Rendel, who has done a lot of research into the subject, in London and found all the knotting and netting techniques we did fascinating and experimented with several materials and with using spaced dyed jute on the complex linking patterns. What I would like help with is in finding where I can buy a sweat shirt with a basket design on it. That sort of thing is not very popular over here so we don't produce one for our members, but I hope that there is a guild in the U.S. who could sell me one. Thank you for all your work producing this. Rae Gillott @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Weaver's Words Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 05:13:34 -0400 From: "Jayna L. Glemby" To: davidc@iei.net 5:01AM,& bird song woke me. Put the bird bath out in the garden yesterday and every bird in 50 miles is out there splashing!!!! Happy to tell you that last evening a group of us got together to weave. As I mentioned previously, we had been in basket withdrawal since our teacher stopped classes. It was nice to be together again, and between us we were able to help each other with no problems. Felt like a dose of spring tonic..only for the soul not the body! Several worked on a muffin basket and I started a large magazine basket for my dentist. It will be a pleasure to finish it and present him with a bill after all the checks I've written to him over the years :) Five books from Arnies Arts 'n Crafts came this week. Devoured them. My mother use to read recipe books.... never could figure the fascination, now I read basket books and understand. Received an email from Larry Stephens, as many of you probably did, saying he has the basket digest back up. Think I'll stay here, everything is going so smoothly and David has been super. In fact both these guys have been great to try to keep us together, but one digest is enough for me. By for now and happy weaving dear friends. Jayna in central MA. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Wood Handles Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 08:53:56 -0500 From: Roberta Huisman To: davidc@iei.net Hi! Just a quickie....was wondering if anyone knew where to purchase tulip D's larger than the 6" x 13" that I typically see from suppliers? Thanks! Berta Parkersburg, Iowa @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" Vol. 1 Iss. 12 Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 15:31:40 PST From: sandybsk@juno.com (Sandra L Drexler) To: davidc@iei.net References: 1 I decided today was the day that I would stop lurking and introduce myself. David, you are doing a great job. It was getting rather frustrating and wasn't worth turning my computer on - but, alas, you've saved it! Keep it up!!! I'm Sandy Drexler, American Baskets/Gifts from Beech Grove, IN. I've been weaving about 5 years. Originally started weaving because it was one craft I had never done and was recently retired from the Tel. Co. and wanted something to do. I've probably woven over 400 baskets but have had to stay with very functional ones, as I've sold them in my craft business. Would like to take some challenging classes but I can't seem to find the time. We just recently purchased a home in FL to winter in (I teach Basketweaving in Ft. Myers, while I'm there). I also vendor at the NC, MO, IN, KY, MI and NEBR conventions. In the last 4 years I've met some really wonderful people and it is always fun to travel to these conventions. I think I'm part gypsy. My husband is retired, and has a handyman business and my son is 25 and a videographer for the President. Great job - lots of travel and perks!! Enough said - looking forward to the MO convention! See you there! Sandy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Back Issues Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 17:19:53 -0700 From: edwinb@erols.com To: "\"Weavers Words\"" Could I get issues 1 thu 7 of Weavers Words ? Thanks. To Melanie, I also make round baskets with "D" handles in them and at first the whole basket is just on the bottom of the "D". I push on the woven material on either side of the "D",or sometimes put two cans of soup,etc in the basket on either side of the "D".IT all comes down soon and some of the base is as low as the "D". Hope this helps and hope someone else has another idea. To David, I wanted to print out issue no 11, but all I got was a long list of names of subscribers. Hope I can print out the next one. First time had this problem. Dont think its my printer. Nancy in Glen Arm, Md. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Willow, Etc. Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 23:42:50 -0400 (EDT) From: DKallner@aol.com To: davidc@iei.net It's time to stop lurking and introduce myself to this list. My name is Donna Kallner, and I live in northern Wisconsin. I got hooked on Shirley's list, and was delighted to become a part of David's. Out here in the sticks there are limited opportunities to connect with other basketmakers on a regular basis, and I enjoy the exchange. I've also learned a lot from you folks, and appreciate the "continuing education" opportunity. I weave mostly rib-style baskets with wild willow I gather in the area where I live, but I did put in a patch of cultivated willow last year and I just finished planting more. That's my excuse not only for not weaving lately but also for not introducing myself to this list earlier. But now my willow cuttings, my sweetgrass, my Job's Tears and my jewelry gourds are all in the ground, and all that's left to do (besides weeding) is pray for no more frost. My next project is playing with a wonderful surprise that came in today's UPS. Jo Campbell-Amsler told me about a form Sally Goymer described for making willow rims and hoops, and Jo had her husband Tony make one for me. She's having great success with her forms, so I can't wait to try mine. I know several of you have talked about the challenges of the willow classes you've taken. Willow certainly has a lot of boiling to it, but once you get used to it it's very pleasant to work with. The one thing I just can't understand is why the flabby part of my upper arms doesn't tone up from working with this stuff! In addition to willow, I enjoy working with barks and gourds. The Michigan convention catalog came last weekend, and I'm busy trying to decide what classes to register for. So many wonderful choices! I'm interested to hear how many from Weaver's Words are planning to be there, and to hear what those of you who go to the Missouri convention learn there. Until later, Donna Kallner White Lake, Wisconsin @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Re: "Weavers Words" Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 13:42:28 -0400 From: Wanda Haydt To: David Collins References: 1 Hello to All, Someone mentioned a couple of issues back about using Easter egg Dye kits for baskets. I picked up several of these kits after Easter for 50 cents each. They work great if you just want to dye small bits and pieces for trim. Gives some great pastel colours. Just mix the dye with a small amount of water and let the reed soak in it until the right colour. I made Lorraine Otto's Acorn Birdhouse and hung it outside my back door a couple of weeks ago. I was quite thrilled to notice recently that it has a resident. It contains a nest and 4 small white eggs. I have not yet been able to get a good look at the mother to determine what kind of bird it is. I have had to stop the family from using this door because any time we use it the mother leaves the nest and sits a nearby tree and screams at us. It's just nice to see that it really works as a bird house. Happy Weaving to All Wanda Haydt Port Rowan, Ontario Canada @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Subject: Swirling Star Bowl Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 12:46:57 -0700 From: "Forrest Davis" To: "Weaver's Words" Hi David and Everyone, My husband (Forrest the comedian) is currently in Florida on Army business. for Pat Wilson--Forrest got a kick out my call to Florida to ask him about that swirling star bowl, he asked me to write you back. He's not the basketmaker in the family for several reasons. He is busy with work and travels alot, and if you read the introduction he sent in to David, I expelled him from my basket class for arguing with the instructor, failure to follow instructions, and reluctance to correct his mistakes. Anyway, I finished the bowl today and was really pleased with the result. Mine was black in the center, then denim blue, then finished off with coral. I made 3 of Patty Hawkins trinket bowls as a warm up but should have reversed the order. I thought the smaller bowls harder because their centers are harder to get tight since there is more weaving in them, and also because you have to add a spoke to weave continuously, and then the reed is smaller. But those small bowls are just adorable! I wove all of them from the inside. I plan to make a miniature swirling star out of 11/64ths. I think they'll be great sellers at the next craft fair. I would classify them as intermediate level but not too terribly hard because once you start continuous weaving you don't have to concentrate so much as it is easy to catch mistakes. Last year I made Judith Olney's Cherokee Market Basket in Lyn Siler's Handmade Baskets and had to concentrate lots more, but what a basket! I'm primarily self taught and with the help of a new found basketmaking friend am concentrating on nothing but twills. I want to understand concepts not just read patterns. I designed a twill letter holder that produced various size diamonds in the pattern that confused even my friend who has made lots of twills. We are still trying to analyze what I did and she says I should definitely write the pattern up as somehow it mysteriously worked out. Judith and Patti look out! for Billie Dorris--Forrest is heading to Suffolk from Florida for more meetings before heading home. Is that in your neck of the woods? And I have no idea what he does with this computer to send his messages in a pretty manner. I have to call him long distance so he can talk me through the simplest operations, but I bet I can make a better twill bowl than he can! So long for now, Grace Davis, Ft. Huachuca,AZ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If for any you would ever like to cancel your subscription, simply send me a message with "unsubscribe" as your subject.